2017 nationalparkfolder engelsk

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The Wadden Sea Nationalpark MAPS AND ADVENTURES



Welcome to the Wadden Sea National Park THE WADDEN SEA IS A UNIQUE NATURE RESERVE IN DENMARK. THE TIDE IS THE BASIS FOR NATURE AND ANIMAL LIFE UNLIKE ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE WORLD. The large tidal flats that run dry twice a day are an enormous larder for approx. 10-12 million migratory birds that come here to feast and rest every spring and autumn. There is plenty of food, since every square foot accommodates up to 100,000 crustaceans, worms, snails and mussels. The tide creates a very dynamic landscape in constant change. The passage between the Wadden Sea and the marsh is often marked with high embankments, enabling mankind to cultivate the marsh and feel protected from storm surges. The national park appointment is based on the natural values of the Wadden Sea. It is a national park, which we are delighted to share and show off. The importance of a wide variety of animal and plant species also makes the Wadden Sea one of Denmark’s best protected nature reserves. The Wadden Sea National Park is not authorised to protect and regulate, but participates in the work, in order to create the optimal balance between use and protection. The Wadden Sea National Park is not only the biggest national park in Denmark; In June, 2014 the Danish part of the Wadden Sea was appointed a World Heritage site by UNESCO. Approx. 80 % of the national park has become a World Heritage, making the entire Danish-German-Dutch Wadden Sea region a World Heritage site, from Ho Bugt in Denmark to Den Helder in The Netherlands. The entire Wadden Sea is the world’s biggest cohesive tidal water system with large tidal flats, barrier islands and shallow areas. Visit the Wadden Sea National Park and experience nature and landscapes, unlike anywhere else in Denmark. Enjoy and stay safe. Welcome to the Wadden Sea National Park!

Danmarks internationale nationalpark


THE TIDE The distinct landscape and nature of the Wadden Sea is created by the tide. The tide is a result of the sun and moon’s pull on the water on Earth. Every tidal period lasts 12 hours and 25 minutes, resulting in two high and two low tides in the course of 25 hours. The difference between high and low tide varies from about 1.5 metres in Esbjerg to about 2 metres south of Rømø.

The tidal flat near Langli and Skallingen

Skallingen, Fanø, Mandø and Rømø are act as barriers against the North Sea, and the tidal inlets between the islands assemble arteries, where 1 billion m3 of water runs in and out during the course of changing tides. Every tidal period transports about 70 million tonnes of sediment into the Wadden Sea. Only about 5 % of the sediment settles. The large tidal flats are exposed at low tide. It is an interesting experience to walk around on the dry seabed, but please note that the tide in some places rises quite fast and that wind and weather can change radically and quickly. If you are unfamiliar with the conditions, please seek information in one of the information centres located in the national park. You can experience the tide everywhere within the national park. Take a guided tour in order to get the best and safest experience.

THE DYNAMIC LANDSCAPE The tide and waves create a varied Wadden Sea landscape. Waves and currents have a destructive effect some areas of the coast and a constructive effect on other places. The ice age before last created the elevated sandbanks, called ”geest”, and during the last ice age, the melt water deposited sand and gravel between the hills – creating heath plains. After the last ice age, the water rose due to the ablation of the ice, and the Wadden Sea was created approx. 5,000 years ago, when the sea level reached the sandy hills. Large quantities of sea sediment created a barrier of sandbanks that were continuously blown into dunes – resulting in the creation of the Wadden Sea islands. Sand and clay was deposited at high tide under the lee of the islands. Salt-compatible plants started to grow on the highest tidal flats and the deposits slowly transformed the areas into marshland. Since the Middle Ages, human have affected this natural dynamic in terms of land reclamation and embankments. 4


Dynamic landscape near on Mandø

You can see the dynamic landscape throughout the national park, for instance on Skallingen, at the causeway to Mandø, Råhede tidal flat, the causeway to Rømø, Emmerlev Klev and especially in the dunes on the Wadden Sea islands.

LIFE ON AND IN THE TIDAL FLATS When the seabed goes dry at low tide, it turns into so-called tidal flats. The flats are amongst the most productive marine environments of the world. The low water levels and the tide are the basis of an enormous production of microscopic algae; the perfect food source for thousands of worms, mussels, crustaceans and snails. The tidal flats look like a desert at low tide, but every square metre of mud accommodates thousands of organisms. The flats are the foundation of one of the world’s richest eco systems with fish, birds and seals on the top of the food chain. At low tide, areas with common mussels and oysters are exposed. Despite the strong current, they manage to remain on the seabed and create large banks. They filter large amounts of sea water in order to feed. You can experience tidal flats everywhere in the Wadden Sea, for instance at Ho Bugt, Sneumsluse, Mandø Ebbevej, the causeway to Rømø, Emmerlev Klev and the Vidåslusen.

