2023 Task Force Gala Journal

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FROM OUR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR I am thrilled to welcome you all to this year’s Gala commemorating the 50th anniversary of the National LGBTQ Task Force. Tonight, we are here to celebrate the values we hold dear as a community and to recognize the people who have been on the frontlines of the past and very present fight for queer liberation. If you are in this room with us today, you already know what LGBTQ people are facing right now. The things we’re seeing here in Florida are just a microcosm of what we’re seeing everywhere. I don’t need to tell you how our community is being scapegoated and targeted, how trans folks and people of color and kids (!!) are particularly at risk, and that to be a person in this country who sits at the intersection of these identities can be a scary thing. I don’t need to tell you because we see it around us every day. But tonight, at least tonight, I want us to give ourselves permission in the midst of everything to tap into our queer joy and wrap ourselves in our exuberance so that we remember what it is that we are fighting for. We thought long and hard about this year’s Gala theme. It’s our 50th anniversary, and of course, you’ll see nods to it throughout the program this evening because we are proud of our 50 years of leading the LGBTQ movement. 50 years of monumental wins, 50 years of difficult losses too, but altogether 50 years of steady, important, transformative progress that has brought us to a place where we are closer to liberation than we have ever been before. I know that’s an easy thing to forget sometimes because so much of what we hear around us are reminders about how dire things are right now. But I want you to take a moment tonight to stop and really reflect. I want you to look around this room, watch the brilliant artists and performers who will grace our stage, hear from our incredible emcee and honorees, and I want you to imagine any of this being possible 50 years ago. Our fight continues. I don’t deny that. And tomorrow, when we go back into the world, we’ll be ready to join it more refreshed and renewed. But I never want us to forget that our rest IS our resistance. Our joy is our resistance. Our dance is our resistance. Because when there is so much going on in the world around us, we owe it to ourselves and to each other to be reminded of who we are. We are people who will not be silent. We are people who will not be kept down. No matter what is thrown at us, we find one another, we build community, and we win, because we are Forever Strong and UNAPOLOGETICALLY QUEER!

We have a lot of work ahead of us, but let us never forget how much history we have to feel proud of and be grateful for. It’s this history that reminds us that we will find our way through any challenge as long as we lean toward one another. Task Force family, I am so happy to be ringing in 50 with you tonight. Thank you to the volunteers and staff who have worked tirelessly to put together this celebration. Thank you to the donors and sponsors who give us critical resources to carry out our work. Thank you to our Board of Directors who give us guidance and support. Thank you all for being part of this movement and this moment. Truly, we could not do any of this without you. Now, let’s dance! Kierra Johnson (she/they) Executive Director 3

Advancing Equality Akerman congratulates Constance Collins for receiving the National LGBTQ Task Force’s 2023 Eddy McIntrye Community Service Award Dominique Jackson for receiving the 2023 National Leadership Award.


We thank them for being champions of equality for LGBTQ+ people and broad social justice reform. Neisen O. Kasdin, Miami, FL neisen.kasdin@akerman.com Luis A. Perez, Miami, FL luis.perez@akerman.com Richard C. Milstein, Miami, FL richard.milstein@akerman.com Dale Noll, Miami, FL dale.noll@akerman.com

700+ Lawyers, 24 Offices akerman.com ©2023 Akerman LLP. All rights reserved.

LETTER FROM OUR EVENT CO-CHAIRS On behalf of the entire Gala Committee, we want to welcome you to the 2023 National LGBTQ Task Force Gala. This year our team came together to create a memorable evening for each of our guests, to raise funds to support our community, and to stand strong in Florida where our lives, our families, and our freedoms are under attack! The weight of planning an event in a state that was acting as an incubator for anti-LGBTQ legislation made us feel like the deck was stacked against our team. But we persisted and realized our community has never backed down in the face of adversity. In fact, the National LGBTQ Task Force has been fighting for freedom and justice for 50 years, and we knew this team was ready to stand up for our community and put in the work to make a powerful statement to the world that we are “Forever Strong. Unapologetically Queer!” As Gala Co-Chairs, we have forged a friendship that extends beyond the long days and meetings over the last 10 months. Being part of the Gala Committee has brought us together with a group of individuals that have become a family! We both have asked our friends and family to be part of this team and lend a hand to support the event. We can say with gratitude, it is an honor to lead this team, and we have both grown from this experience. We want to thank our Gala Committee and every volunteer who sacrifices their time and gives their talent to produce this event for our community. Our team is driven with a passion for service and has been rewarded with friendships, personal growth, and great memories. Being Co-Chairs for a Gala that thrives on the generosity of donors, we are both fortunate to be supported by our respective organizations. Truist and Royal Caribbean International are both returning sponsors for this year’s Gala. They support the mission of the Task Force and embrace how our diversity makes our companies stronger. We both bring our full self to work every day and are aware that many are not afforded this luxury. As the Task Force continues to advocate for The Equality Act, we are privileged to work for companies that defend and value diversity for their employees and customers alike. We want to thank all our sponsors who generously pledge their funds, and we encourage our guests to support these companies with your patronage. We both want to thank our families for understanding us missing dinners, attending late meetings, and checking emails

during movie night! JS, Tony, and Michael, we could not do this without your love and support. We hope the event tonight brings each of you some joy and laughs but inspires you to give back! We need everyone to stay strong and be unapologetic in your passion for freedom and justice FOR ALL!

With gratitude, Jeff Oliverio and Craig Jarrett 2023 Gala Co-Chairs 5


Huizenga Family Foundation

For 50 years...

the Task Force has worked to advance freedom, justice, and equality for all.


Local Honoree: CONSTANCE COLLINS National Honoree: DOMINIQUE JACKSON Presenting Sponsor: ST. JOHN’S ON THE LAKE

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8/1/2023 11:39:56 AM

The National LGBTQ Task Force is the oldest active LGBTQ advocacy group. This year we are celebrating our 50th anniversary of advancing freedom, justice, equality and equity for LGBTQ+ people. Our history is filled with five decades of effort and accomplishments led by Task Force organizers and activists who used their knowledge, passion, and resilience to lay the foundation for the LGBTQ rights movement of the 21st century. Our history tells our story and shapes our vision for the future—to continue building a bold, inclusive, and intersectional world where everyone is free to be their authentic self in all aspects of their lives. Established by advocates involved in post-Stonewall queer activism and other progressive social issues, our Task Force founders became prominent and consequential leaders throughout the 20th century “gay rights” movement. From the beginning, the Task Force was a relentless, focused organization and had a leadership role along with others accomplishing several major steps in destigmatizing queerness: removing homosexuality from the American Psychiatric Association’s list of mental disorders in 1973; arranging the first White House meeting in 1977 with queer activists to meet with President Jimmy Carter’s senior staff; successfully changing what the CDC referred to as GRID (Gay-related Immune Deficiency Disorder), to AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) in 1983; followed by then Executive Director Ginny Apuzzo founding one of the first public policy groups focused on AIDS research and funding. This work, and more, played a crucial role in moving the American public towards greater understanding and acceptance of LGBTQ people. During the late 80s, the Task Force continued to focus the organization’s work on advocating for effective federal policy and funding for AIDS, and fighting homophobic legislation from policymakers, including being a key organizer for the 1987 March on Washington and creating and organizing the national conference Creating 8

Change in 1988. The Task Force was front and center fighting the looming inequities in policy throughout the 90s and beyond. Being a key organizer in the 1993 March on Washington, inspired by then Executive Director Urvashi Vaid’s rousing speech, came the founding of the Military Freedom Project (in partnership with the ACLU). True to our grass roots values, the Task Force helped galvanize queer people who wanted to make a difference, not just nationally but in their own hometowns and states. In 1998 Director Kerry Loebel developed Equality Begins at Home, a national project which gave people organizing and financial support to activate in response to anti-LGBTQ laws about adoption, domestic partner health benefits, rollback of policies that had started to stem the spread of AIDS as well as move local efforts forward to add legislative protections for LGBTQ people in employment, housing and public accommodations.

