OLSLC next steps

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OLSLC next steps · Review my primary science curriculum to look for opportunities for outdoor learning · Source the outdoor learning handbook to help achieve this and to assist in other ideas for programmes and integration possibilities. · Deliver In-service to the whole staff on the content of today. · Encourage the P7 teachers to try the camping experience – base on the ideas from Lanark Primary · Make the most of the forest beside us and develop it. · Encourage others to be as active when it comes to going outside. · Share ideas & ethos with colleagues at staff meeting. · Plan outdoor opportunities within my class – liaise with parents re outdoor wear – got 19 boys in class of 30 this is a challenge. · Go back to school and speak to HT about all the good ideas from today. · Investigate local woodland area with prospect of doing a lesson outdoors. · Go online and build a picture of where to start from information today and share with staff. · Collate ideas from all staff in school and build a bank for all stages to use. · Investigate ‘geocaching’ and its possibilities. · Sound hunt for phonic using stones. Maybe a treasure hunt to find things starting with a letter. · Take outdoor play back to basics, just give the children materials to play with, stand back and observe. · Get the children involved in creating a garden, asking them what kind of garden they would like and give them the tools to carry this out. · Stones with letters & words hiding objects outside & children find them & either tell a story or classify them. · Take my class out for number bond practise using stones and number hoops. · Want to develop the garden area, taking the curriculum out doors. · Want to get the staff on board with the project. · Working party for outdoor learning.

· I am continuing to work with Alan Kain to establish an outdoor area in the school. As well as this I will continue to address as many areas of the curriculum as I can through outdoor learning in my own P1 class. · Provide the children with more purposeful learning outside by providing better resources and cleaver learning intentions. · Implement use of outdoor learning cards – team building & orienteering. · Establish links with forestry commission to work with class & Eco group. / Advice on developing O.L. in playground. · Audit available resources in school & set up O.L. boxes for stages. · Encourage staff to take our S1 teambuilding / problem solving course in an outdoor environment. · Develop one outdoor lesson per unit. (Using outdoor space in school grounds). Especially S1- S2. · Develop one day fieldtrip for each year group in Geography. S1-S6. · Buy a set of the cheap, plastic ponchos so that outdoor learning can take place in spite of the weather. · Buy portable seats. · Involve Eco-school committees in promoting school ground use. · Develop team building work pupils have been doing by completing tent task. · Take PSHE work / discussion task outdoors. · Share resources & ideas with staff to encourage more outdoor learning. · Share blog / web details with staff. · A transition project with outdoor education as the focus -linked to P7-S1. · Try to motivate, inspire and ensure staff are aware of opportunities for outdoor learning. · Stop relying on ‘outdoor play’ resources and use natural resources more. · Try to integrate outdoor into more everyday lessons. · Start to have outdoor storytelling sessions everyday. · Make the learning “sticky” consider maths, language opportunities. · Create floor books, incorporating outdoor learning evidence e.g. photos, quotes. · Set a routine appropriate for my stage for outdoor learning.

· Plan to go outside for all curricular areas. Not just for topic. · Look at our resources and areas to work outdoors. · Try out some of the ideas with the children. · Think about how to inspire & motivate others in school to get outside & enjoy learning – experiment – make mistakes etc. · Start simple – measure outside, comparative language using natural things, odds and even, street walk etc. etc. · Look more into the opportunities to go outside and learn make a point of planning to go out on a regular basis (once a week). · Research and try out the geocaching and introduce story stones into classroom. · Try to set example by using outdoors regularly. · Prepare an outdoor box to keep in classroom – ready to go. · Make a measuring stick. · Make some story stones. · Start small – build at least one outdoor activity into daily plan (even just for 5 minutes). · Gain more information about forest school training and how this could be implemented within my school. · MacBeth outdoors – taking this as inspiration for introducing lots more storytelling / role play / creative arts in everyday practise with groups. · Technology outdoors – expansion on use of our technology with groups during outdoor sessions / activities. · Use 2014 communities grant to support training, fund resources. · Use Google Earth and an outdoor walk to compare a Caribbean Island with our local area (topic work) · Discuss with children what activities they think they can do & would like to do outside. · Garden for every class, take every class out to give ownership & design to garden. · Do outdoor learning activities at our parent open doors evening.

· Use ‘weather forecast stone’ to stimulate upper school · Have an outdoor tea break. · Wooden spoon people, create character, design and create – hot & cold outfits (as part of around the world topic). · Design & Build a field shelter for an animal rescue charity. Project will involve S6. pupils supervising junior pupils as part of a leadership certificate to build standard size panels which will be assembled on site. · Build in local environment with local area study – make collage · Speak to HT/SMT about P7 - S1 transition – planning eco-schools work. · Drama enrichment through outdoor learning – create own play scripts & work on this, including use of the outside · Try and buy balance bikes (without pedals) and use woodland area for “mountain biking”. · Think and use more opportunities to teach outside. Love the writing ideas, science / nature activities. I’m teaching Vikings and the Celts so love the idea of a herb garden. · Try and bring the CfE aims and objectives to street play to make it a bigger learning experience.

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