Traces from lugworms on tidal flats

Danmarks internationale nationalpark


POLDER AND MARSH Embankments around the tidal meadows have been built several places along the Wadden Sea. The marsh was created by the sea and has been cultivated and used by mankind for centuries. The tidal meadows were originally rich in species with a large variety of plants and birds, which adapted to the special living conditions in the moist and low areas. As agriculture was intensified, the diversity was reduced significantly. The marsh is often used as pastures for livestock, offering good conditions for a number of breeding meadow birds. A polder i a marsh, surrounded by embankments, such as the one in the Tønder Marsh. The outer polders are characterised by grass fens, surrounded by ditches full of water, often with irrigation holes. The vegetation is distinct and there are large populations of breeding meadow birds, as well as huge flocks of geese, ducks and wading birds. See the marsh meadows near Tjæreborg, Allerup, Ribe, Gl. Hviding, Ballum and Tønder, as well as on Mandø and in Juvre on Rømø.

The Tønder Marsh

VARDE ÅDAL The Varde River valley is located at the end of Ho Bugt and is not confined by embankments or regulated by locks. Here, the salty tidal water blends with fresh water from the river, almost up to the centre of Varde. At high tide and in case of storm surges, the salt water flows uncontrolled across the meadows of the river valley. The 1,600 ha large meadows of the river valley nearest to Ho Bugt ressemble tidal meadows, while they are fallow or fresh further inland. See the characteristic landscape of Varde River valley at Tarphage Bridge, the observation tower in Kravnsø Enge and at Janderup church.

Cross section of the Wadden Sea

Wadden Sea island

Sandbank Middle high tide

Tidal flat

Middle low tide 6


10–20 Kilometers

Tidal inlet

Saline plants

THE TIDAL MEADOW The tidal meadow is a characteristic type of Wadden Sea landscape. Plants, animals and birds have adapted to the regular flooding with salty sea water. The tidal meadows are often used as pastures for sheep and livestock. Plants vary from non-grass to grass meadows, as the species can adapt to the salt from the Wadden Sea. Characteristic plants include glasswort and limonium. Thousands of wading birds gather here to rest at high tide. The tidal meadow is also a vital living space for different breeding bird species such as eiders, oystercatchers, avocets and redshanks. Experience natural tidal meadows on Skallingen, the north side of Fanø and in the north of Rømø.

BEACH, DUNES AND HEATH The nature in the west of Rømø, Fanø and Skallingen is very much like the nature north of the Wadden Sea. Fanø and Rømø’s wide beaches are a result of the sea bringing new sand on to the coast every year. On the beach, the sand is captured by the wind and accumulates dunes. In the dunes near the water, you can see marram grass as well as other hardy plants. Behind these “green” dunes, are older “grey” ones. Only the most resilient plants like heather and crowberry grow here, since the sandy soil does not get any nutrients from the sea. On Skallingen, the beach moves back a bit every year and the dunes are breaking down. Skallingen is unique due to the fact that the dunes blend in directly with the tidal meadow behind them.

Tidal flat

Tidal meadow and foreshore


Geest Marsh / polder

Danmarks internationale nationalpark


THE BIRDS OF THE WADDEN SEA The Wadden Sea is a unique habitat for a number of aquatic birds – geese, ducks, wading birds and seagulls due to the unique composition of the landscape. At low tide, many birds find worms, mussels, snails and other food in a sumptuous buffet. About 12 million migratory birds pass through the Wadden Sea every year, while flying from their wintering grounds in the south to their breeding grounds in the north. Some of the wading birds fly all the way to West and South Africa on the Atlantic Flyway. Many birds, including the dunlin, double their weight while feeding in the Wadden Sea.

