OUGD603 Statement of Intent

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EXTENDED PRACTICE STATEMENT OF INTENT Name: Natalie Dyson Blog Address: n-dyson1114.blogspot.com Statement of intent: I am a graphic designer with focus on digital design with an interest in branding. Subjects / Themes My over arching theme for my extended practice is designing using digital platforms for the outcomes. Subjects that I plan to cover with my briefs are design for the entertainment sector and design for a young audience. Along with this I plan to focus on campaign and charity themes. Design Disciplines / Creative Development The main design discipline throughout the year will be web/app design. I will need to still develop publication and print design as these will be need to achieve a range of products but I don't plan on this to be my focus. For my own creative development I need to begin to network on a regular basis with this my presentations skills of work and myself confidence will improve.

Practical Skills / Workshops – what, why and when? Practical skills that I want to develop are web design with improvement with HTML and CSS. This is because this will be my main focus of my extended practice and will help with the sector I wish to work with. To do this I plan to attend related workshops throughout the year and my own personal investigation. App design is a practical skill which I also need to learn to benefit my practice and web design skills. This is something which I may need to seek individual help with if no suitable workshops offered within the course. I will need to continue to develop my conceptual development skills so that I am able to produce a good range of ideas and products. This is something I will work on from the start of the year but will continue to build upon throughout. Binding is a skill from last year which I will still need to develop through workshops and own practical investigation so that my publications are finished to a high standard to compliment the visuals. This however won't be my main focus.

Brief 1: Deadline November 2013 78violet rebrand Rationale: Produce a re brand for the band after their recent change in name, from Aly & AJ to 78violet, and change in musical direction in preparation their first album release in 5 years. For this I will also need to produce a range of products to promote their album and potential future tours which will include CD packaging/cover, tickets and promotional posters and books. Brief 2: Deadline May 2014 Books still? Rationale: Produce a graphical piece which communicates across print and web that considers and demonstrates how we read in the 21st century. This will give me a good opportunity to work with branding across a set on different platforms and work with the constraints this will have on the visuals/design.

Brief 3 A Yorkshire restaurant


March 2014

Rationale: Produce branding for the new opening of a restaurant based in the heart of the Yorkshire Dales. For this I will need to produce all materials that will be needed for the opening and running of the restaurant including a suitable name. The restaurant will only sell Yorkshire dishes or food sourced from the area so this will be displayed through the research and design. Brief 4: Leeds cat rescue


March 2014

Rationale: Produce branding for Leeds cat rescue and consider a range of products that could be used to promote the work of the charity to the relevant target audience. The current website and logo lacks aesthetic and is clear that the charity is voluntary run; with this is mind I intend to propose the design to the charity in a good gesture and passion of their work. Brief 5: Coeliac campaign for kids


May 2014

Rationale: This brief will be a research based project and will require a great amount of understanding of coeliac's disease to produce suitable and educational outcomes. The research gathered in the first part of the brief will then allow me to create an awareness campaign both suitable for a young audience and their parents. This brief has been created as personally this is an issue that affects my family and would like to learn more about it through the process of design. Brief 6: Documentation of Yorkshire


April 2014

Rationale: This brief will require a great understanding of Yorkshire in order to document and show within a publication the positives and negatives of the county and its tourism. This will allow me to generate a great deal of primary research and allow me to get out of the studio in order to gather the content. The publication will aim to be educational, factual and documentative. I also want to use this brief to create an interactive outcome that will engage with the tourist sector.

Brief 7: 80s channel


February 2014

Rationale: 1980s televisions shows and films are still much loved today but have no dedicated channel to support them like there is for music and other film genres. I am going to propose and design a channel concept that would show only those programs from the 80s. The channel would need to bring 80s shows into the 21st century TV perspective. This brief is one of the longest ones I am proposing and will run along side my dissertation research as the theme is influenced from that. Brief 8: Wizard of Oz book covers


