Dr me

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Dr ME (live/collaboration with Josh Douglas)

Brief: This was an externally set brief in which Dr ME came in to present. It was to produce a flag collaboratively with another peer that would feature in their up and coming exhibition in Salford. It was encouraged that we produce the flag away from the computer or using a medium or style which was different to what we was use to.

Natalie Dyson

Dr ME (live/collaboration with Josh Douglas)


Research: The majority of the research was carried out collaboratively which focussed on suitable linguistic pairs that would represent us as part of the concept. Visually we researched into an simple icon approach that could be achieved through different mediums easily, such as paper craft. Another element that was part of our concept was the idea of collaboration depicted through patchwork and the joining of the individual elements within the visual approach. Through this part of the research we realised that logistically this could compliment our way of working together but is also popular format with flags and other material based solutions.

Natalie Dyson

Dr ME || Research


Dr ME (live/collaboration with Josh Douglas)


Concept & ideas: The concept was to visually show collaboration in the content as this was the process that we was taking on in its production. To do this we looked at the items that are commonly linked together and associated with one another, linguistic pairs. The content was to reflect us personally but also work together as a known pair. Such as fish & chips, pen & pecil, cat & dog. With these we worked on producing simple icons that would represent the pairings, similar to the research we found. Another visual idea which we used was to create a patchwork and checkerboard effect that would highlight the concept of two elements collaborating together to create one overall image.

Natalie Dyson

Dr ME || Concept & ideas


Dr ME (live/collaboration with Josh Douglas)


Production: Dr ME encouraged experimentation and hand craft which is something which we used in our approach to production of the icons in our concept. This was a very different way of working for both of us but an enjoyable experience opening my practice up to new ways of thinking which made a welcome change. Production resulted in visuals which were rough with a natural line and organic visual. Meanings were still recognisable but with added texture because of this approach. For the production of the flag we scanned the icons in and did some alteration within the layout to the colour with Photoshop to heighten the concept of the checkerboard effect, showing the differences of the two elements with greater contrast. This overall image was then digitally printed in the textile department.

Natalie Dyson

Dr ME || Production


Dr ME (live/collaboration with Josh Douglas)

Natalie Dyson


Dr ME || Final solution


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