About 12 million migratory birds pass through the Wadden Sea every year

The Danish-German-Dutch Wadden Sea region is of international importance to at least 40 bird species, and eight of the species visit the Wadden Sea with their entire population every year. For 22 of the migratory wading bird species, the Danish Wadden Sea is by far the most important location in Denmark, including barnacle geese, widgeons, pintails, golden plovers, Eurasian curlews, bar-tailed godwits, red knots and dunlins. Apart from large populations of common Danish breeding birds, several endangered species breed in the national park, including ruffs, dunlins, Kentish plovers and little terns. Experince the bird life at the mouth of Varde River, Sneumsluse, the causeways to Mandø and Rømø, Ballumsluse, Vidåslusen, Margrethekog and on the islands.

Dunlins 8


Oyster catchers

Common seals rest on a sandy hill

SEALS The Wadden Sea is the home of Denmark’s largest predators – the grey seal and common seal. The Danish part of the Wadden Sea accommodates 3-4,000 common seals and 75-100 grey seals. The large sea mammals are as fast and agile in the water as they are clumsy when resting on dry tidal flats and sandbanks. The seals rest on sandbanks at low tide, before they go off to hunt at high tide. In June and July, the common seal gives birth to its pups. Seal pups weigh about 10 kg and are able to swim right after birth. They suckle for four weeks. The seal milk is so rich and nourishing that the weight of the pup increases to 25-30 kg during suckling. During breeding – in June and July, the seals require peace when they are on land. Seal pups lying on the beach have not been abandoned by their mothers and should not be approached. There are great oppertunities for observing seals while they rest on Langli Sand in Grådyb, on Koresand by Mandø, at Nordby and on Langjord southwest of Fanø. We recommend a guided tour, in order to ensure a high level of safety and local knowledge.

A flock of common seals Danmarks internationale nationalpark


SORT SOL In the Wadden Sea National Park, you can see the phenomenon ”sort sol”, when thousands of starlings rest for the night in sedge areas, every spring and autumn. It is spectacular to see the enormous flocks dance across the sky in formations.

”Sort sol” in the twilight

Thousands of starlings find their food, especially crane larvae, in the huge meadow and marsh areas. The starlings spend the night in reed forests and huddle closely together to protect themselves from birds of prey. The risk of being taken is smaller,

A Flock of starlings being hunted by a bird of prey

if there are enough of you! We recommend guided tours to observe “sort sol”, as the guides are experts in finding the best places with large flocks and great views.

LARGE FLOCKS OF GEESE In autumn, the Wadden Sea attracts large flocks of different spieces of geese that breed in far north and spend the winter in north-western Europe, including species such as pink-footed geese, greater white-fronted geese, brant geese and barnacle geese. Several populations have increased significantly over the past decades and especially the pink-footed and barnacle geese arrive in their thousands – both when spending the night in the Wadden Sea, and when looking for food in the marsh during the day. It is an amazing experience to see the huge flocks of geese in the 10



marsh, and not least, when they noisily take off to find food elsewhere, or because they are scared by a preying eagle. You can see large flocks of geese at Sneumsluse, Kongeåslusen, around Ribe, Kammerslusen, Ballum Enge, the causeway to Rømø and in the Tønder Marsh. We recommend guided tours, as the guides are experts in finding the best places with large flocks and great views, and can tell you all about the geese and how they live.

OYSTERS The Wadden Sea accommodates tonnes of Pacific oysters. It is an invasive species imported to regions in The Netherlands and Germany, from where it has spread to the rest of the Wadden Sea. Large oyster banks are exposed at low tide and it is a magnificent experience to go out and, collect, and eat oysters. Oysters eat algae, which may contain toxins that can cause gastro-intestinal disease. Toxins can occur all year round, but the risk is higher during warm months. It is usually safe to find oysters in months containing ”r” – i. e. cold months from September to April. Toxins cannot be removed by means of preparation. We recommend guided tours with locals, who know the region – such as nature guides – in order to ensure a safe tour to and from the best oyster banks.

Fresh oyster

Danmarks internationale nationalpark


Ten places you can enjoy on your own THE NATIONAL PARK HAS NUMEROUS FANTASTIC PLACES, YOU CAN VISIT AND ENJOY ON YOUR OWN. BELOW ARE TEN GREAT EXAMPLES OF WHERE TO EXPERIENCE THE MANY ASPECTS OF THE WADDEN SEA. • Skallingen and Skallingende • The coastline near Marbæk • Hønen at the southern tip of Fanø • Sneum Digesø • Kammerslusen • Mandø and the causeway • The causeway to Rømø • Juvre and Rømø Nørreland • Ballumsluse • The Tønder Marsh Look for this icon on the map



Lamb with vegetables

LOCAL FOOD The salty marshland of the Wadden Sea, with its nutrient-rich grasses, give an intensity and flavour to local food. Lamb and cattle, which graze on saline plants, oysters gathered and eaten on the tidal flats, and herbs that can endure the rough conditions of the tidal waters are all a part of local tradition stretching back over many years. Experience the Wadden Sea through local food directly from the producer in farm and retail shops, or taste the national park in the exciting restaurants in the area. Read more about the national park’s food partners at www.nationalparkvadehavet.dk.

