Boards dr me

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Dr ME flag

Brief title: Dr ME Research

Inspiration was to be gathered quickly because of the quick turn around required in the workshop so for this we both looked at creating a patchwork visual. This would easily allow both of us to generate separate images and bring them together on the flag easily.

Natalie Dyson

Our concept is based around linguistic pairs so main focus of research was on this. We found suitable ones which related to both of us. Icon style was to be experimental, simple and hand crafted.

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Brief title: Dr ME Concept & ideas

Our concept was to create a flag which showed the collaboration of two elements to make one. Lingusitc pairs was a good route for this idea as the two elements in each of the pairs are insignificant when seen alone and need both elements to make one visual.

Natalie Dyson

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Brief title: Dr ME Development

Dr ME encouraged an experimental approach that was different to our usual way of working so we both took this on and created icons using paper and crafting. The outcomes were very different to our usual visuals but showed us that experimental can work for certain concepts.

Natalie Dyson

Printing and mailing of the flag was difficult because it was out of our skill sets but with help we managed and had a successful outcome.

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Brief title: Dr ME Final solution

Natalie Dyson

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