Studio Earth Book

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A Place for Keeping Secrets Folio Studio Work by Nathaniel Foo Quan Sheng [804903] Liz Watt Tutorial 3

Contents 1.0 Three Relationships 1.1 Point Line Plane Research Concept Model 1.2 Mass Research Concept Model 1.3 Frame and Infill Research Concept Model

2.0 Herring Island: A Place For Keeping a Secret 2.1 Site Analysis 2.2 Conceptacle

3.0 Secrets Pavilion

1 2-3 4-5 6-9 10-11 12-13 14-17 18-19 20-21 22-25

26-27 28-29 30-33

3.1 Secret Precedents

34-35 36-39

3.2 Concept development


3.3 Final Design Drawings


3.4 Final Design Model


4.0 Reflection


5.0 Bibliography


1.0 Three Relationships Point Line Plane:

On Ground


Below Ground

Frame and Infill:

Above Ground

The three elements are the foundations of spaces being experienced on different ground levels through the exploration of their tectonic relationships


1.1 Point Line Plane On Ground

Lines Stacking to create a plane Lines moving in a spiral direction to create a curvy plane



Precedent: Stairway to heaven, Tsukuba University, Japan, Pintrest 4

Precedent: Harbin Opera House – China

1.1 Point Line Plane Research The Point, Line and Plane are the foundations to create complex architectural forms and design. The point being the first step of a design determines its coordination in a drawing before extending to create a linear form. This linear form will then branch out through different directions, connecting with one another in the end. This connection creates different forms of planes, thus creating basic to complex forms and spaces for functional purposes.

Precedents Precedent: Stairway to heaven, Tsukuba University, Japan, Pintrest Multiple lines combined and positioned in a progressive direction forms a spiral and curvy plane to be used as a stairway.

Precedent: Harbin Opera House – China, MAD Architects The wooden grains form the points of the staircase which later forms the lines and planes of the staircase. Here, the curvy plane of the staircase features as the attraction of the overall design.

Key takeaways from these precedents From these precedents, I wanted to explore on the idea of lines being stacked and moving in a circular like direction to create a spiral plane. This form would be a good deception for viewers to think its form is organic from a far where it is made out of linear components being stacked on one another to create this effect.


Sketch models


Point Line and Plane Final Model



Point Line and Plane Model From the ideas taken from my precedent . This model features a series of lines stacked in a circular direction to create an inclined curvy plane for people to walk up and down. The organic form warping around the stacked lines is used to create a contrast with the rigid structural form created by the lines stacking on top of one another in a spiral and to achieve a dynamic plane to enhance the concept of creating an organic form from the connection of lines .


1.2 Mass Below Ground

Compressed in a space Negative space Light movement within the subtracted space of the solid



Precedent: The Shrine of Remembrance, Melbourne James Wardrop & Phillip Hudson, own photo 12

Precedent: Trajan’s Market, Apollodorus of Damascus

1.2 Mass Research Mass represents the underground of a structure or form amongst the three tectonic relationships. Although it does not have to directly be underground, characteristics of mass such as a form being a solid or the idea of negative and positive space represents the idea of mass. In addition, mass is heavily defined by materiality as solid materials such as concrete, masonary and earth enhances the concept of mass.

Precedents Precedent: The Shrine of Remembrance, Melbourne The thick walls enclosing the structure features a dense solid, not providing any form of light to enter. The only light which enters the structure shows the only light matter in the space while the surrounding spaces gives a chilly and melancholy atmosphere.

Precedent: Trajan’s Market, Apollodorus of Damascus Apollodorus of Damascus’s work shows a sense of space carved out of a solid. These openings and provide light into the dark space inside the hill, giving out a contrast of light and dark matter (between the rocky ceiling and flooring). Trajan’s market also shows significance with the use of framing to create a an interior space through rock carving. Hence I find it interesting as this form of mass shows a distinct between the natural form of solid (the rocks) and also geometric wall structure constructed as dividers to provide space for movement and privacy within the market.

