Intro to EL, Lesson 6 2018

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LEVELS of Linguistic Analysis 3

LEVELS • WORD FORMATION • morphological processes to create new words • A) derivation: derivational affixes to create new words • in English: prefixes and suffixes • the most productive prefixes: • in- (il-/ir-/im-)

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postrethe most productive suffixes: -er -let -hood -ship -dom

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-ful -ist -ism -ation -ment -al -ness -ity

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-ify -ize/-ise -en -able



• derivational paradigm: set of new words created from one root e.g. • nation: + al, +al+ist, +al+ity , +hood

LEVELS • B) Compounding (složenice) • two or more roots or bases - a new word • characteristics • - orthography: written as one word (bedroom), with a hyphen (tax-free) or as separate words (swimming pool)

LEVELS • - phonological (stress): primary stress on the first element, secondary stress on the second element ( ‘blackbird vs. black ‘bird) • -semantic: compounds - a specific meaning, related or not to the meaning of elements in the compound (sunrise, haircut, daydream, handmade, homesick)

LEVELS • back formation: • Usually the addition of affixes, e.g. write – writer • • • •

sometimes shortening, e.g. to baby-sit (baby sitter), to lip-read (lip reading), to house-hunt (house hunting)

LEVELS • reduplication: • repetition of the same or similar element: goody-goody, hocus-pocus, dilly-dally, mumbo-jumbo • neoclassical compounds – from Greek or Latin words (geography, biology)

LEVELS • endocentric and exocentric compounds • endocentric: meaning could be reduced to the meaning of one component (armchair, bedroom) • exocentric: meaning cannot be reduced to the meaning of the components (redneck, turncoat, redskin)

LEVEL • C) Clipping (Skraćivanje) • omitting parts of longer words • usually informal or colloquial speech • phone (telephone) • bus (omnibus) • exam (examination)

LEVELS • ad • the first, the last part or both can be omitted • mike (microphone) • flu (influenza) • fridge (refrigirator)

LEVELS • • • • • • • •

D) Blending (Slivanje) linking parts of different words motel (motor + hotel) smog (smoke + fog) telecast (television + broadcast) klinceza (klinka + princeza ) žvazbuka (žvaka + azbuka)

LEVELS • cyborg (cybernetic + organism) • cybrary • cybrarian • webzine (web + magazine) • webinar (web+seminar) •

LEVELS • modem (modulator + demodulator) • screenagers • wictionary • rurban (rural + urban)

LEVELS • welderly (well + elderly) • himbo • • • •

Brexit - Brizlaz Hairport Eataly Pepsi (in Serbian)

LEVELS • E) Acronyms • the first letters of several words • 3 types: • a) UN, FBI, BBC, VIP, MIT (Massachussetts Institute of Technology), CIA, P.T.O. (please turn over)

LEVELS • R.S.V.P. (répondez s’il vous plaît) • b) pronounced as words: • NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) • BASIC (beginners’ all-purpose symbolic instruction code) • WASP (white Anglo-Saxon protestant)

LEVELS • c) small letters, pronounced like words • radar (radio detecting and ranging) • laser (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) • F) Conversion • change of part of speech, not changing form of the word, no morphological changes

LEVELS • • • • •

bottle – to bottle catalogue – to catalogue desire – to desire doubt – to doubt dry – to dry

• G) Words from personal names

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