Architecture Grad School Portfolio

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Group Project: Design Studio Fall 2009


Adaptive reuse of an historic building. Each bay of the Evanston, Wyoming Train Roundhouse was assigned to a group in the class along with a specific program. The program our group was assigned was an eating establishment. CONCEPT:

During our visit to the site, we became aware of the importance of the truss in the railroads. Trusses distribute high loads between multiple joints, preserving the openness of space. APPROACH:

We used the concept of the function of trusses to define connections and nodes of pedestrian circulation paths, and to give the user a sense of the large open space in the building. Upper catwalks and seating areas give the user the feeling of being up in the trusses to experience the open space. INVOLVEMENT:

Integrally involved in conception and design process. While other members of my group developed presentation drawings, my task was to construct the final model.

Roundhouse Lunch Counter

9002 llaF oidutS ngiseD :tcejorP puorG


.gnidliub cirotsih na fo esuer evitpadA niarT gnimoyW ,notsnavE eht fo yab hcaE ni puorg a ot dengissa saw esuohdnuoR .margorp cificeps a htiw gnola ssalc eht saw dengissa saw puorg ruo margorp ehT .tnemhsilbatse gnitae na :T P E C N O C

emaceb ew ,etis eht ot tisiv ruo gniruD ni ssurt eht fo ecnatropmi eht fo erawa sdaol hgih etubirtsid sessurT .sdaorliar eht eht gnivreserp ,stnioj elpitlum neewteb .ecaps fo ssennepo :HCAORPPA

fo noitcnuf eht fo tpecnoc eht desu eW sedon dna snoitcennoc enifed ot sessurt ot dna ,shtap noitalucric nairtsedep fo nepo egral eht fo esnes a resu eht evig dna sklawtac reppU .gnidliub eht ni ecaps fo gnileef eht resu eht evig saera gnitaes eht ecneirepxe ot sessurt eht ni pu gnieb .ecaps nepo :T N E M E VL O V N I

retnuoC hcnuL esuohdnuoR

dna noitpecnoc ni devlovni yllargetnI srebmem rehto elihW .ssecorp ngised noitatneserp depoleved puorg ym fo eht tcurtsnoc ot saw ksat ym ,sgniward .ledom lanif

Cube Volume: Design Workshop Spring 2007


The design problem was to express the volume of a 12” x 12“ x 12” cube without specifically defining the edges. MATERIALS:

Strips of light gage metal were used as horizontal members representing the rigid and austere in architecture. Wood was used to represent the warm and inviting in contrast to the metal. FABRICATION:

Connections were made to fit tight so that no glue was needed in the assembly of the model.

Roundhouse Lunch Counter


Custom fabricated kitchen table for a residential home. All parts of the table are constructed of reclaimed materials. MATERIALS:

Table top is a 4’x8’ sheet of 1/2” mild steel that was used to cover a hole in a driveway, so the metal was rusted and worn. Legs are made of scrap pieces of rustic alder obtained from a custom cabinet shop. The frame for the table is 2”x 2” square tubing, and connection brackets are fabricated from 4” wide 3/16” reclaimed strap steel. FABRICATION:

Rust had to be cleaned from the table top with a wire brush, which exposed the texture of the metal underneath. Then the table was sealed with an epoxy sealer to prevent further rusting.


Design competition for Salt Lake City’s New Year’s Eve celebration 2009. Our group was chosen first place out of 15 entries. As the winner of the competition, our group constructed the project for First Night on January 1, 2009. CONCEPT:

Theme for First Night was rituals. Our group focused the on common use of superstitions; highlighting the ritual of knocking on wood to ward off bad luck. APPROACH:

As the new year is a time to reflect on the past years events, we constructed the wall out of recycled newpapers to represent all that had happened throughout the year. Using the concept of knock on wood, there were wooden boxes embedded in the newspapers that users could play with drumsticks like a musical instrument in order to engage the public. INVOLVEMENT:

I was equally and entirely envolved in the design process and construction of the installation. FABRICATION:

We created a system to drill holes in the center of the newspapers to thread them onto one inch Schedule 40 tubing to keep the stacks straight. Each stack of newspapers was placed in a base and attached together throughout the columns to form the wall.

