Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute breaks through the barriers of distance With marketing programs established across the U.S. and in over 40 countries wo rldw i de, ASMI ’ s i n t e rn a tional a nd d o me s ti c marketing efforts build demand across the globe.
This is just one example of how Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute puts all hands on deck to tell the story of wild, sustainable Alaska seafood so you and your family can focus on fishing today and for generations to come.
(207) 842-5592 bcallahan@divcom.com
You’re here, you made it. Welcome to Pacific Marine Expo, the annual event for the West Coast and Alaskan commercial maritime industry and we are so happy to have you. I’m sure you’ve arrived here ready to see aisles and aisles of exhibiting companies offering the products and innovations that will help you do your job better. On our floor you will find everything from marine engines, propulsion, electronics, safety gear and the latest products hitting the market but there’s so much more to Expo. Here you will also experience the latest education from people on the front lines defending our oceans and livelihoods and most importantly you will see great friends and colleagues old and new and have the opportunity to catch up, commiserate and plan for the future.
This year’s Expo will showcase 400 companies displaying thousands of products. Attendees will come out with new ideas to improve profitability, durability, and sustainability. After visiting the show floor, you will quickly realize Pacific Marine Expo has something for everyone, and every vessel.
Beyond the show floor, we invite you to take in some of our special events like the thrilling Fisherman of the Year Contest (this year compete to win a Yeti cooler full of swag and a cash
prize; stop by the NF Member’s Box to sign up) and of course our famous daily happy hours, this year taking place in multiple locations. I also encourage you to take the time to attend one of our many hard-hitting education sessions that will cover off on a variety of topics from Vessel Safety to Offshore Wind Development to the catastrophic closures in the North Pacific. We are immensely proud of this year’s show, and we are confident you will feel the energy and enthusiasm of this remarkable industry coming together. For 55 years, Pacific Marine Expo has brought thousands of maritime and fishing industry leaders to Seattle. (This year’s Expo will bring visitors from 40 states and 17 countries to Seattle). The Expo is the only trade event dedicated exclusively to the pacific maritime industry and is the largest and longest running commercial marine tradeshow on the West Coast.
We are thrilled you are a part of this year’s event and look forward to seeing you over the next three days.
This is spot where attendees can go to see unique creativity within the fishing industry. Meet industry poets, authors and artists who all share a love for the fishing community and showcase that love through art.
See all of their work at Booth #1447
Saturday \ Nov. 19
11:45AM – 12:30PM ➜ The Helm
Put your skills to the test in the annual Fisherman of the Year Contest! This year’s winner will take home a Yeti cooler stuffed with swag from our exhibitors.
Host: Sean Dwyer
St. George Marine - Owner/Operator
Anyone can compete in these three heats for the prize package: Rim-racked net mending Blindfolded knot tying Rope splicing Those winners head to the final round — the survival suit challenge.
Last hour of the Expo all three days! Nov. 17-19 Booths ➜ 251, 400
Join us for the always popular daily happy hour in multiple locations on the show floor. Enjoy a beverage on us! During the last hour of the show all three days, we invite you to take some time to network or catch up with old friends.
Saturday \ Nov. 19
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM ➜ The Helm
The tradition that began decades ago in Astoria, Ore., continues here in Seattle. Listen in as the renowned FisherPoets – Dano Quinn, Jon Branshaw, Jeb Wyman, Peter Munro, and Brad Warren – entertain you with colorful music and stories.
Education Program and events are subject to change. Download the National Fisherman mobile app or visit www.pacificmarineexpo.com for updates.
10:30 AM - 11:15 AM ➜ The Helm (formally known as the Main Stage)
Join the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute (ASMI) and McKinley Research for a marketing update on the Alaska seafood industry. Learn about where Alaska’s catch is going, the value at home and abroad, and how the pandemic and global economics create challenges and opportunities for Alaska seafood.
11:30 AM - 12:15 PM ➜ The Helm
This 45 minute presentation intends to provide updates on the fishing vessel safety program, statistical information including but not limited to; marine casualties, investigations, vessel losses and injury/fatality information. Also discussed will be trends in fishing vessel safety observed by marine inspectors, vessel examiners and investigators during dockside examinations and at-sea boardings, any local regulatory updates or changes and a questions and answer session.
11:30 AM - 12:15 PM ➜ National Fisherman Member’s Box
As the only publication dedicated to the entire U.S. commercial fishing industry, National Fisherman exclusively features the news, insights and updates that matter most to fishermen across the country. Being able to do so is on account of the various writers and contributors that define the articles, photos and perspectives that appear both in-print online. What are some of the biggest changes NF writers and contributors have seen as part of their coverage? Are there certain topics they haven’t been able to properly explore? What developments are they looking forward to seeing take shape in 2023 and beyond?
Join a panel of National Fisherman writers and contributors to explore all of these questions and more. Members of the audience will be encouraged to ask questions of the panel but also connect on an individual basis with the people that are covering and promoting the commercial fishing industry like no other.
Moderated by: Editorial Director, Jeremiah Karpowicz.
12:45 PM - 1:30 PM ➜ The Helm
Garrett Evridge will lead a discussion with several early-stage companies deploying technology in Alaska fisheries to increase safety, profitability, and sustainability. Learn about precision fishing devices, remote sensing, and ocean modeling, as well as how Alaska can participate in the rapidly growing field of ocean technology.
1:45 PM - 2:30 PM ➜ The Helm
A panel of representatives from marine safety agencies and commerical fishermen will present case studies of mariners who have surviced marine casualties. Some presenters will be the survivor themselves. THe case studies will focus on “what worked” in an emergency to increase their survivability. The outcome to attendees will be safety tips of how safety equipment, training or attitude helped in an emergency. Time will be given more audience participation and sharing of their own stories and tips.
3:00 PM - 3:45 PM ➜ The Helm
The North Pacific fishing industry has been hit with a devastating blow by the closure of all opilio snow, red king crab, and blue king crab seasons for 2022 – 2023. The Gulf of Alaska cod fishery was mostly closed in 2020 when the population suddenly dropped as a result of an extreme marine heat wave. Groundfish have moved farther north in warm, low-ice years. Salmon are of keen concern with warming and acidification. The future is uncertain.
Alaska fishermen are experiencing changes in our fisheries due to ocean warming and acidification. But the good news is there are ways to take action: we know steeply reducing carbon emissions is a central part of the solution – along with protecting natural habitats that sequester carbon, keeping it out of the atmosphere, and removing carbon from the atmosphere. What policies and technologies are emerging to meet the challenge? Are they fishery friendly? How can the seafood industry be part of the solution? What do you want to be “for”? The first step is to get closer to where the action is. This session will be an overview of policies both underway and under discussion. Speakers will include policy specialists, NOAA scientists, and fishermen doing positive things.
10:30 AM - 11:15 AM ➜ The Helm
The Coast Guard Office of Commercial Vessel Compliance, Fishing Vessel Safety Division administers the Coast Guard’s national Commercial Fishing Vessel Safety (CFVS) program, which involves overseeing and implementing a diverse set of responsibilities; such as maintaining certain Federal laws and safety standards; reviewing, analyzing, and acting on marine casualty safety recommendations; facilitating safety outreach, such as with the Commercial Fishing Vessel Safety National Communication Plan; and partnering with NIOSH in the execution of the Fishing Safety Training and Research Grant Programs. These aims, and more, strive to improve safety, save lives, and reduce casualties within the commercial fishing industry.
11:45 AM - 12:30 PM ➜ The Helm
Julie Decker will facilitate a pitch-session from the creators of the innovative new products to learn more about the products, why the creators chose those products, and what they hope to achieve with these products in the marketplace. The session will culminate with the announcement of the winners of the 2023 Alaska Symphony of Seafood! Winners will receive promotion of their products, airfare, booth space and entry into the Seafood Expo North America, as well as consulting services with AFDF’s Startup Accelerator, if desired.
12:45 PM - 1:45 PM ➜ The Helm
While the offshore wind industry is planning for new wind farms across the U.S., the commercial fishing industry is pushing for answers to understand how it will affect their livelihood. Commercial fishing is a vital industry keeping fresh fish on family’s tables. Attendees will hear from some of the folks on the front lines fighting for a seat at the table in the offshore wind discussions in order to protect both the fisheries and the fishermen’s livelihoods.
2:00 PM - 2:45 PM ➜ The Helm
The Biden Administration’s America the Beautiful Initiative, which seeks to conserve 30 percent of US lands and waters by the end of the decade, has the potential to impact US commercial fisheries in many ways. Some view the initiative as a threat to their businesses or the imposition of marine protected areas that can shut harvesters out. Others view the effort’s elevation of Indigenous voices and community-supported approaches to conservation as long overdue and part of a strategy to address fishery resource declines while continuing to allow fishing. Come hear from policy experts who regularly engage on America the Beautiful & 30×30 to learn about and discuss how the initiative is developing and how to get involved.
3:00 PM - 3:45 PM ➜ The Helm
The Coast Guard Investigative Service (“CGIS”) endeavors to prevent, deter, and investigate criminal threats within the maritime under the jurisdiction of the United States. In recent years, CGIS has seen a rise in crimes of violence occurring aboard United States flagged fishing vessels operating in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea. CGIS seeks to engage fishing industry partners at the Pacific Marine Expo and present as to criminal trends observed, reporting mechanism, and broad considerations to be had prior to and following crimes of violence aboard U.S. flagged vessels fishing in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea.
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM ➜ The Helm
The tradition that began decades ago in Astoria, Ore., continues here in Seattle. Listen in as the renowned FisherPoets – Rich Bard, Jon Broderick, Pat Dixon, Jay Speakman, and Jeff Stonehill – entertain you with colorful music and stories.
11:45 AM - 12:30 PM ➜ The Helm
Put your skills to the test at the annual Fisherman of the Year Contest, which will consist of three heats – net mending, rope splicing and knot tying. The winners from each heat will move on to compete in the survival suit challenge, and have the chance at taking home the title.
Sign up now at the NF Member’s Box booth #115 to reserve your spot!
With a virtually complete shutdown of Bering Sea crab fishing at hand, fishermen, and Alaska communities sought an expedited fishery disaster declaration the federal government.
The emergency is felt acutely on St. Paul Island, where the largely Aleut community of about 400 live on an economy dependent on the now-closing snow crab fishery.
“We’re predicting a 90 percent loss from two years ago and 85 percent of revenue from last year, sRay Melovidov, chief operating officer of the Central Bering Sea Fishermen’s Association based in St. Paul, said in mid-October.
Other revenue streams come in from pollock and cod fishing, but crabbing carries the freight for St. Paul. The money pays for fully funded preschool programs, home heating aid for residents, and community-wide broadband internet access among others said Melovidov, who serves on the city council.
Revenue from the big boats help maintain a local halibut fleet of 15 boats and about 80 crewmembers, a subsidy to buy their catch at prices competitive with other ports, said Melovidov.
St. Paul and other fishing communities reeled with the Oct. 10 announcement from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game that the 2022-2023 crab seasons would close after grim survey results.
An Oct. 18 letter to Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy, from Alaska Bering Sea Crabbers and other industry and community advocates, made the case for a U.S. Department of Commerce disaster finding. The new request should be tagged onto an existing plea for the Bristol Bay red king crab fishery season of 2021-2022, the advocates say.
“Because the 2022/2023 Bristol Bay red king crab and Bering Sea snow crab fisheries are a complete closure and there is no final data to wait on for a determination, we ask that the Governor request that the Secretary of Commerce expedite the decision on these fisheries plus the 2021/2022 Bristol Bay red king crab request from last year,” the letter states. “Combined, these fisheries total a loss in ex-vessel value of approximately $202 million.”
Total revenue losses are estimated at 100
percent for the closure of both Bristol Bay red king crab and for Bering Sea snow crab from 2022/2023, totaling an estimated $151 million in lost ex-vessel value, according to the request. More recent data, paired with pending 2021/2022 Bristol Bay red king crab, bring estimated losses to a total $202 million, the letter states.
“The Bering Sea snow crab fishery was closed for the first time in U.S. history of the fishery with this year’s 2022/2023 crab fishing season,” the letter says. “And last year, the snow crab total allowable catch (TAC) was unexpectedly reduced by 88 percent from the previous year. It is clear this fishery will meet the threshold for a disaster due to the complete closure this year.”
In a joint statement, St. Paul city and fishing business leaders laid out the peril facing theirs and other communities
“Saint Paul Island’s economy is approximately 90 percent dependent on the snow crab fishery. The activities associated with the harvesting and delivery of crab to the Trident Seafoods shoreside plant for processing is the primary source of municipal taxes and local revenues, underpins other fishery and business activities such as the local halibut fishery, and sustains the harbor and
“To make matters worse, the BBRKC (Bristol Bay red king crab) fishery – a portion of which is delivered and processed on Saint Paul Island in the fall months – will remain closed for a second year in a row.”
In an average year, the City of St. Paul collects about $2.7 million in fisheries taxes. With the shutdown, it’s anticipated only $200,000 will come in.
“Without the taxes derived from crab processing our municipal government will struggle to support essential municipal services such as public safety, road maintenance, and emergency medical services,” said Saint Paul Island Mayor Jacob Merculief. “We may need to cut municipal staff.”
