Gees website

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Gee’s website (live)

Brief: This was a client based brief in which I was asked to update and re design the existing website for Gee’s Haulage in Wakefield, also where I have been working part time. The site re design had to give a modern edge to the company as well as display relevant information that would help both respected clients to them and potential employees. It was essentially to update the site so that it would be more competitive within the haulage and distribution sector. This is a brief which was a result of earlier work during the Notepads brief.

Natalie Dyson

Gee’s website (live)


Research: Research consisted of looking at other haulage competitors and reviewing this with the client to discuss what other content they would like to add and update based on what others offer extra to their existing site. Visually I have looked at scroll page sites and designs based around this as this is an approach which I think would be good to work with the companies claims of having a modern approach but also to visually display the movement of haulage with use of elements like smooth scroll jquery. I have also looked at existing navigation and how this works when interacted with.

Natalie Dyson

Gee’s website || Research


Gee’s website (live)


Concept & ideas: The concept and layout proposed uses a one page scroll system where the user can scroll through the entire site or select specific areas to view from the navigation bar. The idea uses a simple navigation bar which is available for the user to interact with at any time so that pages can be accessed quickly by customers and respective job applicants. The basis of the site uses the same information displayed previously but includes new features such as quotes and recent company news. A scroll system has been used to create a modern visual that adds movement to the pages reflecting the main qualities of the company itself.

Natalie Dyson

Gee’s website || Concept & ideas


Gee’s website (live)


Production: The production included visuals which would then be presented to the client before going ahead and coding the site. (something which will be done after submission of this module) I have followed the detailed scamps which I produced during the idea generation and this stage was simply about refinement and adding content.

Natalie Dyson

Gee’s website || Production


Gee’s website (live)


Final solution: Product range includes: Visuals of the website Proposal presentation for the client

Natalie Dyson

Gee’s website || Final solution


Gee’s website (live)

Natalie Dyson



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