Lokal beer

Samphire Danmarks internationale nationalpark


STORM SURGES A storm surge is when strong winds from the west increase sea levels on the west coast by several meters above normal. The raised sea level is due to a combination of the wind and tide. Before the dykes were constructed, the population on the coast of the Wadden Sea lived with storm surges that flooded their lands, caused major destruction and human fatalities. Now people in the Wadden Sea area live safely protected behind sea walls, however the storm surges in 1976, 1981 and 1999 greatly challenged the efficiency of the dykes! The storm surge pillars around the national park indicate the water levels of the largest surges.

Storm surge pillar 14


The Darum-TjĂŚreborg Dyke

Højer Sluice

DYKES The dykes protect the Wadden Sea coast against flooding. Outside the dykes, much of the landscape of the national park on the islands and the mainland would flood, even with small storm surges. Dyke construction at The Tønder Marsh began in the 1500s, whereas the dykes further north were all built in the 1900s. The dykes made it possible to drain off, plough and, to a certain extent, cultivate previously flooded areas of salt marshes. The most recent dyke construction took place when the protruding dyke (Det Fremskudte Dige) was built. It was finished, together with Vidåsluen, in 1982. Since then, many of the remaining sea walls have been fortified and modernised, with among other things, flatter forward slopes, which help reduce the power of the waves before they reach the top of the dyke.

SLUICES The sluices regulate the estuaries of the rivers flowing into the Wadden Sea. When the sea levels rise in the Wadden Sea, the sluices close to keep the areas behind the dykes from flooding. Long periods with westerly winds and closed sluices may break the banks of the rivers and flood large areas of the flat salt marshes. The views from the sluices and the tops of the dykes provides a fantastic prospect over the landscape and wildlife in the Wadden Sea National Park, making them a great place to visit. Experience the dykes along the mainland and on the islands and the sluices at the estuaries of the rivers. Danmarks internationale nationalpark


SHIPPING AND TRADE Ever since the Iron Age, shipping and trade have been an important source of income and wealth. From the 700s until mid-1600s, the town of Ribe was the heart of trade between the North Sea countries and the Baltic Sea countries. The Danish Reformation, war, plague and the storm surge catastrophe in 1634 contributed greatly to Ribe and the Wadden Sea area losing much of its wealth. From the 1600s to the 1800s, whale and seal hunting in Greenland played a large role for the residents along the

A traditional ship in the Wadden Sea

coast of the Wadden Sea, especially on Rømø. From the 1700s to the 1900s, Fanø was involved in world-wide trade through a large fleet of sailing ships. In 1868 it was decided that a harbour shuld be constructed in Esbjerg. Since then, the harbour has been an important hub for export, fisheries and most recently offshore activities.

HISTORICAL BUILDINGS IN THE WADDEN SEA Life in the Wadden Sea National Park area has always been affected by tidal waters and storm surges.

Højer 16



Our neighbours to the south – Friesians, Germans and Dutch – have also influenced the population across the border, especially through trade. The special landscape and cultural values can be interpreted in the layout of the towns and villages, as well as in the architecture and building practices. “Værfter” or mounds are man-made embankments in the salt marshes on which farms were built. The Danish Wadden Sea area still has 60 mounds, of which up to 20 are still inhabited today. The largest mounds can be found in Tøndermarsken and Ballum Enge. Farms with a Frisian appearance can be seen in the southern part of the Danish Wadden Sea area. They have one main wing for living quarters and stables. Above the door to the entrance hall, there is often a “arkengaf”, which was used to store hay and corn in the attic. Frisian farms often have decorated brickwork above the doors and windows, and similarly, internal walls are clad with Dutch tiles.

