Iams Dog Food Redesign - Conceptional Rationale

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Conceptional Rationale NATALIE PASNIN

20 13

Southern Cross Packaging Design Awards





















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CHOSEN BRIEF E – Redesign an Existing P&G Product Sponsored By: Procter & Gamble P&G Award Criteria The entry that develops a complete packaging solution for a product under any major P&G brand that delivers visual identity, exceptional in-store shelf presence, and userfriendly experience. Ideal solutions will address key sustainability issues. Sponsor Background P&G is an 80 billion dollar multi-national corporation that markets 300 brands in 140 countries with operations in over 80 countries. P&G maintains global market leadership with over 20 billion dollar brands in many consumer product categories such as laundry, hair care, home care, baby care, feminine care and men’s grooming. Four billion times a day, P&G brands touch the lives of people around the world. And P&G people are working to touch and improve more lives, in more parts of the world, more completely. Some of their brands include Oral-B, Braun, Herbal Essences, Vidal Sassoon and Metamucil just to name a few. For more information, please visit www.pg.com Design Challenge The challenge is to design and deliver a new packaging solution for a P&G product under one of their major global brands. You must redesign the packaging whilst you successfully deliver a holistic solution from point of sale through point of use and finally, disposal. The product/brand must be selected from one P&G’s existing brands (see www.pg.com). P&G brand names can and MUST be used for this brief. Mandatory Requirements Students must address and will be judged on the following criteria: - Your target audience and product/brand choice must be identified at the beginning of your rationale with justification on why your design is “stronger.” - Your rationale should show an image of the existing package “before” and an image “after” with an explanation in your rationale. - Packaging material choice is open, however it should deliver sustainability improvements. - The purpose of the brief is to create a unique and distinct, holistic solution for its respective category, not merely a ‘refresh’ of the brand’s visual identity, for example only logo/ colour change. The more cohesive and distinctive the solution on all aspects of communication the better. Be bold and different, but effective. Considerations You must consider the overall brand message for the package solution and be consistent with this message—material selection, colour, label, dispensing, product colour, scent and textures. Point of sale must consider delivery and shelving constraints within typical retailers. Materials There are no limitations to material considerations however, you should select materials consistent with volume production of products typical in their respective category. Significant cost increases in material choices will need to be justified for use.




Overall, the packaging is fairly plain with too much colour. This appears to be a consistent design clash with most dog food packaging on the shelves. A reduction in colour as well as a more accessible, resealable and compact design could improve this packaging and allow it to stand out more next to competitors.





This packaging is reenforces the “food� and bringing the dogs to appear human like, sitting at table. This is enticing as it is simple, straight forward and not over done, with excessive props eg napkins, plates etc, yet the message is given through the table and the posture of the dog. Love this simplisticity. Use of typography and dog shaped silhouette. Colour is not a main focus on this design, as it only uses two main colours, colour, however Paw print die-cut, produces an interesting pattern with the could be effective in typographic aspect and dog silhouette. redesign as logo incorporates a paw print. This idea will This vetorised design only only work on a simple portrays dog features, and background, as per not the whole dog face the example across or and/or body. This aspect else there is too much makes this idea stand out information. from competitors.





This packaging with simplistic colour, and child like graphics on a recycled paper look, would stand out well against the average colourful dog food packaging, but as well as its environmentally friendly aspect.


This design stands out, as in comparison to Iams packaging, excessive colour isn’t used. For flavours or difference in the range, this milk packaging uses only a clear and vibrant colour on a small portion of the packaging. Furthermore, milk packaging could be a good inspiration as it allows easy pouring, which the original packaging does not supply.

Vectorised and realistic looking dog graphics. This will also stand out on the shelves against competitors as more dog food packaging use photography as the medium. This is just as effective as photography and can be amended to fit the colours of the packaging easily.