First Night Design Competition


s’ytiC ekaL tlaS rof noititepmoc ngiseD ruO .9002 noitarbelec evE s’raeY weN 51 fo tuo ecalp tsrif nesohc saw puorg ,noititepmoc eht fo renniw eht sA .seirtne rof tcejorp eht detcurtsnoc puorg ruo . 9 0 0 2 , 1 yr aun aJ n o th g iN tsr iF :T P E C N O C

ruO .slautir saw thgiN tsriF rof emehT fo esu nommoc no eht desucof puorg fo lautir eht gnithgilhgih ;snoititsrepus .kcul dab ffo draw ot doow no gnikconk :HCAORPPA

eht no tcelfer ot emit a si raey wen eht sA llaw eht detcurtsnoc ew ,stneve sraey tsap tneserper ot srepapwen delcycer fo tuo eht tuohguorht deneppah dah taht lla ,doow no kconk fo tpecnoc eht gnisU .raey ni deddebme sexob nedoow erew ereht htiw yalp dluoc sresu taht srepapswen eht ni tnemurtsni lacisum a ekil skcitsmurd .cilbup eht egagne ot redro :T N E M E VL O V N I

ni devlovne yleritne dna yllauqe saw I fo noitcurtsnoc dna ssecorp ngised eht .noitallatsni eht : N O I TA C I R B A F

noititepmoC ngiseD thgiN tsriF

ni seloh llird ot metsys a detaerc eW daerht ot srepapswen eht fo retnec eht gn ibut 0 4 e l ud eh cS h c n i en o ot no me ht kcats hcaE .thgiarts skcats eht peek ot dna esab a ni decalp saw srepapswen fo snmuloc eht tuohguorht rehtegot dehcatta . l la w eht m ro f ot

Roundhouse Lunch Counter


Design of a municipal airport including an airplane hangar and fixed-based operational spaces for the Uinta County Airport in Evanston, Wyoming. The design included a pilot lounge, meeting and training room, manager’s office, as well as operational service spaces. CONCEPT:

The airport as a catalyst for transition between sky and ground. The focus was on the exhilarating but subtle moment between being on the ground and being airborne. APPROACH:

Give the user a sense of the relationship between sky and ground through the visual experience of the building. As a person enters the building, a series of directional truss structures draw the interest upward, leading the eye to a clerestory window offering a glimpse of the sky. Grounded spaces such and the pilot lounge, manager’s office, and training room are enveloped in a concrete shell structure with limited natural light penetration, giving the cave-like feeling of being in the ground. Evanston Wyoming Airport


gn i d u l c n i tr o p r i a l a p i c i nu m a f o ng i s e D desab-dexif dna ragnah enalpria na ytnuoC atniU eht rof secaps lanoitarepo ngised ehT .gnimoyW ,notsnavE ni tropriA dna gniteem ,egnuol tolip a dedulcni llew sa ,eciffo s’reganam ,moor gniniart .secaps ecivres lanoitarepo sa :T P E C N O C

no i t i s n a rt r o f t s y l a t a c a s a t r o p r i a e h T saw sucof ehT .dnuorg dna yks neewteb tnemom eltbus tub gnitaralihxe eht no dna dnuorg eht no gnieb neewteb .enrobria gnieb :HCAORPPA

tropriA gnimoyW notsnavE

pihsnoitaler eht fo esnes a resu eht eviG eht hguorht dnuorg dna yks neewteb a sA .gnidliub eht fo ecneirepxe lausiv fo seires a ,gnidliub eht sretne nosrep eht ward serutcurts ssurt lanoitcerid a ot ey e e ht g n id ae l ,dr awp u tse re t n i e sp m i lg a g n ire f fo wod n iw yr ot s ere l c dna hcus secaps dednuorG .yks eht fo ,eciffo s’ reganam ,egnuol tolip eht a ni depolevne era moor gniniart dna detimil htiw erutcurts llehs etercnoc eht gnivig ,noitartenep thgil larutan .dnuorg eht ni gnieb fo gnileef ekil-evac

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