. . .to Preserve the collect.Ive
memory of the Maltese nation through
the Protection and accessibility
of all public archives . . .
Charles Farrug.Ia
ln November 1999 the National
Archives issued the first newsletter aimed at informing the public on the
fu inissi;h and activi:es o;this national institution. Following the reform of
• 2005, we are presenting you with . arevamped layoutin linewith our rebranding policy. The publication will reach you on a quarterly basis.
A lot has happened from our last issue. The Archives Council
is now functioning effectively and the new corporate image of the National Archives is now in place. Several internal
changes are taking place in the administrative structure of the National Archives.
This year was also characterized with rapid progress in the
educational aspect of archives and records management. We now have diploma and degree courses in archives and records
management offered locally. \^le are now in the process of formulating more training opportunities.
The next challenge is the implementation of the records
management provisions set out in the Archives Act. We cannot preserve the memory of the Maltese Nation without an effective records management system throughout the Public Service.
The National Archivist, Mr Charles Famugia, gave a
detailed tour of the premises explaining the history
of the National Archives and his vision for the future. Dr Gonzi visited an exhibrfuon \which grve an overview
of the work carried out at the archives. During this visit there was the presentation of the Linguamine Project, consisting of the digitisaton of the Consolato del rvlare documents.
Prime Minister Dr Lawrence Gonzi praised the work of the National AIchives which he called `a watchdog
against national amnesia'. He was presented with an album of historical photos from the holdings of the APS donated funds to the Notional Archives fior the
_' ,..c:rc held v.I:.'vi ';'i` irances
National Archives and which are currently being
Bonnici. President of the Maltese
catalogued and digitised as part of the National Picture
Archive. The logo of this phase of the project and
Ncitional Picture Archive
Historical Association of victoria in
Mr AIfred Trigonzo cind
Australia about future collaboration
Mr Kevin Casha during
with the Natjonc]I Archives 20th June
the event
which was designed by rvlr joe Smith was launched.
We thank Mr Smith for his generosity.
The layout of the National Archives Newsletter has
been revamped. The newsletter, which gives an insight into the work of the national institution
HSBC Regionc]l Mc]nger RIchard Merciecc] c]nd Rabat Brc]nch Manger Doreen Scott shown
c]round the Archives followlng the sponsorship Presentation . Press Conference by Minister Louis Galec] cinnounclng the Nationc]I Archives Council 29th Mc]y 2006 . Don Fc]ustino
responsible for the upkeep of unique documents that make up Malta's national memory, will be issued on a quarterly basis. The National Archives would like
Avclgliano c]nd the Nc]tionol Archivist during lclst yeor`s Publlc lecture 28th October 2005 • The Hon. Prime Minlster signing the Visitor's book during his official visit to the Nc]tional
to thank HSBC Bank for the sponsorship of this
Archlves 30th March 2006 . The audience c]t the cinnuc]I I)ublic lecture
THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES LOGO C O M P E T I T I O N In May the National Archives launched a competition whereby participants were invited to create a logo which reflects the identity of the archives, as a newly established agency. The winning entry will be awarded a certificate of Merit and a cash prize of loo euros. The new logo will be featured in all National Archives of Malta material, including its website, newsletter and letterheads.
LOGO DESCRIPTION The main elements of the logo include a cross section of a hard bound archive volume touching a semicircle representing various data storage devices. Above
the hard bound cover is a representation of a page the integral part of the archive. The page has motion so as to dipict archival activity, The text: "National Archives"
and "Malta" enclose the whole motif, thus conveying that these valuable records
are being well preserved. The red and black pigments on a white background, clearly identify the Maltese national character.
GODWIN B0RG works as a Principal Officer at the Department of Corporate Services within the rvlinistry for the Family and Social Solidarity. He is also a self
taught graphic designer and has been commissioned with various design projects since 1985 by various companies, printing presses, agencies as well as government
departments and ministries. One of Mr. Borg's recent challenges was to compile
and design a set of handbooks together with other artworks for the CHOGM 2005, He formed part of the Task Force for this international conference.
ih our reading rooms The National Archives is making available a
"I love quiet and peaceful surroundings where one can ponder on what really
microfilm reader at Santo Spirito and another
matters in life . . . art, love and God, I detest both materialism and egoism. Winning
at the Banca Giuratale section, for the use of
the Malta Archives Logo Competition may bring me in touch with the realms of preserved information, an environment which enchanted me since childhood." rvlr. Borg is married to rvlarthese nee Mifsud and has a son, rvlatthew.
researchers who borrow reels from other repositories, where microfilm readers are not available. The holdings at the National Archives
are either not microf lined, or directly available
In August the winner of the National Archives Logo competition was selected. The winning entry by Mr Godwin Borg can be seen on the front page of this newsletter.
in digital format. This service is being offered
at a nominal fee as it is an extra service for microfilms on loan from other archives. Booking to use the service is advisable.
