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Terms and Conditions

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PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION CAREFULLY. THE RESPONSIBILITY STATEMENT AND OPERATOR-PARTICIPANT CONTRACT AND TERMS AND CONDITIONS BELOW (THE “AGREEMENT”) INCLUDES A WAIVER OF PARTICIPANT’S RIGHT TO BRING A CLASS ACTION. National Geographic Expeditions (a division of National Geographic Partners, LLC) will provide educational enrichment for trips as outlined in its catalog and on its website (natgeoexpeditions.com) (each an “Expedition” or “Expeditions”). Expeditions include both Signature Land and Private Expeditions, as defined in your pre-Expedition communications, including the Traveler Information Form, for your individual trip. National Geographic Expeditions may license qualified professional tour operators to organize and administer such Expeditions. Any such designated tour operator, its parent, subsidiaries, and assigns, and their respective employees, affiliates, officers, directors, successors, representatives, agents, and assigns (collectively “Tour Operator”), in turn, acts only as an agent for any transportation carrier, hotel, ground operator, or other suppliers of services connected with specific Expeditions (“Other Providers”), and the Other Providers are solely responsible and liable for providing their respective services. The passenger tickets in use by the carriers will constitute the sole contract between the carriers and the participant; the carriers are not responsible for any act, omission, or event during the time the participants are not aboard their conveyances. National Geographic Partners, LLC, its parent, subsidiaries, affiliates, and assigns, and their respective employees, officers, directors, successors, representatives, and agents (collectively the “Released Parties”) and the Tour Operator will not be held liable for (A) any damage to, or loss of, property or injury to, or death of, persons occasioned directly or indirectly by an act or omission of any Other Provider, including but not limited to any defect in any aircraft, watercraft, or vehicle operated or provided by such Other Provider; and (B) any loss or damage due to delay, cancellation, or disruption in any manner caused by the laws, regulations, acts or failures to act, demands, orders, or interpositions of any government or any subdivision or agent thereof, or by acts of God, strikes, fire, flood, war, rebellion, terrorism, insurrection, sickness, quarantine, epidemics, theft, or any other cause(s) beyond their control. The participant waives any claim against the Released Parties and/or the Tour Operator for any such loss, damage, injury, or death. By registering for an Expedition, the participant certifies that he/she does not have any mental, physical, or other condition or disability that would create a hazard for himself or herself or other participants. National Geographic Expeditions and the Tour Operator reserve the right in their sole discretion to accept, decline to accept, or remove any participant on an Expedition. National Geographic Expeditions and the Tour Operator reserve the right, without penalty, to make changes in the published itinerary whenever, in their judgment, conditions warrant or if they deem it necessary for the comfort, convenience, or safety of the participants. Neither the Released Parties, nor the Tour Operator, will be liable for any air carrier's cancellation penalty incurred by the purchase of a nonrefundable ticket to or from the participant's Expedition departure city. Baggage and personal effects are at all times the sole responsibility of the participant.

