Crafted first in 1862, BACARDÍ 8 AÑOS is aged under the Caribbean sun for a minimum of 8 years. The result is a complex and layered rum, with each batch hitting the right notes of oak, apricot, nutmeg and butterscotch. This amber sipping rum is perfect for special occasions. It can be served on its own or as the base for outstanding cocktails such as the Rum Old Fashioned.
LETTER FROM OUR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Friends, Welcome to Winter Party Festival, an event that uniquely combines celebration, community, and a great cause. We are deeply honored to have you join us for the 25th year of this remarkable festival that has touched so many lives and made such a huge difference for LGBTQ people in South Florida and across the nation. It’s our second year under the tagline: Live Free. Play Hard. Give Back. And you prove it! This year, we are seeing more work than ever to ensure everyone in the United States can LIVE FREE. We are facing the most anti-LGBTQ administration in memory, but our community has not been deterred at all. We have all been working hard to secure our rights, and now it’s time to PLAY HARD at Winter Party Festival! Funds raised through the Winter Party Festival and its sister event, the National LGBTQ Task Force Gala - Miami, support our national work, and we also GIVE BACK to vital LGBTQ organizations serving the South Florida community. Since 2005, the National LGBTQ Task Force has given over $2.7 million back to the South Florida community. Your support of the Winter Party Festival has helped to fund more than 70 organizations doing work in LGBTQ advocacy, youth services, homelessness initiatives, the arts, and much, much more. This year, we are honoring all the former Chairs of Winter Party Festival since our organization, the National LGBTQ Task Force, took over running the event. These amazingly generous leaders are Justin Bell, Dave Cook, JC Curry, Victor Diaz-Herman, Joe Guerrero, Lisa Mercado, Chad Richter, and Derek Yee. We are also extremely grateful to our 2018 Festival Chair, Stephen Seo. In the five years he’s worked on Winter Party Festival, he’s been one of the driving forces that have us on track to break all fundraising records this year. On behalf of our board and staff, I want to express our appreciation. Your dedication is inspiring! Thank you. I also give thanks to the generous individuals and companies who have made financial and in-kind contributions to this spectacular event and to all the committee members and volunteers who help us create magic. We couldn’t do what we do without your incredible support. Live Free. Play Hard. Give Back. See you on the dance floor,
Rea Carey Executive Director Winterparty.com | #WinterParty25
A PLAYFUL OCEANFRONT PARADISE IN SOBE Proud to be Winter Party Festival’s Hotel Host THURSDAY TEA DANCE Kimpton Surfcomber Hotel Pool
BEAT THE HEAT BRUNCH Kimpton Surfcomber Hotel Pool
DJ Sushiman & Tiffany Fantasia Thursday, March 1, 2018 2–8PM *Tickets available at: surfcomberteadance.eventbrite.com
DJ Jean Marc Sunday, March 4, 2018 11AM–2PM *Tickets available at: beattheheatbrunch.eventbrite.com
Reservations: 800.994.6103 Hotel: 305.532.7715 1717 Collins Ave | Miami Beach, FL 33139 surfcomber.com | #SurfcomberHotel
JOIN THE CONVERSATION There are more HIV prevention options than ever before including condoms, PrEP, testing, and medicines that treat HIV.
LETTER FROM OUR FESTIVAL CHAIR Welcome to the 25th Edition of Winter Party Festival! We live in a world that challenges us every day, where others tell us we’re different, tell us “no.” This week I invite you to say “yes” and BE YOU! I invite you to hold hands, kiss your partner, kiss your friend, a stranger; wear costumes, wear speedos, wear what makes you feel your authentic self. I invite you to open your hearts, meet someone new, and rejoice with old friends. In 1994 four leaders decided to throw a beach party to raise money to fight an anti-LGBTQ initiative in Florida. Over the last 25 years, Winter Party Festival has grown and thrived as a fundraiser to advance equality for LGBTQ people. Winter Party would not be possible without the hundreds of volunteers who pour their hearts into creating a space for us to live free and play hard, and, especially, supporters like you. The collective efforts of these contributors have strengthened Winter Party and transformed it into the friendliest party in the world. I’m thrilled that our VIP Cocktail Reception will honor the eight people who have served the Task Force as Festival Chair before me: Joe Guerrero, Dave Cook, Lisa Mercado, JC Curry, Chad Richter, Victor Diaz-Herman, Derek Yee and Justin Bell. The Festival remains a party with a purpose. Funds raised from Winter Party go directly to supporting the important work of the National LGBTQ Task Force and LGBTQ advocacy and community groups in South Florida by way of the GLBT Community Projects Fund at The Miami Foundation. Since the Task Force began producing Winter Party and the Task Force Gala – Miami (our sister event), we’ve donated more than $2.7 Million to South Florida LGBTQ non-profit organizations. I would like to thank the City of Miami Beach Mayor Dan Gelber and all of the City Commisioners, City Manager Jimmy Morales, and all of the staff members who go to great lengths to support Winter Party Festival. I would also like to thank the amazing sponsors who make this event possible, while kindly asking you, our guests, to support them in return for their valuable partnership with Winter Party. I extend my thanks to the Task Force staff and the entire Festival Committee for the opportunity to serve in various leadership positions the last five years. I could not be more proud to be part of an organization whose values lift people up and fight to improve the lives of others, even in the face of adversity. Thank you for your support in the continued fight for freedom, justice, and equality!
Stephen Seo Winter Party Festival Chair, 2018
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Photo: dennisdean.com
Get the latest from the largest and most trusted site on gay culture in North America. W W W.THEHOMOCULTURE.COM
TICKETS, PASSES AND WRISTBANDS MULTI-EVENT PASSES Winter Party Festival uses barcoded wristbands for multi-event passes. Online Pass purchasers will receive an email voucher and receipt, which should be printed and brought to the Welcome Center to exchange for a wristband. Wristbands are worn throughout the festival and cannot be removed or shared. You cannot use the email voucher for admission to events. All passes must be purchased online. They will not be available in the Retail Center.
at the Winter Party Welcome Center, located at the Kimpton Surfcomber Hotel, 1717 Collins Ave, Miami Beach. You must exchange your pass voucher for a wristband by 8 PM on Saturday, March 3. Additional individual event tickets can also be purchased there. The Welcome Center phone number is 305.604.8500. Even if you received all your tickets via e-mail, we still invite you to visit the Welcome Center and pick up a complimentary gift bag and meet other guests. Hours of operation are:
Wednesday, February 28 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
PRINT-AT-HOME TICKETS Winter Party Festival uses print-at-home tickets through ShowClix. You purchase tickets online and receive your tickets via e-mail so you can print them and bring them with you to the venues. You also have the option to receive a mobile ticket version. PLEASE NOTE: There will be no Will Call for ticket purchasers at each event. You MUST bring your ticket (printed or mobile version) with you for admission to the event.
