Final exam revision 2015

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Final Exam Revision

Introduction to the study of EL December 16, 2015

Morphology •

Which letters given in bold below represent prefixes (P)? Are they inflectional (F) or derivational (D)? Write your answer on the line next to the examples. – – – –

overwrite __________ overheat __________ exercise __________ overtly __________

What is a derivational paradigm? Provide one English example.

What is a periphrastic construction in morphology? Provide one example.

Define (and provide 2 examples of) the process of morphological clipping in English.

What do the following acronyms stand for? • ESP ___________________________________________ • LCD ___________________________________________ • IMF __________________________________________ • COD ___________________________________________

Syntax •

Which tests are used for determining the existence of structures bigger than word?

Define (and provide two examples of verbless clauses in English.

Define and provide one example of complex coordination.

• Name two exponents for the following syntactic functions: – object _______________ – object complement __________________ – adverbial ____________ – subject ___________________

Semantics • Semantics is divided into __________ and __________. • What is sentential ambiguity? Provide at least two examples:

• What are homophones (a)? What are homographs (b)? Provide one example of each.

Are the following pairs of antonyms gradable (G) complementary (C) or relational (R)? – good bad __________ – expensive cheap __________ – parent offspring __________ – beautiful ugly __________ – false true __________ – pass fail __________

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