Boards elmwood

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Brief title: Elmwood Research

Research for this brief took the form of existing branding and logo design. I knew that my final design would need to easily resemble something at a variety of scales on a variety of contexts so this was something which I looked at.

Natalie Dyson

With this research I understood that visuals are simplified to the minimum using one or two colours maximum.

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Brief title: Elmwood Concept & ideas

From this generalised logo research I looked at terms and phrases linked with the profession of an accountant. All the words generated were obvious and quite boring so my initial ideas reflected this. With peer suggestions I later realised that the concept needed to be more light hearted to get more people interested into the brand.

Natalie Dyson

‘Account-ants’ was the chosen concept which I went with because it has a clever and fun approach which gives the profession a more friendly exterior.

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Brief title: Elmwood Development

Digital development of the idea was more difficult as I wanted to use the techniques which I had picked up through logo research.

Natalie Dyson

Final outcome was a simplified visual of an ant carrying a coin using one colour. Although the visual is minimal it is still recognisable and relates well to the brand name and strap line.

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Brief title: Elmwood Final solution

Natalie Dyson

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