WELCOME CENTER WILL CALL All passes purchased must be exchanged for wristbands
Thursday, March 1
Will Call. You will need to show identification to receive admission to the event, and you will need to go to the Welcome Center the next day to pick up your pass/ wristband. Using your wristband provides express entry into the venue, so we encourage you to come to the Welcome Center prior to the event if at all possible. REMINDER: there will be no Will Call for ticket purchasers at each event. You MUST bring your ticket (printed or mobile version) with you for admission to the event.
UPGRADES Ticket or pass upgrades (if available) can only be purchased at the individual events.
NOON – 10:00 p.m.
Friday, March 2 NOON – 10:00 p.m.
Saturday, March 3 11:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. There is NO Will Call at the Beach Party, Sunday, March 4
PASS PURCHASERS ARRIVING AFTER WELCOME CENTER HOURS We realize that some of our out-of-town guests may arrive in Miami Beach after the Welcome Center closes. Pass purchasers can still gain admission to that night’s dance event. When you arrive at the dance venue, go to
• Passes are barcoded wristbands you wear all week. • Wristbands are available only at the Welcome Center and must be picked up no later than 6 PM on March 3. • Ticket purchasers must bring a printed or mobile ticket to the event. There is no Will Call for individual ticket purchasers.
Winterparty.com | #WinterParty25
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VIP COCKTAIL RECEPTION HONOREES Since Winter Party began in 1994, it has relied on talented, dedicated individuals to help it grow and thrive. The National LGBTQ Task Force has been very fortunate to have some exceptional champions lead the Festival volunteer force over the past 14 years. We are proud to dedicate the 25th Winter Party Festival to our past Festival Chairs.
JOE GUERRERO (CHAIR, 2005; CO-CHAIR, 2006) My first Winter Party was as a volunteer in 2000. The following year, 2001, I chaired the volunteers. We grew the volunteer database from 300 to 600 volunteers that year. In 2002 and 2003, I was Chair of Winter Party. When the Task Force took over Winter Party, they asked if I would help with the transition. I agreed to chair Winter Party Festival that year, 2005. The following year, 2006, I co-chaired Winter Party Festival with Dave Cook, passing the baton. Favorite Memory: My favorite memory was in 2003 when we outreached to our community with our first fashion show at Lincoln Road Mall, art exhibits, a family picnic outing and a women’s dance event.
DAVE COOK (CO-CHAIR, 2006-2007) I have been involved in WPF since the first year. I was the WPF co-chair for 2 years before becoming a Task Force employee for 5 years. I am currently in my 3rd year as the Executive Director of Miami Beach Gay Pride. Favorite Memory: My favorite memory is one year working alongside my teenage niece. She ended up being on the committee and had a blast. It was nice seeing someone I used to babysit taking a leadership role for WPF.
JC CURRY (CO-CHAIR, 2007-2008) I volunteered at the very first Winter Party. I loved it so much that I kept coming back and found my niche in the Welcome Center under the guidance of Cyril Cohen, who eventually passed the baton to me and I became chair of the Welcome Center. I’ve been involved almost every year in some capacity and served as CoChair in 2007 and 2008. I have lived in Miami my entire life and I love the diversity of the people who live here and who visit, which is why I stay. Favorite Memory: My favorite memory is from the first year the Task Force produced Winter Party. When the closing song of the Beach Party (“High”) played I was standing on the VIP platform overlooking the crowd and getting hugs by Matt Foreman on one side and his partner Francisco on the other. My eyes teared up with pride for the event, for the friends I’d made, the friends who were no longer with us and the salvation of the event by Matt and the Task Force.
LISA MERCADO (CO-CHAIR, 2007-2008) I was introduced to Winter Party Festival and the giving back to the community around 2005. My first experience was helping with stage management at the Winter Party Beach Party. The following year I worked on the Family Picnic, then began to oversee the Women’s Programming division. In 2007, Matt Foreman asked me if I would be a co-chair alongside Dave Cook and JC Curry. The following year I was again co-chair and continued to oversee women’s programming and began working on the Finance Team as well. In 2010 I joined the staff and continue to work on this event and the Gala where I have met so many amazing people and organizations. Favorite Memory: Having been involved for so many years, there are a lot of memories. One of my favorites was the year the Beach Party truss was decorated with hundreds of inflatables, it was all fun and games until we found out we had to deflate them! My other favorite moment will always be meeting Russell Roybal in the Cabana Club about 4pm to look over the sea of guests and watch a cruise ship disappear at the horizon.
Winterparty.com | #WinterParty25
CHAD RICHTER (CHAIR, 2009-2011; CO-CHAIR, 2012) I first started volunteering in 2008 as Director of Marketing. I then served as the Festival Chair from 2009-2011 and Co-Chair in 2012. After more than 35 years living in Miami, I moved to NYC in 2016 as Director of Retail Sales for Fresh. While still adjusting to the winter weather, I’m loving the culture, architecture and fastpaced life of New York, but Miami Beach will always be home. Favorite Memory: My fondest memories of volunteering always involved the smiling, bustling, busyness at the early morning Beach Party set up — and the not-so-calm before sometimes a literal storm. One year the wind and rain started threatening the decor, but nothing could deter this group who quickly went into “fix it” mode. Just before showtime the sky parted and it ended up being the most beautiful day. This was a perfect analogy for WPF where the controlling of chaotic situations was always quickly managed through passionate team effort – something that always shone through with this group of dedicated professionals.