Please Note: The applicable Terms and Conditions, including, but not limited to, cost, deposit, payments, cancellations, and refunds, may vary from those listed below based upon the specific Expedition selected by the participant. A copy of the final Terms and Conditions applicable to each participant will be sent in pre-Expedition communications. If a court of competent jurisdiction holds that any provision is invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity will not affect the validity or operation of any other provision and such invalid provision will be deemed to be severed from this Agreement. Basis of Pricing: All costs are (i) per person based on two persons sharing a room or cabin, unless otherwise noted, (ii) quoted in U.S. dollars, (iii) estimates based on tariffs, currency values, airfares and third-party charges, and (iv) subject to change prior to booking. Notification of the current cost relevant to the Expedition will be provided to the participant at the time of booking. After booking, if it is necessary to levy an additional surcharge, or increase pricing due to any participant cancellation(s) for Private Expeditions, National Geographic Expeditions reserves the right to do so, and notification will be given at the time of final invoicing. Eligibility: All persons under age 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian over age 21 in the same room. Some itineraries have minimum age requirements—call for more information. Included in Expedition Cost: Accommodations and meals as indicated in the itinerary (B = breakfast, L = lunch, D = dinner); educational materials; pre-departure information; entrance fees, excursions, and sightseeing noted as included in the itinerary; certain gratuities, only to the extent noted on the itinerary page; ground transportation during the Expedition; services of National Geographic Expeditions experts, local guides, lecturers, Expedition Leaders, and any other staff; and taxes, port charges, baggage handling, and service charges. Please note: the “B, L, D” notations apply to the period during the Expedition only and do not include any meals on flights to/from the Expedition. Not Included in Expedition Cost: Air transportation, internal airfare, visa, and related fees (except as indicated in the itinerary); activities noted as optional in the itinerary; gratuities, unless otherwise noted on the itinerary page or pre-Expedition materials for Private Expeditions; passport, and permit expenses; medical expenses and immunizations; baggage/accident/cancellation insurance; personal expenses, such as laundry, telephone calls, and alcoholic beverages; and any other items not specifically noted as included. Single/Shared Accommodations: For Signature Land Expeditions, a limited number of single rooms/cabins are available at an extra cost on a first-come, first-served basis. National Geographic Expeditions and/or the Tour Operator will assist persons requesting a roommate. The participants will be notified if a suitable roommate is not available, in which case the single rate will be charged.

Payments, Cancellations, and Refunds:

To reserve space on an Expedition: For Signature Land Expeditions: A per-person non-refundable deposit in the amount of approximately 10% of the lowest published cost for each departure is required. For Private Expeditions: A per-person non-refundable deposit in the amount of 10% of the Private Expedition cost is required. For some Private Expeditions, there may be additional non-refundable deposits required at the time of reservation to secure permits or internal airfare. Payment and Cancellation for Signature Land and Private Expeditions: Final payment is due no later than 90 days prior to departure. Payments must be made by credit card, wire, or check. A participant’s reservation may be canceled if full payment has not been received by 90 days prior to departure. For reservations made within 90 days of the departure date, full payment is required when the reservation is accepted. All cancellation notices must be received in writing and will become effective as of the date of the postmark. Per-person charges for cancellations prior to departure (“Cancellation Period”) are as follows: 91 days or more prior to departure: 100% of the deposit amount; 45–90 days prior to departure: 50% of the Expedition cost; 44 or fewer days prior to departure: 100% of the Expedition cost. The policies regarding deposits, payments, and cancellations for all Expeditions also applies to pre- and post-Expedition extensions and extra arrangements confirmed on any participant’s behalf, unless otherwise noted. Any revisions made within the Cancellation Period, such as a change in departure date or choice of Expedition, are subject to this cancellation policy. Any airline tickets issued are subject to the carrier’s refund policy. Arriving late or leaving an Expedition in progress, for any reason whatsoever, will not result in a refund, and no refunds will be made for any unused portions of an Expedition. National Geographic Expeditions reserves the right to cancel any Expedition because of inadequate enrollment that makes the Expedition economically infeasible to operate or because of good-faith concerns with respect to the safety, health, or welfare of the participants. If an Expedition is canceled prior to departure, the Tour Operator will provide