While consuming a well-rounded diet of natural whole foods is best to get the vitamins and minerals you require, you might not be getting everything your body needs. Depending on your age, sex, and health conditions, you may benefit from a little more of a certain vitamin or mineral. Here is a quick guide to the most essential nutrients you should be incorporating into your daily diet. Vitamin A On your plate, you’ll find vitamin A in dairy products as well as yellow or orange-hued natural produce. Vitamin A is great for keeping your eyes, heart, lungs, and kidneys healthy. It keeps bones and teeth strong and protects you from free radical damage in the form of pollution or poor dietary choices. For women, the recommended daily allowance (RDA) is 700 mcg while for men, it’s 900 mcg. Vitamins B In the B-vitamin complex, there are 8 different vitamins, each with their own RDA. The majority of people don’t get enough of these vitamins and to make sure you do, you should choose whole grains, animal proteins, and green leafy vegetables. Some pastas and cereals are often fortified with it to help balance out your body. Though the more natural foods you eat, the better off you’ll be when getting those B vitamins. Vitamin C Vitamin C is widely known for building immunity (imperative in our current Covid climate). However, it is actually essential for so much more. As well as keeping energy levels high and helping you to stay alert, vit C is also a vital cofactor in the production of collagen, leading to glowing skin. Vitamin C is one of the most potent antioxidants, allowing your body to fight disease and inflammation.
Contrary to popular belief, oranges are not the best natural source of vitamin C. Better sources include kale, broccoli, red cabbage, peppers and brussel sprouts. If you eat enough fruits and vegetables you should get some vitamin C, however, like any vitamin, a supplement can help you achieve the recommended daily amount of 70-90mg (120mg for smokers).
Vitamin D One thing about vitamin D that most people don’t realise is that it needs to be activated by UV light. Safe sun exposure in healthy doses along with plenty of SPF products can help you get it naturally. Vitamin D is so much more than a mood booster. It’s essential for calcium absorption, so not getting enough of it can result in weakened bones. It’s also the main source of fuel for white blood cells, which are required to fight pathogens and prevent illness and can support healthy blood sugar levels, preventing diabetes. Unless you live in the tropics or religiously take a supplement, chances are you are not getting enough vitamin D. When you’re spending too much time indoors, you should opt for fatty fish or drink milk. If you’re not into either of those, a vitamin D supplement might be right for you. Vitamin E Vitamin E helps your essential organs function. It also works best when you consume vitamin C with it. To get more vitamin E naturally, make salads of spinach or toss some leaves into your morning smoothie. You’ll also find it in avocados, seeds, and nuts. Vitamin K One of the most important vitamins you might be missing out on is vitamin K. If you eat more leafy greens, you’ll get it, especially in parsley, which contains enough in small amounts to more than fulfil your RDA. It helps your blood clot properly, strengthens bones, and keeps your heart healthy. Don’t Forget Minerals! You need calcium for healthy bones and teeth, so if cheese, milk, and yogurt aren’t your thing, choose spinach, tofu, or soy. Iron moves oxygen throughout your body and when you are deficient, can weaken your immune system. It’s found in red meat though those on plant-based diets can enjoy more leafy green veggies and legumes instead. Magnesium is essential for maintaining nerve and muscle function, in addition to healthy bones and teeth. Magnesium helps to decrease anxiety and stress and allows you to sleep better.