Kidz Konnekt Evaluation

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Kidz Konnekt Evaluation 2009 - 2014 | April 2014

Kidz Konnekt is a charity which provides services, support and opportunities for young people aged 8-25 in Redcar & Cleveland. This evaluation focuses on the impact of their 5 year lottery funded project to support 10-19 year olds in Greater Eston. This is the borough’s most deprived area, where levels of multiple deprivation, poor health, low education attainment and high levels of anti-social and risk taking behaviour can impact significantly on young people’s lives. The project received £406,397 from November 2009-November 2014. This evaluation reports outcomes to February 2014. In this time, Kidz Konnekt has had a dramatic impact.

Key achievements and outcomes Young people are involved in the design, development and delivery of services and activities. This helps them improve their own health, wellbeing and confidence, diverts them away from antisocial and risk taking behaviour and develops their skills and abilities. They are encouraged to take on leadership roles and responsibilities to make a difference to their own and other people’s lives. Kidz Konnekt has surpassed all of the outcomes that it was expected to achieve, by delivering targeted youth support and a mix of regular youth clubs, summer programmes, creative, arts and sports activities, drop in sessions, small group work, one to one support and detached street work.

569 “Kidz Konnekt is successful as young people are at the heart of everything it does and as a result are delivering quality services based on the needs and aspirations of young people themselves.” Hazel Morris, Cleveland Youth Association

Target : 150

young people have healthier lifestyles by engaging in sports and arts activities


young people have developed employment related skills

Target : 50


young people have been able to make positive decisions about not engaging in anti-social behaviour


young people have the ability and knowledge to influence strategic decisions

112 / 707

112 young people helped 707 peers to develop awareness of negative impacts of anti-social behaviour

Target : 150

Target : 75

Target : 15/ 250

How works How ititworks

Building the capacity of young people to develop, design and deliver activities and services

Supporting young people to influence policy and decision making

Kidz Konnekt puts young people at the heart of the service and takes an approach which involves providing expert youth work support to enable and empower young people to

Giving information and advice so they can make informed choices and improve their physical health and emotional well being

Supporting young people to develop a range of skills to support their academic or vocational choices and employability

Enabling young people to become Young Leaders and take on leadership roles and responsibilities

Helping young people develop personally, by building confidence through life enhancing experiences

get involved, influence decisions and take on roles and responsibilities.

“It’s difficult to make positive choices if you haven’t had positive experiences. Kidz Konnekt gives young people positive experiences to raise their confidence and

Issues Redcar & Cleveland has been affected by high levels of multiple deprivation for decades, but the area where Kidz Konnekt has focussed its activities is the most deprived in the borough. Living in this area significantly impacts on young people, who are classed by the local authority as being most at risk of poor outcomes. High levels of:

Low levels of:

ºº anti-social behaviour

ºº educational attainment

ºº children living in poverty (58-65%)

ºº confidence and self esteem

ºº under 18 conceptions (47 per 1000)

ºº training and employment opportunities

aspirations and enable

ºº under 18 hospital admissions for self-harm

them to make positive

ºº under 18 hospital admissions due to alcohol


ºº young people not in education, employment or training (24%)

Alan Lonsdale, Kidz Konnekt

ºº aspirations

ºº services for young people

ºº key benefit claimants (17%)


of partners think Kidz Konnekt delivers good quality services which have a positive impact on the lives of young people (online survey, March 2014)

Being involved with Kidz Konnekt dramatically impacts on young people’s lives and their prospects for a more positive future.

“It’s so good, I like it better than getting into trouble.” James, aged 12



Kidz Konnekt provides a wide range of leisure, cultural, health and well being activities. These are directed by the needs and aspirations of young people, who are involved in design and delivery. Activities are focussed on helping young people achieve positive outcomes:

Kidz Konnekt has achieved so much over the 5 years of the Lottery funded project and has genuinely changed young people’s lives and the communities it serves for the better. Some examples are:

ºº Weekly youth clubs ºº Sports, arts, performance based sessions and activities ºº Special projects – music, dance, art, film, fashion, horticulture ºº School holiday programmes ºº Small group work (issue based) ºº One to one support

ºº Informal drop-in sessions ºº Youth leadership programme ºº Young people’s annual talent show ºº Community improvement projects ºº Detached street work ºº Community consultation events ºº Supporting public sector consultations

There is a strong emphasis on developing skills and abilities and helping young people to develop leadership skills and vocational skills and qualifications to help them progress. Often, the young people apply these skills directly to developing and delivering activities, taking on a wide range of roles and responsibilities. ºº Young Leaders ºº Accredited training courses ºº Peer mentoring ºº Volunteering opportunities ºº Employability support

ºº Young Leaders acting as positive role models for

others and engaging in policy and decision making, e.g. getting involved in the debate on Child Poverty regionally and nationally, as well as influencing the local authority’s redesign of youth services.

ºº Young people providing peer mentoring to encourage others to get involved in positive activities and understand the repercussions of anti-social behaviour and risk taking ºº Young people working with community safety partners to develop and deliver successful annual Got Talent events, which divert young people from anti-social behaviour at a key time of year, generate excitement and promote positive images of young people ºº Young people getting involved in community projects, to enhance the local environment, such as working with artists to produce community art works and developing an allotment for community use


of young people said it was very important to be engaged in positive activities (online survey, March 2014)

High Quality Services

Good Value for Money

Targeted youth support

Looking to the future Young people and partners responding to an online survey in March 2014 overwhelmingly agreed that the current range of Kidz Konnekt services were needed in future and that the youth-centred approach and principles upon which it is based should continue. They agreed that outdoor education and alternative education should be developed, as well as further work in schools.

Strengths Kidz Konnekt is a highly valuable service and addresses gaps in provision for young people. Being involved with Kidz Konnekt dramatically impacts on young people’s lives and their prospects for a more positive future. ºº High quality services, well delivered ºº Very good value for money ºº Youth-centred and led approach ºº Tackling difficult issues through positive activity ºº Expanding experiences and raising aspirations ºº Enabling youth leadership, influence and skills ºº Embedded in the local community ºº Working with and valued by local partners ºº Universal services and targeted youth support ºº Strong board and youth work expertise ºº Informed by young people, partners, communities

In addition, Board members and young people interviewed for the evaluation felt that counselling services would complement the activities and provide greater support for young people to achieve positive outcomes. Providing a route for Young Leaders to progress to become Senior Young Leaders and help others coming through, is a priority, as is brokering or providing more accredited training, vocational and employability support and links to training, education and employment. There is a need for services to be provided for young people aged 8-25 and Kidz Konnekt has potential to deliver services to a much wider area. Organisational capacity, funding and sustainability are the key challenges for Kidz Konnekt to be able to continue and expand delivery and help more young people achieve positive outcomes.

Recommendations Continue to deliver existing

Strengthen existing and

Build on the range of

services and support for

develop new partnerships

activities and support

young people in Greater

to create more opportunities

provided and increase the

Eston, with the same youth

for young people around

geographic delivery area at

centred approach

priority issues

a manageable pace

Raise funding to maintain

Build organisational capacity to support sustainability

the service, but diversify

and increase impact of services, including management

income and plan for

and administration, youth workers, business development,

sustainability by exploring

communications and marketing, information

new business models

management and volunteer management

The evaluation was completed by Declan Baharini Consultancy on behalf of Kidz Konnekt (April 2014)

For more information about the project please contact Kidz Konnekt

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