VICTOR DIAZ-HERMAN (VICE CHAIR, 2010-2011, 2013; CO-CHAIR, 2012; CHAIR, 2014) As a native to Miami, I have always had some involvement with local community events, either as a guest, a participant, a supporter, or even a member; my passion for the LGBTQ community was evident. Winter Party Festival has always been one of the larger events everyone looked forward to year after year. My interest in becoming more involved eventually grew stronger, so I decided to really invest in the event. Starting in 2010 until 2013 I filled both roles of Vice Chair and CoChair alongside other members of the community. In 2014 I dominated the task of chairing the entire event on my own, and my admiration for the event grew even stronger. Continuing on the path to honor this passion for my community, I now fill the position of Chief Executive Officer at Pridelines Community Center, serving all of Miami’s LGBTQ youth and community at large. My dedication to the community remains stronger and more determined than ever before. Favorite Memory: My most memorable moment that I’ll never forget is the year I was standing on the second floor of the Sunday night party at Cameo looking down onto a sea of people dancing in unison creating a wave of rhythm during the peak of the music, free of judgment, free of ridicule, and free to be exactly who they were in that moment, and doing so all together.
DEREK YEE (VICE CHAIR, 2012; CHAIR, 2013) I’ve been involved with Winter Party Festival from 2007 to 2013. I served in varying capacities from volunteering at individual events, leading operations/logistics and culminating with my role as Chair in 2013. I’ve since left Florida and now reside in San Francisco, California. I try to get back to Florida to support the event either as a participant or volunteer. Favorite Memory: I’m not sure if this is my favorite, but it’s indeed the most memorable: I was driving Lisa Mercado around to pick up supplies and realized that the van we were driving couldn’t fit into the Publix parking garage! The clearance sign hit the top of the van when I tried entering on the ramp but everyone and everything survived unscathed :)
JUSTIN BELL (INCOMING CHAIR, 2014; CHAIR, 2015-2017) I first joined the Winter Party Festival family as Incoming Chair in 2014. In 2015, I took over as Festival Chair and served the following three years as Chair through 2017. Today, I continue to work ‘behind the scenes’ assisting members of the Festival Executive Committee with strategic planning. I currently am the Vice President of Digital at Shiraz Creative, managing a team of digital strategists and creatives across Shiraz’s 5 offices. Favorite Memory: My favorite WPF memory is when we surpassed the $1M mark in revenue for the first time in the Festival’s history.
Winterparty.com | #WinterParty25
Winterparty.com | #WinterParty25
CoNGraTuLaTIoNs VICTor On being recognized for your contributions as a Winter Party Festival Chairperson in support of the important work and mission of the National LGBTQ Task Force. Victor Diaz-Herman and moms.
You are an amazing individual and we are all so proud of you! Your mothers Grisel & Laurel and family at Worth International Media Group.
s i i t a l u t a C CC for your years of service to the
Wednesday, February 28, 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Kimpton Surfcomber Hotel 1717 Collins Ave, Miami Beach FREE
Friday, March 2, 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. FIU CARTA 420 Lincoln Rd, Miami Beach Tickets: Advance: $30 / Day of: $40
Welcome to Winter Party Festival!
Winter Party is more than great dance parties!
Join the National LGBTQ Task Force staff, the Winter Party committee and volunteers in ushering in the 2018 Winter Party at the grand opening of the Welcome Center. Pick up your passes, purchase individual event tickets, grab a free welcome bag, shop for Winter Party merchandise and visit our exhibitors all while sipping on cocktails provided by Bacardi.
Thursday, March 1, 7:30 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Nautilus, a SIXTY Hotel 1875 Collins Ave, Miami Beach Pass Access: VIP Pass Tickets: $100 Before you hit the dance floor, dress yourself up and join us at the VIP Cocktail Reception, presented by The Art of Shaving. Mingle with community leaders, influencers and VIPs and special guests where you’ll learn more about our impact on the LGBTQ community of South Florida at the fabulous Nautilus Hotel. This year, Winter Party is proud to honor eight extraordinary individuals who have served the Task Force as Winter Party Festival Chair: Justin Bell, Dave Cook, JC Curry, Victor Diaz-Herman, Joe Guerrero, Lisa Mercado, Chad Richter and Derek Yee. Enjoy great food bites and an open bar provided by Bacardi.
ArtScape bridges the gap between LGBTQ artists and the mainstream art world, standing out as the only platform in Miami showcasing works by LGBTQ artists while benefiting the National LGBTQ Task Force and local South Florida LGBTQ nonprofits. The event is quickly becoming the world’s premier destination for LGBTQ art and collectors. ArtScape is entering a new dawn with its new Chair, Jennifer Maria Córdoba Alvarez. To ring in Winter Party’s 25th Anniversary, ArtScape will unveil “Winter’s Rainbow,” a collaboration in honor of Gilbert Baker’s Rainbow Flag, and will have the honor of welcoming guest Judge Alpesh Kantilal Patel, PhD, an FIU professor with a background at the Whitney and the Guggenheim. ArtScape’s opening will be held at the FIU CARTA on Miami Beach, featuring entertainment by HENESEAS, on Friday, March 2 with the exhibit running from March 1 – March 6.
BEAT THE HEAT BRUNCH Sunday, March 4, 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Kimpton Surfcomber Hotel 1717 Collins Ave, Miami Beach Tickets: $30 Bottomless Mimosa ($30) brunch featuring a grab and go for those on the run. (no alcohol to go) Also Featuring Smart Mouth Cold Brew Coffee (free samples will be available) and South Beach brewing company with their brunch beers (strawberry mimosa, peach shandy, and blood orange IPA) $10 “breakfast culinary creation” plates available. Hot food with cold items as well. Available to both hotel and non-hotel guests. Just register! beattheheatbrunch.eventbrite.com Winterparty.com | #WinterParty25
Winterparty.com | #WinterParty25
DJs listed were confirmed as of press time. Be sure to visit www.winterparty.com/events for a full listing of the fabulous parties and events coming to the 25th Edition of Winter Party Festival! Winterparty.com | #WinterParty25
DANCE EVENTS T DANCE FEATURING TIFFANY FANTASIA Thursday, March 1, 2:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Kimpton Surfcomber Hotel 1717 Collins Ave, Miami Beach FREE Join us poolside for this T Dance featuring Tiffany Fantasia and beats by DJ Sushiman. Enjoy $7 Vodka drinks, $5 Red Bulls and a performance by Tiffany Fantasia! surfcomberteadance.eventbrite.com
IGNITE Thursday, March 1, 10:00 p.m. - 5:00 a.m. Score 1439 Washington Ave, Miami Beach Pass Access: VIP Pass and Festival Pass Tickets: Advance $35 / Day of $45 You’ve been waiting all year, and the wait is almost over! Kick off your weekend with a bang at Ignite! Every year this party is the best way to warm up for the weekend. Get your 25th Edition Winter Party started at Ignite with DJs J.Warren and Phil Romano. Link up with old friends and meet new ones! This event is the perfect opportunity to get to know the people you’ll be dancing with for the next five days.
