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Building Teacher Practice Through Professional Learning Community

Let’s focus on two questions: 

how can it strengthen the teaching profession?

Scottish Learning Festival September 20, 2007 Glasgow 

Gary Bloom New Teacher Center @ University of California Santa Cruz

A Short Experiment…

What is a Professional Learning Community and

What is the role of classroom visitations and examination of student work in PLC’s?

The Moral of the Story….


What Is a Profession?

Changing Expectations Changing our Profession Area

Traditional Model

Professional Model

Loosely coupled and idiosyncratic

Standards based and articulated

Teacher as artisan, isolated, idiosyncratic

Teacher as professional, standards based, public, collaborative

Specialized body of knowledge

Set of skills

Group mission or identity

Teaching Content Teaching Practice

Standards of behavior and practice


De-emphasized, mystified

Public, prominent


Implicit and input oriented

Explicit and outcome oriented

What Can Coronary Stents and Luxury Cars Tell Us About What it Means to be a Profession?


PLC’s are grounded in Etienne Wenger’s Communities of Practice “ Communities

of practice are formed by people who engage in a process of collective learning in a shared domain of human endeavor: a tribe learning to survive, a band of artists seeking new forms of expression, a group of engineers working on similar problems, a clique of pupils defining their identity in the school, a network of surgeons exploring novel techniques. In a nutshell, communities of practice are groups of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn to do it better as they interact regularly.”


Elements of Professional Development

A Medical Model: Clinical Oncology

Content Content

JobJobEmbedded Embedded Work Work

Reflective Practice & Personal Responsibility

Reading&& Reading Research Research

 

 

• Weekly Cancer Conference

Communitiesof of Communities Practice: Practice: Networkingand and Networking Benchmarking Benchmarking

Richard Elmore’s Definition 

Hospital rounds

Elaboration Elaboration

High alignment among responsibility, expectatons and accountability High transparency of practice Explicit norms, processes, structures of accountability High support: focused, individualized High agency: “If I can’t do it, they will help me. If we can’t do it, we will learn how.”

• Mortality Review

Attributes of PLC’s Southwest Educational Development Lab, 1997

  

Collegial and facilitative participation of the principal; shared leadership Unswerving commitment to student learning Collective professional learning applied to practical solutions addressed to student needs Visitation and review of each teacher’s classroom behaviors and results by peers with feedback directed at individual and community improvement Physical conditions and human capacities that support such an operation


Nested Professional Learning Communities

Grade-Level/ Department Teams

Principal Teams

Instructional Leadership Teams

K 2 3 4


Let’s Visit a Classroom


5 E M

Classroom Learning Communities

First year teacher Kindergarten class English Language Learners

What do you see in this classroom?

 





How Would You Discuss Your Observation With Your Colleagues? 

Non-judgmental statements

Evidence v. opinion

Focus on student engagement

Focus on student learning

Focus on cause & effect

Safe and supportive

Some Thoughts on Adult Learners 

Adults want to be the origin of their own learning and should have some control over the what, who, how, why, when of their learning.

Adults come to the learning process with selfdirection and a wide range of previous knowledge, interests,and competencies.

Adults will resist activities they see as an attack on their competence. Speck & Knipe, Professional Development; Why Can’t We Get it Right In Our Schools?


Learning Walks, Quick Visits, Walkthroughs

A Typology of Collaborative Professional Classroom Visitations Learning Walks

Support professional learning communities focused upon teaching and learning

Strengthen teaching as public practice informed by standards

Support the success of every teacher and every student

Peer Coaching

Are organized around evidence based processes, protocols and cycles of inquiry

Principal Professional Learning Walks

Informing school level professional learning communities

Data Walks Gathering quantitative school and/or district data

Informing individual teacher professional development

Informing administrator professional development

Quick Visits Informing the teacher supervision and support process

Learning Walks 

WHY: Informing school level PLC’s

WHO: Teachers, teacher leaders, heads

WHAT: Gather quantitative and qualitative data to inform conversations and action planning in site level PLC’s; to give feedback to individuals and to groups

WHEN: Quarterly to monthly, usually announced

Data Walks 

WHY: Gathering quantitative school and/or district data for program evaluation purposes

WHO: Teachers, teacher leaders, heads, central leadership

WHAT: Gather quantitative data to assess needs and program implementation. Data are aggregated to focus upon units, not individual teachers

WHEN: One to four times a year, usually announced


Other Visitation Types

Teacher Professional Learning Communities Examine Student Work

Peer Coaching

Principal (Head) Professional Learning Walks


Quick visits

Fidelity to standards


Looking for evidence of

What sorts of student work might PLC’s examine?

Cultural Shifts in a Professional Learning Community A shift in purpose… 

From a focus on teaching to a focus on learning

A shift in the work of teachers… 

From isolation to collaboration

A shift in school culture… 

From independence to interdependence

A shift in professional development… 

From external training to job embedded learning Adapted from Learning by Doing , DuFour


Professional Learning Communities informed by public practice can be the chassis that professional development and school improvement ride upon.

Building Teacher Practice Through Professional Learning Community Scottish Learning Festival September 20, 2007 Glasgow

What support do you need to strengthen the establishment of PLC’s and learning walks and other public practice at your site?

Gary Bloom New Teacher Center @ University of California Santa Cruz


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