ATLANTVOLDEN (THE ATLANTIC WALL) The many bunkers along the west coast of Jutland were part of the German coastal defences during the Second World War. The bunkers were part of the so-called Atlantic Wall, stretching from the North Cape in Norway to the Pyrenees in France. In the Danish Wadden Sea, many bunkers were built around Fanø, Oksbøl and Esbjerg to defend the port at Esbjerg against an allied invasion. The bunkers on Rømø are the remainder of one of the largest and most advanced radar installations built during the German occupation of Denmark. Most bunkers today are hidden under the sand or in the plantations. Experience the Atlantic Wall, the bunkers at Blåvandshuk, the Tirpitz Battery in Oksby, Batteri Nord on Fanø and in Tvismark Plantation on Rømø. Take a walk with a local guide who will tell you the exciting story about the Atlantic Wall.

Tirpitz in Blåvand Danmarks internationale nationalpark


On a trip with a local guide on the tidal flat

Safety in the Wadden Sea National Park Help us by behaving responsibly • Use your common sense and remember that we are nature’s guests. • Do not leave anything behind after your visit. Please take your rubbish with you or put it in the waste bins.

• Do not disturb the birds, seals and other animals. The Wadden Sea is a feeding and breeding ground for many animals. The birds need to gather as much energy as possible and nurse their offspring, so it is important not to go too near the flocks. Do not to let your dog run free or move around in areas which are closed for traffic.

• Be careful not to destroy traces of cultural heritage. Memorials, whale fences, grave mounds and preservation-worthy buildings are part of the special cultural heritage of the Wadden Sea area. Please help us protect these.

• Avoid damaging fences and do not leave fence gates open. The fences keep animals in their fields and ensure that they cannot get out where they might drown, get run over or endanger others.

• Support the local population. Buy locally and enjoy local food. • Respect local residents and their property. Be polite and avoid going onto private land if there is no clear access.

• Be safe. The Wadden Sea is beautiful and unique, but the tides, fog, lightning and sudden winds can cause dangerous situations. Please listen to advice



when visiting the Wadden Sea, or take a trip with a nature interpreter or person familiar with the area.

Please note! • Note the tides and changing weather when travelling on the tidal flats. Bring a compass or GPS for longer walks and check the current tide tables.

• Use mainly roads and sign posted paths, and note the rules regarding travelling on foot, by horse, by car, by kayak, and when hunting, fishing etc.

• Please keep your distance from breeding birds in the breeding season from 1 April to 15 July.

• Do not go too near flocks of foraging birds on the tidal flats. If the birds start warning you by lifting or flapping their wings , move back or walk around them.

• Do not visit seal banks in June and July, as this is the breeding season for seals. Nursing pups need peace and quiet.

• Please familiarise yourself with the rules for the area before you enjoy your hobby in the Wadden Sea.

• Download the 112 APP to your smartphone. It can save lives.

Danmarks internationale nationalpark


Exciting experiences The visitor centres and museums along the Wadden Sea coast offer many great experiences, and lots of information. Nature and culture is presented through exciting stories and impressive exhibitions. FISKERI- OG SØFARTSMUSEET, ESBJERG The museum tells the story of fishing, maritime shipping and off shore activities in the Wadden Sea and The North Sea from the Viking Age until today. The saltwater aquarium has fish from Danish waters, and the sealarium has the two types of seals found in the Wadden Sea. The museum also has an exhibition about the Wadden Sea in the “Wadden Sea Pavilion”. www.fimus.dk VADEHAVSCENTRET, RIBE The centre is located in the center of the Wadden Sea coast, with exhibitions and activities about the nature and culture in the Wadden Sea. Experience storm surges and migrating birds. www.vadehavscentret.dk RIBES VIKINGER The museum provides an insight into the development of Ribe throughout the Viking and Middle Ages. An interactive exhibition with costumes, coats of mail and swords for children. Exciting special exhibitions for the whole family. www.ribesvikinger.dk

Blåvand Naturcenter, www.naturkulturvarde.dk

Danmarks Ravmuseum, Oksbøl, www.vardemuseerne.dk

Varde Museum, www.vardemuseerne.dk


Building culture

Tirpitz-stillingen, Blåvand, www.vardemuseerne.dk

Overview of visitor centres and themes linked to the Wadden Sea National Park


Atlantic Wall

RIBE VIKINGECENTER Get close to the Vikings and try being one yourself; reconstructions of the life of the Vikings in Denmark’s oldest town, Ribe. Here you can experience authentic Viking environments. An interactive experience for the whole family. www.ribevikingecenter.dk