HEAT Friday, March 2, 10:00 p.m. – 7:00 a.m. Club Space 34 NE 11th St, Miami Pass Access: VIP Pass, Festival Pass, and Weekend Pass Tickets: Advance $85 / Day of $95 / VIP $130 Heat returns to Miami for Winter Party’s 25th Edition at Club Space, one of downtown Miami’s hottest clubs, featuring DJs Alain Jackinsky and Isaac Escalante on the Terrace and Pablo Lopez in the Basement. Celebrate diversity, connect with the community, and dance the night away! Three world-class DJs, one sizzling Miami night. Be there! Produced in partnership with Hilton Wolman Events.
UNDER ONE SUN POOL PARTY Saturday, March 3, 12:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Kimpton Surfcomber Hotel 1717 Collins Ave, Miami Beach Pass Access: VIP Pass, Festival Pass and Weekend Pass Tickets: Advance $75 / Day of $85 / VIP $125 The Under One Sun Pool Party is one of our most popular events and the first to sell out every year. This year, we’re excited to bring the party back to the Kimpton Surfcomber Hotel, with an amazing pool that has hosted Winter Party Festival many times already. Move to the rhythm-inducing beats of Winter Party alumni DJ Joe Gauthreaux. Take to the oceanside pool with a sea of friends and fellow festival goers; this will definitely be the most memorable pool party of the year! Do not miss out!
Friday, March 3, 12:00pm - 6:00pm Kimpton Surfcomber Hotel 1717 Collins Ave, Miami Beach Pass Access: VIP Pass and Festival Pass Tickets: Advance $20 / Day of $25
Saturday, March 3, 10:00 p.m. - 3:00 a.m. Hunters Nightclub Ft. Lauderdale 2232 Wilton Dr, Ft. Lauderdale FREE
New Host Hotel pool party, produced by Vagabundos! Join us poolside with DJs Paulo Fragoso and Cindel.
Let your inhibitions run wild and free yourself at SWEAT, our Leather and Fetish event in Wilton Manors. Sweat returns to Winter Party 25 at Hunters Nightclub in Ft. Lauderdale on Saturday, March 3rd, from 10 pm - 3 am with DJ Ean Sugarman.
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Saturday, March 3, 10:00 p.m. - 6:00 a.m. James L. Knight Center 400 SE 2nd Ave, Miami Pass Access: VIP Pass, Festival Pass and Weekend Pass Tickets: Advance $85 / Day of $95 / VIP $130
Sunday, March 4, 10:00 p.m. - 6:00 a.m. James L. Knight Center 400 SE 2nd Ave, Miami Pass Access: VIP Pass, Festival Pass, Weekend Pass and Climax Pass Tickets: Advance $90 / Day of $100 / VIP $130
Winter Party Festival is excited to present a very special 25th Edition Saturday night event at a new location! Be amazed as Masterbeat transforms the James L. Knight Center into a giant Toy Factory with its signature production! Join international all-star DJs Oscar Velazquez and Alex Acosta as we celebrate our 25th Edition. Let your inner child run free – come see what toys we’ll have for you to play with at the Factory!
WINTER PARTY BEACH PARTY Sunday, March 4, 12:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Sands of South Beach at Lummus Park 12th St & Ocean Dr, Miami Beach Pass Access: VIP Pass, Festival Pass, Weekend Pass and Climax Pass Tickets: Advance $110 / Day of $125 / VIP $175 Beach Party Cabana Club $225 – Includes all VIP amenities plus seating area, air-conditioned bathrooms, and bag check. This is the event that started it all! The Beach Party is our largest and most popular event every year, the crown jewel of Winter Party. Back with special encore sets are Winter Party favorites DJs GRIND and ROSABEL (DJs Ralphi Rosario & Abel Aguilera), who will be pounding out the beats you will not be able to resist! It’s hard to describe the magic of dancing on the sands of South Beach with your chosen family and thousands of new friends from all over the world! It’s an experience you have to see to believe, and one you will never forget. Grab your sunscreen, your favorite speedo and we’ll see you there!
Get ready for a brand-new ADVENTURE on Sunday at #WinterParty25! We’re proud to have worked with amazing party brands from around the world, including Spain, Italy and Brazil. This year is no different. Winter Party Festival and Masterbeat are partnering once again to present a legendary Sunday night party with DJs Micky Friedmann and the return of Sagi Kariv. We’re bringing Forever Tel Aviv to Miami, a party that has been across the globe with their incredible productions, and now they bring a new ADVENTURE to Winter Party. Spend your Sunday night unearthing treasure at the James L. Knight Center!
VERVE Monday, March 5, 5:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Heart Nightclub 50 NE 11th St, Miami Pass Access: VIP Pass, Festival Pass and Climax Pass Tickets: Advance $50 / Day of $60 Make your last morning at Winter Party memorable when DJ Eddie Elias brings a very special edition VERVE to Heart Nightclub on Monday, March 5! After a huge success last year, VERVE returns with a very special edition for the 25th Edition of Winter Party, produced by Hilton Wolman Events. Be sure to save some energy for Monday morning; you do not want to miss this event!
ACTION! FINALE Monday, March 5, 10:00 p.m. - 5:00 a.m. Score 1437 Washington Ave, Miami Beach Pass Access: VIP Pass Tickets: Advance $35 / Day of $40 Two years ago, we launched a brand new party on Monday night and it unexpectedly became one of the most talked about parties of the week! ACTION! Finale makes its triumphant return, produced by Luciano Presents, in partnership with PartyLikeJoe. This party is not to be missed. We’re excited to welcome back DJs Nina Flowers and Jalil Z, who are sure to wrap up the Festival on a high note!
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Winterparty.com | #WinterParty25
TIP YOUR BARTENDER! At The Beach Party on Sunday, you won’t see your everyday bartenders at the General Admission bars. Instead, you’ll see excited volunteers from one very important community group serving your every drink needs.