Board, Staff and Volunteers (1970s)

1. Exhibit by the Task Force to Counter homosexuality as a mental disorder / 2. Gay Task Force March / 3. Task Force Executive Director Ginny Apuzzo getting arrested in front of the White House / 4. Official White House Photo (1977) / 5. Nadine Smith equality begins at home (1999)

Into the 21st century, the Task Force took a major role in continuing to support organizing in states, cities and towns to either move legislation forward or fight against harmful anti-LGBTQ legislation. A Task Force organizing team was established and trainings were created, looking for best practices to build large volunteer teams, enable local activists and organizers to start early enough to proudly proclaim to voters and legislators the full picture of who we are.

This milestone year also recognizes and celebrates the Task Force’s recent efforts of driving progress within the LGBTQ community. Longstanding campaigns to Queer the Census, Queer the Vote, work for trans rights, fight for reproductive justice and bring an intersectional approach to the LGBTQ movement. Director Rea Carey championed our name change and was the architect of building a movement that incorporated our tagline “Be You.”

Whether this resulted in victories across the country or ‘losing forward,’ the Task Force was committed to developing activists who stayed focused for the long haul. They worked in Western Massachusetts to keep the first marriage law in place. And they worked in Dade County in 2002 to support and increase the local work, to roll back a discriminatory anti-lgbtq law in effect since 1977. As the fight against same-sex marriage intensified with ballot measures from 2004-2012, Director Matt Foreman made sure Task Force organizers were present to shore up communities as they lost, especially working with welcoming faith communities to counter the religious right’s positions.

And now, at a time where the 2023 politic resembles the hateful attacks on our communities and the slashing of access to basic services and rights of 1973, the Task Force is called to reimagine what queer activism can look like. While much progress has been made, these renewed attacks, focusing on LGBTQ youth, trans and non-binary people, access to information and attempts to erase our history and our stories, are deeply impacting the lives of our community and require new and bold strategies to fight back.

The work of the Task Force’s policy arm broke ground from its inception, from the vital work to repeal “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” to the 2015 release of the National Transgender Discrimination Survey, which became a cornerstone of data and research for our trans and non-binary siblings as they increasingly became the target of attacks on their rights and access to affirming healthcare.

“Our anniversary comes at a time when those in power threaten to undo our 50 years of progress– but we’re meeting these threats with more strength, unity, and support than ever before,” said Kierra Johnson, Executive Director of the National LGBTQ Task Force. “We take an intersectional, proactive approach to our advocacy, underscoring our fundamental interconnectedness. The Task Force is everywhere because queer people are everywhere. As we look towards the next 50 years, we will evolve and expand our work to positively impact LGBTQ folks’ ability to thrive.” 9

ABOUT EDDY MCINTYRE Sometimes awards are named after people who stand out in the community. The Eddy McIntyre Community Service Award is named for someone who stood out and stood up. The breadth of Eddy’s interests and contributions across this community are legion. It was clear that Eddy understood the society we lived in was ours to create, even as it shaped us. Eddy understood that if he saw something needed, he could help make it happen. Eddy understood that community is a participatory and not a passive experience. And, of course, Eddy never sought any personal credit or acknowledgment. But Eddy had no trouble giving recognition to others. As a founding board member of the Dade Human Rights Foundation, it was Eddy, along with his co-board member Rosemary Wilder, who envisioned an annual dinner to acknowledge and appreciate the service of some of the community’s leaders. Thus the Task Force Gala was born, a celebration to honor many who have made wonderful contributions to our community. And though each one likely made his or her contributions without thought of recognition or thanks, they nonetheless received both. Eddy received neither recognition nor the award, no matter how well deserved it was. He probably would have been embarrassed to receive this honor while alive, seeming to him too unseemly to receive an award he had helped to establish. But the fact remains that Eddy well belonged in that select group of honorees. So as we go forward, we want to be sure that each of the future’s honorees understands that he or she is in Eddy’s company. The National LGBTQ Task Force therefore renamed the annual Community Service Award as the Eddy McIntyre Community Service Award. And so by saying “Thank You” to others, we keep alive the spirit, the passion, and the empowerment that Eddy so selflessly shared with us all.

Adapted by Jerry Chasen from his remarks announcing the naming of the Award. 10



Constance Collins is the founder and President of the Sundari Foundation, Inc., a non-denominational 501c3 public charity, best known as the Lotus House Women’s Shelter, and its supporting foundations, Lotus Endowment Fund, Inc., Lotus Village Development, LLC, Lotus Village, II, LLC, and Lotus Supporting Foundation, Inc. A lawyer and businessperson prior to founding Lotus House, Constance has been a full-time volunteer for the Lotus family of charitable organizations since 2004, establishing and overseeing the development, operations, programming, services, research and growth of the Lotus Village. With the allnew, state-of-the-art, comprehensive homeless services facility in Lotus Village and its planned expansion in the Children’s Village at Lotus Village, Lotus House is setting new standards on a national level with trauma-informed, evidence-based, best practices and proven strategies to end and prevent homelessness that

put children first and respond sensitively to the gender specific needs of sheltered guests. Constance also serves as the President and Executive Director of the National Women’s Shelter Network, a powerful and growing network of women’s shelters and shelter programs from across the country aimed at sharing evidence-based best practices, building organizational capacity, developing innovative public policy, and advancing resources for women and children experiencing homelessness and the shelters that serve them to prevent and end homelessness. Her work on behalf of the Foundation was preceded by over twenty-two years of business, finance, real estate and legal experience. Her business career laid the foundation for her work today in ending and preventing homelessness. 11

Royal Caribbean Group is proud to support the

National LGBTQ Task Force


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2023 NATIONAL LEADERSHIP AWARD Dominique Jackson is a model, actress, author and activist who is best known for her performance as the lead role of Elektra in the hit show Pose on FX. Dominique has used her platform to raise awareness on the real issues trans people of color faced during the 1980s and 1990s, when Pose was set, and the issues the community continues to face today. She has been vocal about her difficulties as a trans woman and the discrimination she faced in Tobago before venturing to New York in pursuit of a more fruitful life. Her autobiography, The Transsexual from Tobago, shines a light on these issues and details Dominique’s pursuit to build a better life in the U.S. She now speaks out regularly on issues impacting the LGBTQ+ community. Dominique has been awarded several accolades and was also inducted into the House and Ballroom Hall of Fame and deemed “Iconic” in February 2016 at the NYC Ball Awards. In 2017, she received the Legacy of Pride Award presented by Harlem Pride and received the first Bronx LGBT Leadership Award presented by Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz, Jr. at his annual LGBT and Allies Pride Celebration. That same year, she was honored with a New York State Assembly citation issued by Councilman Mark Gjonaj. Dominique starred as Bloody Mary in the weekly anthology series American Horror Stories and was seen in an arc on American Gods on Starz. She also appeared in the feature film Chick Fight and as a guest host on Legendary for HBO MAX.

Dominique as Elektra on Pose / FX




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9/12/23 11:02 AM

A purpose for all people. Truist is proud to sponsor the National LGBTQ Task Force. Their vision of a world where LGBTQ+ people are affirmed, respected, and included in their local communities reflects our own commitment to care and the purpose we live by. At the core of that purpose—to build better lives and communities—are the values that guide us to be intentional about diversity, equity, and inclusion. And we continue to work at this every day. Because we believe a culture where we can live and contribute our authentic selves is a stronger one.

Truist.com Truist Bank, Member FDIC. © 2023 Truist Financial Corporation. TRUIST, the Truist logo and Truist Purple are service marks of Truist Financial Corporation. All rights reserved.

Healthy communities begin with you. For over 75 years, Florida Blue has been providing Floridians like you with health solutions to support a healthier life. We’re proud to support the National LGBTQ Task Force as a part of our ongoing commitment to helping people in Florida stay healthy. With our partners, we will continue to serve over 5 million members, and all our communities, in the state we love to call home.

1-877-352-5830 FloridaBlue.com Florida Blue is a trade name of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida Inc., an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.

114865 0823





Greg Baldwin


Keith Boykin

Steve Rothaus

City of Miami Beach Ruth Shack 1998 Dennis Edwards & Mark Steinberg Dave Lawrence

Mindy McNichols 1999 Martha Fugate

Liebe Gadinsky Jorge Mursuli 2000 Billy Bean

Cristina Saralegui David Treece

Rosemary Wilder Elkin Zapata

Marleine Bastien Dr. John Graves Sir Ian McKellen Terrence McNally Damian Pardo

Joan Schaeffer

Seth Rudetsky & James Wesley



Steve Adkins Lt. Dan Choi

Rev. James Trapp 2004 Alicia Apfel All Dade Human Rights

Foundation/Gay & Lesbian Foundation of South Florida grant recipients 2005 California Assemblyman Mark Leno Richard C. Milstein President of Spain José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero

2010 Cindy Brown

Alan Cumming

Commissioner Katy Sorenson

Matt Foreman

Elizabeth F. Schwartz

Neisen Kasdin


Lisa Versaci


2002 Hillary Clinton Lee Schrager

Leonard Pitts Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Charles Million & Tim Nardi

Gisela Vega


Edda Cimino

Jerry Chasen

Sam Champion and Robin Roberts

Wilson Cruz and Anthony Rapp

Georg Ketelhohn

Joseph L. Falk

Robert Rosenberg


Ben Cohen

Julian Bond Bob Cole

Gloria Estefan



Rep. Richard Gephardt

Alberto Arias & Wood Kinnard





Ilene Chaiken

George Takei 2014 Kristin Beck

James G. Pepper 2015 Mary L. Bonauto Juan Bosco Talavera

2020 Virtual Edition 2021 Billy Eichner

Jasmine McKenzie Robin Schwartz 2022 Jonathan Capehart

Liebe, Seth, Naomi and Tashi Gadinsky X González


HOSTS AND ENTERTAINMENT DYLLÓN BURNSIDE CO-HOST Dyllón Burnside first captivated audiences with his Broadway debut, starring as Anthony in 2014’s Holler if Ya Hear Me, a hiphop musical inspired by the music and lyrics of Tupac Shakur. His notoriety quickly grew with appearances on Thoughts of a Colored Man, NBC’s Peter Pan Live! and the HBO series High Maintenance. He gained international praise and global recognition for his starring role as Ricky Evangelista on all three seasons of Ryan Murphy’s Emmy nominated FX series, Pose. He has also starred in Murphy’s Monster: Dahmer, which broke Netflix records with over 1 billion hours viewed, and American Horror Stories. He made his London stage debut in 2023 playing the titular role in Black Superhero at The Royal Court Theatre. In 2020, Dyllón produced and hosted Prideland, a one-hour documentary and a short-form digital series for PBS exploring the lives of LGBTQ+ people living in the southern region of the United States, which received a Daytime Emmy Award, two Telly Awards and a GLAAD Media Award nomination. Dyllón is passionate about producing quality work that promotes social change. He has spoken at conferences, festivals, universities and corporations such as NIKE, Tribeca Film Festival, Berklee College of Music, University of Central Florida, UT Austin, Essence Festival, BEAM and the Task Force’s Creating Change Conference, among others, about representation, mental health, DEI, and expanding narratives around racial and sexual identity. He has been honored by GLAAD and the Human Rights Campaign for his advocacy dedication to civil and LGBTQ+ rights. As a singer/songwriter, Dyllón has released three chart-topping solo singles, “Silence”, Heaven”, and “Superpowers”. He is currently finishing his debut album. 20

LATRICE ROYALE CO-HOST Latrice Royale captured the hearts of the world and earned the title of “Miss Congeniality” on Season 4 of RuPaul’s Drag Race. She then went on to appear in other incarnations of the franchise, including multiple guest appearances on the show and on RuPaul’s Drag U and RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars (Seasons 1 and 4), and she represented RuPaul’s Drag Race on Celebrity Family Feud. In January 2021, Latrice made history by becoming the first queen to appear in drag on the QVC network while promoting Ruby Royale nuts by Squirrel Brand. Her historic achievements continued with two successful runs on London’s West End Stage in DeathDrop and a wildly popular residency at the Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas as part of the cast of the RuPaul’s Drag Race LIVE! show. In addition to her guest star role on the Netflix series, AJ & The Queen, Latrice served as a special consultant to the writers of that show, helping shape the script and her character of “Faberge Leggs.” The Large and in Charge, Chunky Yet Funky, Bold and Beautiful Queen has toured the world extensively not only in group tours with her RuPaul’s Drag Race sisters, but also in her autobiographical one-queen-show, Here’s to Life, which has seen sold out audiences in major cities all over the world. She has an album of the same name available worldwide. Latrice will star in the upcoming fourth season of HBO’s We’re Here.


Anne Steele is a multi-award-winning singer/songwriter and recording artist from New York City. She is a seasoned performer who has sold out concerts and dazzled audiences in NYC for over 20 years. She released her most recent original album, Made Out Of Stars,, in 2019 and toured extensively to sold out audiences across the U.S. and Europe. Anne released her first EP of original music titled What's Mine in 2015. Her single "Love Can Take Us There,” was released in 2016, with all proceeds benefitting victims of The Pulse Nightclub shooting. The single was chosen as the official Provincetown Carnival Anthem for 2016. Anne has been a headliner with Atlantis Events, RSVP Vacations, R Family Vacations, Source Journeys and Olivia Travel, touring the high seas for over 18 years. She has also has toured internationally and has shared the stage with Cyndi Lauper, Sandra Bernhard, Boy George, Liza Minnelli and many more.


Tango Libertad is a collaboration between Colette and Katerina. Their shared love of tango brought them together, and their passion for liberation fuels their creativity. Colette is a former U.S. tango champion and a globally recognized performer and instructor. She's graced dance floors from Buenos Aires to Japan, leaving an indelible mark with every step. Katerina longed to learn tango as a leader, but she postponed her dream for many years until she read the famous Edie Windsor quote, "Don't postpone joy." This quote inspired Katerina to search for an instructor that would embrace the idea of a female leader, and luckily, she found Madame Colette! Together, they dance not just as two souls intertwined by tango, but as partners championing liberty in every step and embrace. Follow their story at @tangolibertad.


Through the span of his career, Miami born singer/songwriter Robbie Elias has been a staple behind the scenes of the Latin pop world: writing songs, singing background vocals and touring with the likes of Ricky Martin, Marc Anthony, Daddy Yankee, Natti Natasha, Guaynaa, Alejandro Sanz and more. But a star like this is too bright to hide in the background... with his knack for pop hooks like his sleeper hit, LGBTQ anthem “Can I Be Me”, and innate songwriting sensibility, Robbie defies all stereotypes and blends his Latin roots with soulful R&B melodies. Songs like “Si Yo Fuera Tu Hombre” do just that while creating a crisp pop sound that is all his own. Recently, Elias released his song “True”, a nostalgic 90’s dance EDM record, his first in that genre, once again proving his versatility as an artist. 21

AFTERGLOW BALL PERFORMERS HECTOR FONSECA DJ/Producer/Remixer/Influencer Héctor Fonseca has established himself in the dance music scene over the past two decades through his revered remixes and critically acclaimed DJ sets. His unique ability to convert pop songs into dance floor anthems earned him praise amongst his peers and celebrity clients, as well as his supportive LGBTQIA+ community. Hector has charted over twenty Official Billboard #1 Remixes for artists such as Beyoncé, Lady Gaga, Rihanna, Sia, Katy Perry, Cher and Madonna. In 2013 he started LGBTQ+ indie artist imprint Audio4Play Records after working with dance music legends Todd Terry and Peter Rauhofer on labels such as Star 69, Nervous & Tommyboy in New York City. Originally produced songs for Blondie, Inaya Day, Maya, Natascha Bessez and others cemented his place in the global dance music scene.

ATHENA DION Miami’s very own Greek goddess, Athena Dion, returns to the Gala for a third consecutive second year hosting our cocktail reception and dance party, the AfterGlow Ball. Elegant, sassy and beautiful – with a heart as big as her closet – Athena is a graduate of FIU’s School of Hospitality and Tourism and has put her degree to good use. She runs the most successful drag brunch in South Florida at R House Wynwood and spends her summers headlining the iconic Jackie O Resort on the island of Mykonos in Greece. You can spot her rubbing shoulders with stars like Matt Damon, Gloria Estefan, and her buddy Ana Navarro! Athena gives back to her community through her humanitarian organization, Dream Queens (mydreamqueens.com), which has organized makeover events, toy drives and drag performances for homeless shelters and hospitals. She has established her legacy in South Florida: the Dion Dynasty, made up of drag artists, performers, and professionals in the South Florida community and beyond. This past June Athena was invited to Washington, DC, to perform and speak at the Equality PAC gala in front of members of congress and Speaker Nancy Pelosi. 22

As a DJ Headliner of almost every major dance music festival (including Ultra Miami, White Party, Circuit Festival, The Week Brazil and Lifeball Vienna), his sets are loved for entertaining audiences on the biggest stages around the world. And with 250,000 combined followers on social media and also being named Out Magazine and Edge Online DJ of the year, his visibility among dance music DJs remains one of the strongest.

City of Miami Beach


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Friends, Dear Friends, Welcome Miami Beach forcelebration the NationalofLGBTQ Task Force Gala. The work thatonyou do is Welcome back to theto50th-anniversary the National LGBTQ Task Force here Miami so incredibly crucial our society, andwelcome it is our privilege youhate in our community. Beach. It should be atogiven that all are here, buttoinhost Florida seems to have discovered newfound footing in our Legislature and Governor's Mansion. The City of Miami Beach prides itself on standing out among the rest. We fly our Progress Pride Flag every because the equality requiresPride an everyday commitment. But not so day here. The City of march Miami toward Beach flies its Progress Flag every day, next to Just Harvey outside this building is our Pride beautiful, Park”the and Harvey Way. to hateful Milk Way and overlooking Park.new We “Pride won't look other wayMilk or respond policies with muted protest. The fight for equality is an everyday battle, and in my City, we are Congratulations to up Liebe, Seth,24-7. Naomi Tashi Gadisnky being honored with the 2022 Eddy prepared to stand to hate Weand stand, proudly, withonyou. McIntyre Community Service Award. I attended college with both Liebe and Seth and have watched them grow into true leaders social justiceLeadership warriors. The factDominique that their daughters Congratulations to the recipient of theand 2023 National Award, Jackson, as have followed their exampleCollins is simply Andthe I am likewise proud their award is named well as our own Constance whoinspiring. is receiving 2023 Eddy McIntyre Community Service after my law school friend Eddy McIntyre. Eddy was never shy about speaking out, so I think he Award. would love the idea that the Gadinsky clan is receiving an award in his name. On this historic occasion, we stand firmly united in support of the invaluable work carried out Thank to theLGBTQ many Task activists and community leaders who work tirelessly each year to put on by the you National Force. this successful event. Please enjoy your time in our beautiful city. Sincerely, Sincerely, Dan Gelber Dan Gelber



The Miami Foundation is proud to celebrate our 30-year partnership with the National LGBTQ Task Force. Here’s to all the good we will do together through our newest collaboration, the South Florida LGBTQ Equity Fund, in partnership with Our Fund. We are grateful to call you partners and friends in the effort to build a stronger Miami.

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8/24/23 10:59 AM


The National LGBTQ Task Force is commemorating its 50th anniversary in many ways throughout 2023 and 2024. Here at the Gala you have a front-row seat to witness our birthday at midnight tonight! To celebrate this moment, a prized memento artwork, created by talented, Miami-based artist Carina Segredo, is part of the Gala’s silent auction. Carina talks about her inspiration for this work and how the Task Force’s accomplishments through the years affected her creative spirit: “Bursting with bright, bold colors, this work of art embodies the spirit of half a century of progress, unity, and LGBTQ+ empowerment. The focus is celebration through champagne with a nod to 50 years. The variety of bottles symbolizes the diverse voices and experiences that have come together to create a vibrant and resilient LGBTQ+ community. The background is a dynamic composition of brilliant colors using sweeping strokes representing the progress achieved … This 28

piece invites viewers to raise a metaphorical glass in celebration of the milestones achieved in the fight for LGBTQ+ rights and equality. The artwork captures the essence of joy, resilience, and unity, reminding us that … there is still work to be done, there is also much to celebrate on this remarkable journey.” Carina Segredo is a Cuban/Italian artist native to Miami whose inspiration is derived from Miami’s colorful culture, exciting residents, and sparkling nightlife. Her art embodies her passion for hospitality and color through her color choices, subject matter, and installations throughout the hospitality industry. Carina embraces her role as a member of the LGBTQ+ community. With each brush stroke, Carina shares the beauty of individuality and the celebration of fifty years of love. She is honored to share her work with you and hopes it brings joy to your home. For more of her work please visit her Instagram @paintings.by.carina, her website www.carinasegredo.com or email her at paintingsbycarina@gmail.com.



Greetings! As the proud Mayor of Miami-Dade County, a region of nearly 3 million residents and one of Friends, the world’s most vibrant and diverse communities, it is my pleasure to welcome you to the 2023 National LGBTQ Task Force Gala. Welcome back to Miami Beach for the National LGBTQ Task Force Gala. The work that you do is so incredibly our society, it is our privilege to hostthe yourights in our community. The work that thecrucial TasktoForce does and to protect and advance of LGBTQ+ people is critical in our fight for inclusivity and progress. Miami-Dade County is so grateful for your service th on standing out among the rest. We fly our Progress Pride The City of especially Miami Beach itself and advocacy, onprides this 50 anniversary. Flag every day because the march toward equality requires an everyday commitment. Just I also outside want tothis commend the recipients of “Pride this year’s National building is our beautiful, new Park” and HarveyLeadership Milk Way. Award, Dominique Jackson, and the Eddy McIntyre Community Service Award, Constance Collins. Your relentless activism continues to a difference the Gadisnky lives of countless members of our Congratulations to make Liebe, Seth, Naomi andinTashi on being honored with the 2022LGBTQ+ Eddy McIntyre Community Service Award. I attended college with both Liebe and Seth and have community. watched them grow into true leaders and social justice warriors. The fact that their daughters For those of you their visiting Miami-Dade County And for I this occasion, encourage to take have followed example is simply inspiring. am likewise proudI their award is you named advantage of law all that South has to Eddy offer,was including our world-class beaches, fantastic after my school friendFlorida Eddy McIntyre. never shy about speaking out, so I think he restaurants, andthe historic neighborhoods. would love idea that the Gadinsky clan is receiving an award in his name. I'm proud to continue working alongside all of you to build a more tolerant, diverse, and thriving Thank you to the many activists and community leaders who work tirelessly each year to put on Miami-Dade and world. Together, we make our community stronger year after year. this successful event. Please enjoy your time in our beautiful city. Sincerely, Sincerely,

Dan Gelber Daniella Levine Cava

Mayor, Miami-Dade County

STEPHEN P. CLARK CENTER • 111 N.W. FIRST STREET • 29 TH FLOOR • MIAMI, FLORIDA 33128-1930 • (305) 375-1880 • (305) 375-1262


In this transformative era of advancing diversity, equity and inclusion for everyone, we are proud of our continued commitment to the National LGBTQ Task Force. All LVMH Pride, our business resource group, unites employees and allies of all orientations and identifications in support of the LGBTQ+ community and their families. This is just the beginning of our journey, and we are honored to stand by you — now more than ever.

Starboard Cruises

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115. S. Andrews Avenue, Suite 437C Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 954-357-7004 lfisher@broward.org

Congratulations to the National LGBTQ Task Force on its 50th Anniversary! Though I am writing this Friends, letter in my individual capacity as an elected Commissioner and Mayor of Broward County and not on behalf of the Board CountyBeach Commissioners (whichLGBTQ would require formal action a public meeting Welcome back toofMiami for the National Task Force Gala. The at work that you do isof theso Board) I am pleased all our the society, same to and welcome everyone to to thehost National Task Force Gala in incredibly crucial to it is our privilege you inLGBTQ our community. South Florida. The City of Miami Beach prides itself on standing out among the rest. We fly our Progress Pride Broward County long been community pridesrequires itself on an inclusiveness. Ours was oneJust of the first Flag every dayhas because the amarch towardthat equality everyday commitment. counties in this Florida to establish a Human Rights Ordinance individuals from unlawful outside building is our beautiful, new “Pride Park”protecting and Harvey Milk Way. discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity or expression in housing, employment, andCongratulations public accommodation. a time when some leaders in our seek to turnwith backthe the2022 clockEddy on to Liebe,At Seth, Naomi and Tashi Gadisnky onstate being honored protections the LGBTQService community, Broward County continues to genuinely welcome “Everyone McIntyrefor Community Award. I attended college with both Liebe and Seth and have Under the Sun” -- it’s literally the official slogan of our tourism bureau. watched them grow into true leaders and social justice warriors. The fact that their daughters have followed their example is simply inspiring. And I am likewise proud their award is named I applaud the National LGBTQ Task Force for its decades of advocacy for a society where we are all after my law school friend Eddy McIntyre. Eddy was never shy about speaking out, so I think he accepted for our full whole selves and where the pursuit of happiness is truly available to everyone would love the idea that the Gadinsky clan is receiving an award in his name. regardless of their orientation or identity. It is an honor to be considered an ally of the LGBTQ community, and I look forward to continuing to be an advocate for freedom and equality in our Thank you tostate. the many activists and community leaders who work tirelessly each year to put on community and this successful event. Please enjoy your time in our beautiful city. I likewise congratulate advocates such as Dominique Jackson as the recipient of the 2023 National Leadership Award and Constance Collins as the recipient of the 2023 Eddy McIntyre Community Service Sincerely, Award. It is through the hard work of champions like them that we will continue toward a more just, equitable, and welcoming society. Best wishes to you all for an outstanding LGBTQ Task Force Gala and for continued success in advocating Dan Gelber for justice and equality for all. Sincerely, Lamar P. Fisher Broward County Mayor Commission District 4

Broward County Board of County Commissioners

Mark D. Bogen • Lamar P. Fisher • Beam Furr • Steve Geller • Robert McKinzie • Nan H. Rich • Hazelle P. Rogers • Tim Ryan • Michael Udine



“ Drawing inspiration from the vibrant African-American and Latinx ball culture scene in the heart of the Big Apple, portrayed in the series "Pose," to the extraordinary efforts of pioneers like Constance Collins, the visionary founder of Lotus House, MM&H stands unwaveringly inspired by the resilience of those who have steadfastly supported the LGBTQ+ community, championed the rights of the underprivileged, and sheltered the homeless. In the face of looming regressive anti-LGBTQ+ laws attempting to reverse decades of progress, MM&H remains deeply committed to the ongoing fight for equality for ALL.”


Don Hayden



When the National LGBTQ Task Force assumed responsibility for producing South Florida’s two major fundraisers in 2004, the organization agreed to maintain their place as a stream of funding for the local community. From 2005 to January 2021, the Task Force donated close to $3.25 million to The Miami Foundation’s LGBTQ Community Fund. Over 80 organizations serving the South Florida LGBTQ community received grants during this period. In 2022, in the wake of the passage of Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” bill, the National LGBTQ Task Force, The Miami Foundation and Our Fund Foundation came together to launch the LGBTQ+ Equity Fund to support and strengthen South Florida’s LGBTQ+ community and respond to timely, urgent community needs. The three groups work in concert to make decisions about the issue area to address and the grantees, with input from expert advisors in the field. The Fund’s strategy is to be responsive to the ever-evolving issues that impact the prosperity and health of the LGBTQ community in South Florida. It seeks to use resources to strengthen the infrastructure that allows LGBTQ+ organizations to advocate for their well-being in a time of enhanced political divineness. The Task Force has donated $280,000 to date. The Fund has been very proactive in raising additional money from other donors. In 2022, the Fund focused funding on organizations that provide critical mental health resources, safe spaces, and support for LGBTQ+ youth. $140,000 was awarded – $10,000 each to 14 organizations. The goal in 2023 continues to be to increase the scale and impact of philanthropic resources aimed at enhancing the well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer communities in South Florida. In May 2023, grants were awarded that focused on funding the high priority issues areas in the LGBTQ+ community including: Youth: To create and expand safe spaces and provide mental health support for LGBTQ+ youth. Trans Health: To ensure continuous access to gender affirming medical and mental health care for trans youth and adults. Advocacy: To help amplify the voice and power of the LGBTQ+ community.

The 2023 grant awards totaled $300,000: $240,000 in unrestricted support to 12 organizations working at the intersection of the areas of highest need in support of LGBTQ+ communities in South Florida; and $60,000 to support local LGBTQ+ coalitions as well as Gay Straight Alliances (GSAs) within Miami-Dade County Public Schools and local universities. The expected impact of this funding will be: • LGBTQ+ empowerment groups and GSAs will have the financial resources to gather, organize, advocate, and build coalitions with one another. • Trans individuals will have increased access to gender-affirming care, name change services, free or discounted mental health counseling, and increased access to hormone replacement therapy for youth and adults. • Resources to advance LGBTQ+ friendly policies at the state and local level. • Advocacy organizations will have increased resources to educate the community about pro-LGBTQ+ candidates. • Critical funding for organizations working with youth to pivot and be creative in how they reach and support LGBTQ+ students.