Key takeaways from these precedents Based on these precedents, I wanted to know the experience of being compressed in space, the concept of negative and positive space along with the idea of light movement within the subtracted space (negative space) of the solid.



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Sketch models


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Mass Final Drawing- Light as a guidance through mass From the ideas taken in my precedent. This sketch communicates the experience of being compressed in space along with the concept of negative space where space is being carved out from an existing solid to create a form of journey and movement from it. In this drawing, there are some perforations within the tunnel which allows lightto enter the tunnel. One who experiences the journey through this tunnel is then being guided by the lights. Hence, creating a sense of hope in the dark and compressed space.


1.3 Frame + Infill Above Ground

Variability and vaugness



Precedent: Black Cube House, Poland 20

1.3 Frame + Infill Research Frame and infill forms the over ground structure as it is lightweight in comparison with Mass. The frame forms the external primary structure while the infill forms the secondary structure filling the spaces in between the frame. It is often deemed as an anti-gravitational structure due to its lightweightness and dainty form.

Precedents Precedent: Black Cube House, Poland This structure shows the steel beams forming the frame while having a form of volume in the inside. The volume is represented by the wall structure which creates the interior space.

Precedent: GC Prostho Museum Research Center, Japan An example to show multiple tectonic structure to from a frame, creating a form of opening in the middle of the building.

Key takeaways from these precedents Based on these precedents, I explored on the variability and vaguness between the frame and its infill. In adition, I also explored the capabilities and form of a frame when it is stacked on top of one another while having the infill randomly placed within the frame. This creates a sense of vaguness its primary strucuture’s form.

Precedent: GC Prostho Museum Research Center, Japan 21

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Sketch Designs


Frame + Infill Initial Model Initial model concept before further amendments were made.

Frame + Infill Final Render Model Perspective View


Frame + Infill Final Rendered Model Based on the precedents, I wanted to explore and develop the idea that the infill is sitting within the frame. This creates a sense of vagueness between the roles of the frame and infill as a primary and secondary structure respectively. In this finalised model, the infil is created out of several planes with a variation of patterns. Hence, this creates a form of variability to the overall form. Repetition is also used to enhance the idea of stacking for the frames as this creates volume to the structure.

Frame + Infill Final Render Model Side View

Frame + Infill Final Render Model Top View

Components 25


2.0 Herring Island: A Place For Keeping a Secret


2.1 Site Analysis The location for my design, Herring Island is a small man made island located quite a distance away from Melbourne’s Central Business District. This island contains dense vegetation along with art sculptures which are placed around the island. As I was exploring the entire island, I realised that its serenity and isolation could serve as a good site to take a break from the hustle and bustle from the city. In addition, its location which is located away from the city could also be a place where people could relax and rest.

The site chosen for my design is in a small valley located on the north western part of the island. This site is the only valley on the island hence making the site unique. While entering the island from the north landing, one is inclined to descend down the slope and into the valley to view one of the sculptures, Cairns sitting there. This feeling of descending down into the valley promotes a sense of curiosity to explore the site. While descending, one is able to experience a transition from an open space into an enclosure surrounded with dense trees and shrubs. Hence, achieving the concept and feeling of being enclosed in a space studied in my Mass design. Topography The site chosen also provided my design a form of camouflage to enhance the idea of knowing something is there but not knowing what it is. Thus, suitable for a secret to be kept.