Pridelines has benefited from Winter Party Festival and its sister event, the National LGBTQ Task Force Gala – Miami, but you can help give additional support through your tips.
ABOUT PRIDELINES: To support, educate, and empower South Florida’s LGBTQ youth and community in safe and diverse spaces to promote dialogue, wellness, and to foster social change. “As Miami’s LGBTQ Community Center, we are always excited to engage with our community in new and fun ways. Bar tending at the Beach Party is a great
way to meet LGBTQ people from around the world while also helping to make their experience a memorable one. Our board, staff, and volunteers look forward to bartending every year, and we can’t wait to do it again this year. We wish all of this year’s guests a safe and fun week. Happy Winter Party!” Victor Diaz-Herman, Executive Director
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WINTER PARTY FESTIVAL COMMITTEE AND STAFF 2018 Executive Committee Stephen Seo, Festival Chair Danny Anzueto, Co-Director of Dance Programming David Ardelean, Director of Volunteer Relations John Fogleman, Director of Finance Camilo Gomez, Director of Social Programming Richard King, Co-Director of Dance Programming Kevin Makowski, Chief of Staff/Director of Internal Operations Robert Masterson, Director of Club Finance Sergio Orlando, Director of Volunteer Engagement Tos Sasitorn, Director of Social Media Jeff Staugler, Director of Partnerships René Wolfensberger, Director of Welcome Center Eric Woodland, Director of Logistics
2018 Festival Committee Dirk Allen Matt Albert Doug Ames Bob Barnes Barrett Beck Doug Bermúdez Jocelyn Bermúdez Joe Bianco Steven Boudreau Amanda Cajano Angel Camacho Joseph Caraccia Walter Castaneda Javier Checa Jennifer Maria Córdoba Alvarez Patrick Crosson JC Curry Peter Curry Dez Daniels Carlos DeFriend Melba De Leon Matt Don Matt Dzwonkiewicz
Eddie Esteban Jairo Farinas Juan Carlos Farfan Jim Farris Yvette Fernandez Lily Ferrando Matthew Ferrer John Garces Pablo Sergio Garcia Alejandro Gonzalez Mauricio Hernandez Paul Kelly John Labus Mario Lacayo Maria Lanao Stephen Land David Landau Andrew Machado Silvio Maranhão Brian Marone Chaz Marriott Andre Miguel Kenny Molina
2018 Festival Staff Jake Arnell, Corporate Development Manager Saurabh Bajaj, Chief Development Officer Michael Bath, Events Director Alex Breitman, Marketing Director Rea Carey, Executive Director Lisa Mercado, Events Manager Rick Mohn, Senior Finance & Administrative Services Manager Kimberly Otero, Special Events Intern Sayre Reece, Senior Strategist Cindy Tomm, Major Gifts Officer Evangeline Weiss, Leadership Programs Director Tom Bercu, Event Production Consultant Sandy Han and Johann Cuervo, Public Relations Consultants Andy Durojaiye, Membership Manager Guide Edited by Matt Dzwonkiewicz Design by LION Agency
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Jeffrey Morgan Evgeny “Jack” Nagimov Khan Nawaz James Nonnemaker Nick Oehm Jeff Oliverio Brock Peek Tony Pereira Bill Platt Francisco Ramirez Jose Rodriguez Cristian Sanchez Justin Shephard Ryan Schwartz David Sexton Justin Shephard Pranshu Shrivastava Ivette Sierra Jolyse Stultz Elan Sultanik Jerry Torres Eric Vargas Frank Weyenberg David Zaret
Welcome Center Grand Opening
Vagabundos Pool Party – Winter Party Edition
Kimpton Surfcomber Hotel 1717 Collins Ave, Miami Beach 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Kimpton Surfcomber Hotel 1717 Collins Ave, Miami Beach 12:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Heat THURSDAY, MARCH 1 T Dance feat Tiffany Fantasia Kimpton Surfcomber Hotel 1717 Collins Ave, Miami Beach 2:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
VIP Cocktail Reception Nautilus, a SIXTY Hotel 1825 Collins Ave, Miami Beach 7:30 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Ignite Score 1437 Washington Ave, Miami Beach 10:00 p.m. - 5:00 a.m.
Club Space 34 NE 11th St, Miami 10:00 p.m. - 7:00 a.m.
FIU CARTA 420 Lincoln Rd, Miami Beach 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
SATURDAY, MARCH 3 Under One Sun Pool Party
Kimpton Surfcomber Hotel 1717 Collins Ave, Miami Beach 12:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Hunters Nightclub Ft. Lauderdale 2232 Wilton Dr, Ft. Lauderdale 10:00 p.m. - 3:00 a.m.
Masterbeat Toy Factory
James L. Knight Center 400 SE 2nd Ave, Miami 10:00 p.m. - 6:00 a.m. 36
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Beat The Heat Brunch
Kimpton Surfcomber Hotel 1717 Collins Ave, Miami Beach 11:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Heart Nightclub 50 NE 11th St, Miami 5:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
The Beach Party
ACTION! Finale
Lummus Park 12th St & Ocean Dr, Miami Beach 12:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Score 1437 Washington Ave, Miami Beach 10:00 p.m. - 5:00 a.m.
Forever Adventure James L. Knight Center 400 SE 2nd Ave, Miami 10:00 p.m. - 6:00 a.m.
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Alegria Black & Blue Brian Rafferty Productions Cherry Circuit Festival Dallas Purple Party Fire Island Pines HH Entretenimento Hilton Wolman Events
Independence Johnny Chisholm Events Luciano Presents Masterbeat Mel Chesnut NYC Pride One Magical Weekend PartyLikeJoe Paul Nichols Entertainment
Pines Party Saint at Large Sizzle Miami Splash Days Twisted Life White Party Palm Springs White Party Week XLSIOR Festival
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ABOUT THE TASK FORCE The National LGBTQ Task Force advances full freedom, justice and equality for LGBTQ people. We’re building a future where everyone is free to be themselves in every aspect of their lives. Today, despite all the progress we’ve made to end discrimination, millions of LGBTQ people face barriers in every aspect of their lives: in housing, employment, healthcare, retirement, and basic human rights. These barriers must go. That’s why the Task Force is training and mobilizing millions of activists across our nation to deliver a world where you can be you.
