I N F O R M E D F I S H E R M E N • P R O F I TA B L E F I S H E R I E S • S U S TA I N A B L E F I S H Incorporating
June / 2019
Get lifted Boat lifts gain traction and adapt to carry classic boats as yards retreat from railways
Farewell to Fraser NF’s longtime leader announces his retirement
Boatbuilding • Hometown lobster launch • World of welding • Around the Yards & more
National Fisherman / June 2019 / Vol. 100, No. 2
Paul Molyneaux
In this issue
22 It’s a family affair when Little River Boat Shop launches the 44-foot F/V Ain’t Miss Behavin for husband-and-wife duo Trevor and Abbey Jessiman.
Cover Story Heavy lifting in the Mid-Atlantic East Coast yards are slowly modernizing and making the switch from marine railways to boat lifts for hauling out commercial fishing vessels of all kinds.
Features / Boats & Gear
On Deck
Portier Fabrication
Around the Yards Fla. shrimper finished in sun; Combo boats for Bristol Bay; Maine repair work is busy Product Roundup Caged bait holder outperforms most bait bags; floating oyster cages increase water flow
Our House California Dungeness crabbers draw the short straw again this season.
Northern Lights Like the weather, Alaska’s salmon forecasts are just predictions.
Paul Molyneaux
Larry Chowning
Family shop builds a boat for a lobster boom
The welding world, inside and out While steel boatbuilding hasn’t changed much in recent years, welding has, and every builder across the country has found their go-to technique.
Editor’s Log
Fishing Back When
Mail Buoy
A Letter from NMFS
Around the Coasts
Market Reports
Last Set / Kodiak, Alaska
Reader Services 44
Advertiser Index
National Fisherman (ISSN 0027-9250), June 2019, Vol. 100, No. 2, is published monthly by Diversified Business Communications, 121 Free St., P.O. Box 7438, Portland, ME 04112-7438. Subscription prices: 1 year - U.S. $22.95; 2 years U.S. $43; 3 years U.S. $62. These rates apply for U.S. subscriptions only. Add $10 for Canada addresses. Outside U.S./Canada add $25 (airmail delivery). All orders must be in U.S. funds drawn on a U.S. bank. All other countries, including Canada and Mexico, please add $10 postage per year. For subscription information only, call: 1 (800) 959-5073. Periodicals postage paid at Portland, Maine, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes only to Subscription Service Department, P.O. Box 15116, North Hollywood, CA 91615. Canada Post International Publications Mail product (Canadian Distribution) Sales Agreement No. 40028984, National Fisherman. Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to Circulation Dept. or DPGM, 4960-2 Walker Rd., Windsor, ON N9A 6J3. READERS: All editorial correspondence should be mailed to: National Fisherman, P.O. Box 7438, Portland, ME 04112-7438.