the participants with a full refund of monies paid to the Tour Operator; except in the event that the cancellation is due to a significant event that makes it infeasible to operate the Expedition as planned, in which case the Tour Operator will provide the participants with a refund and/or credit toward a future Expedition equivalent to the amount paid to the Tour Operator. If National Geographic Expeditions or the Tour Operator cancels the Expedition in progress, the participants will receive a prorated refund based on the number of days not completed on the Expedition. If a participant elects to leave an Expedition in progress of their own volition, the participant will not receive any type of refund. If National Geographic Expeditions or the Tour Operator cancels the Expedition in progress and the participant elects not to immediately return to his/her original point of departure for the Expedition, or if the participant elects to leave an Expedition in progress of their own volition, the participant acknowledges and agrees that (i) the participant shall be solely responsible for his/her travel plans once he/she departs the Expedition, (ii) neither National Geographic Expeditions nor the Tour Operator shall have any responsibility for or control over the participant’s safety or activities once he/she departs the Expedition, and (iii) the participant releases and holds harmless the Released Parties and the Tour Operator, from any and all costs, liability, loss, damage, injury, or death that may arise out of the participant's decision to not return to his/her original point of departure from the cancelled Expedition in progress. Except as outlined above when National Geographic Expeditions cancels an Expedition, the Released Parties and the Tour Operator have no responsibility for any expenses, including any non-refundable expenses, incurred by the participants in preparing for a cancelled Expedition or for any additional arrangements should the participants embark prior to the scheduled group departure date. Optional Excursions: If a participant elects to participate in any additional activity or excursion that is not arranged or led by National Geographic Expeditions or the Tour Operator, neither the Released Parties nor the Tour Operator shall have any responsibility for or control over the participant’s safety or well-being, and the participant releases and holds harmless the Released Parties and the Tour Operator from any and all costs, liability, loss, damage, injury, or death arising from the participant’s decision to participate in such activity or excursion. Trip-cancellation insurance is available at an additional cost and is strongly recommended. For more information about and to enroll in an option available through Travel Insurance Services, visit the “Travel Insurance” section of our website at natgeoexpeditions.com. Itinerary Changes: The itineraries, accommodations, and staff presented in the Expedition documentation, catalog, or on the website are subject to modification and change by National Geographic Expeditions or the Tour Operator. Every reasonable effort will be made to operate Expeditions as planned, but alterations may still occur after final itineraries are sent. Documentation: Participants are responsible for obtaining any documents required for their participation in the Expedition such as a valid passport, all visas, vaccination certificates, and any other documents. Failure to obtain documents does not negate the terms and conditions, and any extra costs incurred for rerouting due to travel without the necessary documents will be the participant’s responsibility. Health Requirements: National Geographic Expeditions reasonably accommodates travelers with disabilities on all of its trips, but not all trips may be suitable for all travelers. Any physical condition, diet, or treatment requiring special attention must be reported in writing when the reservation is made, or as soon as reasonably possible thereafter. Walking and climbing stairs are required in many hotels and airports to board an aircraft and for many excursions. If the participant requires a slower pace, extra assistance, or the use of a cane or walking stick, arrangements may be made for private touring at each destination, if necessary, at the discretion of our Expedition staff. Depending upon the nature of the arrangements, extra costs for such arrangements may be the responsibility of the participant. If the participant would like to forgo some of the scheduled sightseeing to rejuvenate and relax, he/ she may feel free to do so at any time. Please call National Geographic Expeditions for further details if you require special accommodation to participate on this Expedition. National Geographic Expeditions encourages participants to consult a doctor for specific medical advice about any activities or destinations. Certain Expeditions require that each Participant obtains his/her physician’s approval to join the Expedition, and in those cases, National Geographic Expeditions will send the Participant a form for his/her physician to sign and return per instructions outlined in the pre-Expedition communications. Medical Authorization and Coverage: In the event the participant becomes sufficiently incapacitated as to be unable to direct his or her own care, there is no one on the Expedition who can direct participant’s