9m Chosen Site Sculpture





Open Space

Vegetation and Acoustics

Proposed development site


2.2 Conceptacle



Conceptacle Initial Model

2.2 Conceptacle For my conceptacle, I selectively combined several concepts and ideas from my Point Line Plane, mass and Frame + Infill excercises to create a new form and composition. One of the main concepts I was experimenting on was the idea of stacking lines horizontally and vertically to create a dynamic plane and structure. Hence, I expanded this idea from my Point Line Plane exercise while adding in the ideas of repetition taken from my Frame + Infill exercise. The pictures on the left were initial model designs for my conceptacle. It contains multiple balsa sticks combined and stacked in the spiral direction creating a DNA- like component to show its dynamic and organic form. I created these DNA- like components individually in order for me to stack and customise their arrangement to achieve the final form to my preference. After a few different combinations of forms and experimentation, I came up with this form which achived the idea of a dynamic plane out of stacking geometric lines in a spiral direction. The dynamic curvy form made out of paper enhance the idea of fluidity and was formed as the connection between the DNA- like components.

Further Development As the initial model was seen to be very flimsy and dainty as a whole, I added in some clay to add mass to the conceptacle. While getting rid of the base for the conceptacle, I added the clay as the mass to hold the entire model in place, hence eliminating its flimsy form. Thus it started to show the contrast between heavyweightness and lightweightness of the entire structure.


Precedent: Line Plane Void - Seda Ă–znal, Pintrest

Conceptacle Developed Model


3.0 Secrets Pavilion To know the existance of a secret but knowing what the secret is



Precedent: Gijs Van Vaerenbergh Labyrinth of Boolean Voids- 2015 36

3.1 Secret Precedents

Precedent: Gijs Van Vaerenbergh Labyrinth of Boolean Voids- 2015 Gijs Van Vaerenbergh’s labyrinth features the core idea of a structure to keep secrets. From the concept of a labyrinth, one is able to move around the design not knowing what the context of the secret is, hence giving a form of inquisitiveness to the individual towards the form of the architecture.

Precedent: Light Grain- Yoshiaki Yamashita Architects and Associates- 2016 This design gave an insight of the play of light that adds interest to the attractiveness of the site and structure to hold an appealing secret area that people might want to explore and admire the structure.

Precedent: Light Grain- Yoshiaki Yamashita Architects and Associates- 2016 37

Precedent: Richard Serra- Sequence- 2006 38

Precedent: Richard Serra- Sequence- 2006 A good idea by Richard Serra to promote the feeling of eagerness and curioisity to a structure and site. This feeling drives an individual to circulate around the structure while the curvyness of the structure provides vaguness to the pirvate spaces within the structure.


3.2: Design Development Secrets Approaching the topic of secrets along with collecting precedents for this topic, I wanted to explore the concept of one knowing an existance of a secret without knowing what the context of the secret is. This idea generally led me to develop the subconsciousness of curioisity and eagerness in knowing what that secret is. Elements of vaguness were also suggested to be used as a form of attraction to spark the viewers’ interest. Hence, the landform of the site chosen for my design was perfect to create vaguness along creating a sense of curiosity to the viewers as it slopes down towards the valley, bringing the viewers from an open area to an enclosed area surrounded by dense trees and bushes. The location of the Cairns sculpture was also an attraction to the viewers thus I decided that the sculpture would be the main attraction to the viewers while having the landform of the site to enhance their eagerness and curiosity to view the sculpture.


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Conceptual Diagram


3.2: Design Development Conceptacle

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After presenting my conceptacle, I found that the dynamic structure created in my conceptacle was through the use of geometric elements. Hence, I created the theme of “Fluidity through the use of geometric elements� taken from the overall design and form of my conceptacle. This theme was further developed from the initial idea of line stacking to these curvy and dynamic planes. Fluidity promotes the concept of movement which is a crucial element for an individual filled with curiosity in order to know the contents of a secret. Hence, having the idea of stacking lines in a spiral direction as the start then progressing to a planar structure promoted the sense of progression from an open space to an enclosed space.


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Scanned by CamScanner The Mass which acted as a solid to anchor my entire conceptacle was further developed into spaces for the male, female, disabled toilet, cleaner’s cubicle, technical room, small store and locakable store as required in the brief.


