Intro to EL Lecture 5 2018

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LEVELS • MORPHOLOGY • structure and formation of words • Greek words: morphe (form) + logia (science) • processes within a word, up to the level of a word • word – difficult to define; • traditionally, unit indicating specific concepts

LEVELS • or expressing different meanings: • take place – 1 or 2 words? (two units, one meaning) • piglet – one unit, two concepts (pig+young) • unit between which one can make a break in speech or space in writing; but • Did you say p or b?

LEVELS • smallest free unit with its own meaning, which has internal stability and positional mobility; • untouchable *touchunable *ableuntouch • different positions in a clause • Ann will arrive tomorrow. • Tomorrow, Ann will arrive.

LEVELS • one word may have different forms (cases, persons, tenses etc.) • lexeme – all different grammatical forms of a word, with one basic meaning • variations of the same lexeme

LEVELS • the basic unit: morpheme; • the smallest unit with an independent meaning or a grammatical function; abstract • cannot be divided into smaller units with meaning • morphemes – within braces { } • morph – concrete realization of a morpheme

LEVELS • allomorph – contextually conditioned realization of a morpheme; • examples : • a) plural morpheme or the 3rd person singular present: {s} - {s} {z} {iz} • b) past tense/past participle {ed}: {t} {d} {id}

LEVELS • morphemes: free and bound • IN, WORK, HOUSE • {ER} {EST} • Lexical and grammatical morphemes • BOOKS

LEVELS • 1 morpheme: 1 phoneme or more phonemes • word – not smaller than 1 morpheme • 1 word – 1 morpheme, 2 or more morphemes • (e.g. countable, uncountable) • comparison of words

LEVELS • raz- in razvezati, razveseliti, razraditi • raznolik razno + lik (*raz+nolik) • razuman - razum+an (*raz+uman) • dis- disability, disadvantage, disagreement, disarmament

LEVELS Morphological structure of words • root (koren), base (osnova) and affixes • root: a morpheme carrying the meaning, cannot be further subdivided into morphemes • affixes: bound morphemes divided into: prefixes, infixes and suffixes

LEVELS • re + organ + ize • base: a form consisting of a root and an affix to which another affix is added, e.g. • untouchable • order in analysis: meaning of words (*untouch, touchable) • roots - usually free, but there are bound roots

LEVELS • Greek or Latin origin, e.g. • audi- (hear) audible, audience, auditory • affixes: class-changing and class-maintaining • e.g. re+write friend+ship • organ+ize wide + en

LEVELS • Morphology: • a) inflectional – different grammatical forms of one word • b) word formation (tvorba reči) – formation of new words

LEVELS INFLECTIONAL MORPHOLOGY • inflectional affixes • In English, inflectional suffixes only • a small number: {s} {‘s} {s’} {er} {est} {s} {ed} {en} {ing}

LEVELS • suffixes for cases, number, person, tense etc. • inflectional affixes do not change the part of speech of the word to which they are added • in English, always last in a word, after derivational affixes • inflectional infixes in English? • inflectional paradigm: different grammatical

LEVELS • forms of one word, e.g. • adjectival paradigm nice nicer nicest • suppletion: grammatical forms of one word formed from a different base/root; suppletive form BE – AM, IS, ARE ČOVEK – LJUDI • periphrasis, periphrastic constructions: grammatical meaning expressed not by affixes, but by specific words

LEVELS • • • • •

periphrastic comparison of adjectives: difficult - more difficult - the most difficult nonperiphrastic comparison of adjectives: nice - nicer - nicest

• periphrastic genitive: title of the book • nonperiphrastic genitive: book’s title

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