BOARDS OF DIRECTORS Updated November 2017
Hez Norton (Co-Chair) Boston, MA
Liebe Gadinsky** Miami Beach, FL
Naomi Metz Santa Rosa, CA
Roger Thomson (Co-Chair) Miami Beach, FL
Rev. J. Bennett Guess Cleveland, OH
Karin Mitchell* Seattle, WA
Naomi Metz (Secretary) Santa Rosa, CA
E. Monique Hall** (Action Fund Chair) Washington, DC
Shilpen Patel, MD Seattle, WA
Anthony Aragon** Denver, CO Bradley Carlson* Miami Beach, FL Pamela David** San Francisco, CA
Mary Harper Kalamazoo, MI Monisha Harrell* (Action Fund Secretary/Treasurer) Seattle, WA Rose Hayes San Francisco, CA
Juan Peñalosa* Miami, FL Andrew Solomon** New York, NY Jason Tester San Francisco, CA * serves on both c3 & c4 ** serves on c4 only
NATIONAL ACTION COUNCIL Over the years, the Task Force has had a number of incredible advocates and supporters who’ve been committed above all others in helping the us achieve our mission of building grass–roots power for the LGBTQ community. The National Action Council recognizes these individuals. John Allen Muskegon, MI
Victor Diaz-Herman Miami, FL
Mario Guerrero Sacremento, CA
Cindy Rizzo New York NY
Sue Anderson Boulder, CO
Ruth Eisenberg Washington DC
John Hoadley Kalamazoo MI
Lee Rubin Fort Lauderdale, FL
Alan Bernstein West Hollywood CA
Matt Foreman San Francisco, CA
Kierra Johnson Washington DC
Christopher Russell Miami, FL
David Bowers Los Angeles, CA
Will Forrest Chicago, IL
Jody Laine Sebastopol, CA
Margaret Burd Denver, CO
Kevin Gonzalez New York, NY
Cordey Lash Dallas, TX
Michelle J. Stecker, Ph.D., J.D. Winter Park, FL
Donald E. Davis Williamsburg VA
Ruben Gonzalez Washington DC
Chad Richter Miami Beach, FL
Alfonso Wenker Minneapolis MN Beth Zemsky Minneapolis, MN
January 23 – January 27, 2019 Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center Detroit, MI creatingchange.org
LEADERSHIP COUNCIL We extend a heartfelt thanks to our Leadership Council members for their continued support of the Task Force and the Task Force Action Fund. Leadership Council members make an annual gift of $1,500 or more and give the Task Force the flexibility to build grassroots LGBTQ political power across the nation. If we have inadvertently omitted or incorrectly listed your name, please contact Saurabh Bajaj, Chief Development Officer, at sbajaj@thetaskforce.org. Current Leadership Council Donors as of January 1, 2018. THANK YOU TO OUR INDIVIDUAL DONORS PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE ($100,000.00 + ) Andrew W. Solomon & John Habich Solomon Howard Solomon & Sarah Solomon Jim Tyrrell & Roger Thomson VICE PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE ($50,000.00 + ) Rev. Janet M. Edwards Elizabeth Gadinsky & Seth Gadinsky Steven L. Holley James C. Hormel & Michael P. Nguyen Amy C. Mandel & Katina E. Rodis Weston F. Milliken Stanley Newman & Brian Rosenthal Mark M. Sexton & Kirk Wallace Henry van Ameringen & Eric Galloway Sara Whitman EXECUTIVE CIRCLE ($25,000.00 + ) Alberto A. Arias & Wood Kinnard Mary E. Harper & Marigene Arnold David A. Holmes & Anthony Montoya David B Rosenauer & Rex Walker Emily Rosenberg & Darlene deManicor Bobby M. Taylor AMBASSADOR’S CIRCLE ($10,000.00 + ) Alexander Aickin & Jason Tester John M. Allen & Stephen Orlando Susan E. Anderson & Jo Zeimet Jack Bankowsky & Matthew Marks Otts Bolisay & Kenneth Thompson Bradley R. Carlson Suman Chakraborty Reuben J. Chong Oliver Davis Nina Feirer James M. Foreman & Francisco De Leon William Forrest & Mark A. Smithe Jeff & Kate Haas Rose Hayes & Courtney Aiken Tracy Hewat Eugene Kapaloski Jody Laine & Shad Reinstein Laurie Mirman Michael H. Morris & Richard Blinkal James G. Pepper Thomas A. Raffin Jeremy Rye Karl H. Smith & Jin Oh
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DIRECTOR’S CIRCLE ($5,000.00 + ) Buck Allen Ralph Alpert Shiv Bajaj & Shobha Bajaj Gregory N. Brown & Linton D. Stables III Rea Carey & Margaret Conway David Carugati Colgate W. Darden, IV Pamela H. David & Cheryl Lazar Kristin Ehrgood Kevin Foley-Littell & Stephen Littell Julie Goodridge Reverend J. B. Guess & Jim R. Therrien William Hahne Jonathan A. Herz & Steven C. Hill Tim Hosking & Audrey Sokoloff Lawrence R. Hyer Jeremiah Kelly & Paul F. Oostenbrug, M.D. Paul N. Kelly Marc Lapidus Mr. Michael W. Larkin Jonathan Lehman Matthew Marks & Jack Bankowsky Barbara J. Meislin Sandra Nathan, Ph.D. & Glenda Dunmore Katy Neusteter & Thad Kurowski Russell David Roybal Joan E. Schaeffer & Roberta Mandel Elliott R. Sernel & Larry Falconio Ted Snowdon & Duffy Violante Ronna Stamm, Paul Lehman, and Jonathan Lehman James O. Stepp & Peter K. Zimmer Ann F. Thomas & Daniel L. Rabinowitz Samuel Thoron & Julia Thoron Lizzie & Jonathan M. Tisch Duffy Violante & Edward W. Snowdon Jr Beth Zemsky & Chris Heeter /Zemsky Family Foundation ADVOCATE’S CIRCLE ($2,500.00 + ) Mario Acosta, Jr. & Christopher A. Russell Anonymous Joseph Arena Glenn Barcheski & William Dollaway C. David Bedford David Beitzel & Darren Walker Frank Benedetti & Thomas G. Trowbridge Robin M. Bergen & Janine Hackett Alan J. Bernstein & Family Leslie Bosson & Matthew Bosson Margaret A. Burd & Rebecca Brinkman
