Leadership framework developed

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CPD for Educational Leaders Leadership development at local level

A Model for Educational Leadership. Based on the model that underpins the Standards for Chartered Teacher and Headship and consists of three elements that permeate educational leadership at all levels: - Professional values and commitments - Professional knowledge and understanding - Professional and personal attributes Professional values are at the core of educational leadership. Leaders demonstrate their values by amongst other things keeping pupils at the heart of learning and teaching, developing and communicating a vision and purpose, exemplifying consistently these educational values, promoting a culture of evaluation and improvements in practice, working in partnership with others across the wider school community and regularly reviewing personal practice through critical reflection and self evaluation. Leaders demonstrate their professional knowledge and understanding through leadership in areas relating amongst others to principles and practice of leadership, approaches to change management, curriculum development, learning and teaching, methods of assessment and reporting, approaches to raising standards of attainment and achievement, local and national context for policy development, pupil welfare, principles and practice of social justice, inclusion and equality, policy planning and implementation and the management of resources. Effective leaders exhibit professional and personal abilities through shared leadership, by creating and maintaining a positive ethos, inspiring and motivating others, communicating effectively, empathising, showing political insight, judging wisely, thinking strategically and demonstrating confidence and courage.

A Framework for Educational Leadership A framework based on the principle of professional progression through 3 broad levels: - Teacher or early leadership - Middle leadership - Headteacher or school leadership Early leadership. Middle leadership.

School leadership.

For teachers with responsibility for leading smaller scale projects. For those teachers who have regular responsibility for leading teams of staff in school. For staff who lead projects and teams and with overall responsibility for an aspect of leadership across school. For those with overall responsibility for the aspects of strategic leadership of an establishment and are involved in leading strategic initiatives across the wider school community.

These three levels outlined do not sit neatly within entirely separate and disconnected boxes. Frequently there are likely to be instances of overlap across different levels. Using the Framework for Educational Leadership. Through the Professional Review and Development process and using the Framework for Educational Leaders described, teachers are in position to review their leadership skills to inform of suitable learning/CPD opportunities to address their professional needs.

The Framework. The early leader works with colleagues to develop a clear purpose for the project based on educational and professional values, critically self evaluates, operates collaboratively, creates and maintains a positive culture within the project group. The middle leader inspires and motivates, works to discover and enhance the professional capabilities of team members, shows good judgement, thinks strategically in identifying priorities and setting targets, uses resources imaginatively. The school leader or headteacher develops and communicates strategic direction, exemplifies the values and aims of the school, shows a strong commitment to self improvement and encourages the same in others, has high expectations, shows a sound understanding of political issues and the ability to handle these effectively. These leaders demonstrate far-sightedness, use a wide variety of strategies to enhance the performance of others, closely engage with policy development, have sound and considered understanding of educational issues and think creatively. The Professional Actions of Educational Leaders are outlined as leadership within 5 key areas:


Effectiveness of learning and teaching Collaboration with and influence on people Change and school improvement Effective use of resources Building community

These Professional Actions in practice are interdependent on 3 essential elements: - Professional values and commitments - Knowledge and understanding - Professional and personal skills and abilities

Professional Actions

Teacher/ early leader

Middle leader/faculty head (aspiring headteacher)

HT/School leader

Leading and managing learning and teaching

Develop a clear purpose for projects/initiatives relating to the quality of learning and teaching.

Ensure that the educational values and purposes are understood and discussed in the planning process

(Standard for Headship) ‘Ensuring that effective learning and teaching takes place is central

Ensure project/initiative is well planned and implemented

Assume responsibility for leadership of curriculum change

Assume school accountability Ensure impact shows a difference to the quality of learning and teaching in the classroom

Ensure team focus on pupil gain in learning Ensure broad range of learner outcomes

responsibility of school leaders. They develop a culture of respect and good behaviour, create an appropriate ethos, set high expectations, support and encourage good practice and regularly monitor and evaluate the quality of learning in the school. They embrace the principles of inclusion, have an understanding of the impact of discrimination and poverty, develop strategies to counter these and provide pastoral care to children and young people. They offer effective leadership and management of the overall curriculum, to ensure that school based decisions are in accordance with the general principles of good curriculum design outlined in A Curriculum for Excellence’