This is a very interesting and practical packaging idea, with simplistic imagery, colours changing for each packaging, and a pull out tab to pour the product content out easily. Great way to use simplistic graphics. 4


This cylinder like packaging allows the consumer to see the content inside the packaging, which most dog foods don’t have, (unless a die cut is incorporated) and has a very simplistic black and white packaging, white gold to emphasis important information. This is a nice design, however the photographs do not appear to be interactive enough with the audience.



A very faint dog vector. I believe that is does not sell the product as well as a clear vector, photograph or design of a dog. However, this packaging has an interesting use of colour on the side panels only, leaving sufficient space of graphics and designs on the front, which further allows more clarity against the plan background.

This packaging provides a handle and easy to pour aspects, making the design more accessible and user friendly than most dog food packaging. The graphics itself as fairly plain and can be improved upon, however the pouring feature is the main emphasis of this design.


x Again, what appears to be recycled stock, this would produce a environmentally friendly packaging. Design wise, this packaging provides a clear photograph taking up the whole front panel, with a clear indication of the end user, as well as clarity in text. Having the dog more interactive with the camera would be better. 5







This design goes well together with the dog and at mouth style, however the typeface is difficult to read and identified. Good idea, however ineffective in this matter.

Interesting deisgn, yet the cat and dog appear to be surreal and almost unclear as to what they are. The font used is clear, however appears to stand out more than the original logo.





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Using the original Iams paw print, and making a the brand name more incorporated within the design as a whole. This appeared to be too childish and not enticing.

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This logo design is to bring the dog owner and the pet together, as they are both the target audience. This design doesn’t appear to be enticing and the main intentions could be misinterpreted.






This typeface has more of a ‘superior’ or olden day typed look and it given a relationship with the logo by the use of the paw print in the “A”. This appears to not sit as well as some of the other logo trials.


Very simple and very little change to the original logo, however the typeface stands out more and the paw print comes together more as one rather than separate entities.

This is a great design, as it is simple and works very well with the brand name, Colours could be contrasting to allow emphasis on the text. The sizes of both the graphic and text work well together.




This embossed styled design, with both a silhouette and a cat works well, however the brand name is lost with the great emphasis being on the design. This is only effective if the brand is well known.

This is a great design, however the brand name is not emphasised enough and would put off the composition if the typeface was made larger against the thin lines of the graphics.


This paw print is represented as a love heart, as the consumer would love their dog, Adds a caring characteristics to the design.



More of a paw print realistic shape. Having a trial design faintly on the packaging could bring more of a relationship between the logo and end user.

x Another play on love hearts and paw prints. Could be hard to identify by some people and cause some confusion.





This design further brings the paw prints and the end user to more of a realistic level. It adds to the emphasis and simply idea, which could be used as a pattern.

This is a more realistic paw print design, with more curves.


This is a more childish look of a paw print. Too simplistic and would mean the overall packaging design would also have to be fairly simplistic and childish looking. 8






x This design is good, all the information is spread evenly and is not as condensed as the original packaging. A negative aspect is the top of the carton appears to be fairly plain and like something is missing. Also, pink rectangle across the front and side panel could be lifted to have more clarity and emphasis. 12



10 cm 6.5 cm

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16 cm

10 cm

10 cm




My packaging, although does not appear to be extreme changes at first, allows more clarity in all information as well as further graphics and symbols, to assist the older target audience, as well as those who can not read English fluently. Furthermore, a large improve is the photograph of the end user, which is wrapped around the packaging. This image was chosen has the dog is looking at the target audience, providing a sense connection and allows this to be a large emphasis on the design, just as much as the colour is. FRONT BACK



This packaging design is very simplistic and the main focus is the vibrant pink colouring. The information is very repetitive, having the same information on both sides and french translations of almost all information throughout the packaging. This takes up a lot of room, where the font could be made larger and allow more clarity. This would provide assistance for an older target audience purchasing the product to read the information.


