Momentum Systems: Learn How HACCP Software System Can Help Your Food Business!
Quality and safety are two most important things in any food related business whether it is procurement, manufacturing or distribution. As is often seen, food companies rely on dated programs, manual effort and paper-bound processes for managing their food quality standards. The problem with these processes is that a single slip or error can lead to severe consequences that could range from wastage of food and resources to as serious as poor quality and substandard food production. What could follow are legal action for violation, public criticism and marred brand reputation. The recommended way to avoid these problems as best as possible is by implementing a food safety management software system. Food safety management software automates the process of identifying any risks and
hazards posing danger to the food and ensuring that the food is prepared as per the quality and hygiene guidelines. A popular and highly preferred food safety management system is HACCP system. HACCP works on clearly defined principles which are:
Analysis of biological, physical or chemical hazards. This involves hazard identification and evaluation.
Identifying and setting up critical control points.
Set up critical limits.
Outline necessary processes and procedures to monitor food operations.
Define corrective actions in cases of deviations and non-compliance.
Define verification procedures to ensure that the HACCP software system is working properly for hazard control and prevention.
Establish procedures for record keeping and documentation.
HACCP management software system can be applied to any stage of food handling. It enforces a standardized way to ensure food safety at all stages. For successful implementation of HACCP management system, it is extremely important for the company management to show commitment to HACCP approach. It is also necessary to train and educate company employees regarding the significance of HACCP. Implementing a HACCP management software will make adherence to HACCP approach a lot easier which in turn will go miles in demonstrating your dedication to food quality and safety to your customers and winning customer loyalty and confidence. It will be easier to comply effectively with necessary regulations and you can compete in the market as a food brand that is highly committed to superior food quality and safety. Source: