I N F O R M E D F I S H E R M E N • P R O F I TA B L E F I S H E R I E S • S U S TA I N A B L E F I S H Incorporating
August / 2019
Maine machine Young captain takes delivery of his new lobster and tuna boat, shows what the next gen can do
Deck Equipment
Symphony Success
Get the big picture of what’s next in electronic monitoring
How Alaska’s seafood competition makes its mark on the market
In this issue
National Fisherman / August 2019 / Vol. 100, No. 4
Cover Story Breaking in the Ivy Jean Maine lobster and tuna fisherman Eric Knight is still learning the ins and outs of his first newbuild, a 44-footer from Mainely Boats in Cushing. In the Words of the Winners
Features / Boats & Gear 20
New products can mean new customers, more utilization, and increased value for the entire seafood industry. In Alaska, we celebrate innovations in product development through an annual event called the Alaska Symphony of Seafood. The “Symphony” is a competition for new commercial-ready products made from Alaska seafood. Each product entered in the competition is grouped into one of four categories: Retail, Foodservice, Beyond the Plate, and Beyond the Egg. The winners receive booth space and airfare to the Seafood Expo North America (SENA) and are entered into the SENA new products contest, as well as many other benefits.
On Deck
Around the Yards Maine yard sends them West; Va. gillnetter hunts for a skiff; New boats for Bristol Bay
Deck Equipment: Virtual monitoring Owners and operators across the country are excited, and hesitant, to make the switch over to electronic monitoring of their sorting tables.
As we prepare for the 27th annual Symphony, we wanted to highlight two past winners, Alaskan Leader Seafoods and Barnacle Foods, and hear in their own words how the Symphony benefited their brands and businesses.
Reading the Pebble report Fishery researchers say the Pebble Mine assessment is based in shaky science.
Product Roundup Canada takes a shot at ropeless fishing pots; automating oyster businesses in Maryland
Nature Conservancy
Maine lobstermen have been directed to reduce vertical lines in the water by 50 percent in the latest regulatory effort to protect endangered right whales.
Paul Molyneaux
Slashing the lines
Northern Lights Two winners of the Alaska Symphony of Seafood competition share their secrets to success in new markets.
Editor’s Log
Fishing Back When
Mail Buoy
A Letter from NMFS
Around the Coasts
Market Reports
Last Set / Seward, Alaska
Reader Services 40
Advertiser Index
National Fisherman (ISSN 0027-9250), August 2019, Vol. 100, No. 4, is published monthly by Diversified Business Communications, 121 Free St., P.O. Box 7438, Portland, ME 04112-7438. Subscription prices: 1 year - U.S. $22.95; 2 years U.S. $43; 3 years U.S. $62. These rates apply for U.S. subscriptions only. Add $10 for Canada addresses. Outside U.S./Canada add $25 (airmail delivery). All orders must be in U.S. funds drawn on a U.S. bank. All other countries, including Canada and Mexico, please add $10 postage per year. For subscription information only, call: 1 (800) 959-5073. Periodicals postage paid at Portland, Maine, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes only to Subscription Service Department, P.O. Box 15116, North Hollywood, CA 91615. Canada Post International Publications Mail product (Canadian Distribution) Sales Agreement No. 40028984, National Fisherman. Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to Circulation Dept. or DPGM, 4960-2 Walker Rd., Windsor, ON N9A 6J3. READERS: All editorial correspondence should be mailed to: National Fisherman, P.O. Box 7438, Portland, ME 04112-7438.