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Natalie Dyson Portfolio 2013/14 www.natalie-dyson.co.uk hello@natalie-dyson.co.uk

Notepads Notepads was a client based brief in which each notepad must act individually for each job role but also work as part of a set. The concept was based around sayings and typographic ways in which this could be displayed. The final outcome includes a series of different format, size and bounded notepads that use print finishes to enhance the visual appeal. www.natalie-dyson.co.uk hello@natalie-dyson.co.uk

Brand the boring The concept uses the humble ant image to suggest strength, dependability and intelligence, qualities desired by the client from any accountant. It uses a less serious approach to present an image of an accountant which is still clearly understandable but also fun. www.natalie-dyson.co.uk hello@natalie-dyson.co.uk

During this brief I also looked at the application of a brand onto a range of related promotional material such as business cards and letterheads. The finished brand concept included brand name and visual, typeface and printed material.

www.natalie-dyson.co.uk hello@natalie-dyson.co.uk

Edge typeface This was a self initiated brief that was based around my own self branding and the need for a typeface to represent this. The concept of the typeface is based around geometric shapes and strong edges/lines.

www.natalie-dyson.co.uk hello@natalie-dyson.co.uk

Involved typeface This is a collaborative typeface development which had a concept that was based around a child friendly font with a science related topic for further use within medical publications for younger audiences.

www.natalie-dyson.co.uk hello@natalie-dyson.co.uk

Work in progress www.natalie-dyson.co.uk hello@natalie-dyson.co.uk

Leeds cat rescue Current brief is to re brand the Leeds cat rescue so that it is more up to date and visually appealing in the hope of attracting more donations and adoptions. Also to make the brand appear more professional and less dull.

www.natalie-dyson.co.uk hello@natalie-dyson.co.uk

78violet Another current brief that is looking at the re brand and promotion of the band’s fourthcoming album ‘Hothouse’. The concept is based around the lyric ‘hothouse flower’ and the fluid style of the music. This is an opportunity to explore screen printing and print applications.

www.natalie-dyson.co.uk hello@natalie-dyson.co.uk

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