Cat publication

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Contents Now you have chosen your cat 4-7 Stages of your cat’s life 8-15 Problem you could encounter 16-19 Coping with the loss of a beloved friend 20- 23



Now you have chosen your cat 5

The beginning of your journey with your new cat can be difficult but a relationship between the two of you needs to be established and built upon in these early days. Your new companion has been brought into an unfamiliar environment full of strange sounds and smells so extra affection at this time is essential to make them feel welcome and comfortable within your existing lifestyle. Make sure to try your best to spend as much of your available time in the first several weeks in the company of your new cat to build upon this relationship to make the journey forward more enjoyable and easier for the both of you. If you are introducing your cat to another cat or other


pet make sure to make this gradual over a period of time because similar to your relationship with them as everything takes time to build and become comfortable. Conflict can occur to begin with but this should pass, if this becomes persistent however rehousing for the better may have to be the only option. To help with the introduction of a new cat make sure to give as much affection to your existing pets so that they don’t feel threatened or feel as if they have lost you as a friend for the new. Remember the first several weeks may be tricky and time consuming but are all worth it to establish a great long term relationship for the journey ahead.

things to remember Give your new pet all the attention and love they deserve. Starting a relationship with your cat will take time and develop gradually. Don’t forget about your existing pets, they need love too still.



Stages of your cat’s life 9

kitten basics Within the first few weeks kittens grow quickly. 4-5 weeks physical and investigative skills start to develop. Increased mobility and energy. 8 weeks ready to leave mother and move on.


Within the first few weeks newborns begin to gain a vast amount of weight from their mothers milk until they begin to eat solid food around 3 weeks in. Mother cats are among the most protective in the animal world and this stage

This enthusiasm exhibited and are the makings of their personality which attracts you to the right choice. They then reach 8 weeks when they are then ready to leave the mother and start their own journey with new company within your own lifestyle.

mother cats are among the most protective in the animal world of development can be difficult for both her and the kitten as independence is experienced. 4 to 5 weeks the physical and investigative skills start to develop and characteristics start to show through with the increased mobility and energy they have.


adult basics 8 to 10 months cats have completed most physical development. Gradually becoming more calm with routine. Remember to continue with the same amount of affection. Beginning to prefer warmth of the fire.


At 8 to 10 months of age, domestic cats have completed most of their physical development. Cats will continue to play throughout their lives, but the frenetic energy from when they were kittens gradually changes to a considerably more mellow,

their love because affection is always needed just in a different way to previous. You will find that your cat prefers softer comforting hands and the warmth of the fire to relax in front of to the playful interaction from a ball of string or mouse.

cats will continue to play throughout their lives routine pace. Development of relationships slows as the cat begins to settle into its environment and your lifestyle making more of their own choices of when and who they interacts with. Don’t think that all because they become more inactive that you have lost

Keep building because this time together will eventually come to the end as elder years approach.


senior basics Extended life expectancy, sometimes into the 20s. Considered as senior from 8 years. Regular trips to the vets are most likely. A more gentle approach to care and affection is required.


For domestic cats, improvements in veterinary medicine and care by you have helped extend life expectancy well into the teen years, sometimes into the 20s but unfortunately cats age quickly. An 11-year-old cat is the approximate equivalent

Equivalent to middle age in humans. Because of this change in their health regular trips to the vets and a comforting hand are more needed with a gentle approach to care. Enjoy every minute with their company and journey while it lasts.

an 11-year-old cat is the approximate equivalent of a 60-year-old human of a 60-year-old human, right down to the onset of aches and pains, health problems, declining fertility and weight gain or loss. But in terms of changes in diet and health care, cats are considered “senior� at about 8 years of age.



Problems you could encounter


Be careful not to confuse a behaviour problem with a health issue. For instance, cats with feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD) often urinate outside their litter boxes. Prescribed medications can also have behavioural side effects. Whenever medication is prescribed for your pet, ask about the side effects so you can be prepared. Behaviour problems need to be treated slightly different as they have often been achieved by numerous times of praising the wrong behaviour in the past just for a bit of peace. As rewarded behaviour is likely to increase in frequency and unrewarded behaviour is likely to decrease in frequency. Sometimes we are so believed when bad behaviour has stopped that we don’t


acknowledge good acts. So remember only reward when you only think its good and what you want not just to keep them quiet. Simple changes to the environment which your cat lives in can remove some of the problems which you could face on the journey. If you don’t want your cat sleeping on your bed then simply shut the bedroom door, removing the situation all together. Similarly don’t want your cat playing with important home decorations then make sure they are out of their reach in the first place. Please make sure not to abuse this solution by socially isolating your companion in a crate, garage, yard, or basement for long hours every day.

things to remember Prescibed medication can cause behavioural change. Reward only when completly necessary. Simple changes to environment can remove a problem easily.



Coping with the loss of a beloved friend 21

The journey has finally come to an end and your beloved friend has passed away, intense pain and grief accompanies this which is normal to feel with any loss. Coping with that grief and the decisions for your family after the loss can be difficult to face but need to be dealt with in order to move on; and thats what they would want you to do too. It was a source of comfort and companionship, of unconditional love and acceptance, of fun and joy. So don’t be surprised if you feel devastated by the loss of such a relationship. not understand your pain. All that matters, however, is how you feel. Don’t let others dictate your feelings: They are valid, and may be extremely painful. But remember, you are not


alone: Thousands of pet owners have gone through the same feelings. Working through your feelings with another person is one of the best ways to put them in perspective and find ways to handle them. Cats observe every change in a household, and are bound to notice the absence of a companion. Cats often form strong attachments to one another, and the survivor of such a pair may seem to grieve for its companion and can even grieve for a fellow dog. Make sure to give the remaining friend extra attention and love to compensate for their love lost too.

things to remember Grieving is normal in this situation and must be accepted to move on. Look for another source of comfort within the home. Others around are here to help.



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