To learn more about the LGBTQ+ Equity Fund visit: https://sflgbtqequity.org 37


The National LGBTQ Task Force thanks those individuals and businesses that generously donated to this year’s silent auction. The list is current as of the time the journal went to print. AC Aesthetics Ace Hardware - South Beach Hardgoods American Airlines Angelin Kometa Ariete Hospitality Aroma 360 Artemest Austin Motel Austin Bakan Barry’s Miami Bespoke Clothing Biscayne Dental & Facial Aesthetics Blu Dot Brandon Wolf Brasseria Laurel Broward Center for the Performing Arts Bunkhouse Hotels Callum McSwiggan Cambridge Beaches Bermuda Carpenter Hotel Austin Club Med Dance NOW! Miami Darryl Banner Diptyque Paris Dune by Laurent Tourondel Effy Jewelry Elizabeth Lake Equinox Gym Frette 40

Frost Museum of Science Gekko, Groot Hospitality Gina “Jet” Ortiz Goodtime Hotel Graduate Annapolis Hotel Groot Hospitality Gustavo Padrino Hilton Aventura Hilton Bentley Miami Hilton LXR Mango House Seychelles Hilton Sydney Hola Ink Hotel Magdalena Austin Hotel Saint Cecilia Austin Hotel Saint Vincent New Orleans Hotel San Cristobal Baja Mexico Hotel San Fernando Mexico City Hotel San Jose Austin Hugo Boss iChef Initio Parfums Prives Inspire Coaching LLC Isabel Salazar ISAIA Napoli Jaffa James Perse Los Angeles

Japour Family Collection Jaxson Maxiums Jeff Finkelstein Jhoan Sebastian Grey Jo Malone (Lincoln Road) Jolene Sound room Julian’s Fountain of Youth Ken Fallin Komodo, Groot Hospitality Life House South of Fifth Life House Little Havana Life House Hotels Lorena Cora Pet Photography Maison 24 Margot Natural wine bar Marko Brando Art Matthew Green Art MCS Cruises MDGLCC Miami City Ballet Michael Jernegan Art Mostly Modern 20th century design Neil Spring Nina Magon Orlando Gonzalez Fandino Art OUT@RBI

Paintings by Carina

Taja Collection

Palace Bar

Take Shape Plastic Surgery

Parfums Christian Dior Park West Gallery Pet Dermatology of South Florida Danny Jelaca Salon & Spa Princess Cruises Randi Adler Richard Gaines Art Rimowa Robin King Royal Caribbean International Royal Caribbean International Corporate Meeting & Incentive Department Ryan Murphy Productions SAVE LGBT Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, Hollywood FL Seraphic Fire Concert Series

Talavera Cocina Mexicana The Bass The Doral Yard The Henderson Hotel, Hendersonville North Carolina The Hilton Curio, Queens Gate London The Hilton, Park Lane The Hotel Kirkwood center & Tourism Cedar Rapids The Huntress The Key Club Groot Hospitality The Madrona Hotel The Manchester Lexington The Pines Foundation The Waldorf Astoria Beverly Hills Todd Snyder

Sixth Man


SMR Days

Tynemouth 61 Guesthouse &Tearoom,

South Beach Chamber Ensemble Splash Wines Sugarboo & Co Swan Groot Hospitality Sylvester Q Howard Zucker

Vizcaya Museum and Gardens Watch what happens Live Wayfinder Waikiki Wet


Craig Jarrett Jeff Oliverio EXECUTIVE


Doug Ames Zachary Barker Beau Beasley


Kevin Better

Raul Griffith Production Consultant

Sebastian Blanco

Patrick Groenendaal Auction Design Director Garo Kiledjian After Party Director Chris Ladas Associated Events Director

Hector Castaneda Naomi CelaireHettema Hannahbelle Cooke Matt Dzwokiewicz

Robbie Millwee

Jeff Delmay

Tony Mendoza


Chris Monge

Todd Delmay

Lisa Mercado

Clove Morgan

Hylan Elias

Jerry Nieves

Cristian Sanchez

Scott Galvin

Elimination Onyx

Joe Plana Plana, for his tireless, enduring support.

Sebastian Siciliano

Dan Gelber

Marvin Ortega

Jorge Zambrano

Lexi Goza

Deborah Renner

LaTonya Hopson

Joy Saterlee

House of Trouble

Matthew Schwab


Vanessa Alenier

Jason Hughes

Art and Culture Center Hollywood

David Jobin


Yeisa Jovovich Maria Linkous

Maxx Fenning

Owen Bale

Melissa Robles, Production Director

Daniel Gibson

John Beadel

Gary Hawkins

Carolina Bonnelly

Eric Scheiner Fundraising Director

Don Hayden

John Buckley

Stephen Hilson

Michele Burger

Jerard Kelley

Rocco Carulli

Alex Kleppe

Don D’Arminio

Josie Smith Malave

David Landau

Athena Dion

Marc Martorana

Lindsey Shook Special Advisor Luke Sorber Executive Secretary



Lindsey Linzer Rebecca Fishman Lipsey Anthony Lopez TP Lords

David Sexton Nathan Smith South Florida Symphony Orchestra Jamal Starks Tara Stephenson Dale Stine Kahtya Tenhsion Rudy Theran Erick Wilson Nicholas Zanca

Carina Segredo, for donating her time and talent to create an amazing work of art to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the National LGBTQ Task Force. An extra special thanks to the entire Task Force Gala committee and all of the wonderful volunteers who contributed their time to make tonight’s event enjoyable.























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Jim Fund Foundation Foundationcongratulate congratulate JimPepper Pepper and and The The Our Our Fund Constance work to to make makethe theworld worldaabetter better ConstanceCollins Collins on on her her work and womenand andtheir theirchildren children andsafer saferplace place for unhoused women THE South Florida’ Florida’ssLGBTQ LGBTQcommunity communityfoundation. foundation. THEOUR OURFUND FUND FOUNDATION FOUNDATION is South We their estates, estates,so sothat thattheir theirphilanthropic philanthropicgiving giving Wehelp help individuals individuals plan their can years—evengenerations—after generations—afterpassing passingaway. away. can continue for years—even


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© 2023 JPMorgan Chase & Co.

JP Morgan Chase

Stronger together JPMorgan Chase works to advance equity and inclusion for the LGBTQ+ community globally through philanthropic engagements, public stances and actions on relevant policy issues, and local community support. We are proud to support the National LGBTQ Task Force.



ABOUT THE TASK FORCE The National LGBTQ Task Force advances full freedom, justice and equality for LGBTQ people. We are building a future where everyone can be free to be their entire selves in every aspect of their lives. Today, despite all the progress we’ve made to end discrimination, millions of LGBTQ people face barriers in every aspect of their lives: in housing, employment, healthcare, retirement, and basic human rights. These barriers must go. That’s why the Task Force is training and mobilizing millions of activists across our nation to deliver a world where you can be you. For more information, go to thetaskforce.org. BOARD OF

T. A. Hans Minneapolis, MN

Erik Morin Co-Chair Miami, FL

Donald J. Hayden Miami, FL


Anika Simpson Co-Chair Washington, DC Rodney W. McKenzie, Jr. Secretary Brooklyn, NY Colgate W. Darden, IV** Fort Lauderdale, FL Treasurer Juan Peñalosa* Action Fund Chair Washington, DC Peter H. Chandler, Jr.** Action Fund Secretary/ Treasurer Washington, DC Jerry P. Abraham Los Angeles, CA Candy S. Cox Herndon, VA Vanessa Daniel Tacoma, WA Alfredo E. Del Cid San Francisco, CA Liebe Gadinsky Miami Beach, FL

Miles Huff Chattanooga, TN Sian Lewis Washington, DC David M. Perez Washington, DC Jeremy M. Rye** San Francisco, CA Candelario D. Saldana Charlotte, NC Almas T. Sayeed Los Angeles, CA Andrew W. Solomon** New York, NY Kim Stone Miami Shores, FL Jason Tester San Francisco, CA

Sayre Reece Deputy Director, Strategic Advancement Advocacy & Action



Andrea Durojaiye Membership Manager

Clermon E. Acklin, III Federal Regulatory Counsel Court Betro Creating Change Conference Organizer Rev. Nicole M. Garcia Faith Work Director Rae Leiner Field Director Danny Linden Director of Creating Change Daniel Moberg Assistant Creating Change Conference Director


Cathy Renna Director of Communications

Reese Rathjen Digital Fundraising Manager Benjamin Coy Communications and Marketing Campaign Manager Dee Tum-Monge Senior Communications Manager DEVELOPMENT

Jacqueline “Jacky” Goh Chief Development Officer

Allen Morris Policy Director

Jake Arnell Institutional & Corporate Giving Manager

Elijah Nichols Field Organizer

Michael Bath Events Director

Kierra Johnson Executive Director

Wayne Rocque Civic Engagement Manager

Taylor Keta Biro Foundation Giving Officer

Firat Demir Executive Assistant to the Executive Director

Tiffany Tran Senior Legislative Manager

Evan Davidoff Senior Manager for Major Gifts

Kevin Wang Seattle, WA STAFF EXECUTIVE

Ryan Hurst Senior Major Gifts and Events Officer Brian Marone Events Manager Kimberly Otero Special Events Coordinator Cary Webb Development Associate Diversity, People & Culture Alicia Boykins Diversity, People and Culture Dana Riceel People & Culture Manager OPERATIONS

Sam Thom Director of Operations Tanya Kelly-Blackford Database Administrator Rick Mohn Senior Finance & Administration Services Manager

* Serves only on National LGBTQ Task Force Action Fund board. ** Serves on both the National LGBTQ Task Force and National LGBTQ Task Force Action Fund boards


Miami Shores Pride

- Mayor Daniella Levine Cava Happy 50th Anniversary, National LGBTQ Task Force Our community thanks you for half a century of standing up for love.