TARGET AUDIENCE The particular product is targeted at all dog owners, both males and females, within all ages, mainly 18-54. With the very simplistic, straight forward and clarity in information, the packaging is easy to read, identify and stands out on the selves next to competitors. This particular brand is only found at veterinarian and not as commonly at the average supermarkets, which means the product to be veterinarian approved. This verifies that the ingredients used in the product are beneficially to dogs. As most dog owns treat their pets as a member in their family, this is a very important factor, to ensure that their pet is having all the nutrients needed to be healthy. This information is all clear on the front of the packaging, as well as on various sides, emphasising the importance of this information. Further more, all information that can be symbolised, or easy to under by a younger target audience, older audience and those with difficulty in reading, can understand the information.





The feeding guidelines have been simplified by the use of symbols, to represent the dog sizes. The dog weights are also grouped, allowing less information and less confusion for the target audience. 16



The original Iams packaging is made out of laminated aluminium foil, with no closing facilities, such as a zip. Although the foil material allows the packaging to stay fresh on the shelves, once opened, with no secure closure, this would allow the content to go dry. As this particular product is dry dog food, the content does need be to secured to a higher quality and should be more user friendly. This packaging material is also more expensive than alternative materials and has a glossy finish, which reflects on light and therefore could cause some difficulty is reading the information.

x Alternatively, the packaging redesigned uses a cardboard material, which provides a sustainable box, that secures the content and is also very easy and convenient to recycle. The packaging shape, resembling that of a milk carton, has been carefully chosen as this can allow a user friendly way to pour the content into the dog bowl. Furthermore, the packaging can be closed and stored easily, where the content will not fall out. Another important factor as to why this design was chosen for this particular product is the simplistic template design, with very little cutting needed, allowing easy manufacturing, at low costs and can be put together in time a timely manner, as well as by very few people, cutting further manufacturing costs. Not only does the cardboard material provide more durability, the squared base also allows the product to be shelve ready and also easily stored in the customers home.



The simple template used to make the packaging. Very minimal cutting. Cheap to manufacture and easy to make.

KEY: Cut Folds


DESIGN APPROACH The overall design was very slightly modified, including the packaging shape, colour and logo. The main disadvantage found in the original design was the inability to close the packaging after opening, as well as the information being very congested and unclear one various parts. THE LOGO: ORIGINAL LOGO


The logo was explored in various ways, where the design was changed entirely, providing symbol like visuals of both cats and dogs, as well as a simple play with the original paw print design. The chosen logo redesign, was a very simplistic, yet an effective change, bringing the logo and the text closer together as one entity. Changing the font from a simple rounded san serif font, to more of a pointed and defined font, adds a creative characteristic to the design, “bringing it more to life” and allows the design to stand out more. The chosen font called ‘Air mole’, also has a shadow, which further emphasises the design on the colourful packaging. This logo design would attract all ages, allowing the target audience of this product to be wide ranged. The paw print was also explored in various designs, with childish appearances, more realistic looks and a play on other shapes such as love hearts. The design which appeared to work best with the font and the letters, forming a easy to understand and creative effect to the ‘i’ letter, was the original circular paw print design. These simple modifications are effective as has brought the letters closer together, as well as bringing a lively aspect to the design. 19

THE GRAPHICS: Iams products use repetitive swirled like design faded in the background of the product. This appears to have no relevance to the design and can only work with some images of the dogs, as they wrap the swirl around the body.


Alternatively, the modified design has identified the two end users of the product, therefore, the graphics can be used on both dogs and cat food packaging. The new design, also has a great connective with the paw print logo, and creates a relationship with the packaging as a whole. The modified pattern is placed on the back instead of the front as per the original packaging. THE PHOTOGRAPHS: The original iams packaging has a singular dog and their entire body doing various actions.


The packaging that has been redesigned, provides a full photograph, that wraps around two panels of the box, front and left hand side, creating a unique design to those of competitors. The chosen photograph is focused on the dogs face, where the eyes are looking directly at the customer, creating a connection, as well as an inviting and welcoming appearance to the design. 20



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