Kathleen Campisano & Sayre E. Reece Daniel Chadburn & Thomas W. Nichols Jerry S. Chasen & Mark Kirby Yatin Chawathe & Thomas Zambito Constance A. Collins Lisa Corrin Meg Coward & Sarah Schwartz-Sax Darrel Cummings & Tim Dang Skyler M. Davis George J. DeBolt Vilia Drazdys Richard Egure & Giuseppe Vaccaro Ruth E. Eisenberg & Letitia A. Gomez Richter Elser Eric Estes Joseph Falk Klayton F. Fennell & Valentine Vigil-Fennell Naomi Fine & Kathy Levinson Dwight Foley Jennifer Foley & Naomi E. Metz Letitia A. Gomez & Ruth E. Eisenberg Janine Hackett & Robin M. Bergen E. Monique Hall Monisha R. Harrell & Tamria L. Olson Harold L. Ivey Mark Kirby & Jerry S. Chasen Michael E. Koetting & Stephen Saletan Thomas A. Lehrer Scott M. Lercel Lesbian Equity Foundation /Kathy Levinson Stacey L. Long Simmons & Tracy Simmons James D. Marks & Mark Scott Robert F. Miailovich Reverend Rodney W. McKenzie Jessica Morgan Leigh Morgan & Sarah Moseley Tony M. Nodine & Stoney Gamble Andrew Passeri & Yacoub Habib Shilpen Patel, M.D. Pervez Pir & Surbhi Pir Marianne G. Seggerman Andrew I. Shore Gene Simpson & James Baulding Cheryl Swannack & Nancy D. Polikoff Gary Unzeitig Gerald Wentland & Jean Paul Michaud Amelie S. Zurn-Galinsky DELEGATE’S CIRCLE ($1,500.00 + ) Alan Acosta & Thomas Gratz Steven Afriat & Curtis L. Sanchez
Rene Amaral & Scott Vaughan David Augustine & Robert Depew Jeff Bailey & John T. Lillis Saurabh Bajaj Juan J. Battle & Michael D. Bennett James Baulding & Eugene Simpson Alvin H. Baum Jr & Robert Holgate David Beaning Paul Beaudet & David M. Wertheimer Stuart & Allen Bell David S. Berg & Laura Butzel Emily Bieber Lewis Black Marsha C. Botzer Benjamin Bowler & Thomas Firpo Johnda R. Boyce Robin Brand Dennis Breen Gina Calvelli & Lorri L. Jean Jason R. Carey Diane Cary & Jim Parriott Kris Castellano & Victor E. Diaz-Herman Isela Castillo & Annette Gardner George Castrataro & Jason Cook Candy S. Cox & Debra L. Peevey Wayne & Nicole Cypen Bobbi Dalley Donald E. Davis Jeanne DeJoseph & Suzanne L. Dibble Jeff Delmay & Todd Delmay Robert P. Denny Joseph DeSantis & Erik Richard Andrew Duncan Matt Dzwonkiewicz & Josue Santiago Amy S. Easterling & Ray R. Easterling Kevin J. Farrelly & Stephen Klein Barbara Frank & Veronica McCaffrey George Franklin Malcolm Gage Terry Garrett & Ronald Mittan Peggy Giammattei & Shawn V. Giammattei Gillian Gillett Erwin G. Gonzalez & Scott Zukaitis Barry Grossbach & Michael Hardy Glenda A. Guess & James E. Guess David Hall & Creg Oosterhart John Hamilton Jeff Hawkins & Janet Strauss Donald J. Hayden & Brian H. Thompson Vincent Healy Edgar Hernandez & Glenn Petersen Todd Herrold Ernest C. Hopkins Cindy Houston & Rete Carie Chris Huff-Williams & Josh Huff-Williams H. Scott Huizenga Henry Hurd Susan Hyde & Jade P. McGleughlin Steven Jacobs & John M. LeBedda II Kent Johnson & Cody Blomberg Michael J. Kaplan Mitchell Karp Karl Kulick Mark P. Leondires MD & Gregory Zola Alan Lessik Franklin Levine John T. Lillis & Jeff Bailey Richard Lynch & Frank Steil Gary Martin & Patrick Owens Michela Masson Douglas Mateyaschuk Kevin McCarty & Henri Vezie Steven Z. Mena Dave Mercado
Karin J. Mitchell Aaron Morris Heidi J. Musser & Anna M. Moretto Tim Nardi & Charles Million David Nelson & Joseph Cooper Maury Newburger Reverend Darlene Nipper Carlos Noble & Georgia Noble Hez G. Norton & Arrington Chambliss Joseph D. O’Gorman Phil E. Oxman & Harvey Zuckman Joseph Pallant Donna M. Patrick John Peters Michael J. Piore & Rodney Yoder Mona Pittenger Marj Press Peter S. Reed & Alden Y. Warner III Erick Rivero Cindy T. Rizzo William Rodgers & Gary Kuchta Dr. Russell Sassani & Michael Schneider Jessica Seaton & Linda Swartz Peter J. Shomer Robert J. Skolaski & Steven Maginnis Aaron Strauss Geoffrey Swetz & Carlos Leo Andrew Tagliabue & Mark Jones Willa Taylor & Mary F. Morten Sharon R. Thaler Janice E. Thom & Mary Ann Moran A. V Thompson & Kenneth Smith Michael Upshaw & Darrius Upshaw Jeremy D. VanHooser Alex Volckhausen Richard Wall & William Wilson Carla F. Wallace Deric Walters & Jesse Lehrhoff Dianna Ward & Carol Frazee Olive F. Watson & Joanna Grover-Watson Michael Weiss & Rudy Yamin John Whyte & Tom Wilson Weinberg Rabbi Barbara J. Zacky Christopher Zurn THANK YOU TO OUR INSTITUTIONAL DONORS PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE ($100,000.00 + ) Anonymous Arcus Foundation Evelyn & Walter Haas Jr. Fund Ford Foundation NoVo Foundation VICE PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE ($50,000.00 + ) AIDS Healthcare Foundation Bauman Foundation E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation Gilead Sciences If/When/How MAC AIDS Fund NEO Philanthropy New Venture Fund Wells Fargo Foundation EXECUTIVE CIRCLE ($25,000.00 + ) The Art of Shaving Comcast CREDO General Motors
