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Account-ants (live)

Brief: This was a live brief in which Elmwood came in and presented their brand the boring brief. My chosen profession was accountants. With this I had to come up with a brand concept which would make the profession more fun and engaging with its target audience. I also needed to consider how the brand would be applied to relevant products.

Natalie Dyson

Account-ants (live)


Research: Similar to other branding briefs I have looked at simple icon forms that could be used to create the visual identity. Although they are simplified the subject is still recognisable in each and this is something which the brief also asked for, the visual to work without the company name. The research found all used a limited colour palette to create recognisable shapes to represent the brand in question. This is something which I considered within my own design as this would make it easier to apply colour but also reduce printing costs if in a live situation.

Natalie Dyson

Account-ants || Research


Account-ants (live)


Concept & ideas: The concept uses the humble ant image to suggest strength, dependability and intelligence, qualities desired by the client from any accountant. It uses a less serious approach to present an image of an accountant which is still clearly understandable but also fun. For this project I had several possible ideas but after the interim crit decided to continue with the ant idea as this received the better feedback and was of more interest.

Natalie Dyson

Account-ants || Concept & ideas


Account-ants (live)


Production: Within production I looked at creating a suitable visual which could depict my concept but with the use of one colour as seen throughout my researching. I chose the colour green as this had direct links with nature but also money. Green could also provoke a positive feel to the company. At different points through the year through portfolio surgeries and crits I have received various feedback about how to improve the concept and make it stronger. Which included replacing the pound sign with the queen ants head to represent our queen on the coin, making the text larger than the visual so the ant appears small in proportion and also developing interiors where the workers could feel small sized like an ant.

Natalie Dyson

Account-ants || Production


Account-ants (live)


Final solution: Product range includes: Brand logo Office interiors Business card Invoice A4 paper Letterhead Notepad Envelope

Natalie Dyson

Account-ants || Final solution


Account-ants (live)

Natalie Dyson


Account-ants || Final solution


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