Engage in analysis of learning styles

Show capacity to set realistic targets

Facilitate school development planning

Engage in reading and analysis of data

Be innovative in approaches

Focus on data driven decision making

Monitoor assessment and reporting as resource to promote learning

On a regular basis and through effective systems, monitor and evaluate team progress to ensure good practice

Develop policy making on assessment and reporting

Promote eam approach in development of the curriculum

Ensure impact on learning and teaching

Exhibit effective management of whole school resources including the use of technology to support learning

Focus on student welfare

Promote excellence in teaching

Lead and manage the wider school curriculum

Develop own self esteem and confidence

Monitor individual learner progress

Ensure best quality of learning and teaching

Administer small scale budget

Ensure progression through a learning continuum

Lead on local and national curriculum priorities

Promote best practice models Manage sudent support and welfare

Develop and maintain a budget related to school improvement Further promote the effective use of resources including technology Monitor individual student welfare programmes

Be accountable for whole school budgeting Develop and maintain a business plan Assume responsibility for workforce management to ensure effective learning and teaching Use appropriate leadership styles

Further develop own personal qualities and interpersonal skills

Collaboration with and influence on people

Work collaboratively to maintain motivation.

Contribute to recruitment and selection of staff at team level

Create and maintain a positive atmosphere within the project group and with others

Motivate the team and others towards a shared goal

Ensure good team leadership

Show awareness of stage development of teams

(Standard for Headship) ‘School leaders promote ambition, demonstrate a clear commitment to collegiality and to developing, empowering and supporting effective teams and individuals. This includes building school capacity by developing leadership in others. By engaging with those in the school community and beyond, they build a learning community which supports achievement and attainment. In taking these actions, school leaders work within the structure of employment legislation, national and local agreements, and policies governing employment’.

Use different leadership styles

Ensure the professional development of others within the team by encouraging learning in others

Develop personal qualities and interpersonal skills in working with others

Show empathy in sensing others’ feelings and taking an active interest in their concerns

Ensure the development and management of whole school teams

Develop and maintain sustainable partnerships with parents and external agencies as appropriate

Have a developed wareness of theory of leadership and management of others and the management of change

Engage with the professional development of others

Establish school –community partnerships

Engage with community agencies to ensure development and

Promote and manage staff and school professional development

improvement Promote leadership standards Lead and manage professional development in line with school, local and national priorities Ensure leadership succession planning

Lead change and school improvement

Show an understanding of school culture Show an awareness of school, local and national priorities Make use of literature and research to both support and challenge practice Make decisions based on data and good judgement Understand the process of school improvement Through project/initiative, contribute to the school improvement priorities.

Develop a school vision Translate theory and policy into programmes of practice Engage in action research Show capacity to think strategically in identifying priorities in line with school plans.

(Standard for Headship) ‘Support and maintain existing good practice and encourage and promote constant improvement in the development of children and young people. Demonstrate personal commitment to continuous improvement through self evaluation, together with skills in problem solving, creative thinking, strategic planning, in implementing change, in the use of quality assurance strategies to judge the need for and effectiveness of change, and in providing support for staff, children and young people and parents’.

Forward plan Demonstrate flexibility in initiating and leading change.

Develop and promote the school vision which is shared with the wide school community

Set high expectations.

Model eadership towards an inclusive school culture

Contribute to a sustainable positive and supportive school ethos.

Lead a learning organisation

Enhance performance of school as a learning community.

Mangeme change

Focus on strategic leadership

Action plan based on school, local and national priorities

Work with colleagues to enhance pupil learning.

Engage with the wider school community to ensure change and improvement

Regulate workforce planning Engage with risk management processes and procedures Have a working knowledge and understanding of education and the law Lead and manage Professional Review and Development (PRD) procedures in school Show authentic leadership

Effective use of resources

Identify necessary resources.

Make creative and imaginative use of available resources.

Make best use of a variety of available resources including ICT.

Manage available resources and allocate to support effective learning and teaching.

Manage time to ensure project delivered to timescale.

Ensure due regard to health and safety.