Hilton Miami Beach Visitor & Convention Authority The Moriah Fund Reconciling Ministries Network AMBASSADOR’S CIRCLE ($10,000.00 + ) AARP ActBlue AIDS United Bacardi B. W. Bastian Foundation Bilzin Sumberg Baena Price & Axelrod Biofitness Lab Carnival Foundation David Geffen Foundation Elizabeth Scott Fund of Headwaters Foundation for Justice EMD Serono Everytown for Gun Safety Freeman Foundation Frosene Spirit of Hope Foundation HBO John and Marcia Goldman Foundation John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Johnson Family Foundation Marriott Merrill Lynch Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs Morgan Stanley The Philadelphia Foundation St. Francis Xavier Church TD Bank DIRECTOR’S CIRCLE ($5,000.00 + ) Akerman Anonymous Anthem Baptist Health South Florida Bercow Radell & Fernandez Boucher Brothers Branch Banking and Trust Company City of Miami Beach - Miami Beach Convention Center David Bohnett Foundation DEMOS Firefly Partners Flamboyan Foundation Florida Blue Florida Power & Light Company Freedom for All Americans Google Greenberg Traurig Holland & Knight Charitable Foundation Jewish Community Services of South Florida JPMorgan Chase The Miami Foundation Mighty Man Productions National SEED Project NeonCRM NYC Pride Office Depot Palace South Beach Philadelphia FIGHT Community Health Centers Planned Parenthood Federation of America Ryder Charitable Foundation Southern Glazer’s Wine and Spirits St. John’s on the Lake United Methodist Church Town of Golden Beach United Church of Christ UnNaugural Concert Winston & Strawn
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ADVOCATE’S CIRCLE ($2,500.00 + ) Aetna American Airlines American Federation of Teachers Chris King for Florida Coca-Cola Colin Higgins Foundation Deloitte G7 Entertainment Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau Human Rights Campaign Hunters Nightclubs The Jewish Community Foundation Metropolitan State University of Denver Miami Beach Police Department Michigan State University MillerCoors Peace Corps Pennsylvania State University Planned Parenthood of Northern, Central & Southern New Jersey Rick Katz Communikatz Room & Board Royal Caribbean Cruises SAVE Dade Foundation SBK Travel Space Invaders Tiger Baron Foundation Virginia Tech Visit Philadelphia Walgreens DELEGATE’S CIRCLE ($1,500.00 + ) Casswood Insurance Agency Duke University Press Emory University FosterThomas H&R Block The Harrington Agency The Latin Spot Grill MDGLCC The New Press Production Solutions Rennert Vogel Mandler & Rodriguez State of Florida Department of Financial Services Two by Two Virginia Commonwealth University Wear It Clothing Williams Island Marina You Gotta Believe LEGACY CIRCLE The Task Force thanks the following people for naming the Task Force as a beneficiary in their estate planning. David I. Abramson Alan Ace* Clarence E Anderson* Michael Bath William M. Beachler William Bebermeyer* Bertram H. Behrens* Em Olivia Bevis*
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LeClair Bissell* David A. Bjork Marsha C. Botzer Thomas Boyd Matthew Brown Jennifer M. Buchwald Phillip A. Bulliner* Margaret A. Burd Susan Burnside John L. Chamness, Jr.* Julie A. Childs Stephen D. Clover* Gerald & Veronica Colfer* Winifred Cottrel* David E. Dassey James A. Davidson* Donald E. Davis George J. DeBolt Craig M. Desoer James N. Devillier* Sarah A. Douglas Ross Draegert Alice Dyer* Bert Easter Orton L. Ehrlinger* Jonathan Elwell* Luke F. Farrell* John P. Fludas* Richard Fremont-Smith Stephen A. Glassman Joe Goenaga Mary E. Harper John R. Harper* Daniel A. Harris Sheila Healy John R. Hoffman* Richard Homan* Earle Raymond Hopkins* Diane M. Hopsia* John Hubschmitt Rachel Hurst Kent J. Johnson Steven D. Kaeser* Josef Van Der Kar* Robert L. Kehoe* Ronald Kendall Kenneth E. Kesselring* Linda Ketner Harold D. Kooden Kayeton J. Kurowski* Marilyn Lamkay Craig H. Lindhurst* Dr. Norma Jack Lindsey* Peggy Lipschultz Lester H. London James W. Lundberg* Ed Madden Joseph J. Maio* Donna Marburger Ellen Martin Wayne McCaughan* Rita A. McGaughey* Sean Melton Lawrence J. Messenger* Henry D. Messer* Naomi E. Metz Robert F. Miailovich John H. Moe
George Nemeth* James Nonnemaker Fleet E. Nuttall* John O’Leary* Lee Ormsbee Julia Lorillard Pell* John Perez David Lee Peterson* Neil B.Pomerenke* Ken Ranftle* Charles W. Robbins James E. Rolls* Anthony Rominske Lee S Ross* Harry R. Rowe, M.D.* Russell D. Roybal William A.K. Ryan* Kenneth Sancier* Heather C. Sargeant Fred B. Schaefer J Schmidt Harry Seagal* Marianne G. Seggerman Karl-Ludwig Selig* Andrew Sendall Elliott R. Sernel Dale Norris Shaw* Larry Siegel Richard Fremont-Smith* Andrew W. Solomon Michael Staeb Robert J. Starshak William J. Stein James J. Stroumbos* James L. Tanner* David J. Thomas Marc A. Triebwasser* John Tynes* Loet VanDerveen Donald E. Watson* Scott J. Weber Ric Weiland* Robert S. White* Harry K. Willwater Edith S. Windsor* Douglas Wingo Walt Witcover* Jacob Lee Withers, Jr.* Craig J. Witt* Benton Wong Roy Glenn Wood* James B. Wozniak* Morgan Young* Beth L. Zemsky William Zilko* Daniel R. Zillmann Jaroslav E. Zivney* Harvey Zuckman
*deceased If you intend to name the Task Force in your estate plans or would like to learn more about planned giving options, please contact Saurabh Bajaj, Chief Development Officer, at sbajaj@thetaskforce.org.
© 2018 Southern Glazer’s Wine & Spirits