Instilling hope in the destitute needed to improve their life national ngo

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Instilling Hope In The Destitute Needed To Improve Their Life-National NGO There is a need to instill a hope for a brighter future is needed in the lives of the children who come to the shelter homes. The children who are brought to the organizations like the National NGO are in a very devastated state. They have lost all hope of living and most of them may be even suicidal. The will to live may be lost and may be just holding on and surviving. Their mental state is too weak to understand anything that is going on around them. They would have suffered so much in their short span of life that it is beyond their capacity to bear anything more.

When a person especially a child in such a state it is all the more difficult to instill a hope for a bright future. For them everything is bleak and show no interest even in the day to day things they are told to do. They do so mechanically and not out of interest. It is here the role of counsellors and volunteers that can make the difference. Hope for living and succeeding has to be

drummed into their minds gradually so that they start taking interest in what they are doing and also will contribute to what is done around them say the volunteers at National NGO. When they are appreciated for their work and their contribution they will have more confidence and more interest will be created in such children who have lost all hope. A picture or a bright future needs to be drawn in front of them and they need to be asked to dream about and try to fulfil this dream. When this kind of thought is implanted into their minds the children will start doing things not mechanically but out of interest. The work they do then will not be shoddy but will be of good quality. so only when an interest to live and achieve something in life is kindled they will work not only for their betterment but also for others. This will lead them to learn new things and an enthusiasm to live for others will be born and they will be able to contribute to the society concretely.

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