care, and National Geographic Expeditions is unable or does not have time to contact participant’s emergency contact, the participant, by registering and paying a deposit for an Expedition, authorizes any medical treatment deemed necessary in the event of any injury or illness while participating in the activity including, but not limited to, X-ray, examination, anesthetic, medical or surgical diagnosis, or treatment and hospital care which is deemed advisable by, and is to be rendered under the general or specific supervision of, any physician and/or surgeon licensed in the United States, or, if in a foreign country and no physician licensed to practice in the United States is reasonably available, by a duly licensed physician deemed competent to render the necessary care. In addition, the participant certifies that they have medical insurance which will cover personal accidents, medical expenses, medical evacuation, air ambulance, loss of effects, repatriation costs and all other expenses which might arise as a result of loss, damage, injury, delay, or inconvenience occurring to the participant, or that in the absence of this medical insurance coverage, the participant agrees to pay all costs of rescue and/or medical services as may be incurred on the participant’s behalf. Photography: National Geographic Expeditions, the Tour Operator, and the Expedition Leader reserve the right to take photographs or videos during the operation of any Expedition or part thereof and to use the resulting photography, videos, or recordings for promotional or commercial use. By making a reservation on an Expedition, the participant agrees to allow his/her likeness to be used by the Released Parties, the Released Parties–authorized third parties, and the Tour Operator without compensation to the participant. If the participant prefers that his/her likeness not be used, he/she must notify National Geographic Expeditions and/or the Tour Operator in writing prior to departure of the Expedition. Copyright of all photographs, video, and related materials created by the participant (“Expedition Materials”) will belong to the participant upon creation. The participant grants to the Released Parties a non-exclusive, worldwide, irrevocable license to use any Expedition Materials provided to the Released Parties and/or the Tour Operator in any media for the following limited purposes: editorial use, promotion of this editorial use, promotion of the Released Parties’ travel programs, or promotion of the mission of the Released Parties. Assumption of Risk: By registering for an Expedition, the participant acknowledges that he/she is aware that travel such as the Expedition he/she is undertaking involves potentially dangerous activities, some in remote areas of the world, with a risk of illness (including infectious diseases), injury, or death which may be caused by forces of nature, illness, or by willful or criminal conduct of third parties or by terrorism. The participant further acknowledges that weather conditions may be severe, adverse and/or unpleasant, and that medical services or facilities may not be readily available or accessible or consistent with standards in the United States during some or all of the time during which he/she is participating on the Expedition, and that when available may not be of the quality which exists in the United States. Venue and Waiver of Class Action: Any legal action relating to or arising out of this Agreement or any claims shall be commenced exclusively in the courts of the State of Florida. THE PARTICIPANT AND RELEASED PARTIES AGREE THAT EACH MAY BRING CLAIMS AGAINST THE OTHER ONLY IN THE PARTICIPANT’S OR ITS INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY AND NOT AS A PLAINTIFF OR CLASS MEMBER IN ANY PURPORTED CLASS, REPRESENTATIVE OR MULTICLAIMANT PROCEEDING, OR OTHER COLLECTIVE ACTION (SUCH AS AN ACTION IN THE FORM OF A PRIVATE ATTORNEY GENERAL). EACH PARTY SPECIFICALLY WAIVES THE RIGHT TO TRIAL BY JURY. Governing Law: This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida. Any legal action relating to or arising out of this Agreement against or with respect to any of you shall be commenced exclusively in the Circuit Court in and for Orange County, Florida (or if the Circuit Court does not have jurisdiction, then before the United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida (Orlando Division)); or if neither of such courts shall have jurisdiction, then before any other court sitting in Orange County, Florida having subject matter jurisdiction. Privacy Policy: Our privacy policy can be found at privacy.thewaltdisneycompany.com/en/. Mailing List: If you are receiving duplicate catalogs, have address updates, or would like to be removed from future National Geographic Expeditions mailings, please call toll-free 1-888-966-8687. Complete Terms: For the most complete and up-to-date Terms and Conditions, including for Expedition Cruises, River Cruises, Private Jet Expeditions, and other Expeditions, please see natgeoexpeditions.com/terms. Latest Booking Policies: For any applicable Latest Booking Policies, please see natgeoexpeditions.com/bookingpolicy. CST 2074630-40

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Clad in gaucho-style hats, travelers take in a sweeping view of Patagonia’s Perito Moreno Glacier.

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