born September 4, 1997 from Castro Valley, California Bay Area Native loves eating, sleeping, basketball, and soccer enjoys spontaneous things and cloudy days aspires to be a better man every single day 3
c o n t e n t s contents Gamespace - 6 Interpolated Void - 22 Port San Luis Harbor - 34 Downtown San Luis Obispo - 56 Reflection - 60
Preliminary Models
Final Model
When starting off this project, I thought it was awesome that we were doing a project based off of video games because growing up, video games were a large part of my childhood. When first creating the diagrams for a specific video game, I struggled with making a simpler diagram while getting my point accross. In my first diagrams, I drew my diagrams exactly as the picture showed, making the diagrams more literal than interpretational. After getting the hang of it and making more diagrams, I learned how to add different concepts into my diagrams to give it more of a meaning and to add an effect to it. For example, I learned how to add lines, dots, or even shades to give off an effect of frequency, movement, area, and other different concepts. I liked combining all the diffferent elements into one piece because we were taking little bits of many different ideas and making it into our own work. I enjoyed being able to focus on one element because it allowed me to show the complexity of the video game in one specific part. From this project, I learned how to emphasize the main points of a piece of work, and to make it show off a certain point to give a broader understanding of what I want to explain.
GameSpace Reflection
9 Photos
9 Partis
3-Dimensional Interpolated Void
Interpolated Void Reflection While making this project, I learned a lot about how to make abstract details out of simple lines. I really enjoyed working on this project because it allowed me to be creative with my mind and do things that I wanted to do. It was kind of like expressing myself through the artwork. In the beginning, I had trouble making my composition because I did not know what to make, but after letting my creative mind do the building, it was easier to make something in a way that expresses the type of work that I wanted to show. The effect of adding in light pushed me to make something that had potential to reflect a shadow, and I started adding in more holes for the light to shine through. I’m glad I was able to come up with something that was not too far off from the main idea but able to express some ideas from the original pictures.
As - Built West Elevation [1/4” = 1’]
As - Built East Elevation [1/4” = 1’]
As - Built Oblique [1/4” = 1’]
Study Model #1 47
Study Model #2
Designed Section Elevation [1/4” = 1’]
Final Basswood Model
Pier Project Reflection When I first heard we were going to the pier, I didn’t know what to expect. What could we possibly be doing at a pier? Being put in a group of three really challenged me to work harder and to put more thought into the things I did. Though we were shorthanded, being in a group of three also gave me more of a say in how I wanted the project to look like and how I would like it to be designed. The group project taught me to accept other people’s ideas and incorporate it into combination of both ideas, which was a main factor in making this project work. Communication was key. We all knew our roles and what we had to do to get the job done. I enjoyed designing new pieces and adding new parts of the pier because it really tested my creative mind in trying to design something that can realistically be used and has a purpose to people. It helped me focus on the main points and pushed me to be unique in a way that no other group was. Even though we only had 3 people, I’m happy with the way our pier turned out, and I wouldn’t have it any other way
Group 12: Nathan Mok, Garrett Peterson, Ethan Scofield
Reflection Th e s t o r i e s I h e a r d f r o m o t h ers w h en I firs t dec ided t o come to Ca l Po l y f o r A r ch i t e ct u r e w e re t errifying . Th e c o unt les s h o urs, the sleepl e ss nigh t s , an d t h e a l l - nig ht ers g ave o ff a s ens e o f fear to me, b ut a c h a l l e ng e t h a t I w a s w i l ling t o ac c ept . I t t urned o ut t o be one of the b e s t d e ci s i o n s I m a d e i n my yo ung life. Thro ug ho ut t h e fir st p r ojects, I st r uggl e d . I w a n t e d t o m ak e s o met h ing appealing t o mys elf a nd f or othe rs , wh il e a l s o s t ay i n g w i thin t he g uidelines and bo undaries set b y p a st p ro j e c t s. W h e n I o p e n e d up my t h o ug h t s and let my ideas ta ke contr ol, t h e p r o j ect s b e ca m e e as i er as t ime w ent o n. No t o nly did the p r ojects b e c o m e l e s s d i f f i cu l t , b ut t h ey alm o s t bec ame m o re fun to wor k on, a nd e ve r y h ou r i n t h e s t u dio w as o ne t h at I enjo yed. Th e p r oject tha t r e a l l y a l low e d m e t o r e l e as e m y im ag inat io n w as I nt erpo la ted Voi d b eca use it a l l o w e d m e t o b e abs t rac t and c reat e w hat ever I wa nted to. My f ir st q uar t e r i n col l e g e was a very different ex perienc e from a nythi ng I’ ve e ve r h ad b e f or e , b u t very eyeo pening t o t he w o nders of a r chi tectu re a nd a s t e p p i i n g s t on e t o w h at I as pire t o be. I ’ m lo o k i ng f or wa r d to l e a r n i n g m or e an d c reat ing new ideas fo r nex t qua r ter .