Self brand ppp

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Self promotional branding

Brief: The brief asked to present my self promotional branding and design presence in a range of promotional items that can be used promote myself alongside any other networking. Deliverables needed to include brand logo, online presence and promotional print material.

Natalie Dyson

Self promotional branding


Research: Research took place mostly over the summer holidays where I began to explore my design interests and gather a range of sources that inspired me ready for my extended practice. From this I noticed that I was drawn to geometric shapes, simplistic iconic forms and use of typography. So this was the basis of my concept. I wanted the self branding to reflect my personal interests in design.

Natalie Dyson

Self promotional branding || Research


Self promotional branding


Concept & ideas: The concept for this years design presence was based on the branding development which I did over the summer holidays. During that time I had been collecting various random inspirational pieces ready to inform my extended practice but with this I began to look at patterns of styles and approaches which I was drawn to and form my own branding from this love. From this inspiration my main points of focus were geometric shapes and patterns. Opposite is an idea which I created using only a limited number of shapes which formed the basis of my initials. This is what I later worked on to create my blooming creative concept. Blooming creative refers to my interest in flowers but also the idea that I am a young design and only just starting to show my true colours in the industry. I have used the shapes from my logo to create a secondary visual which is used to show connection, networking and collaboration created between two parts/people.

Natalie Dyson

Self promotional branding || Concept & ideas


Self promotional branding


Production: During this year I have focussed much of my practice on the development of print and techniques within screen printing. My self promotion was a great opportunity to show off this development and love. To show employers my personal interests in a practical way without having to read my CV. Much of the production was with screen print. I have also produced an online presence with my own website. The coding for this was difficult to begin with but once a page template was sorted this was easy to duplicate for each project featured.

Natalie Dyson

Self promotional branding || Production


Self promotional branding


Final solution: Product range includes: Business cards Large scale postcard Letterhead CV Website

Natalie Dyson

Self promotional branding || Final solution


Self promotional branding

Natalie Dyson


Self promotional branding || Final solution


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