3.3 Final Design Drawings My final design revolved around the subconciousness of wanting to know the context of the secret. Hence, going with the theme of “Fluidity with the use of geometric elements” to design the pavilion created an element of interest which would attract the viewers. These geometric elements are created out of the idea of stacking of lines to create the curvy planes. The curvy strips were substituted with triangular concrete slabs to show movement and fluidity through the planar surface while representing a densed and enclosed area. This provides contrast to the open area formed by the stacked wooden frames when one enters into the pavilion. The combination of stacked wooden frames and concrete mass provides a certain form of camouflage within the site yet revealing some parts of the structure to draw the viewers attention when they are entering the island. The unique form of the pavilion also contains the Cairns Sculpture which beholds the secret that the viewers desire to know. Upon descending to view the landform, one developes curioisity and eagerness as they progress down to the pavilion, thus creating an interest to the pavilion’s form and sculpture in which it contains.

Perspective Site View 44

N 45


Aa Underground Floor Plan 1 :100


x 7




2 1 3




1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Ground Floor Plan 1 :100 Disabled Toilet Male Toilet Female Toilet Lockable Store Small Store Cleaner’s Cubicle Technical Room for Recording/ Display

X. Cairns Sculpture Y. Shelter and Walkable Space



Section AA, Scale 1: 100 48

South Section, Scale 1: 100 49

East Elevation, Scale 1: 100 50

North Elevation, Scale 1: 100 51

Experiential Perspective 52



Experiential Perspective 55

Experiential Perspective 56


3.4 Final Design Model






4.0 Reflection Architectural Studio Earth being my first architectural studio has been exciting yet challenging in certain parts. I found that I could generate alot of ideas during the “Three Relationships� exercise. These designs were not limited or bound by any specifications and requirements in the brief as compared to the final design which enabled me to design expressively. Through research and experimentation on concept models and drawings during the entire course, I began to understand multiple concepts and how they were related to one another. These exercises helped me greatly when I was designing the final design as I was able to applied the concepts and skills into my final product. Feedbacks given by my tutor and critics also helped me tremendously in improving on my pavilion’s design. Although my initial design was overfilled with various ideas which led me to a design block, my tutor, friends and guest critics guided me in narrowing down the key ideas to focus on for the finalised design of my pavilion. Hence, I found that I needed to select and focus on the key ideas and themes to work on a design in order for my design to progress. I also realised that I did not keep a full and detailed record of my design process which weakened my communication in communicating how a certain idea or concept was developed. Therefore, the need for more diagrams and handsketches of design drafts are required for future projects. Lastly, throughout this studio I was able to explore and try on different 3D modelling and rendering softwares to achieve the finalised form and design. This was extremely helpful in communicating my overall design to the critics and tutor. In conclusion, I have learnt a great deal in designing in this studio and it has enabled me to improve in my designing skills needed in the future.



5.0 Bibiliography “Apollodorus Of Damascus | Clio’S Calendar: Daily Musings On Architectural History”. N.p., 2016. Web. 18 Mar. 2017. Ano, Daici. GC PROSTHO MUSEUM RESEARCH CENTER. KASUGAI-SHI, JAPAN. 2016. Web. 4 Apr. 2017. Dujardin, Filip. Gijs Van Vaerenbergh Install A Labyrinth Of Boolean Voids In Genk. 2015. Web. 2 May 2017. Hofton + Crow. The Sculpted Wood Staircase Leading To The Grand Theater. 2015. Web. 5 Mar. 2017. Kienzle, Lorenz. Sequence. 2006. Web. 2 May 2017. Kristiana Ballescas, Aiko. Stairway To Heaven- Tsukuba University, Japan. 2009. Web. 5 Mar. 2017. Teicu, Ada. “Black Cube House In Poland Tailored For A Modern Family Life - Freshome.Com”. N.p., 2017. Web. 4 Apr. 2017. Tomita, Eiji. Light Grain House By Yoshiaki Yamashita Includes A Perforated Steel Façade. 2016. Web. 2 May 2017. Shrine of Remembrance – Own Photo, 2016


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