Prepare children for the future national ngo

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Prepare Children for The Future - National NGO Festivals and special days make children very happy and they look forward to the arrival of these days with a lot of fervor. This is because on these days they get to eat some special kinds of food made only on such occasions and also they get to wear new clothes. This is the case of the ordinary homes but do children at the shelter homes avail such treatments. Yes why not. Some philanthropists and good hearted people visit the shelter homes like national ngo in Delhi to contribute their bit to make the festival days really special for these destitute children.

Most would not have witnessed any family life or may not be aware of any festivities back home. It is during such times that children learn about the culture and customs prevailing in their community. Why the destitute should be deprived of such learning? Why not introduce them to these culture and traditions feel some philanthropists. The executives who run the ngo also feel the same. It on these days the children will feel belonged also as they are given some kind of special treatment. Such conduct on the part of the people at the helm of the ngo not only gives the inmates an insight into the traditions but also prepares them to mingle with the society that they are going to join in a few years time. The National NGO also makes it a point to celebrate some festivals where all the inmates can mingle with each other enjoy themselves. This way they learn to share and enjoy the company of the others. This teaches them some social skills which will be needed by them when they grow up and join the mainstream society.

If such skills are not taught since their childhood or teenage they may not be able to imbibe them when they grow up and may feel like aliens when they have to join the society in the forthcoming years. It is an endeavor from the side of the National NGO to prepare them well for the imminent future of these destitute children.

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