December 2013

Rationale: I aim to produce a set of 4 book covers based on a selection of books from the Oz series. Over the years this has been a popular book and with this its cover has been re designed hundreds of time. My design however this time must be a typographic piece that is able to still attract the same audience as the original had intended with its use of playful illustrations. Because of the familiarity of the story the book cover needs to stand out on the shelf in order to attract more copies to be bought again. This brief will allow me to improve my skills with type and layout. CoP / Research Theme How have the 1980s technological ideas influenced on todays graphic design? I aim to investigate how 1980s technology and ideas have influenced and impacted todays design, showing how this was the decade that made us who we are today. I aim to show if there would be a need for some of the types of design today, such as app and digital design, without the technological inventions/advances made throughout the 1980s. I am going to use the Hermeneutic circle as the methodology to my research and thinking by looking at the reflections of the 80's, the 80s imagining the future and people imitating the 80s. Within this I will explore influences still used and practiced today; key thinkers and ideas that still influence; differences in predictions from then to now and design of the 80s. My visual outcome will be an app which will allow the audience to interact and navigate around the modern home today and guide them on what the influences the 80s had on them. Discussing that some designs and inventions are either imitating or reflecting on the 80s. This will allow the audience to relate the products they see around the home today with those from the 80s.



November 2013

Continue to read and study the books from my bibliography and begin to pick out suitable quotes for my essay. RESEARCH ACTIVITY:


November 2013

Generate more primary research from surveys and peoples opinions from that decade to help greater my understanding of the culture and thinking of the time. RESEARCH ACTIVITY:


December 2013

Look to visit an exhibition or place which I can look at and/or use some of the technology from the 1980s for first hand experience to understand the differences from then until now more.

BIBLIOGRAPHY BOOKS / TEXTS - (Harvard Referenced) Toffler, A. 'The third wave: the controversial new perspective on tomorrow from the author of future shock.' (1980) London, William Collins Sons & Co Ltd. Toffler, A. 'Future shock.' (1971) London, Pan Books. Blumenfeld, Y. 'Scanning the future.' (1999) London, Thames and Hudson. Doust, R; Austin, T. 'New media design.' (2007) London, Laurence King. Miller, C. 'US Design: 1975 - 2000' (2001) Munich, Prestel-Verlag. Baker, R. 'Designing the future: the computer transformation of reality.' (1993) London, Thames and Hudson York, P; Jennings, C. 'Peter York's eighties.' (1995) London, BBC Books. Greiman, A. 'Hybrid imagery : the fusion of technology and graphic design' (1990) London, Architecture Design and Technology. King, E. 'Designed by Peter Saville.' (2003) London, Frieze. MAGAZINES / JOURNALS / ARTICLES – (include publication date and details) 'Wired US' Issue September 2013 [Page 124] ON LINE REFERENCES / WEBSITES / ARTICLES (include specific urls) [http://explorethe80s.com/] Interactive timeline (accessed July 2013) [http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/channel/the-80s-the-decade-thatmade-us/] Information (accessed July 2013)

OTHER REFERENCE MATERIAL (Films, events, exhibitions, conferences) National Geographic channel. '80's Greatest Gadgets' (aired August 2013) TV documentary National Geographic channel. 'The 80s: The decade that made us' (aired August 2013) TV documentary Zemeckis, R. 'Back to the Future: Part 2' (1989) Film

ACTION PLAN – use this section to identify specific tasks that you need to complete in order to resolve the brief. Brief What do you need to do? Work out what exactly 1 the change in direction 78violet rebrand is for the band. Look at the past band experiences and musical direction and compare that to those now. Internet research 2 Books still?

3 A Yorkshire restaurant

4 Leeds cat rescue

Benefits and negatives of both books and e-readers. Research into the pros and cons of each type of reading formats in the 21st century. Along with the change in attitudes over the past few years. Internet research and primary research Research cultural dishes of Yorkshire that are suitable to use within the restaurant. This will form the basis of the visual ideas and content. Understand what the audience is for the rescue.

Deadline October 2013

March 2014

February 2014

February 2014

5 Coeliac campaign for kids

6 Documentation of Yorkshire

7 80s channel

8 Wizard of Oz book covers

Understand Coeliacs disease and the impact on a family lifestyle. Internet research and primary survey. Take my own primary photos and research of the Yorkshire area to visually describe the documentation of the place. I will need to take careful consideration of location and weather prior to going out. Research and watch popular 80s TV shows and films to get a greater understanding of the themes and attitudes towards them in order to reflect correctly in the visual ideas. This is something which can run alongside my dissertation research and tasks. Read and understand the narratives and plot of some of the series to see which will be most appropriate for outcomes and which sections of the story can be used to illustrate typographically in the designs.

March 2014

March 2014

December 2014

November 2014

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