NEWS FROM OuR LEGAL DOCUMENTATION REPOSITORY (AT THE BANCA GluRATALE) Work continued on the records at our legal documentation centre in Mdina. This year we focused on the reboxing, cleaning and listing of a considerable number of volumes. A one week practicum was organised by Ms Evelyn Pullicino, a history teacher at the
Giovanni Curmi Higher secondary. A group of students performed a number of archival tasks such as cleaning of records, re boxing and inventory collation. We thank Ms Pullicino and headmaster Mr Horace Caruana for giving us this opportunity to collaborate with their school.
Wednesday 2.00 pin to 6.00 pin (from o/ October to 3` MayJ Saturday 7.30 am to I.00 pin Closed Sundays and Public Holidays
RECORDS MANAGEMENT A prerequisite for an effective National Archives is an efficient
® arranging the material to be transferred to the National
records management system in government departments and
Archives according to archival best practice agreed with
entities. This has to apply to both electronic and traditional paper
the National Archivist;
(h) providing forthe safe transfer of records to be preserved The National Archives Act puts obligations on heads of departments
at the National Archives.
for the proper up keep of records. One of these is the provision to appoint records officers in departments. The Archives act
At the moment the National Archivist is in discussions with a
stipulates the following:
number of departments and entity including the Agriculture
Department, Customs, the National Statistics Authorit)/, the Manoel Theatre, and some embassies overseas who will serve as case
studies for the change over to the new system.
ARTICLE 16 (I) There shall be in every public office a Records officer or Officers. It shall be the duty of every head of public office
to send a yearly return to the National Archivist with details
of the Records Officer and other details about the upkeep of records in their public office as may be required by the
What are Public records?
National Archivist.
The National Archives Act lists all Government bodies and (2) Records Officers shall be responsible for creating and maintaining adequate documentation of the functions and activities of their respective public offices through the establishment of good records keeping practices, including:
departments that are duty bound to deposit their records at the National Archives (Schedule). The documents produced by these entities form the collective memory of the Maltese nation and it is the duty of the National Archives to preserve these documents and make them accessible to the general public.
(cJ) creating and managing current records within appro Are all government departments obliged to abide by the National
priate filing and registry systems;
Archives Act?
(b) drafting with the National Archivist retendon and disposal schedules relating to records specific to each public
Yes, all government departments and entities are obliged to abide
by the Act. Furthermore, the National Archives are empowered "`
office: T'
Provided that such schedules shall only come into effect when
with powers of inspecting the recordkeeping practices within public offices.
approved and signed by the National Archivist, and in the case of
records containing personal data, also after consultation with the
Does it mec]n we have to preserve every plece Of Paper or email?
Commissioner for Data Protection; The National Archivist may certify that particular departmental (c) implementing retention and disposal schedules issued
records which are more than thirty years old do not warrant transfer to the National Archives for preservation, and any records
in accordance with article 6;
so certified shall be retained in the appropriate public office or
(d) providing access to the National AIchives for inspections of records in accordance with article 6; (e) informing the National Archivist as soon as it is known that a function or functions of the pubic office will be
transferred to another public office or organisation, or that an activity carried on by the public office or an activity of some other body connected with its work is to be wound up;
disposed of, subject to the granting of an authorisation under article 6 of the National Archives Act.
lt is estimated that National Archives worldwide select circa 2
5°/o from all public records for permanent preservation due to
twar eridur"fE;veulIvf3. i I+ / /r.
what is the thlrty year rule? n Public records in the National Archives, or in any other archival
in preparing, and providing the National Archives with, lists of records to be transferred to the Archives for
permanent preservation in accordance with guidelines issued by the National Archivist;
ELfl Lt+,,:J;,S
reposltoryunderthecontroloftheNationalArchivlst,shallbe/y///. available for public inspection after the expiration of a period of
thirty years from their creation.