The non-profi t Central Bering Sea Fishermen’s Association is the local Community Development Quota (CDQ) group for Saint Paul Island. The association is allocated 20 percent of the total Bering Sea snow crab that is set aside for the CDQ program. The non-profi t entity is one of the six groups that together make up the CDQ program, established in 1992 by federal statute to manage Bering Sea fisheries assets to promote social and economic development in the communities they serve.
“In addition to harvesting CDQ allocations on
its two crab vessels, CBSFA has made substantial additional investments in crab assets, both processing and harvesting shares in the rationalized crab management program in the Bering Sea, and is highly dependent on revenues from snow crab, Bristol Bay red king crab and other crab species,” according to the statement.
The Central Bering group had already sold one of three crab boats last year amid the ongoing stock decline, and managed careful use of its savings through the 2021-2022 season.
“We’ve done successfully in the past year. Our budget was pretty tight going into 2022,” said Melovidov. With money in the bank, there is some flexibility for the short term.
The prospect of hardship is alarming but St. Paul can pull through, local advocates say.
“I love St. Paul and want to spend my whole life here,” said Melovidov, who has two young children, “and hope there is a future for them here.”
Despite the crab stocks situation, there is opportunity and ways to diversify too, he says.
“We’re in the middle of the richest commercial fisheries in the world,” said Melovidov. Work to build more fishing infrastructure – and assistance from regulators on wastewater requirements for fish processing – could add to the community’s economic base, he said.
“God has given us a privileged location amidst some of the richest commercial fisheries in the world,” said Mayor Merculief. “We are a resilient community and have been through crises before. With some help, I hope that my people will be able to continue making a living from the resources of the Bering Sea as we have done for thousands of years.”
The community statement echoes the Alaska Bering Sea Crabbers Association position that the North Pacific Fishery Management Council and other federal and state authorities must do more, specifically in protecting crab habitat and reducing bycatch from other fisheries.
“Managers and scientists must further identify and protect the centers of crab abundance, and support meaningful rebuilding measures such as habitat protections for king crab. Stakeholders have advocated for Council consideration of management that specifically protects molting and mating crab from fishing impacts adjusts the minimum bycatch limit at low snow crab abundance, and estimates unobserved fishing mortality using best available information.”
Thanks to a history that stems from the 1960s, the XTRATUF brand is one extremely familiar to fishermen across the Pacific Northwest and Alaska. The company has won countless awards and been called out as “pretty much the standard in Alaska,” highlighting the durability of the XTRATUF brand and products. However, a major shift happened with both in 2021 when the company was acquired by Rocky Brands, Inc.
This acquisition was unlike many that have come to define the modern M&E marketplace, which are solely focused on an outlook for growth and profit. While the deal nearly doubled the size of Rocky Brands’ annual revenues, the company has a history that stretches back to a shoe factory that was set up in 1932, highlighting Rocky Brands’ commitment to creating tough, comfortable products that are utilized in extreme conditions of all types. But how will that commitment impact the growth of XTRATUF across the commercial fishing segment? Will it mean we’ll see the brand expand into regions beyond the Pacific Northwest and Alaska?
To find out, we connected with Mike Roundhouse, VP and General Manager of XTRATUF | Rocky Brands Inc. His nearly two decades of experience at Rocky Brands made him uniquely qualified to discuss some of the details associated with the acquisition, how customer feedback impacts the development of XTRATUF products, what the future holds for the XTRATUF brand and much more.
Jeremiah Karpowicz: Can you give us some background around the Rocky Brands company and products? What about this background made the XTRATUF brand one that was especially appealing to the company?
Mike Roundhouse: The company got started by the Brooks brothers in the 1930s because of their desire to both wear and use comfortable outdoor products. Our current CEO is 4th generation of the family, which shows what that commitment to footwear looks like across the eras.
We were the first company to do an allcamoufl age hunting boot so we kind of created the hunting boot market. Those boots were the first
time people weren’t just wearing brown leather boots in those environments. They introduced elements like insulation and waterproofing which caused the entire market to explode. It cemented our name in the outdoor industry and helped us understand what it means to work with partners and create products that the consumer needs. All of it is function-based.
With all of the brands that we’ve acquired over the years, and what we’ve done under Rocky Brands, it’s always been about function-based footwear. That’s why the acquisition of XTRATUF was so perfect for us because it lines up with what we’ve done in other markets.
What else can you tell us about the acquisition? Was it more about the fit, the opportunity, or something else?
I mentioned that our current CEO, Jason Brooks, is 4th generation, and he has an incredible vision for the company. In 2021, all our brands were on an upward trajectory and we were debt free, which put us in a position where we could look at acquisitions. When the opportunity to acquire Muck Boots from Honeywell International came up, he was all over it, because one of the things he always had on his wish list was that brand. It’s one of the best brand names in the industry.Under Armour long johns and short pants, plus a hooded shirt to stay comfortable without sweating.
Whatever the fishery or time of year, fishermen around the coasts are experts at finding the right
gear to keep themselves comfortable and improve their performance, and all have certain things that make it just a little easier.
As we got into conversation with Honeywell, we learned there could also be an opportunity with XTRATUF and it was something we jumped on. XTRATUF has a similar brand recognition, but to us what really resonated was the authenticity of those products. We knew that it was a true anchor in the commercial fishing industry because those users know it actually does what they need it to. It’s the Alaskan sneaker. You can’t fake that authenticity.
That combination of these incredible brands made the acquisition something that we couldn’t pass up.
When it comes to growth potential that XTRATUF might offer into adjacent categories, is this more about an expansion of existing products to commercial fishermen outside of the Pacific Northwest and Alaska, or the creation of brand new gear?
What I want National Fisherman readers to know is that I’m committed to them as consumers and users of our existing XTRATUF products. Right now, I’m not worried about new products. I’m worried about making sure that when they go shopping for gear they can find the sizes and products they need. We’ve got to make sure we’re taking care of the customers we already have.
Are we going to continue to develop ankle deck boots? Yes, and we’re doing great with those.
We’ve also got some new silhouettes, all of which are a lot of fun. There are different color palettes we get to play with. But the bread and butter of this brand is commercial fishing and our legacy collection. So we’re going to do everything we can to make sure retailers have those shoes when they need them.
How does that connect to the retail support and expanded distribution you have on a practical level?
Our support comes from experience. We always try to think of our end users and our retailers as partners. And if we’re not doing what’s best for them we’re not being a good partner. Our distribution network is set up to ship shoes, whether it’s singles, doubles, case packs or whatever else. We’re totally focused on shipping footwear, which sounds simple, but is distinct from many of our competitors. That way of thinking is what’s at the core of our support.
Being able to think about both your customers and your retailers in that same vein is really important, because I think some companies fall into just selling for volume or just selling to stores, and that changes your perspective as far as the culture. We’re working across the supply chain to make sure that we keep especially popular styles in stock so that retailers and customers can get them when they need them.
That goes back to understanding the needs of this audience: We understand that some of these commercial fishing folks are only making the trip down to buy gear once or twice a year. We need to make sure that when they make that trek they’re going to be able to get what they need.
That reminds me of something we talked about at PME 2021, which related to
how XTRATUF would now able to work with a “real footwear company” thanks to the acquisition and take the brand to the next level. What does that next level mean for you?
It goes back to that concept of us not only truly knowing the footwear industry but also being totally committed to it. We are set up to create and deliver shoes in a way the previous owners and even our competitors are not similarly driven. They’re focused on doing so many other different things.
We don’t have the financial power of a bigger corporation, but that can be a good thing, because we’re not as hung up in the bureaucracy. Our CEO always jokes that we’re too small to be big but too big to be small. But that allows us to navigate somewhere between those extremes, so that if a bigger partner needs a certain color in the next season, we can turn it around without getting caught up in bureaucracy but also having the capacity to deliver. We’re footwear people, we know how to navigate every side of this industry.
And is that connected to the concept of taking the brand to the next level?
It’s more about how all of that highlights the commitment we’ve made to this industry. We’re doing all we can to make sure that this brand and these customers have what they need. We could not be more committed to the XTRATUF brand and community going forward.
We’re not doing anything to look pretty or to sell for fashion. That doesn’t work. Can we do some linings with certain partners like the Salmon Sisters to create different patterns on the inside of the boot? Absolutely. Because that’s just kind of a fun thing we do every season. But that’s secondary to the core functionality of our products, which is what we’re focused on as footwear people.
When a typical Bristol Bay gillnetter goes screaming out to an opening and sets its gear in water where a seagull can almost stand, chances are about 50-50 that it’s being propelled by a Hamilton jet. Hamilton has dominated the industry for years, and for many good reasons, but as Hamilton’s sales rep Matt Gordy, says: “There’s a lot of good competition out there.”
For Bristol Bay boats, Hamilton is meeting the competition with the HTX30. “That’s our new tapered impeller, mixed-flow jet.” The HTX30 features a conical wear ring so that the impeller tip tolerance can be reset as it wears down.
“We just put a pair on a Beaver Valley boat,” says Gordy, who notes that it may be the last from the builder. “It’s got our new AVX electronic control system, with all the bells and whistles. It’s got the Mouseboat/3-axis controller, it’s got the handheld remote for the aft deck, so it’s going to be a very advanced bay boat.”
The handheld control comes with a 9-meter umbilical that can plug into a bulkhead fi tting and give the skipper complete control including lateral movement.
“It does the math for you, so those complex
maneuvers where you would be dropping a bucket and raising a bucket and then steering to counter to create that lateral movement — our Mouseboat or joystick does that for you.”
When it comes to service, Gordy believes Hamilton has the best. “We have the largest spare parts inventory in the world,” he says. “And we have our own foundries and are making our own parts from raw materials, which is pretty
One of Hamilton’s service managers, Colin Davis, recalls being in Bristol Bay just prior to the opening of salmon season, when a customer came to him with a serious problem.
“I was walking through the boatyard, meeting people, and this guy came and his thrust bearing was failing. I went to see the boat, and the bearing was growling. I arranged for all the parts to get GoldStreaked to Anchorage. I picked them up and flew out to King Salmon and was able to rebuild his front end there in time for him to go fishing, all in all it was three days.”
The Finnish marine jet builder Alamarin has been around for decades but is a relative newcomer to the Bristol Bay fishery, having made an entry with its Omega 42 and Omega 37 jets.
“We put an Omega 42 on a boat built in Homer, the Evo,” says John Miele, Alamarin sales manager for Asia and the Pacific. “The owner wanted a jet with the power to get up on step with 20,000 pounds, to get those fish to the tender faster.”
The Omega 42 can handle up to 2,040 horsepower, and the Omega 37 can take up to 1,200 horsepower, and both feature Alamarin’s dual-angle shaft, as well as a conical impeller housing that can be shimmed as the impeller wears.
When it comes to competition, Alamarin is betting on service to attract new customers.
“We are setting up a service center in
Naknek,” says Miele. “It
there won’t be any delays waiting for parts or service. No one wants to hear that a mechanic is flying up from Seattle.” In a fishery where some captains say
they’re losing $50,000 for every day they can’t fish, Alamarin could make waves.
Marine Jet Propulsion’s UltraJet is also growing its reputation in the Bristol Bay salmon fishery.
Fisherman and boatbuilder Tom Allioti prides himself in choosing only the best components for his boats. His company, NTG Fabrication, equipped their 2021 vessels, including the graphics wrapped Killer, with UltraJets.
“For 35 years, Marine Jet Power has been redefining the waterjet market with innovation and unsurpassed quality,” says MJP marketing manager, Kelsey Nemeth.
“Engineered and built in Sweden, MJP’s proven stainless steel, mixed-flow and aluminum, axial-flow waterjets are used in many diverse applications, including commercial fishing.”
According to Nemeth, the UltraJet is designed with low operating costs and ease of maintenance in mind.
“The team at MJP believes in a full-service approach,” says Nemeth. “From performance and efficiency to aftermarket support and service, MJP is a true marine propulsion partner.”
As Hamilton Jet’s Matt Gordy says, “there’s a lot of good competition out there,” and the primary beneficiaries will be the Bristol Bay fishermen.
Paul Molyneaux is the Boats & Gear editor for National Fisherman and author of “The Doryman’s Refl ection.”
For the most up to date exhibitor listings and booth numbers, download the National Fisherman app.
Go to the App Store on your mobile phone and search: National Fisherman or scan this QR tag with your device camera.
ACI Boats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1031
Acupuncture and Wellness Center . 4312
AdvanTec Marine ................ 1547
Alamarin Jet Oy 421
Alaska Chadux Network 4223
Alaska Communications SystemACS 632
Alaska Department of Fish and Game ...................... 4224
Alaska Department of Labor & Workforce Development, Alaska Commercial Fishermen’s Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4323
Alaska Division of Investments 4214
Alaska Fisheries Development Foundation ..................... 4125
Alaska Marine Safety Education Assn 4118
Alaska Net & Supply ............. 4021
Alaska Sea Grant College Program . 4321
Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute 4218
Alaska Rubber Group 906
Aleutian Airways ................. 4128
Alexander Gow Fire Equipment .... 624
Alfa Laval Inc .................... 629
Alfa Marine and Protein 629
All American Marine 1107
Alpha Diving Inc. ................ 4233
Alpha Welding and Boat Repair Inc. 4233
Altra Industrial Motion Corp 1325
ALVAR Mist ehf 332
American Vulkan Corp ............ 1105
Anchor Hatches .................. 406
Aquakob Systems Inc. 640
Marine and Precision Weld Boats 1430
Arrow Speed Controls & Automation 239
Asano Global Co., Ltd. ............. 524
Atlas Incinerators ................ 629
Brought to you by National
Badinotti Group 625
Ballard Industrial ............ 238+243 Bay Ship and Yacht Co 1127
Bay Weld Boats 4031
Beacon Occupational Health and Safety Service Inc. ........... 4315
Beckwith & Kuffel 1046
Bekina Boots 710
BGH Specialty Steel .............. 313
BIOBOR Fuel Additives 601
Blankenship Equipment Repair 338
BlastOne ....................... 2605
Blue Ocean Gear ................. 928
Boats & Harbors 734
Boatswain’s Locker Inc. ..... 1349+1350
Bomar/Pompanette LLC .......... 1345
Bornstein Seafoods Inc. 4124 Bostrom Company, H.O. ............ 400
Breakwater Marine Electric ........ 614
Bristol Bay Regional Seafood Development Association 4119 Bristol Bay Fishermen’s Association 4225 Britmar Marine Ltd ................ 614
Brix Marine 852 California State University Maritime Academy ....................... 1160
Cali-optics Importer ............. 1156
Cascade Engine Center LLC 1431+ 1529 Cascade Machinery & Electric ...... 739
Castoldi USA Inc. ................ 1205
Catalyst Marine Engineering, LLC 4215 Center of Excellence for Marine Manufacturing & Technology ...... 507
CFAB - AK Commercial Fishing and Agriculture Bank 4121 Cheyenne Scale Company 1007
Christie & Grey Inc .............. 1212
City of Homer-Port & Harbor 4033
Clatsop Community College/MERTS Campus 910
Coastal Fluid Power .............. 500
Coastwise Corporation 1030
Columbia Industrial Products - CIP Marine .......................... 439
Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission .................... 4214
Commercial Fishermen for Bristol Bay 4325
ComNav Marine Ltd .............. 1029
Continental Western Corporation 532
Cook Inlet Spill Prevention and Response, Inc. (CISPRI) ........... 4330
Cooley Equipment Sales, Inc. 1100
Cordova Port & Harbor ........... 4331
Crowley Engineering Services, Inc. 724
Cummins Inc. 1311
Curtin Maritime .................. 605
Datrex Inc 539
Deckhand Electronic Logbook ...... 529
Deflector Marine Rudder 1166
DEIF ............................ 900
Dellner Bubenzer 1121
Delta Western, LLC 4230
Desert Air Alaska ................ 4324
Dexter-Russell Inc 609
Diesel Outboards Northwest ...... 1151 Distribution International 1050
DNV ........................... 1210
Dock Street Brokers 611
Dole Refrigerating Co 748
Dong Yang Rope Mfg Co Ltd ....... 525
Driveline Service of Portland Inc 1304
Dryshod Waterproof Footwear .... 1158
DSV Air & Sea Inc 606
DuraBrite Lighting Solutions ....... 708
Duramax Marine LLC ............. 1339
E&E Foods 4317
EHP Satellite Networks ............ 241
ElectricalHub.com 1108
Elliott Bay Design Group ......... 1004
Elpress BV 332
Eltorque AS ...................... 806
Endura Paint ..................... 846
Enviro-Tech Diving Inc 449
Everett Ship Repair ............... 821
Everts Air Cargo 4129
F & M Mafco ..................... 942
Farwest Corrosion Control Company 1043
Farwest Steel Corp 3001
Fisheries Supply Company ........ 1521
Fishermen Led Injury Prevention Program (FLIPP) .......................... 502
Fishermen’s News 220
Fishery Friendly Climate Action ... 1162
Fishtek Marine Ltd. ............... 441
Fitec International 545
Flexahopper Plastics LTD .......... 715
FLIR Systems Inc. 1245
FPT Powertrain Technologies ..... 1413
Fraser Bronze Foundry Inc ......... 424
Freedman Seating Company 725
FT - TEC USA Corp. ................ 503
Furuno USA, Inc. 1515
Fusion Marine Technology, Inc. ..... 733
Gannet Nets ..................... 611
Garmin USA 700
Geislinger Corp ................. 1207
General Communication Inc (GCI) 632
Glamox Aqua Signal Corporation ... 709
Glendinning Marine Products ..... 1444
Glide Bearings & Seal Systems 651
Glosten ......................... 833
Gold Star Marine 4229
Graco Inc ........................ 504
Great Western Pump Co ........... 849
Greysam Industrial Services 2601
Grundens ........................ 721
GS Marine 808
Guy Cotten Inc ................... 339
Hamilton Jet .................... 1333
Harbor Marine Maintenance 1442
Hatton Marine .................. 1307
Hempel (USA) Inc 629
Highmark Marine Fabrication ..... 4123
Hill Innovations ................... 415
Hiller Companies (The) 826 Hockema Group, Inc. ............. 1129
Homer Marine Trades Assoc/Port of Homer/NOMAR/Northern Enterprises
Boat Yard ....................... 4033 Hose Master LLC 401 Hydro Dynamics Solutions ......... 551 Icom America Inc 1134
Imtra Corp ....................... 839 Inlet Energy 4230
Integrated Marine Systems Inc ..... 1013
International Marine Industries Inc 1000 International Pacific Halibut Commission ..................... 513 ISolv Technical Services 1426
Itsaskorda ....................... 611 ITW Devcon 233 iXblue .......................... 948
JAG Welding Fabrication & Services 642 Jastram Engineering ............. 1331 Jetoptera 1424 JMP Corporation ................. 1343
John Deere Power Systems 1421 Jokasafe Oy ...................... 512 Jotun Paints Inc 1033 JT Marine Inc .................... 829 KAPP USA ........................ 604
Karl Senner, LLC. 1321 KEMEL USA ..................... 1221 Kendrick Equipment 1152 Kent Safety Products .............. 710 Kleen Pacific 951
Kodiak Marine Construction ....... 1329
Kolstrand, JKFAB, Nordic & Forfjord by Integrity Machining, Inc. ........... 538
Kongsberg Maritime 921
Konrad Marine .................. 1301
KVH Industries, Inc. .............. 1239
Lavango Group 332
LFS Marine Supplies .............. 621
LifeMed Alaska 4231
Lignum Vitae North America ....... 803
Linde Gas & Equipment Inc. ....... 639
Little Hoquiam Shipyard 801
Llebroc Industries ................ 213
Logan Clutch Corporation 1428
Longsoaker Fishing Systems ....... 505
Lopolight 1008
Lunde Marine Electronics Inc ...... 1221
Lynden Inc 4130
MacGregor USA Inc. ............... 932
Machine Support Technologies, Inc. 233
Mackay Marine U.S. West Coast & Pacific
NW/Alaska & Olex North America 1503
MAGNA Lifting Products Inc ........ 929
Marco Products /
Smith Berger Marine, Inc. .......... 920
Maretron 1128
Marine Exchange of Alaska ....... 4122
Marine Exchange of Puget Sound 4122
Marine Hydraulic Consultancy ...... 409
Marine Jet Power 1111
Marine Propulsion West, LLC ....... 421
Marine Systems Inc. 1233
Marine Yellow Pages .............. 327
Maritime Highschool/Northwest Maritime Center .................. 507 Maritime Institute 220
Marport Americas, Inc. ............. 939
Mar Wear 510
Maximum Performance Hydraulics .. 726
McDermott Light & Signal 1052
MechPro Inc ..................... 544
MER Equipment, Inc. 1121
MetOcean Telematics ............. 528
Michelli Weighing & Measurement 904
Michigan Wheel .................. 743
Miller-Leaman, Inc. 534
Millner-Haufen Tool Company ...... 343
Mitsubishi Marine Engine ........ 1439
MJ Marine Exhaust Systems 542
Motion & Flow Control Products, Inc. 707
Moteurs Baudouin 421
MSHS (Formerly Motor Services Hugo
Stamp/Governor Control Systems) 1413
Mountain Pacific Bank 610
Mustad Autoline Inc 1039
Mustang Survival Inc 1201
Naiad Dynamics 1142
National Maintenance & Repair NW 1051
National Marine Exhaust Inc 448
Naust Marine USA Inc 905
Nautican Research & Development Ltd 1131
Nauticomp Inc 1244
N C Power Systems 1115
Newfront Insurance 1238
Nichols Brothers Boat Builders 821
N-Nine Enterprises Ltd 608
NOAA 521 Nobeltec 1513
NOMAR 4033
NET Systems Inc 851
North American Fishing Supplies DBA: Morenot USA 333
North Atlantic Pacific Seafood /
NA Fisheries 711
North Coast Fishermen’s Cable Committee 632
North Pacific Crane 811
North River Boats 1026
Northern Air Cargo 4019
Northern Enterprises Boat Yard 4033
Northern Lights 813
Northline Seafoods 4005
Northwest Farm Credit Services 745
Notus Electronics Ltd 1228
Olympic Propeller 1053
Omnisense Systems USA 1126
OptimERA xG 4333
Oregon Fishermen’s Cable Committee 632
Ounalashka Corporation 4116
PAC Stainless Ltd 628
Pacific Boat Brokers Inc 403
Pacific Fishermen Shipyard & Electric 1221
Pacific Fishing Magazine 835
Pacific Marine Center 330
Pacific Marine Equipment LLC 701
Pacific Net & Twine Ltd 827
Pacific Pipe and Pump 551
Pacific Power Group 915
Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission 346
Palmer Johnson Power Systems 1215
Panel Components & Systems 911
Penser North America 543
Peoples Bank 1221
Performance Contracting Inc 750
Petro Marine Services 603
Petro Star Inc dba North
Pacific Fuel 4221
PFI Marine Electric 1221
Phoenix Lighting 824
Pivotel 312
Platypus Marine, Inc 1032
Port of Port Angeles 850
Port of Port Townsend 506
Port of Seattle 2600
Port of Seward 4217
Port Townsend Shipwrights Co-op 514
Prince William Sound Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council 4322
Prism Graphics Inc 3002
Propulsion Systems, Inc 1206
PTLX Global LLC 1221
Puget Buoy 1025
Pump Industries Inc 1106
PYI Inc. 807
R W Fernstrum & Company 1306
Rasmussen Equipment Co
Wire Rope and Rigging 633
Ravn Alaska 444
Remitite America, Inc 1139
RESOLVE Marine Group 4328
Rhotheta International Inc 648
Rice Propulsion 1109
Brought to you by National Fisherman
rjll enterprises 4318
Roxtec 812
Rubber Resource 1168
Rugged Seas LLC 442
Ryco 511
S & W Wilson Inc 800
Saeplast Americas Inc 221
SafetyNet Technologies 926
Samey Robotics 332
Samson Tug & Barge 4319
Scania 1431
Scantrol AS 808
Schaeffer’s Specialized Lubricants 4127
SCHOTTEL, Inc 1211
Scurlock Electric LLC 515
Seadog Fishing Solutions, Inc 1213
Sea-Mountain Insurance 653
Seaspan Shipyards 907
Seatronx 1124
Seattle Fishermen’s Memorial 549
Seattle Marine & Fishing Supply Co 315
Seattle Tarp, Inc 325
Ship Electronics Inc 953
ShipConstructor USA Inc 1010
Ships Machinery International Inc 727
SI-TEX Marine/Koden Electronics 1130
Snow & Company 600
Sound Propeller Services 638
Spar Power Technologies 1176
Spears Manufacturing Company 527
Spencer Fluid Power 1234
Spurs Marine Manufacturing Inc 838
Stabbert Marine & Industrial LLC 805
Standard Calibrations Inc 1101
Star Rentals 1501
Stormline International 708
Strapack 526
Superior Glove Ltd 3000
Sure Marine Service Inc 1200
Suspension Systems Technologies 1006
Suzuki 1529
Tacoma Diesel and Equipment Inc 1511
Technical Marine & Industrial . . . . . . 551
Thoma-Sea Marine Constructors LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1204
Thorp Equipment Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . 730
Thrustmaster of Texas Inc . . . . . . . . 1009
Thundercat Marketing . . . . . . . 708+ 710
Thyboron Trawldoor 751 Total Reclaim 1027
Transfluid LLC 1300
Transport Products and Service Enterprises, Inc. 1310
Trident Seafoods 351
TWG Tulsa Winch - LANTEC and Pullmaster Brands 950 Twin Disc Inc. 1215
US Coast Guard 17th CG District 321 U.S. Navy 4115 University of Alaska Southeast
Maritime Training Center . . . . . . . . . . 706
United Fishermen of Alaska 4125
United Tribes of Bristol Bay 4325
US Electric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 607
US Watermaker, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 551
USCG Fishing Vessel Safety Program 321 Vallation Outerwear 314 Victaulic Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1045
Vision X Lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 621
W&O Supply 1001 Wager Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 848
Washington Emergency Management Division . . . . . . . . . . . . 4114 Washington Machine Works 930 Washington Maritime Blue 2500 Washington Sea Grant . . . . . . . . . . . . 501 Washington Trollers Association . . . . 328
WCT Marine & Construction, Inc. 842 Weihai Fly Young Sports Co., Ltd 924
WESMAR - Western Marine Electronics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 931
Western Fire & Safety 435 Western Group (The) 535
Western Mariner Magazine 630
Whistle Workwear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3005
Whittier Seafood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4228
Wiehle Industries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 729
Woods Hole Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1243
Wooster Products Inc 349
WPL Industries BV 332 Wrangell Port & Harbors 4314
XTRATUF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451
YNAGG Fishing Careers App . . . . . . . . 927
ZF Marine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1021
Zhejiang Longyuan Sifang Machinery Manufacture Co., Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 644
Christie & Grey Inc 1212
Driveline Service of Portland Inc 1304
Fishtek Marine Ltd 441
Furuno USA, Inc 1515
iXblue 948
Kongsberg Maritime 921
Marport Americas, Inc 939
Notus Electronics Ltd 1228
Ship Electronics Inc 953
Marine Exchange of Puget Sound 4122
Pacific Fishing Magazine 835
Prism Graphics Inc 3002
Beckwith & Kuffel 1046
Cascade Machinery & Electric 739
Northern Lights 813
R W Fernstrum & Company 1306
Star Rentals 1501
Sure Marine Service Inc 1200
Victaulic Company 1045
Alaska Rubber Group 906
Beckwith & Kuffel 1046
Imtra Corp 839
Aleutian Airways 4128
Desert Air Alaska 4324
DSV Air & Sea Inc 606
Everts Air Cargo 4129
LifeMed Alaska 4231
Lynden Inc 4130
Northern Air Cargo 4019
Ravn Alaska 444
Suspension Systems Technologies 1006
Alexander Gow Fire Equipment 624
Maretron 1128
Pacific Fishermen Shipyard & Electric 1221
Standard Calibrations Inc 1101
Kolstrand, JKFAB, Nordic & Forfjord by Integrity Machining, Inc 538
KVH Industries, Inc 1239
Blue Ocean Gear 928
Greysam Industrial Services 2601
Ryco 511 Seattle Tarp, Inc 325
Alaska Marine Safety Education Assn 4118
Bristol Bay Fishermen’s Association 4225
Bristol Bay Regional Seafood Development Association 4119
Center of Excellence for Marine Manufacturing & Technology 507
Homer Marine Trades Assoc/Port of Homer/ NOMAR/Northern Enterprises Boat Yard 4033
Marine Exchange of Puget Sound 4122
Oregon Fishermen’s Cable Committee 632
Prince William Sound Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council 4322
United Fishermen of Alaska 4125
Washington Maritime Blue 2500 Washington Trollers Association 328 Western Mariner Magazine 630
ComNav Marine Ltd 1029
Furuno USA, Inc 1515
Garmin USA 700
Hamilton Jet 1333
Lunde Marine Electronics Inc 1221
SI-TEX Marine/Koden Electronics 1130
E&E Foods 4317
International Marine Industries Inc 1000
Longsoaker Fishing Systems 505
North Atlantic Pacific Seafood / NA Fisheries 711
Marine and Precision Weld Boats 1430
Boats & Harbors 734
Catalyst Marine Engineering, LLC 4215
Cooley Equipment Sales, Inc 1100
Curtin Maritime 605
F & M Mafco 942
Highmark Marine Fabrication 4123
JAG Welding Fabrication & Services 642
JT Marine Inc 829
MAGNA Lifting Products Inc 929
Nichols Brothers Boat Builders 821
Rubber Resource 1168
Seaspan Shipyards 907
ShipConstructor USA Inc 1010
Stabbert Marine & Industrial LLC 805
Thoma-Sea Marine Constructors LLC 1204
Transport Products and Service Enterprises, Inc 1310
Wager Company 848
WCT Marine & Construction, Inc 842
Wiehle Industries 729
Britmar Marine Ltd 614
Fisheries Supply Company 1521
Linde Gas & Equipment Inc 639
Pacific Power Group 915
Petro Marine Services 603
Spar Power Technologies 1176
Transfluid LLC 1300
Britmar Marine Ltd 614
Fisheries Supply Company 1521
Pacific Fishermen Shipyard & Electric 1221 Scurlock Electric LLC 515
Spar Power Technologies 1176 Sure Marine Service Inc 1200 Transfluid LLC 1300
Columbia Industrial Products - CIP Marine 439
Driveline Service of Portland Inc 1304
Duramax Marine LLC 1339
Glide Bearings & Seal Systems 651
Lignum Vitae North America 803
Maximum Performance Hydraulics 726 Michigan Wheel 743
Olympic Propeller 1053
Pacific Marine Equipment LLC 701
Rice Propulsion 1109
Asano Global Co , Ltd 524
F & M Mafco 942
Fisheries Supply Company 1521
Fraser Bronze Foundry Inc 424
Marco Products / Smith Berger Marine, Inc 920
Naust Marine USA Inc 905
NET Systems Inc 851
ACI Boats 1031
All American Marine 1107
Alpha Diving Inc 4233
Alpha Welding and Boat Repair Inc 4233
Marine and Precision Weld Boats 1430
Bay Weld Boats 4031
Boats & Harbors 734
Brix Marine 852
Catalyst Marine Engineering, LLC 4215
Coastwise Corporation 1030
Curtin Maritime 605
Gold Star Marine 4229
Highmark Marine Fabrication 4123
JAG Welding Fabrication & Services 642
JT Marine Inc 829
Kodiak Marine Construction 1329
Little Hoquiam Shipyard 801
Llebroc Industries 213
MAGNA Lifting Products Inc 929
Millner-Haufen Tool Company 343
Nichols Brothers Boat Builders 821
N-Nine Enterprises Ltd 608
North River Boats 1026
Pacific Fishermen Shipyard & Electric 1221
Platypus Marine, Inc 1032
Port of Port Angeles 850
Port of Port Townsend 506
Port Townsend Shipwrights Co-op 514
Rhotheta International Inc 648
Rice Propulsion 1109
Roxtec 812
Rubber Resource 1168
ShipConstructor USA Inc 1010
Snow & Company 600
Stabbert Marine & Industrial LLC 805
Thoma-Sea Marine Constructors LLC 1204
Wager Company 848
WCT Marine & Construction, Inc 842
Wiehle Industries 729
Wooster Products Inc 349
Wrangell Port & Harbors 4314
All American Marine 1107
BGH Specialty Steel 313
Cascade Engine Center LLC 1431, 1529
Distribution International 1050 ElectricalHub com 1108
Endura Paint 846
Farwest Steel Corp 3001
Fraser Bronze Foundry Inc 424
Glendinning Marine Products 1444
Hill Innovations 415
JAG Welding Fabrication & Services 642
Linde Gas & Equipment Inc 639
MAGNA Lifting Products Inc 929
N-Nine Enterprises Ltd 608
PAC Stainless Ltd 628
Rhotheta International Inc 648
ShipConstructor USA Inc 1010
Victaulic Company 1045 Wooster Products Inc 349
Boats & Harbors 734
Cordova Port & Harbor 4331
MAGNA Lifting Products Inc 929
Port of Port Townsend 506
Rasmussen Equipment Co Wire Rope and Rigging 633
Transport Products and Service Enterprises, Inc 1310 Wrangell Port & Harbors 4314
Boats & Harbors 734
Driveline Service of Portland Inc 1304
Imtra Corp 839
Jetoptera 1424
Logan Clutch Corporation 1428
Marine Hydraulic Consultancy 409
Michigan Wheel 743
MJ Marine Exhaust Systems 542
Naiad Dynamics 1142
Pacific Marine Equipment LLC 701
SCHOTTEL, Inc 1211
Ships Machinery International Inc 727
Thrustmaster of Texas Inc 1009
WESMAR - Western Marine Electronics 931
ZF Marine 1021
Altra Industrial Motion Corp 1325
Dellner Bubenzer 1121
Logan Clutch Corporation 1428
Dock Street Brokers 611
International Marine Industries Inc 1000
Pacific Boat Brokers Inc 403
Badinotti Group 625
Blue Ocean Gear 928
Duramax Marine LLC 1339
McDermott Light & Signal 1052
N-Nine Enterprises Ltd 608
Pacific Net & Twine Ltd 827
Puget Buoy 1025
Rasmussen Equipment Co Wire Rope
and Rigging 633
Saeplast Americas Inc. 221
Seattle Marine & Fishing Supply Co 315
Cooley Equipment Sales, Inc. 1100 ElectricalHub.com 1108
General Communication Inc (GCI) 632
North Coast Fishermen’s Cable Committee 632 Oregon Fishermen’s Cable Committee 632
Fraser Bronze Foundry Inc 424
Kolstrand, JKFAB, Nordic & Forfjord by Integrity Machining, Inc. 538
MacGregor USA Inc. 932
Naust Marine USA Inc 905
Rasmussen Equipment Co Wire Rope and Rigging 633
Curtin Maritime 605
DSV Air & Sea Inc 606
MacGregor USA Inc. 932
MAGNA Lifting Products Inc 929
Northern Air Cargo 4019
Petro Star Inc. dba North Pacific Fuel 4221
Port of Port Angeles 850
Ravn Alaska 444
Samson Tug & Barge 4319
Machine Support Technologies, Inc. 233 Roxtec 812
Cascade Machinery & Electric 739
Hydro Dynamics Solutions 551
ISolv Technical Services 1426
Chains & Fittings
MAGNA Lifting Products Inc 929
NET Systems Inc 851
Alaska Rubber Group 906
Delta Western, LLC 4230
Petro Marine Services 603
DNV 1210
Machine Support Technologies, Inc. 233
Petro Marine Services 603
Cleaning Systems
Greysam Industrial Services 2601
Jokasafe Oy 512
Continental Western Corporation 532
Grundens 721
Guy Cotten Inc 339
Mar Wear 510
North American Fishing Supplies DBA:
Morenot USA 333
Rugged Seas LLC 442
Seattle Marine & Fishing Supply Co 315
Vallation Outerwear 314
Washington Trollers Association 328
Whistle Workwear 3005
YNAGG Fishing Careers App 927
Endura Paint 846
Farwest Corrosion Control Company 1043
Highmark Marine Fabrication 4123
Jotun Paints Inc 1033
Machine Support Technologies, Inc. 121 MJ Marine Exhaust Systems 542 Wiehle Industries 729
Alaska Communications System - ACS 632
Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute 4218
Clatsop Community College/MERTS Campus 910
Furuno USA, Inc. 1515
Fusion Marine Technology, Inc. 733
Garmin USA 700
General Communication Inc (GCI) 632
Icom America Inc 1134
KVH Industries, Inc. 1239
Lunde Marine Electronics Inc 1221
Marine Exchange of Puget Sound 4122
OptimERA xG 4333
Pacific Fishing Magazine 835
YNAGG Fishing Careers App 927
ComNav Marine Ltd 1029
Furuno USA, Inc. 1515 Maretron 1128
Deckhand Electronic Logbook 529
Michelli Weighing & Measurement 904
Nauticomp Inc 1244
Nobeltec 1513
Seadog Fishing Solutions, Inc. 1213
ShipConstructor USA Inc 1010
YNAGG Fishing Careers App 927
Boats & Harbors 734 CETS LLC 901
Enviro-Tech Diving Inc 449 F & M Mafco 942
MAGNA Lifting Products Inc 929
Victaulic Company 1045 Wooster Products Inc 349
Beacon Occupational Health and Safety Service Inc. 4315
Clatsop Community College/MERTS Campus 910
Crowley Engineering Services, Inc. 724 DNV 1210
Elliott Bay Design Group 1004
Farwest Corrosion Control Company 1043
Glosten 833
Marine Exchange of Puget Sound 4122
Marine Hydraulic Consultancy 409
Pacific Boat Brokers Inc 403
ShipConstructor USA Inc 1010
Western Mariner Magazine 630
Saeplast Americas Inc. 221
Samson Tug & Barge 4319
Aquakob Systems Inc. 640 CETS LLC 901
Eltorque AS 806
Farwest Corrosion Control Company 1043
Glendinning Marine Products 1444
Greysam Industrial Services 2601
Hamilton Jet 1333 Marine Jet Power 1111
Motion & Flow Control Products, Inc. 707
MSHS (Formerly Motor Services Hugo Stamp/ Governor Control Systems) 1413
Naiad Dynamics 1142
Naust Marine USA Inc 905
Pacific Fishermen Shipyard & Electric 1221 Propulsion Systems, Inc. 1206
Standard Calibrations Inc 1101
Twin Disc Inc. 1215
ZF Marine 1021
Zhejiang Longyuan Sifang Machinery Manufacture Co., Ltd. 644
Integrated Marine Systems Inc 1013
JMP Corporation 1343 Miller-Leaman, Inc. 534 R.W. Fernstrum & Company 1306 S & W Wilson Inc 800
Cooley Equipment Sales, Inc. 1100
Endura Paint 846
Farwest Corrosion Control Company 1043 Machine Support Technologies, Inc. 121
PAC Stainless Ltd 628
Transport Products and Service Enterprises, Inc. 1310 Wiehle Industries 729
Alaska Rubber Group 906
Altra Industrial Motion Corp 1325
American Vulkan Corp 1105
Dellner Bubenzer 1121
Driveline Service of Portland Inc 1304 Hatton Marine 1307
Pacific Marine Equipment LLC 701 Rice Propulsion 1109 Transfluid LLC 1300 Victaulic Company 1045
Blue Ocean Gear 928
Continental Western Corporation 532
Fishtek Marine Ltd. 441
FT - TEC USA Corp. 503
LFS Marine Supplies 621
Longsoaker Fishing Systems 505
North American Fishing Supplies DBA:
Morenot USA 333
Puget Buoy 1025
Weihai Fly Young Sports Co., Ltd 924
AdvanTec Marine 1547
Coastal Fluid Power 500
Curtin Maritime 605
F & M Mafco 942
MacGregor USA Inc. 932
Maximum Performance Hydraulics 726
Naust Marine USA Inc 905
Ships Machinery International Inc 727
WCT Marine & Construction, Inc. 842
Kodiak Marine Construction 1329
Ryco 511
Columbia Industrial Products - CIP Marine 439
Fraser Bronze Foundry Inc 424
Kolstrand, JKFAB, Nordic & Forfjord by Integrity Machining, Inc. 538
Kongsberg Maritime 921
MacGregor USA Inc. 932
Maximum Performance Hydraulics 726
Michelli Weighing & Measurement 904
Naust Marine USA Inc 905
N-Nine Enterprises Ltd 608
Snow & Company 600
Decking Materials
Rubber Resource 1168
Wooster Products Inc 349
Delta Western, LLC 4230
Petro Marine Services 603
Diving Equipment
Enviro-Tech Diving Inc 449
Greysam Industrial Services 2601
AdvanTec Marine 1547
Bomar/Pompanette LLC 1345
Distribution International 1050
Imtra Corp 839
All American Marine 1107
Cascade Machinery & Electric 739
Driveline Service of Portland Inc 1304
Marine Propulsion West, LLC 421
Naust Marine USA Inc 905
Scurlock Electric LLC 515
Transfluid LLC 1300
Marine Hydraulic Consultancy 409
MER Equipment, Inc. 1121
OptimERA xG 4333
Spar Power Technologies 1176
Crowley Engineering Services, Inc. 724
Elliott Bay Design Group 1004
Glosten 833
Marine Hydraulic Consultancy 409
OptimERA xG 4333
Pacific Fishermen Shipyard & Electric 1221
Spar Power Technologies 1176
Spencer Fluid Power 1234
Britmar Marine Ltd 614
Cooley Equipment Sales, Inc. 1100
ElectricalHub.com 1108
Eltorque AS 806
Fisheries Supply Company 1521
Fishtek Marine Ltd. 441
Karl Senner, LLC. 1321
Mackay Marine U.S. West Coast &
www.nationalfisherman.com • Follow us on social media
Pacific NW/Alaska & Olex North America 1503
Marine Hydraulic Consultancy 409
McDermott Light & Signal 1052
MER Equipment, Inc 1121
OptimERA xG 4333
Pacific Fishermen Shipyard & Electric 1221
Port Townsend Shipwrights Co-op 514
Pump Industries Inc 1106
Rhotheta International Inc 648
Roxtec 812
Scurlock Electric LLC 515
Spar Power Technologies 1176
Standard Calibrations Inc 1101
Fusion Marine Technology, Inc 733
Gold Star Marine 4229
JAG Welding Fabrication & Services 642
Mackay Marine U S West Coast &
Pacific NW/Alaska & Olex North America 1503
OptimERA xG 4333
Pacific Fishermen Shipyard & Electric 1221
Blue Ocean Gear 928
Deckhand Electronic Logbook 529
Furuno USA, Inc 1515
Fusion Marine Technology, Inc 733
Glendinning Marine Products 1444
Lunde Marine Electronics Inc 1221
Mackay Marine U S West Coast &
Pacific NW/Alaska & Olex North America 1503
MER Equipment, Inc 1121
Nauticomp Inc 1244
OptimERA xG 4333
Pacific Power Group 915
Propulsion Systems, Inc 1206
Puget Buoy 1025
SafetyNet Technologies 926
Seatronx 1124
SI-TEX Marine/Koden Electronics 1130
Spencer Fluid Power 1234
Transport Products and Service Enterprises, Inc 1310
ZF Marine 1021
Furuno USA, Inc 1515
Fusion Marine Technology, Inc 733
Icom America Inc 1134
KVH Industries, Inc 1239
Lunde Marine Electronics Inc 1221
Mackay Marine U S West Coast & Pacific NW/Alaska & Olex North America 1503
OptimERA xG 4333
Rhotheta International Inc 648
Seatronx 1124
SI-TEX Marine/Koden Electronics 1130
Woods Hole Group 1243
FLIR Systems Inc 1245
Furuno USA, Inc 1515
Fusion Marine Technology, Inc 733
Garmin USA 700
Kongsberg Maritime 921
Lunde Marine Electronics Inc 1221
Mackay Marine U S West Coast &
Pacific NW/Alaska & Olex North America 1503
Marport Americas, Inc 939
Notus Electronics Ltd 1228
SafetyNet Technologies 926
Seatronx 1124
Ship Electronics Inc 953
SI-TEX Marine/Koden Electronics 1130
WESMAR - Western Marine Electronics 931 Woods Hole Group 1243
ComNav Marine Ltd 1029
FLIR Systems Inc 1245
Furuno USA, Inc 1515
Fusion Marine Technology, Inc 733
Garmin USA 700
Gold Star Marine 4229
Icom America Inc 1134
Kongsberg Maritime 921
Lunde Marine Electronics Inc 1221
Mackay Marine U S West Coast &
Pacific NW/Alaska & Olex North America 1503 Maretron 1128 Nobeltec 1513
Rhotheta International Inc 648 rjll enterprises 4318
Seatronx 1124
SI-TEX Marine/Koden Electronics 1130
WESMAR - Western Marine Electronics 931 Woods Hole Group 1243
American Vulkan Corp 1105
Cummins Inc 1311
Diesel Outboards Northwest 1151
Harbor Marine Maintenance 1442 Hatton Marine 1307
JMP Corporation 1343
John Deere Power Systems 1421 Kodiak Marine Construction 1329 Marine Propulsion West, LLC 421 MER Equipment, Inc 1121 N C Power Systems 1115 National Marine Exhaust Inc 448 Pacific Power Group 915
Boats & Harbors 734
Cummins Inc 1311
Diesel Outboards Northwest 1151 F & M Mafco 942
Gold Star Marine 4229 Hatton Marine 1307
John Deere Power Systems 1421
MAGNA Lifting Products Inc 929
Marine Propulsion West, LLC 421 MER Equipment, Inc 1121
MSHS (Formerly Motor Services Hugo Stamp/ Governor Control Systems) 1413 N C Power Systems 1115
Pacific Power Group 915
Port Townsend Shipwrights Co-op 514 Rubber Resource 1168 Seaspan Shipyards 907
Snow & Company 600
Tacoma Diesel and Equipment Inc 1511
Boats & Harbors
Boatswain’s Locker Inc 1349, 1350
Cascade Engine Center LLC 1431, 1529
Christie & Grey Inc 1212
Cummins Inc 1311
Diesel Outboards Northwest 1151
Harbor Marine Maintenance 1442 Hatton Marine 1307
Highmark Marine Fabrication 4123
Jetoptera 1424
John Deere Power Systems 1421
Marine Propulsion West, LLC 421
Marine Systems Inc 1233 MER Equipment, Inc 1121
Mitsubishi Marine Engine 1439
MSHS (Formerly Motor Services Hugo Stamp/ Governor Control Systems) 1413
N C Power Systems 1115
Northern Lights 813
Pacific Power Group 915
R W Fernstrum & Company 1306
Suspension Systems Technologies 1006
Tacoma Diesel and Equipment Inc 1511
Alaska Chadux Network 4223
Enviro-Tech Diving Inc 449
Fishtek Marine Ltd 441
Glosten 833
Kleen Pacific 951
SafetyNet Technologies 926 Total Reclaim 1027 Wager Company 848
American Vulkan Corp 1105 Christie & Grey Inc 1212
Distribution International 1050 Marine Propulsion West, LLC 421 MER Equipment, Inc 1121
MJ Marine Exhaust Systems 542 National Marine Exhaust Inc 448 Performance Contracting Inc 750
Alaska Rubber Group 906 Victaulic Company 1045 W&O Supply 1001
MJ Marine Exhaust Systems 542 National Marine Exhaust Inc 448 Performance Contracting Inc 750 Platypus Marine, Inc 1032 Wiehle Industries 729 Wrangell Port & Harbors 4314
BIOBOR Fuel Additives 601
Cummins Inc 1311 Delta Western, LLC 4230 Fisheries Supply Company 1521 Hatton Marine 1307 Hydro Dynamics Solutions 551 ISolv Technical Services 1426 Kleen Pacific 951 Marine Systems Inc 1233 Miller-Leaman, Inc 534 Motion & Flow Control Products, Inc 707 Pump Industries Inc 1106 Spencer Fluid Power 1234
CFAB - AK Commercial Fishing and Agriculture Bank 4121
Mountain Pacific Bank 610
Northwest Farm Credit Services 745
Alexander Gow Fire Equipment 624 Fisheries Supply Company 1521 Hiller Companies (The) 826 Victaulic Company 1045
Alaska Marine Safety Education Assn 4118 Discovery Health MD 233
Bornstein Seafoods Inc 4124
E&E Foods 4317
International Marine Industries Inc 1000 Trident Seafoods 351 Whittier Seafood 4228
Alaska Rubber Group 906
E&E Foods 4317
Highmark Marine Fabrication 4123
Kodiak Marine Construction 1329
Ryco 511
Saeplast Americas Inc 221
Seattle Tarp, Inc 325
Western Group (The) 535
Fish Hooks & Systems
Mustad Autoline Inc 1039
Beckwith & Kuffel 1046
E&E Foods 4317
Kodiak Marine Construction 1329
Marco Products / Smith Berger Marine, Inc 920 Ryco 511
Weihai Fly Young Sports Co Ltd 924
Zhejiang Longyuan Sifang Machinery Manufacture Co , Ltd 644
Alaska Department of Fish and Game 4224
Deckhand Electronic Logbook 529 Greysam Industrial Services 2601
International Pacific Halibut Commission 513
Mackay Marine U S West Coast & Pacific NW/Alaska & Olex North America 1503
Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission 346
Seadog Fishing Solutions, Inc 1213
Washington Trollers Association 328 Woods Hole Group 1243
Asano Global Co , Ltd 524
Blue Ocean Gear 928
Continental Western Corporation 532
Deckhand Electronic Logbook 529
Fishtek Marine Ltd 441
Integrated Marine Systems Inc 1013
Longsoaker Fishing Systems 505
Marco Products / Smith Berger Marine, Inc 920
Mustad Autoline Inc 1039
NET Systems Inc 851
Pacific Net & Twine Ltd 827
Rasmussen Equipment Co Wire Rope and Rigging 633
S & W Wilson Inc 800
SafetyNet Technologies 926
Seattle Marine & Fishing Supply Co 315
Seattle Tarp, Inc 325
Thyboron Trawldoor 751
Weihai Fly Young Sports Co Ltd 924
Woods Hole Group 1243
SafetyNet Technologies 926
Petro Star Inc. dba North Pacific Fuel 4221
Star Rentals 1501
DSV Air & Sea Inc 606
Lynden Inc 4130
Samson Tug & Barge 4319
BIOBOR Fuel Additives 601
Delta Western, LLC 4230
Kleen Pacific 951
Petro Marine Services 603
Petro Star Inc. dba North Pacific Fuel 4221
Sure Marine Service Inc 1200
Michelli Weighing & Measurement 904
Motion & Flow Control Products, Inc. 707
Standard Calibrations Inc 1101
BGH Specialty Steel 313
Hatton Marine 1307
Karl Senner, LLC. 1321
Marine Propulsion West, LLC 421
Marine Systems Inc. 1233
R.W. Fernstrum & Company 1306
Twin Disc Inc. 1215
ZF Marine 1021
Cascade Engine Center LLC 1431, 1529
Christie & Grey Inc 1212
Cummins Inc. 1311
F & M Mafco 942
Harbor Marine Maintenance 1442
Hatton Marine 1307
John Deere Power Systems 1421
Marine Systems Inc. 1233
MER Equipment, Inc. 1121
N C Power Systems 1115
Naust Marine USA Inc 905
Northern Lights 813
Pacific Power Group 915
R.W. Fernstrum & Company 1306
Star Rentals 1501
Suspension Systems Technologies 1006
Tacoma Diesel and Equipment Inc 1511
ACI Boats 1031
LFS Marine Supplies 621
Pacific Net & Twine Ltd 827
Seattle Marine & Fishing Supply Co 315
Weihai Fly Young Sports Co., Ltd 924
Dexter-Russell Inc 609
ElectricalHub.com 1108
Guy Cotten Inc 339
Jokasafe Oy 512
Mustang Survival Inc 1201
Seattle Marine & Fishing Supply Co 315
Whistle Workwear 3005
Alaska Department of Fish and Game 4224
Alaska Department of Labor & Workforce Development, Alaska Commercial Fishermen’s Fund 4323
Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute 4218
Center of Excellence for Marine Manufacturing & Technology 507 Cordova Port & Harbor 4331
International Pacific Halibut Commission 513 NIOSH 530
NOAA 521
Port of Port Townsend 506 U.S. Navy 4115
United Tribes of Bristol Bay 4325
USCG Fishing Vessel Safety Program 321
Washington Emergency Management Division4114 Wrangell Port & Harbors 4314
Michelli Weighing & Measurement 904 Ryco 511
Grinding & Wastewater
Beckwith & Kuffel 1046
Pump Industries Inc 1106
Discovery Health MD 233
Asano Global Co., Ltd. 524
ElectricalHub.com 1108
Fisheries Supply Company 1521 NET Systems Inc 851 N-Nine Enterprises Ltd 608
AdvanTec Marine 1547
Anchor Hatches 406 Bomar/Pompanette LLC 1345
Fraser Bronze Foundry Inc 424 Imtra Corp 839
Rasmussen Equipment Co Wire Rope and Rigging 633
Kolstrand, JKFAB, Nordic & Forfjord by Integrity Machining, Inc. 538
Beacon Occupational Health and Safety Service Inc. 4315
Discovery Health MD 233 LifeMed Alaska 4231
Duramax Marine LLC 1339
Hydro Dynamics Solutions 551 ISolv Technical Services 1426 Marine Systems Inc. 1233 MechPro Inc 544 R.W. Fernstrum & Company 1306
Star Rentals 1501
Sure Marine Service Inc 1200
Alaska Rubber Group 906
Alexander Gow Fire Equipment 624
Coastal Fluid Power 500
Hose Master LLC 401
ISolv Technical Services 1426
Marine Hydraulic Consultancy 409
Maximum Performance Hydraulics 726
Motion & Flow Control Products, Inc. 707
PAC Stainless Ltd 628
Seattle Marine & Fishing Supply Co 315
Spencer Fluid Power 1234 Sure Marine Service Inc 1200
Alaska Rubber Group 906
Altra Industrial Motion Corp 1325
Coastal Fluid Power 500 Dellner Bubenzer 1121
Eltorque AS 806
F & M Mafco 942
LFS Marine Supplies 621
MacGregor USA Inc. 932
Marine Hydraulic Consultancy 409
Maximum Performance Hydraulics 726
Motion & Flow Control Products, Inc. 707
Naiad Dynamics 1142
PAC Stainless Ltd 628
Port Townsend Shipwrights Co-op 514
PYI Inc. 807
Seattle Marine & Fishing Supply Co 315
Spencer Fluid Power 1234
WESMAR - Western Marine Electronics 931
KAPP USA 604 Integrated Marine Systems Inc 1013 S & W Wilson Inc 800
Beckwith & Kuffel 1046
BGH Specialty Steel 313 Hill Innovations 415 JMP Corporation 1343
Marine and Precision Weld Boats 1430 Brix Marine 852 Datrex Inc 539
Suspension Systems Technologies 1006
ComNav Marine Ltd 1029
FLIR Systems Inc. 1245
Distribution International 1050
National Marine Exhaust Inc 448
Performance Contracting Inc 750 Rubber Resource 1168 TRIM-LOK, INC. 732
Bristol Bay Fishermen’s Association 4225
Newfront Insurance 1238
Penser North America 543
Sea-Mountain Insurance 653
Distribution International 1050
Llebroc Industries 213
Rubber Resource 1168
Marine and Precision Weld Boats 1430
Castoldi USA Inc. 1205
Driveline Service of Portland Inc 1304
Glendinning Marine Products 1444
Hamilton Jet 1333
Hill Innovations 415
Jetoptera 1424
Kodiak Marine Construction 1329
Marine Jet Power 1111
Marine Propulsion West, LLC 421
Naiad Dynamics 1142
Thrustmaster of Texas Inc 1009
Dexter-Russell Inc 609
Dexter-Russell Inc 609
Seattle Marine & Fishing Supply Co 315
Prism Graphics Inc. 3002
Laser Alignment Beckwith & Kuffel 1046
Clatsop Community College/MERTS Campus 910
Pacific Boat Brokers Inc 403
University of Alaska Southeast Maritime Training Center 706
Datrex Inc 539
Britmar Marine Ltd 614
Fisheries Supply Company 1521
Fishtek Marine Ltd. 441
Glamox Aqua Signal Corporation 709
Imtra Corp 839
Lopolight 1008
Mackay Marine U.S. West Coast &
Pacific NW/Alaska & Olex North America 1503
McDermott Light & Signal 1052
Pacific Fishermen Shipyard & Electric 1221
Phoenix Lighting 824
PTLX Global LLC 1221
Scurlock Electric LLC 515
Ship Electronics Inc 953
Sure Marine Service Inc 1200
Blue Ocean Gear 928
Continental Western Corporation 532
FT - TEC USA Corp. 503
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Kolstrand, JKFAB, Nordic & Forfjord by
Integrity Machining, Inc. 538
Longsoaker Fishing Systems 505
Puget Buoy 1025
Weihai Fly Young Sports Co., Ltd 924
Asano Global Co., Ltd. 524
Blue Ocean Gear 928
Fishtek Marine Ltd. 441
Kolstrand, JKFAB, Nordic & Forfjord by Integrity Machining, Inc. 538
LFS Marine Supplies 621
Marco Products / Smith Berger Marine, Inc. 920
Mustad Autoline Inc 1039
North American Fishing Supplies DBA: Morenot USA 333
BIOBOR Fuel Additives 601
Delta Western, LLC 4230
Highmark Marine Fabrication 4123
Kleen Pacific 951
Petro Marine Services 603
Petro Star Inc. dba North Pacific Fuel 4221
Schaeffer’s Specialized Lubricants 4127
Atlas Incinerators 629
Cooley Equipment Sales, Inc. 1100
Jetoptera 1424
Mitsubishi Marine Engine 1439
Naiad Dynamics 1142
Star Rentals 1501
Strapack 526
Washington Machine Works 930
Zhejiang Longyuan Sifang Machinery Manufacture Co., Ltd. 644
Asano Global Co., Ltd. 524
BGH Specialty Steel 313 Farwest Steel Corp 3001
Millner-Haufen Tool Company 343
Washington Machine Works 930
WCT Marine & Construction, Inc. 842
Western Group (The) 535
Linde Gas & Equipment Inc. 639
NET Systems Inc 851
WESMAR - Western Marine Electronics 931
Alaska Chadux Network 4223
Aquakob Systems Inc. 640
Blue Ocean Gear 928
Cooley Equipment Sales, Inc. 1100
Deckhand Electronic Logbook 529
Kongsberg Maritime 921
Maretron 1128
Marine Exchange of Puget Sound 4122
Marine Hydraulic Consultancy 409
Marport Americas, Inc. 939
MSHS (Formerly Motor Services
Hugo Stamp/Governor Control Systems) 1413
Seadog Fishing Solutions, Inc. 1213
Seatronx 1124
Standard Calibrations Inc 1101
Woods Hole Group 1243
ZF Marine 1021
Curtin Maritime 605
Dong Yang Rope Mfg Co Ltd 525
Marco Products / Smith Berger Marine, Inc. 920
Rasmussen Equipment Co Wire Rope and Rigging 633
Spencer Fluid Power 1234
AdvanTec Marine 1547
All American Marine 1107
Marine and Precision Weld Boats 1430
Coastwise Corporation 1030
Crowley Engineering Services, Inc. 724
Elliott Bay Design Group 1004
Glosten 833
Hockema Group, Inc. 1129
Nautican Research & Development Ltd 1131 Rhotheta International Inc. 648
Britmar Marine Ltd 614
Cali-optics Importer 1156
ComNav Marine Ltd 1029
FLIR Systems Inc. 1245
Lopolight 1008
McDermott Light & Signal 1052
Nauticomp Inc 1244
Nobeltec 1513 Rhotheta International Inc. 648
Alaska Net & Supply 4021
Badinotti Group 625 Dock Street Brokers 611
Marport Americas, Inc. 939 NET Systems Inc 851
North American Fishing Supplies DBA: Morenot USA 333 Notus Electronics Ltd 1228 Weihai Fly Young Sports Co., Ltd 924
Alaska Chadux Network 4223
Alaska Fisheries Development Foundation 4125
Alaska Marine Safety Education Assn 4118
Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute 4218
Bristol Bay Fishermen’s Association 4225 DNV 1210
Fishery Friendly Climate Action 1162
Homer Marine Trades Assoc/Port of Homer/ NOMAR/Northern Enterprises Boat Yard 4033
Oregon Fishermen’s Cable Committee 632
Prince William Sound Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council 4322
Seattle Fishermen’s Memorial 549
United Fishermen of Alaska 4125
Washington Maritime Blue 2500
Washington Sea Grant 501
Washington Trollers Association 328
Alaska Rubber Group 906
Motion & Flow Control Products, Inc. 707
Olympic Propeller 1053
Rice Propulsion 1109
Wager Company 848
Alaska Chadux Network 4223
Delta Western, LLC 4230
Kleen Pacific 951
Petro Marine Services 603 Seattle Tarp, Inc. 325
Cascade Machinery & Electric 739
Hydro Dynamics Solutions 551 ISolv Technical Services 1426
Boatswain’s Locker Inc. 1349, 1350
Cascade Engine Center LLC 1431, 1529 Datrex Inc 539
Diesel Outboards Northwest 1151 Gold Star Marine 4229
Continental Western Corporation 532
Linde Gas & Equipment Inc. 639 Strapack 526
Endura Paint 846
Jotun Paints Inc 1033
Machine Support Technologies, Inc. 121 PYI Inc. 807 Wooster Products Inc 349
Dock Street Brokers 611 Pacific Boat Brokers Inc 403
Hydro Dynamics Solutions 551 ISolv Technical Services 1426
JAG Welding Fabrication & Services 642 MJ Marine Exhaust Systems 542 Motion & Flow Control Products, Inc. 707 PAC Stainless Ltd 628
Spears Manufacturing Company 527 Victaulic Company 1045
Ballard Industrial 238, 243
Coastal Fluid Power 500
JAG Welding Fabrication & Services 642
MJ Marine Exhaust Systems 542 PAC Stainless Ltd 628
Spears Manufacturing Company 527 Victaulic Company 1045
W&O Supply 1001
Rasmussen Equipment Co Wire Rope and Rigging 633
Ballard Industrial 238, 243 Eltorque AS 806 Propulsion Systems, Inc. 1206
Cordova Port & Harbor 4331
Curtin Maritime 605
Homer Marine Trades Assoc/Port of Homer/
NOMAR/Northern Enterprises Boat Yard 4033
Port of Port Angeles 850
Port of Port Townsend 506
Port of Seattle 2600
Port of Seward 4217
Wrangell Port & Harbors 4314
Beckwith & Kuffel 1046
Flexahopper Plastics LTD 715
Michelli Weighing & Measurement 904
Miller-Leaman, Inc. 534
Ryco 511
Strapack 526
Washington Machine Works 930 Western Group (The) 535
BGH Specialty Steel 313
Diesel Outboards Northwest 1151
JMP Corporation 1343
Kongsberg Maritime 921
Marine Propulsion West, LLC 421
Michigan Wheel 743
Nautican Research & Development Ltd 1131
Olympic Propeller 1053
Pacific Marine Equipment LLC 701
Pacific Power Group 915
Propulsion Systems, Inc. 1206
Rice Propulsion 1109
SCHOTTEL, Inc. 1211
Sound Propeller Services 638
Spurs Marine Manufacturing Inc 838
Washington Machine Works 930
WESMAR - Western Marine Electronics 931 ZF Marine 1021
All American Marine 1107
Altra Industrial Motion Corp 1325
American Vulkan Corp 1105
BGH Specialty Steel 313
Boatswain’s Locker Inc. 1349, 1350
Cascade Engine Center LLC 1431, 1529
Castoldi USA Inc. 1205
Coastwise Corporation 1030
Columbia Industrial Products - CIP Marine 439
Diesel Outboards Northwest 1151
Driveline Service of Portland Inc 1304
Glendinning Marine Products 1444
Gold Star Marine 4229
Hamilton Jet 1333
Highmark Marine Fabrication 4123
Jetoptera 1424
John Deere Power Systems 1421
Karl Senner, LLC. 1321
Kodiak Marine Construction 1329
Kongsberg Maritime 921
Konrad Marine 1301
Lignum Vitae North America 803
Logan Clutch Corporation 1428
Marine Jet Power 1111
Marine Propulsion West, LLC 421
Michigan Wheel 743
Mitsubishi Marine Engine 1439
MSHS (Formerly Motor Services
Hugo Stamp/Governor Control Systems) 1413
N C Power Systems 1115
Naust Marine USA Inc 905
Nautican Research & Development Ltd 1131
Pacific Marine Equipment LLC 701
Pacific Power Group 915
R.W. Fernstrum & Company 1306
Rice Propulsion 1109
SCHOTTEL, Inc. 1211
Seaspan Shipyards 907
Ships Machinery International Inc 727
Sound Propeller Services 638
Spar Power Technologies 1176
Spurs Marine Manufacturing Inc 838
Tacoma Diesel and Equipment Inc 1511
Thrustmaster of Texas Inc 1009
Transfluid LLC 1300
Twin Disc Inc. 1215
WESMAR - Western Marine Electronics 931
ZF Marine 1021
Alaska Rubber Group 906
Ballard Industrial 238, 243
Beckwith & Kuffel 1046
Cascade Machinery & Electric 739
Columbia Industrial Products - CIP Marine 439
Fisheries Supply Company 1521
Glide Bearings & Seal Systems 651
Hydro Dynamics Solutions 551
Imtra Corp 839
ISolv Technical Services 1426
JMP Corporation 1343
Kolstrand, JKFAB, Nordic & Forfjord by Integrity Machining, Inc. 538
Maximum Performance Hydraulics 726
Miller-Leaman, Inc. 534
Motion & Flow Control Products, Inc. 707
Pump Industries Inc 1106
Ryco 511
Spencer Fluid Power 1234
Blue Ocean Gear 928
Grundens 721
Guy Cotten Inc 339
Mustang Survival Inc 1201
Seattle Marine & Fishing Supply Co 315
Transport Products and Service Enterprises, Inc. 1310
Vallation Outerwear 314
Whistle Workwear 3005
Dole Refrigerating Co 748
Integrated Marine Systems Inc 1013
Northern Lights 813
Performance Contracting Inc 750 S & W Wilson Inc 800
Sure Marine Service Inc 1200
Western Group (The) 535
Badinotti Group 625
Continental Western Corporation 532
Dong Yang Rope Mfg Co Ltd 525
LFS Marine Supplies 621
NET Systems Inc 851
Pacific Net & Twine Ltd 827
Rasmussen Equipment Co Wire Rope and Rigging 633
Seattle Marine & Fishing Supply Co 315
Weihai Fly Young Sports Co., Ltd 924
Alaska Marine Safety Education Assn 4118
Alaska Sea Grant College Program 4321
Alexander Gow Fire Equipment 624
Cali-optics Importer 1156
Clatsop Community College/MERTS Campus 910
Continental Western Corporation 532 Datrex Inc 539
Deckhand Electronic Logbook 529
Discovery Health MD 233
Fishermen Led Injury Prevention Program (FLIPP) 502
FLIR Systems Inc. 1245
FT - TEC USA Corp. 503
Grundens 721
Guy Cotten Inc 339
Mustang Survival Inc 1201
Rhotheta International Inc. 648
Roxtec 812
Seattle Fishermen’s Memorial 549
Spurs Marine Manufacturing Inc 838
Thundercat Marketing 708, 710
US Coast Guard 17th CG District 321
Washington Emergency Management Division 4114
Washington Sea Grant 501
Western Mariner Magazine 630
Whistle Workwear 3005
Woods Hole Group 1243
Wooster Products Inc 349
AdvanTec Marine 1547
Discovery Health MD 233
Hydro Dynamics Solutions 551
Blue Ocean Gear 928
Deckhand Electronic Logbook 529
Fusion Marine Technology, Inc. 733
Kongsberg Maritime 921 KVH Industries, Inc. 1239
Lunde Marine Electronics Inc 1221
Mackay Marine U.S. West Coast & Pacific NW/Alaska & Olex North America 1503 MetOcean Telematics 528 OptimERA xG 4333 Pivotel 312 Woods Hole Group 1243
Cheyenne Scale Company 1007
Fusion Marine Technology, Inc. 733 Michelli Weighing & Measurement 904 Ryco 511
Beckwith & Kuffel 1046
Cheyenne Scale Company 1007
Cooley Equipment Sales, Inc. 1100
Dexter-Russell Inc 609
E&E Foods 4317
Flexahopper Plastics LTD 715
Hydro Dynamics Solutions 551
Integrated Marine Systems Inc 1013
iXblue 948
Michelli Weighing & Measurement 904
Ryco 511
Saeplast Americas Inc. 221 Strapack 526
Western Group (The) 535
Zhejiang Longyuan Sifang Machinery Manufacture Co., Ltd. 644
Bornstein Seafoods Inc. 4124
E&E Foods 4317
Northline Seafoods 4005
Trident Seafoods 351 Whittier Seafood 4228
Thundercat Marketing 708, 710
Britmar Marine Ltd 614
Imtra Corp 839
Bostrom Company, H.O. 400
Freedman Seating Company 725
Imtra Corp 839
Llebroc Industries 213 Suspension Systems Technologies 1006
Dock Street Brokers 611
Kolstrand, JKFAB, Nordic & Forfjord by Integrity Machining, Inc. 538
LFS Marine Supplies 621 Marco Products / Smith Berger Marine, Inc. 920
NET Systems Inc 851 Notus Electronics Ltd 1228
Catalyst Marine Engineering, LLC 4215
Cordova Port & Harbor 4331
Deckhand Electronic Logbook 529
Discovery Health MD 233
Dock Street Brokers 611
Enviro-Tech Diving Inc 449
Gold Star Marine 4229
Greysam Industrial Services 2601
Hockema Group, Inc. 1129
ISolv Technical Services 1426
JAG Welding Fabrication & Services 642
MacGregor USA Inc. 932
Machine Support Technologies, Inc. 121
MAGNA Lifting Products Inc 929 Michelli Weighing & Measurement 904
MJ Marine Exhaust Systems 542
OptimERA xG 4333
Pacific Marine Center 330
Pacific Power Group 915
Platypus Marine, Inc. 1032
Port of Port Angeles 850
Prism Graphics Inc. 3002
Propulsion Systems, Inc. 1206
Rice Propulsion 1109 Rubber Resource 1168 Total Reclaim 1027
American Vulkan Corp 1105
BGH Specialty Steel 313
Dellner Bubenzer 1121
Driveline Service of Portland Inc 1304
Duramax Marine LLC 1339
Lignum Vitae North America 803
Olympic Propeller 1053
PYI Inc. 807
Rice Propulsion 1109
SCHOTTEL, Inc. 1211
Sound Propeller Services 638
Spurs Marine Manufacturing Inc 838
All American Marine 1107
Alpha Diving Inc. 4233
Alpha Welding and Boat Repair Inc. 4233
Marine and Precision Weld Boats 1430
Bay Ship and Yacht Co 1127
BGH Specialty Steel 313
Coastal Fluid Power 500 Coastwise Corporation 1030
Curtin Maritime 605
Farwest Corrosion Control Company 1043
Gold Star Marine 4229
Highmark Marine Fabrication 4123
JAG Welding Fabrication & Services 642
JT Marine Inc 829
Little Hoquiam Shipyard 801
MAGNA Lifting Products Inc 929
Nauticomp Inc 1244
Nichols Brothers Boat Builders 821
Pacific Fishermen Shipyard & Electric 1221
Platypus Marine, Inc. 1032
Port of Port Angeles 850
Port of Port Townsend 506
Port Townsend Shipwrights Co-op 514
Rice Propulsion 1109
Rubber Resource 1168
Seaspan Shipyards 907
ShipConstructor USA Inc 1010
Stabbert Marine & Industrial LLC 805
Thoma-Sea Marine Constructors LLC 1204
Transport Products and Service Enterprises, Inc. 1310
Washington Machine Works 930
WCT Marine & Construction, Inc. 842
Wooster Products Inc 349
Wrangell Port & Harbors 4314
Curtin Maritime 605
DSV Air & Sea Inc 606
Everts Air Cargo 4129
Lynden Inc 4130
Samson Tug & Barge 4319
Suspension Systems Technologies 1006
Datrex Inc 539
McDermott Light & Signal 1052
Furuno USA, Inc. 1515
Fusion Marine Technology, Inc. 733
Garmin USA 700
Greysam Industrial Services 2601
iXblue 948
Kongsberg Maritime 921
Lunde Marine Electronics Inc 1221
Mackay Marine U.S. West Coast & Pacific NW/Alaska & Olex North America 1503
Notus Electronics Ltd 1228
Ship Electronics Inc 953
WESMAR - Western Marine Electronics 931
Rubber Resource 1168
Diesel Outboards Northwest 1151
Glide Bearings & Seal Systems 651
Hamilton Jet 1333
Jastram Engineering 1331
Nautican Research & Development Ltd 1131
PYI Inc. 807
Ships Machinery International Inc 727
Spencer Fluid Power 1234
Twin Disc Inc. 1215
W&O Supply 1001
WESMAR - Western Marine Electronics 931
ZF Marine 1021
Glide Bearings & Seal Systems 651
Hatton Marine 1307
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Konrad Marine 1301
Pacific Power Group 915
Thrustmaster of Texas Inc 1009
WESMAR - Western Marine Electronics 931
Duramax Marine LLC 1339
Glide Bearings & Seal Systems 651
Lignum Vitae North America 803
Machine Support Technologies, Inc. 233
Olympic Propeller 1053
Pacific Fishermen Shipyard & Electric 1221 PYI Inc. 807
Rice Propulsion 1109 W&O Supply 1001
E&E Foods 4317
Flexahopper Plastics LTD 715
Lynden Inc 4130
Pacific Marine Center 330
Petro Star Inc. dba North Pacific Fuel 4221
Port of Seattle 2600
Driveline Service of Portland Inc 1304
ZF Marine 1021
DNV 1210
Little Hoquiam Shipyard 801 S & W Wilson Inc 800 Saeplast Americas Inc. 221
Ballard Industrial 238, 243
Dexter-Russell Inc 609 ElectricalHub.com 1108 F & M Mafco 942
Michelli Weighing & Measurement 904 Millner-Haufen Tool Company 343 PAC Stainless Ltd 628
Alaska Marine Safety Education Assn 4118
Alaska Sea Grant College Program 4321
Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute 4218
California State University Maritime Academy 1160
Center of Excellence for Marine
Manufacturing & Technology 507
Clatsop Community College/MERTS Campus 910
Deckhand Electronic Logbook 529
Discovery Health MD 233
OptimERA xG 4333
University of Alaska Southeast
Maritime Training Center 706
Washington Emergency Management Division 4114
Washington Sea Grant 501
Western Mariner Magazine 630
Altra Industrial Motion Corp 1325
Boatswain’s Locker Inc. 1349, 1350
Harbor Marine Maintenance 1442
Hatton Marine 1307
Karl Senner, LLC. 1321
Logan Clutch Corporation 1428
Marine Propulsion West, LLC 421
SCHOTTEL, Inc. 1211
Tacoma Diesel and Equipment Inc 1511
Transfluid LLC 1300 Twin Disc Inc. 1215 ZF Marine 1021
Cordova Port & Harbor 4331
Curtin Maritime 605 Desert Air Alaska 4324
DSV Air & Sea Inc 606
Everts Air Cargo 4129
Jetoptera 1424
JT Marine Inc 829
Lynden Inc 4130
Northern Air Cargo 4019
Ravn Alaska 444
Suspension Systems Technologies 300
Transport Products and Service Enterprises, Inc. 1310
Longsoaker Fishing Systems 505
Naust Marine USA Inc 905 NET Systems Inc 851
North American Fishing Supplies DBA: Morenot USA 333 Thyboron Trawldoor 751
Kolstrand, JKFAB, Nordic & Forfjord by Integrity Machining, Inc. 538 Pacific Net & Twine Ltd 827
Hatton Marine 1307 MSHS (Formerly Motor Services Hugo Stamp/ Governor Control Systems) 1413
ARG SEAMAN ELECTRONICS SA 947 Kongsberg Maritime 921 SafetyNet Technologies 926
Enviro-Tech Diving Inc 449
Greysam Industrial Services 2601 SafetyNet Technologies 926
Alaska Rubber Group 906
Ballard Industrial 238, 243
Cooley Equipment Sales, Inc. 1100
Eltorque AS 806
ISolv Technical Services 1426
JAG Welding Fabrication & Services 642
Maximum Performance Hydraulics 726
MJ Marine Exhaust Systems 542
Motion & Flow Control Products, Inc. 707
PAC Stainless Ltd 628
Pump Industries Inc 1106
Spears Manufacturing Company 527
Spencer Fluid Power 1234
Victaulic Company 1045 W&O Supply 1001 Wager Company 848
Cooley Equipment Sales, Inc. 1100
Alaska Chadux Network 4223
Cooley Equipment Sales, Inc. 1100 Deckhand Electronic Logbook 529 E&E Foods 4317
Greysam Industrial Services 2601 MetOcean Telematics 528
Stabbert Marine & Industrial LLC 805 Woods Hole Group 1243
Glosten 833
SCHOTTEL, Inc. 1211
Suspension Systems Technologies 300
Christie & Grey Inc 1212
DNV 1210
Driveline Service of Portland Inc 1304
Hydro Dynamics Solutions 551 Rubber Resource 1168 Suspension Systems Technologies 300 TRIM-LOK, INC. 732 Victaulic Company 1045
Cascade Machinery & Electric 739
Harbor Marine Maintenance 1442 Hydro Dynamics Solutions 551 ISolv Technical Services 1426
Maretron 1128
Cheyenne Scale Company 1007
Fusion Marine Technology, Inc. 733 Ryco 511
ACI Boats 1031
Alpha Diving Inc. 4233
Alpha Welding and Boat Repair Inc. 4233
ARMOR Industries, LLC, DBA ARMOR Marine and Precision Weld Boats 1430
Bay Weld Boats 4031
Catalyst Marine Engineering, LLC 4215 CETS LLC 901
Curtin Maritime 605
F & M Mafco 942
Farwest Steel Corp 3001
Gold Star Marine 4229
Highmark Marine Fabrication 4123
JAG Welding Fabrication & Services 642
Linde Gas & Equipment Inc. 639
Little Hoquiam Shipyard 801 Miller-Leaman, Inc. 534
National Marine Exhaust Inc 448
Platypus Marine, Inc. 1032
Seaspan Shipyards 907
ShipConstructor USA Inc 1010
Snow & Company 600
Star Rentals 1501
F & M Mafco 942
Fisheries Supply Company 1521
Imtra Corp 839
Kolstrand, JKFAB, Nordic & Forfjord by Integrity Machining, Inc. 538
Linde Gas & Equipment Inc. 639
MacGregor USA Inc. 932
Maximum Performance Hydraulics 726
Naust Marine USA Inc 905
Ships Machinery International Inc 727
Spencer Fluid Power 1234
TWG Tulsa Winch - LANTEC and Pullmaster Brands 950
AdvanTec Marine 1547
Bomar/Pompanette LLC 1345
Platypus Marine, Inc. 1032
Windshield Wipers & Blades Imtra Corp 839
NET Systems Inc 851
Rasmussen Equipment Co Wire Rope and Rigging 633
ACI Boats 1031
Alaska Chadux Network 4223
All American Marine 1107
Marine and Precision Weld Boats 1430 Boats & Harbors 734
Brix Marine 852
Catalyst Marine Engineering, LLC 4215
Coastwise Corporation 1030
Kodiak Marine Construction 1329
Little Hoquiam Shipyard 801
Platypus Marine, Inc. 1032
ShipConstructor USA Inc 1010
Snow & Company 600
Stabbert Marine & Industrial LLC 805
Suspension Systems Technologies 1006
Western Mariner Magazine 630
Woods Hole Group 1243 XTRATUF 451
Alaska Department of Fish and Game 4224
Alaska Marine Safety Education Assn 4118
Alaska Sea Grant College Program 4321 Boats & Harbors 734
Fishermen’s News 220
Pacific Fishing Magazine 835
Prism Graphics Inc. 3002
Washington Sea Grant 501
Western Mariner Magazine 630
Omega Thermo Products has partnered with R.W. Fernstrum & Company to introduce their Laser Plate prime surface heat exchangers to the marine industry. A third-generation family owned business, Omega Thermo Products has facilities in Wisconsin, the Netherlands, and India. This gives Omega a global reach in manufacturing in order to match the broad sales network of Fernstrum. Omega engineers and manufactures the Laser Plate heat exchangers, as well as their own line of CNC laser welding systems, that are used in the manufacture of the heat exchangers.
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Integrated Marine Systems Inc. has been manufacturing refrigeration equipment for more than 30 years, and has built a solid reputation on “making refrigera tion simple.” The full line of equipment serves smaller fishing vessels needing refrigerated seawater systems (RSW) up to large processors – floating and landbased – needing more customized equipment. Known for ease of installation, operation and maintenance, IMS equipment maintains the cold chain from point of harvest to the consumer.
In addition to the full line of self-contained RSW systems, IMS also manufactures split RSW, condensing units for chilling and/or freezing, titanium and copper nickel chillers, blast freezers, and also offers in-house design, engineering and installation services.
All equipment is manufactured in Mukilteo, WA. Decades of research and engineering have led to a refusal to compromise on the materials used, knowing that using top-level components guarantee solid, durable equipment that keeps on working, year after year.
IMS’s parts division stocks thousands of refrigeration parts from most major brands of refrigeration equipment, which means parts ship fast, both domestic and international.
Be sure to stop by Booth #1013 to view their equipment and meet their great sales and engineering staff who are dedicated to customer support.
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The rebuild of the Shenanegan took fourteen years, but it was worth the wait.
By Paul MolyneauxThe Shenanegan came down the rails in 1971 as a fairly typical 45-foot salmon troller with a beam of 14.5 feet—it drew 5.5 feet. “She was a homemade job, made from a popular plan. But I don’t know who did it,” says owner Harry Allen. In the early 2000s Allen was fishing crab, albacore and spot prawn and wanted a bigger boat. He bought the Shenanegan in 2007. While Allen holds dual Irish and American citizenship — his mother comes from County Donegal in Ireland — he did not name the green and orange painted boat. “I didn’t have anything to do with the name,” he says. “It was the Shenanegan when I found it.”
He took the boat straight to Giddings Boatworks in Charleston, Oregon. “First thing I did was tear it apart and widen it,” he says. “I had a design from Bruce Culver to put a whale back on it, but we didn’t get that far. We kept finding things and the project got out of control.”
Allen limited the changes that first year to widening, lengthening, and re-powering. “We added 7 and a half feet. It’s 23 feet at the widest spot,” he says. “And we added 5 feet to the stern so it’s 50 feet overall.” At Giddings, which was still being operated by Don Giddings at the time, they did the sponson work old school style, as they say. They did not use CNC files generated from a CAD program.
“They didn’t have the plate precut,” says Allen. “They just put it up, marked it and cut it.”
With the engine room opened up and gutted, Allen had the main and auxiliary engines replaced with a John Deere 6081 and a John Deere 4045, respectively. “We re-powered again in 2013,” he says. “I put in a
400-hp, 9-liter, John Deere 6090 and a new 4045.”
The new engine has a Twin Disc gear turning a 2 ¾ -inch shaft at 2:1, with a 30-inch, 4-blade propeller.
“I don’t know the pitch, not much,” says Allen, who reports that the cruising speed of the Shenanegan is around 7 knots. The auxiliary runs a 36 gallon per minute hydraulic pump off the front end and the genset off the other.
The added space afforded by the lengthening and sponsons, allowed Allen to expand the tankage and fish hold. “We added four more fuel tanks,” says Allen, noting that the overall fuel capacity is now 3,200 gallons. “We put in a 700 gallon fresh water tank, and we opened up the stern to expand the fish hold. I have an 18-ton IMS refrigeration system that we
also put in that year. I freeze my tuna, but the crab and spot prawn I land live, so I use that to chill the water, and I have an aerator.”
Allen also added a false deck and a few other things that first year. “The false deck is drier,” he says. “It gets you up above the scuppers.”
While Allen points out that in the long run it would have been cheaper to do the entire project that year, but he wasn’t sure he would stay fishing. “At the time I thought I might move to Donegal,” says Allen. “I have a place there.” He’s also glad that he waited because he made changes to the original Bruce Culver design. “We never did the whaleback,” he says.
“Two years ago we put on the bulbous bow at Giddings, and that increased the speed and fuel efficiency. I get two days out of a tank instead of a day and a half.”
Allen, now 63 years old, finally went all-in on the Shenanegan in 2021. “I took it back to Giddings and we put on a new top house, a free standing mast, and raised the bulwarks forward,” he says.
Aside from the 2007 work, Ray Cox, the current owner of Giddings, has done all the work on the Shenanegan, beginning with a shelter deck added in 2009 to protect the crew working the block when crabbing and shrimping. Ray Cox added the bulb and did the latest work. Again, when it came to the steel work they did it all old school.
“We wanted to add 32 to 36 inches, and we just had to eyeball the angles,” says Allen. “On the stem,
you have to get that just right, if you go too much it doesn’t look good. But I’m happy with it. It does what I wanted it to do, which is the water rolls up and out away from the bow. Before, it was splashing up over, especially with the bulb. The deck’s a lot drier now.”
The raised bulwarks run aft about a third of the way aft, and required allen to add a top house. “I just did a drawing of what I wanted and Ray’s son Kyle built it.”
Kyle Cox, owner of Tarheel Aluminum bolted an aluminum flange to the existing fly bridge and started tacking aluminum to it. “You have to build in place on something like that, it’s almost like sculpture,” says Cox, who has been doing aluminum work for 20 years. “There’s so much going on for angles and curves, you would need to do some very sophisticated mapping of the footprint if you wanted to build it in the shop.”
Combining math, physics, and art, Cox put together the top house that Allen had imagined. “We kind of tacked everything in place,” he says. “Then we unbolted the flange and brought it back to the shop to do all the welding so we could have some nice clean welding.” Aluminum is trickery to weld than steel, Cox notes, and having the structure in the shop for the serious welding gave him better control of the quality of the final product. “If you can get out of the wind and the weather you can produce a better weld.”
Allen reports lot of boats are using this kind of top with the windows angled out all around. “You see it in Ireland,” he says. “It’s great, it give me a better view of the deck forward, so I can see my crew and what’s going on.”
The Shenanegan has four berths in the fo’c’sle and another in the original wheelhouse, and Allen usually takes three hands besides himself when crabbing. The original wheelhouse holds the galley. “It’s an old 1970s style galley,” says
Allen. “We might do something with it, make it more futuristic.”
At Giddings, Allen and Ray Cox also replaced the old stick mast with a free standing steel mast. “I have metal halide and sodium vapor lights,” says Allen, but they’re getting hard to get, so I put on LED deck lights.” Allen reports that some fishermen report issues with LED and tuna fishing. “They say the LED sends some kind of frequency through the hull that the tuna don’t like. But we’ll see this summer.”
The electronics package in the new top house includes a new Furuno radar. “It’s a solid-state Doppler radar, a Drs4D-NXT,” says Allen. “It can spot birds, for when we’re albacore fishing. As I get blinder I need that,” he says.
Considering that Bruce Culver’s original engineering involved considerable additions of steel above the deck, it also included some stability analysis. But Allen notes that having skipped the whaleback idea, the new design is considerably lighter, and well within the parameters of Culver’s earlier stability work.
With the completion of the latest work, Allen finally has the boat he’s been imagining and refining in his imagination for 14 years. “This boat’s always been a work in progress,” says Allen. “But there’s not much more you’d need to do. I did a lot of this work thinking about the resale value.”
With ample deck space, refrigeration, power and many upgrades, the Harry Allen has turned the Shenanegan into a well-functioning and versatile fishing machine that he plans to eventually sell and then retire to Ireland. “I fished there for 6 months in 2000,” he says. “I might try that again.”
Paul Molyneaux is the Boats & Gear editor for National Fisherman and author of “The Doryman’s Reflection.”
The last week in September the Deliverance, a 58-foot steel pot-fishing boat out of Homer, Alaska, was due to be hauled at the Port of Toledo Shipyard in Toledo, Ore. Then it will be outfitted with, among other things, a new aluminum wheelhouse. The orig inal house is “worn, old and leaking like a pig,” says the Shipyard’s Mike Lee. The Deliverance was built back in the days when you bolted the wheelhouse to a steel coaming on the deck with an anticorrosive putty-like substance between the metals to prevent electrolysis. But over time electrolysis took over.
The new wheelhouse will again be aluminum and welded to the steel coaming, but with a Detacouple transition joint between the aluminum and steel to prevent electrolysis. That’s a pre-bonded bi-metal strip with steel on one side and aluminum on the other that’s been put on a press and then an explosive charge fuses the metals into each other.
For the 2022 fishing season, Rozema Boat Works delivered a pair of aluminum 32-foot Bristol Bay gillnetters and one aluminum 20foot seine skiff. For the coming 2023 season, the Mount Vernon, Wash., boatyard will be doing that and more.
The “more” is an aluminum 47-foot crab and prawn fishing boat that will be working Washington’s Puget Sound and Southeast Alaska.
A new feature for the Rozema 47-footer is a raised pilothouse matched up to a planing hull. “You step up off the deck three steps,” says company president Dirk Rozema, explaining how high the pilothouse is above the deck. That creates a larger than normal engine room beneath the pilothouse and better visibility from the pilothouse. “You get up higher and see the whole operation a lit tle easier. It’s the first time we’ve merged it with the planing-hull form.”
The Pacific Hunter is the newest boat to come out of Maritime Fabrications in La Conner, Wash. The fiberglass 46’ x 16’ hull was built by the Canadian boatbuilder Millennium Marine in Miramichi, New Brunswick, and finished off by Maritime Fabrications for a Westport, Wash., crabber. It has an 800-hp Volvo D13 for power.
This was the first time Maritime Fabrications had finished off a hull from the Canadian East Coast says Maritime Fabrications’ Isaac Oczkewicz. The work was completed in time for the Pacific Hunter to start crabbing in January.
“The owner liked (the boat) a lot,” says Oczkewicz. There were some uncomfortable sea conditions but he said, “it felt stable.”
Speaking of boats like the Pacific Hunter from East Coast boat builders, Oczkewicz says, “they have their advantages as far as ef ficiency and sea-keeping, but they don’t pack as much as our hulls do.”
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