2. Alex Diaz




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WITH LEGACY GIVING, WE ENSURE THAT A DONOR’S EXPRESSED VALUES + WISHES ARE ALWAYS MET. THE OUR FUND FOUNDATION is South Florida’s LGBTQ community foundation. We help individuals plan their estates, so that their philanthropic giving can continue for years—even generations—after passing away.


Anne Steele



OPEN DIALOGUES directed by freddy rodriguez

GEN QUEERZ queer allies Black voices | black stories stories from the lgbtq community screening now at the 1650 Harrison Street Hollywood, FL 33020

The Center’s award-winning Open Dialogues films advance social equity for LGBTQ+ and Black communities through the narratives and artistic performances of South Florida residents.

To host a private screening: 954. 921. 3274 | ArtAndCultureCenter.org/open-dialogues-films

THE TASK FORCE AT WORK Building Queer Power: Skills building and Resourcing the Movement for Queer Liberation The National LGBTQ Task Force and partner organizations are providing a series of movement skills building and leadership development trainings through the Building Queer Power Training Series. This training series seeks to grow the skill set and knowledge of movement leaders and energized activists to build an intersectional movement for queer liberation. The trainings range from basic Organizing 101 sessions to how to host a direct action, combatting right-wing propaganda and so much more. This series is hosted bimonthly and responds to the political moment by providing virtual training and workshops to resource our communities towards the fight for Queer Liberation.

PLEDGE TO QUEER THE VOTE! 2024 is going to be a BIG year in the fight for LGBTQ+ rights! We have seen an unprecedented number of state and federal based legislative attacks aimed at limiting and removing access to gender-affirming care, restricting access to safe abortion, prohibiting the recognition and use of diverse education materials in schools and other anti-LGBTQ+ discrimination laws. The William Institute released a report earlier in the year that demonstrated that the power of the Queer vote will make up one-fifth of all votes in the US by 2040. We must not be disheartened by the legislative process but actively engage within it to advance candidates, legislation and messages of equity in our democracy. It is more important than ever that we claim our stake and stay active by casting our vote during ALL critical elections, local, state and federal. This is a call for you to pledge to Queer the Vote! Your pledge to Queer the Vote means not just voting in the upcoming presidential elections, but in local school board, city council, country, state and federal elections in 2024 and beyond! Stay engaged with us as we work through activations, provide education, create collaborative spaces for healing and wellness as we continue to push forward an equity-based agenda for Queer liberation!


EXPERIENCE OUR NEW PARADISE Follow the journey, @wsouthbeach.


LEADERSHIP COUNCIL We extend a heartfelt thanks to our Leadership Council members for their continued support of the Task Force and the Task Force Action Fund. Leadership Council members make an annual gift of $1,500 or more and give the Task Force the flexibility to build grassroots LGBTQ political power across the nation. If we have inadvertently omitted or incorrectly listed your name, please contact Jacky Goh, Chief Development Officer, at jgoh@thetaskforce.org. Current Leadership Council donors and funders as of June 30, 2023.


Elizabeth A. Scott & James Houston Andrew Solomon & John Habich Solomon EXECUTIVE CIRCLE ($25,000 +)

Janet M. Edwards Liebe & Seth Gadinsky

Jonathan Lehman

Jorge L. Garcia & Cesar Lourenço

Kevin D. McCarty & Henri Vezie

T. A. Hans & Tania Mitchell

Richard C. Milstein Esq & Eric Hankin

Eugene Kapaloski

Laurie Mirman

Anthony Montoya & David A. Holmes

Jeff Morr & Javier Andrade Gomez

Erik Morin & Luis Calderon

Sunil Narayan & Robert J. Dutton

Robert Holgate

James G. Pepper

Steven L. Holley

Jason Tester

H. Scott Huizenga


Bradley R. Carlson & Troy Du Toit

Thomas Lander

Peter H. Chandler Jr.

Daniel Marinberg & Carlos H. Canasi

Alexander Diaz

Jan S. Marks

Alfredo Diaz

Robert R. McCrae & William Newhall

William H. Dollaway & Glenn Barcheski Dennis Edwards & Mark Steinberg

Barbara J. Meislin Jason Misleh

Pamela Gadinsky

Raj Mirchandani & Dianne Palermo

H. Richard Quadracci

Erwin G. Gonzalez

Judith Mogul

Christian Seale

Donald J. Hayden & Brian H. Thompson

Hez G. Norton & Arrington Chambliss

Commissioner Sally Heyman

Paul Pellerin


Christian Ulvert

Roger F. Thomson & Jim Tyrrell

Ralph Alpert

Alex Volckhausen

C. David Bedford

Kevin Wang

Thom Qafzei


Daniel E. Cabrera

Steven C. Hill & Jonathan A. Herz


Molly B. Holmes

Joan L. Schaeffer & Roberta Mandel

Weston F. Milliken


Alberto A. Arias Jr. & David W. Kinnard Rea Carey & Margaret Conway 66

Colgate W. Darden IV

Pamela H. David


Allison & Zachary Julius

John M. Allen & Stephen P. Orlando

Jeremiah F. Kelly & Paul F. Oostenbrug MD

Sara J. Anderson

Lawrence R. Hyer

John Peters

Harold L. Ivey

Lisa & Brian Tannebaum

Justin Kitchens

David Topping

Deric Walters & Jesse Lehrhoff DELEGATE'S CIRCLE ($1,500+)

Kenneth K. Andrews

Mindy Kurzer


Richard Lynch & Frank Steil


Miami-Dade Tourism Development Council


Pop Culture Collaborative

Cindy Houston & Rete Carie


Joseph A. Bartush

Douglas Mateyaschuk II & Evan Wolfe

Juan J. Battle & Michael D. Bennett

Rev. Rodney W. McKenzie

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Scott Bennett

Albert R. McMeen III & James Davis

The Arcus Foundation

David S. Berg & Laura Butzel Robin M. Bergen & Janine Hackett Craig H. Berry II Lewis Black Suman Chakraborty

Naomi E. Metz & Jennifer Foley Michael L. Miller David M. Perez Michael J. Piore & Rodney Yoder Marj Press

Jerry S. Chasen & Mark Kirby

Joseph D. O'Gorman

Arthur B. Cohen

Kathy Shamey

Michael L. Curtis & Eric F. Thom

Andrew Stancliffe

Nicole & Wayne Cypen

Kim Stone & Karla Jones Stone

George J. DeBolt Robert P. Denny Sherman Devitt Dwight A. Foley J B. Guess & Jim R. Therrien Commissioner Eileen Higgins

Geoffrey O. Swetz & Carlos Leo

The Ford Foundation Wellspring Philanthropic Fund EXECUTIVE CIRCLE ($25,000+)

Progressive Multiplier Fund Satterberg Foundation Truist Wealth United Church of Christ AMBASSADOR'S CIRCLE

Irving Harris Foundation John S. & James L. Knight Foundation Johnson Family Foundation JPMorgan Chase & Co Mark Migdal & Hayden Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc. Royal Caribbean International Rutgers Presbyterian Church Ryder Foundation

American Airlines

Actblue Civics, Inc.