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Dowitlonofholldoytrael joumals by the sister Of the late Dr. E. Aglus ( I 9 April 06)
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Joe W. Izzo I was appointed Chairperson of the National Archives Council by the Hon. Minister of Education, Youth and
Employment, on the 29th rvlay, 2006. My initial reaction to the Minister's invitation was one of surprise, considering my Public Service background is in
when Dr Galea explained and defined the challenges
On 29th rvlay 2006 the Hon, Minister Dr Louis Galea announced
facing the Council, especially with regards to the man
administration and people management. However,
the new National Archives Council, set up in conformity with
agement of public records and the resourcing of the
the National Archives Act (2005). The Council has the following
Archives administrative setup, I accepted to contribute
in the knowledge that my experience in the Public Service
will be put to good use.
(a) promote the National Archives and other record keeping entities;
(b) ensure and facilitate the collaboration between the different stakeholders with direct or indirect responsibility
for the protection and management of the archives sector; (c) advise the Minister on the management of archives in
It is, therefore, with pleasure and honor that I accepted
to form part of a team of dedicated persons, all experts in varied fields. \^/e are embarking on an arduous but
onerous task and I believe that in drawing on our diverse
expertise and competencies we will accomplish the task
that has been set before us.
(d) draw the attention of the Minister or of any organisation or person responsible for archives to any urgent action
that may be considered necessary for the better management of archives and records; (e) advise the Minister on any matter arising from the
provisions of this Act and on any other matter referred to it by the Minister.
The rlch archivc]I holdings we hc]ve ln Malta c]re c]n
c]ttrc]ction to foreign scholars who need to consult
them. It is our intention to give space to these scholars to shc]re their filndings with the general Public. We c]re stcirfing with Ms Veronico Viktorio Toth who is a
The Council shall also biannually convene a National Forum
Hungcirian scholclr working on the lifie of Cardinal
about the archives to discuss the state of the archives generally
Kollonich who was a Knight of the Order of St John.
after receiving a relative report to be drawn up by the Council.
She hc]s just spent three weeks here researching
There shall be invited to attend at such Forum, among
mc]inly in the Arch.Ives of the Order. What follows
others, Departments and other Government entities, Mayors
is her account of the main folndings:
of Local Councils, owners of private archives and their archivists,
"Leopold Carl von Kollonich de Kollegrad ( I 63 I I 707) was born
nongovernmental organisations having an interest in the maintenance and safeguarding of archives and public records, the university of rvlalta, other education institutions, specialists,
consultants, representatives of the commerclal sector, persons
who make use of the archives, and any such other party showing
into c] noble fc]mily that escaf>ed Coratja in the I 5th century from
before the OttomanTurkjsh ottclcks and settled down in Austria.
At the end of the 16th century they were admitted to Austric]n nobility (Herrenstand) c]nd got Hungarian notjorality (indigenatus).
Leopold himself was born in Hungary. He followed the family
to the Council in writing that it has an interest therein. The
trcldition of folghting c]gc]inst the Ottomans by joining to the Order
Forum procedures shall be published and sent to the Minister,
of Molto 27th Af)ril I 650 in Bohem.Ia. He arrived clt the islc]nd
in the second half of 1653 cind tcok Part in the battle of Candic].
The Council shall give public notice one month in advance of
Owing to his heroism in the bottle of Dardc]nelles ( 1656) he was
the meeting of the Forum which shall be chaired by the
mc]de the castellanus Of vc]lletta, Vittoriosa c]nd Senglea for c]bout
President who is to be appointed by the Council.
three years. In I 660 he returned to the Hc]bsburg Empire. After he hc]d been ordc]ined his cometlike ccireer begc]n c]nd he soon
The council has advisory and nonexecutive powers and its main
tasks include the promotion of the archives, encouraging collaboration between archives, and advise the rvlinister on archival issues. Mrjoe \^/. Izzo has been appointed chairperson
of the Council. The other members are Nathaniel Cutajar, Dr
becc]me one of the most influent stc]tesmcin and cleric Person in Hungciry. His life~Iong pride of his knighthood cc]n be trciced in his
letter from I 690 to the Consiglio concerning the Orders fleet c]nd his effiorts to restore the OrderJs office in Hungciry that wc]s wound uP c. 1538. Due to his controversic]I Personality, actions c]nd his
Mario Tabone, Philip Borg, Anthony j Vella, rvlgr Gwann Azzopardi,
fierce willPower, he was fec]red c]nd hclted by his contemporc]ries therefore neglected by historians for 300 yec]rs. Hls only one
Dr Lillian Sciberras, Max Farrugia and john Cremona.
biogrc]Phy was wrltten by jospeh Maurer in 1887.
