Coeliac type

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Coeliac typeface (collaboration with Mike Williams)

Brief: The brief was to create a suitable typeface which could be used within a Coeliac campaign and that was suitable for a young target audience in mind. Within the visuals it had to display reference to the disease in some way. The typeface was, however, to be suitable to be used within other general designs not just topic specific.

Natalie Dyson

Coeliac typeface (collaboration with Mike Williams)


Research: Collaboratively we researched a variety of different letterforms that were hand written and script but also those which were illustrated to add personality and a human touch which we found would suit the younger audience market we were targeting but also the subject of health. Research was generalised as we did not want the typeface to be too specific to the health sector, as stated by part of the brief, and too serious in its agenda as it still needed to be fun and engaging to appeal to the target audience. Other research that we also looked at were the disease and its visual form, as this is what we essentially wanted to capture and illustrate within the chosen font. We found the visual structure of the cell anatomy and its effect on the gut lining the most interesting and from this we began to base our visual concept at depicting this visual. Because of the young audience this reference would be translated into a much more comic and hand doodled style, similar to the inital typeface research.

Natalie Dyson

Coeliac typeface || Research


Coeliac typeface (collaboration with Mike Williams)


Concept & ideas: Our concept was to produce a typeface which was suitable for a younger audience that would depict coeliac disease within its visual appearance, as asked for by the brief. Its main purpose was to be used as a displayed typeface so the chosen font needed to be bold and stand out easily on the page. We took the base font of Edmondsans as this has the bold face we was looking for and had a heavy weight which left plenty of room to alter and illustrate within. By choosing a base font this allowed us to keep legibility high. The concept of calling the typeface ‘Involved’ was to represent the involvement of cells and antibodies within the body, which are main elements about the disease. Presenting a scientific visual. During idea generation I experimented with a variety of mediums, especially those which would be used by the target audience such as pens and crayons, to create a visual squiggle to present the visual appearance of the gut effected by the disease. Which would later form the basis of the digital version along with cell illustrations. This was a highly collaborative part of the design and was where my involvement was within the creation of the typeface’s visual.

Natalie Dyson

Coeliac typeface || Concept & ideas


Coeliac typeface (collaboration with Mike Williams)


Production: The production of the layout was the part of the design which Mike focussed on but collaboratively we made decisions on this and the type of fold, layout approach to take and the binding which would work best. We choose a large enough format that could be easily handled by the younger audience. A variety of coloured paper was also used to engage with the audience further and make the typeface stand out. My main production element was with the book binding. This again followed the same colour scheme and also by seeing the stitch detail this linked to the concept of being able to see within the body and being involved with this.

Natalie Dyson

Coeliac typeface || Production


Coeliac typeface (collaboration with Mike Williams)


Final solution: Product range includes: Involved typeface (regular & outline versions) Type specimen booklet Posters

Natalie Dyson

Coeliac typeface || Final solution


Coeliac typeface (collaboration with Mike Williams)

Natalie Dyson


Coeliac typeface || Final solution


Coeliac typeface (collaboration with Mike Williams)

Natalie Dyson


Coeliac typeface || Final solution


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