Manage a budget in line with meeting the aims of the project/initiative

Manage the budget within agreed limits and timescale Show awareness of staff welfare Have knowledge of aspects of health and safety, human resources and finance Be aware of impact of the use of resources on learning and

(Standard for Headship) ‘Make best strategic and operational use of available resources to create, maintain and monitor an appropriate learning environment for effective learning and teaching, and to support continuous improvement. This should include appropriate delegation of tasks to members of the senior management team and other staff. In taking these actions, headteachers, with other school leaders, take due account of audit, child safety, health and safety requirements, human resource management and other legislative and policy requirements in relation to public service and public spending’. Assume responsibility for health and safety across the school Assume human resource functions invcluding selection, recruitment and deployment of staff, Be accountable for school finance including DSM processes and procedures

Building community

Ensure good communication strategies with project colleagues and others in school and community Engage with parents as appropriate Coach and mentor others as required

teaching and school improvement

Promote leadership and management of resources to ensure impact on the learning and teaching environment and school improvement

Engage reflectively with the school community.

(Standard for Headship) ‘Develop and maintain partnerships with parents, children and young people, other services and agencies and in doing so extend the educational vision to embrace an agenda of lifelong learning. Create a culture of respect and inclusion and a common commitment to the broader community and to the intellectual, spiritual, physical, moral, social and cultural wellbeing of children and young people and their families’.

Anticipate, recognise and meets client needs within the service. Develop and maintain meaningful partnerships with parents and external agencies within the wider school community. Assume responsibility for coaching and mentoring of emerging school leaders Deal with challenge and conflict within the school community

Promote a positive school environment within the wider school community Develop leadership towards an inclusive school culture Ensure pupil voice Manage teacher roles and relationships to ensure community of learning Engage and assume a main role in conflict resolution Promote public relations and marketing to ensure the school is at the heart of the local community Ensure involvement of the wider community in the curriculum structure

Essential elements Professional values and commitments

Ensure the purpose of project is based on the commitment to educational and professional values

Exemplify the professional values and aims of the school Maintain integrity and acts consistently within a values set Committed to development of each child

Vision and standards: Lead in the creation of a shared strategic vision and aim for the school, which inspire and motivate children and young people, staff and all members of the school community and its partners and sets high standards for every learner. Integrity and ethical practice: Behave with integrity and articulate and exemplify an ethical perspective in relation to their own and the school’s practice and organisation. Democratic values: Work with children and young people, staff, parents and others to promote participative citizenship, inclusion, enterprise, democratic values and a culture of respect within the school community and beyond. Learning for life: Model their commitment to learning for life as the school’s ‘leading learners’.

Knowledge and understanding

Professional and personal skills and abilities

Through educational literature and research, is well informed to address educational issues and find effective solutions within the project

Committed to continuing professional development

Critically self evaluate using appropriate Standards

Show inspirational leadership through self-confidence and courage in decision making

Show an understanding of the importance of self awareness in working with others in school Develop own personal qualities and interpersonal skills

Uses educational literature to both support and challenge thinking and inform professional practice

Demonstrate a commitment to critical self-evaluation and both encourages and supports this process within the team Show sound informed judgements

Show development of emotional competencies

Learning and teaching: Apply an up to date knowledge and understanding of research in learning and teaching and its implications for improving practice, and need to be aware of quality assurance strategies. Education policy, schools and schooling: Apply a knowledge and critical understanding of contemporary developments in education policy, schools and schooling, including the vision of what integrated children and young people’s services should offer. Social and environmental trends and developments: Apply a knowledge and understanding of contemporary developments in society (including trends and changes in family patterns, work patterns, the media, leisure and politics), in the environment and in the wider global community. Leadership and management: Apply a knowledge and understanding of leadership concepts and practice, and of strategic and operational management.

Demonstrating self-awareness and inspiring and motivating others: Regularly review practice and implement change in leadership and management approaches. Self manage effectively. Build and sustain personal credibility by teaching effectively. Display confidence and courage in dealing with criticism and conflict, and work to create a positive atmosphere within the educational community. Judging wisely and deciding appropriately: Define problems clearly and take a positive solution-focussed approach to their resolution. Know how and when to make decisions and use evidence and information to support and inform judgements.

Show organisational awareness through an understanding of political issues in school and the ability to effectively manage these

Communicating effectively: Relate well to children and young people. Are effective communicators within the school and the wider community and build effective relationships. Listen well, give clear expression to their ideas and feelings in person, give feedback well and can shape effective organisational communication. Comfortable using a variety of modern media. Showing political insight: Have a good understanding of the relationship between schools and society and understand and take account of the political and social context of educational policy.

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