NATIONAL ARCHIVES On 30th March, during a visit to the National Archives by the Hon Dr Lawrence Gonzi, President Mr rvlax Farrugia presented a donation by Friends of the National
Archives of Lm5,500. These funds came from the Vodafone Malta Foundation and
other fundraising carried out by the organisation. The funds went towards the
Friends President Max Farrugia donc]tlng a
purchase of showcases, counter and exhibition boards at the Banca Giuratale, as
cheque sponsoring the new uniforms for the
part of the National Portrait Archive. Part of the donation will be used for the
archives staff
purchase of a planetary scanner for the National Archives.
The Friends Committee made arrangements for the presentation of the private papers of Mr Anthony Valletta. The collection of Lepidoptera came through the initiative of the Friends Committee, in particular the secretary, Mr Steve Borg, who selected the material and is cataloguing the collection.
The organisation held a number of committee meetings, the Annual General Meeting, and also submitted a proposal for funding for a digitisation project. Apart
from this, the organization is one of the partners in the ongoing Leonardo Project.
The fllrst group of students studying archival
science at the university of Molto. Also in I)icture Dr Ljllion Sciberras who retired from her Post as Director Of the Division Of Hbrc]ry and lrformc]tjon
Studies. We thank her for fourteen years Of hard work in this department c]nd lots Of c]chievements.
We clugur her a hcippy retirement.
Students attending Universfy courses leading to a Diploma in Archives and Records Man agement and a Bachelor in Library, Archive and Information Studies finished their first
year of studies this june. We wish the students success in the year ahead and look
forward to their graduation in two years' time.
I_h_e_?rjEa_n.:Sja:ion,==tupt.o.suPporttheNationalA.rchives_,isintheprocessofupdatingmembership r.e.c?rds and a drive to attrac_t new members. If you would like to irelb us preserve Malta.'s P:st_o:_I,_!?.u ca.n..join our organisati.on. fior a r.ere Lm2 a year or a lifiemembers.hip fi5r Lm25. J;Sihlil
i: : n:?Tb?rsrip. .fern: yo! .car ask for at_the National Archives and send by po:t to: Maj. F;eder;ck
C.a.uc[i ln?I?tt., .!eTber3hip Secretary, Friends of the National Archives of inalta, c|o `[a V=iiii:', Triq Sant' Andrija, Son Gwann.
Pll TeTbers are entitl?q to updates of the organisation's news and events, invitations to exhibitions, invitation to an annual lecture and other activities.
National Archives Annual Public Lecture Reconnecting the Past: The role of digitization in
the creation of virtual archives The lecture will be delivered in Eriglish by Ms Gc]briella lvacs
(Chief Archivist and Records Manager of the Open Society Archives Hungary) c]t the head offllce of the National Archives Santo Spirito, Hospitc]l Street, Rabat,
I 4 November 2006 6.30
Archives Awareness \^/eek Exhibition at the Gozo Section
Saturday 18th November 2006 Take this opportunity and tour the reserved areas
of the National Archives What we do? Why? Are we succeeding?
Religious Aspects of Life in Gozo
TOURS. National Archlves Head Office Rabat
I 6 to 30 November 2006
& Mdina Legal Documentatlon Section
The exhibition will be open during offllce hours
Tlme: 9.00,10.00,11.00,12.00
Around thniy documents preserved at the National
Please book on
Archives and directly related to various aspects of
or phone on 21459863
religious life in Gozo will be put on display. These
Places on the tours are llmited and booking ls on a
wlll include, among others, the report of an Apostolic
first come first served basls
Visitation carried out in 1575, a meeting related to the Santa Marija horse races in 1587, permissions
for the building of new churches with plans attached,
The National Archives Over the Years
certlficates authenticating relics, papers related to
A History of the National Archives of Malta up to
several confraternities in Gozo, a LatinItalianrvlaltese
the present day
version of the Gospel of St john, and many other
Monday to Friday 9.00 am to 4.00 pin
Interesting Items.
Saturday 9.00 am to 12.30 pin
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