Ougd603 statement of intent natalie dyson

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EXTENDED PRACTICE STATEMENT OF INTENT Name: Natalie Dyson Blog Address: n-dyson1114.blogspot.com Statement of intent: I am a graphic designer with focus on digital design with an interest in branding. I am a graphic designer with a focus on design for print with the purpose of communicating brand identities. Also looking at the application and use of typography.

Subjects / Themes My over arching theme for my extended practice is designing using digital platforms for the outcomes. Subjects that I plan to cover with my briefs are design for the entertainment sector and design for a young audience. Along with this I plan to focus on campaign and charity themes. My practice over the past year has changed dramatically and my focus from digital has become totally opposite focusing towards print. Because of this many of my briefs have changed or being removed and replaced because I wanted to demonstrate and practice this interest in print. The subjects which I have chosen to focus on have been very similar but with a move towards the communication of the brand. Design Disciplines / Creative Development The main design discipline throughout the year will be web/app design. I will need to still develop publication and print design as these will be need to achieve a range of products but I don't plan on this to be my focus. For my own creative development I need to begin to network on a regular basis with this my presentations skills of work and myself confidence will improve. The design disciplines that I have covered have changed to focus on brand, type and print that have been evidenced through my practice this year. My final solutions have covered print and publication but I have still done some digital work to show within my

portfolio I am still capable of design for digital applications but it is not my main interest. Practical Skills / Workshops – what, why and when? Practical skills that I want to develop are web design with improvement with HTML and CSS. This is because this will be my main focus of my extended practice and will help with the sector I wish to work with. To do this I plan to attend related workshops throughout the year and my own personal investigation. App design is a practical skill that I also need to learn to benefit my practice and web design skills. This is something that I may need to seek individual help with if no suitable workshops offered within the course. I will need to continue to develop my conceptual development skills so that I am able to produce a good range of ideas and products. This is something I will work on from the start of the year but will continue to build upon throughout. Binding is a skill from last year that I will still need to develop through workshops and own practical investigation so that my publications are finished to a high standard to compliment the visuals. This however won't be my main focus. Practical skills which I have developed have been mostly screen print, print finishes and book binding. This has been an enjoyable experience as I have found that within production and craft of print is where my interests as a designer are. By developing these skills specifically I have develop needed skills ready for the type of industry I want to work with and build upon in the future.

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