Starboard Cruises


AIDS United

The Miami Foundation

CSAA Insurance Group

Akerman LLP

Tzedek Social Justice Fund

E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation


Evelyn & Walter Haas Jr., Fund Fox Rothschild Freeman Foundation

John Wittig & Victoria L. Rawle Wittig


Rene A. Wolfensberger & David Chiu

Miami Beach Visitor & Convention Authority

Hispanic Federation


Andrew Tagliabue & Mark Jones

Scott Andrew Woodfill

Laughing Gull Foundation

Bank United

Bilzin Sumberg Comcast Corporation Everytown for Gun Safety Fetzer Institute

Uplift Vertical Bridge Viiv Healthcare Working Assets / Credo Mobile DIRECTOR'S CIRCLE ($5,000+)

Florida Blue

Amazon Inc.


G Foundation/Warten Foundation

Associated Printing Productions

Kaiser Permanente

Greenberg Traurig LLP

Avita Pharmacy

Hilton Worldwide


City of Miami Beach Ernst & Young Firefly Partners Funders for LGBTQ Issues K&L Gates Leonard Litz Foundation Mistr Pisces Foundation Prevention 305

Bercow Radell Fernandez Larkin & Tapanes, P.A. Fabulous Me Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Greenspoon Marder Hilton Capital Hustle, Inc. Molson Coors

Q Care Plus

National Domestic Workers Alliance

Southern Glazer’s Wine & Spirits

Our Fund Foundation

Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP The Tides Foundation The Trevor Project, Inc. Williamson Automotive Group Winston & Strawn

Rennert Vogel Mandler & Rodriguez, P.A. San Francisco Pride The Standard W South Beach DELEGATE'S CIRCLE ($1,500+)

Circuit Mom ADVOCATE'S CIRCLE ($2,500+)

American Federation of Teachers


Florida Department of Health My Practice Candy

Americans United for Separation of Church and State

The Harrington Agency


Palace South Beach

Axel Hotel


The Spot Latin Grill

LEGACY CIRCLE David I. Abramson

Sabrina K. Duckett

Lester H. London

Heather C. Sargeant

Barckley Family Trust

Jake Arnell

Bert Easter & Ed Madden

Alyxia D. Loney

J Schmidt

Victoria K. Elliott York

Ed Madden & Bert Easter

Marianne G. Seggerman

Estate of William Bebermeyer

Nina Feirer

Donna Marburger

Charles M. Fink & Leonard Jones

Barbara Brown & Sandy Delegal

Liebe & Seth Gadinsky

Sean Melton

Thomas Boyd

Stephen A. Glassman

Matthew Brown & Wayne Chang

Naomi E. Metz & Jennifer Foley

Joe Goenaga

Michael Bath Jillian K. S. Bishop David A. Bjork & Jeff L. Bengtson Marsha C. Botzer & Kimberly Harms

Andrew Sendall Elliott R. Sernel & Larry Falconio Larry Siegel Andrew Solomon & John Habich Solomon

Robert F. Miailovich

Robert J. Starshak, M.D. & Ross Draegert

Erik Morin & Luis Calderon

William J. Stein

Jennifer M. Buchwald

Dr. Daniel A. Harris & Jane Buttars

James Nonnemaker

Loet VanDerveen & George Burton

Margaret A. Burd & Rebecca Brinkman

John Hubschmitt

Lee Ormsbee

Herman J. BrownStepan

Susan Burnside Bradley R. Carlson Julie A. Childs & Sara Speargas

Mary E. Harper & Marigene Arnold

Rachel Hurst Kent J. Johnson & Cody Blomberg Dr. Ronald Kendall & Harold Kendall

Austin L. Parrow Martin C. Patterson John Perez Addison T. Pressley

Candy S. Cox & Debra L. Peevey

Linda Ketner

Ken Ranftle & Craig Leiby

David E. Dassey

Harold D. Kooden PhD & John Hunter PhD

Sayre E. Reece & Kathleen Campisano

Brianna J. M. Lambert

Charles W. Robbins & Damon Romine

Donald Davis George J. DeBolt Craig M. Desoer Sarah A. Douglas Ross Draegert

Marilyn Lamkay Peggy Lipschultz David Littell & Edward Selekman

Anthony Rominske Russell D. Roybal Jennifer A. Santana

Estate of Frawley Becker Estate of Bertram H. Behrens Estate of Em Olivia Bevis Bisordi-Schofield Revocable Trust Estate of LeClair Bissell Estate of Shirley Brodigan Estate of Phillip A. Bulliner

Scott J. M. Weber

Estate of John L. Chamness, Jr.

Harry K. Willwater & Hal L. Barker

Estate of Stephen D. Clover

Douglas Wingo & Timothy Legg

Estate of Gerald & Veronica Colfer

Benton Wong

Estate of Daniel Cook & Herbert I. Cohen

Beth L. Zemsky & Chris Heeter Daniel R. Zillmann Harvey Zuckman & Phil E. Oxman

Estate Of Winifred Cottrel Estate Of James A. Davidson

Estate of Alan Ace

Estate of Mark Deggendorf

Clarence E Anderson Living Trust

Estate of James N. Devillier 69

LEGACY CIRCLE Estate of Alice Dyer

Estate Of Richard Homan

Estate of Craig H. Lindhurst

Estate of Orton L. Ehrlinger

Estate of Earle Raymond Hopkins

Estate of Dr Norma Jack Lindsey

Estate of Jonathan Elwell

Estate of Diane M. Hopsia

James W. Lundberg Philanthropic Trust

Estate of Luke F. Farrell

Estate of Darrill Hudson

Edith MacGuire Charitable Trust

Estate of Julia Lorillard Pell

Estate of Joseph J. Maio

Estate of David Lee Peterson

Estate Of Wayne McCaughan

Estate of Neil B.Pomerenke

Estate of Rita A. McGaughey

Estate of Roger A. Riege

Estate of Lawrence J. Messenger

Estate of James E. Rolls

Estate of Henry D. Messer

Estate of Lee S Ross

Estate of John P. Fludas Estate of Richard Fremont-Smith Estate of Brook Glaefke Estate of John R. Harper Estate of Finas Harris Estate of Sheila Healy Estate Of John R. Hoffman

Estate of Steven D. Kaeser Estate of Robert L. Kehoe Estate of Kenneth E. Kesselring Estate of Kayeton J. Kurowski Estate of Alfred W. Lees

Estate of James Morris Estate of George Nemeth Estate of Fleet E. Nuttall Estate Of John O'Leary

Estate of Harry R. Rowe, M.D. Estate of William A.K. Ryan Estate of Kenneth Sancier Estate of Harry Seagal Estate of Karl-Ludwig Selig Estate Of Dale Norris Shaw Estate of James J. Stroumbos


Estate Of James L. Tanner Estate of Marc A. Triebwasser Estate of John Tynes Estate of Henry van Ameringen Estate of Josef Van Der Kar Estate of Donald E. Watson Estate of Ric Weiland Estate of Jeffrey E. White Estate of Robert S. White Estate of Walt Witcover Estate of Jacob Lee Withers, Jr. Estate of Craig J. Witt Estate of Roy Glenn Wood Estate of James B. Wozniak Estate of Morgan Young Estate of William Zilko Estate of Jaroslav E. Zivney



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