Myrthue, myrthue.esbjergkommune.dk (ubemandet) • Esbjerg Museum, www.esbjergmuseum.dk

Fiskeri- og Søfartsmuseet, Esbjerg, www.fimus.dk

Fanø Museum, www.fanomuseum.dk

Fanø Skibsfarts- & dragtsamling, www.fanoskibs-dragt.dk

Mandøhuset, www.mandoehuset.dk

Vadehavscentret, Ribe, www.vadehavscentret.dk

Museet Ribes Vikinger, www.ribesvikinger.dk

Ribe Vikinge Center, www.ribevikingecenter.dk

Naturcenter Tønnisgård, Rømø, www.tonnisgaard.dk

Hjemsted Oldtidspark, Skærbæk, www.hjemsted.dk

• •

Kulturhistorie Tønder, www.museum-sonderjylland.dk

Højer Mølle, www.museum-sonderjylland.dk



The sealarium, Fiskeri- og Søfartsmuseum in Esbjerg

TIRPITZ, BLÅVAND The bunker that was never finished. Together with the Hansted battery in Hanstholm, Tirpitz is the largest shore battery in Denmark. A large expansion of Tirpitz was completed in 2017. www.vardemuseerne.dk


Tidal waters


Migratory birds

Salt meadows

”Sort sol” black sun

Shipping and trade

Exploiting the salt marshes

Life on the islands

Life on the tidal flats

Storm surges

KULTURHISTORIE TØNDER Exhibits the flourishing shipping and trading in the 1700s and 1800s. Faience, Dutch tile-ware and silverware are part of the permanent exhibition. The same exciting complex contains exhibitions of modern Nordic art, as well as the world renowned furniture designs of Hans J. Wegner. www.museum-sonderjylland.dk

• • • • •

Danmarks internationale nationalpark


Guided tours If you go on a guided tour in the Wadden Sea National Park, you will learn about the exciting history of the area right where it happened! The guides have local knowledge and will bring you safely to and from the Wadden Sea. WHERE CAN YOU FIND GUIDED TOURS? • www.sydvestjylland.com – search the nature calendar • The APP sydvest.mobi for IOS and Android - search in “what’s happening?” • www.kultunaut.dk - type “Wadden Sea National Park” in the search field. • www.udinaturen.dk - choose “events” in the menu “experiences” SORT SAFARI, MØGELTØNDER Guided nature and culture tours in the Wadden Sea National Park. Black sun or “Sort sol”, seal safari, eagle safari and many other amazing experiences. www.sortsafari.dk VADEHAVSCENTRET, RIBE Tours with a nature interpreter for all ages, including oyster tours, sea explorer, seals and black sun “Sort sol”. www.vadehavscentret.dk NATURSTYRELSEN, BLÅVANDSHUG The magnificent nature on Skallingen and Langli. www.udinaturen.dk

NaturKulturVarde, www.naturkulturvarde.dk

Historical buildings

List of tour organisers and themes together with the Wadden Sea National Park

Atlantic Wall

TØNNISGÅRD NATURCENTER, RØMØ Bunker tours, oyster tours, walking on the seabed and lots of activities for children and adults. www.tonnisgaard.dk

Naturguiden, Oksbøl, www.naturguiden.info

Fiskeri- og Søfartsmuseet, Esbjerg, www.fimus.dk Strandskaden, Fanø, www.strandskaden.dk

Vadehavscentret, Ribe, www.vadehavscentret.dk

Mandø Event, www.mandoevent.dk

Mandøbussen, www.mandoebussen.dk

Mandø Kro og Traktorbusser, www.mandoekro.dk

Vadehavssmedjen, Ballum, ”Vadehavssmedjen” på Facebook

Longview Trailriding, Højer, www.longview.dk

Marskguiden, Højer, www.marskguiden.dk

Scanoropa Bus, Højer, www.scanoropa-bus.dk

Tønder Egnens Guider, www.teg.guide

Naturcenter Tønnisgård, Rømø, www.tonnisgaard.dk

Sort Safari, Tønder, www.sortsafari.dk

• •

Naturstyrelsen, www.udinaturen.dk



Exploiting the salt marshes

Shipping and trade

Storm surges

Salt meadows


Tidal waters


Migratory birds

Life on the tidal flats

Sort sol ”black sun”


Naturvejleder på vaden

• • • • • • • • • • •

Danmarks internationale nationalpark


Nature ranger on Skallingen

Experiences all year round in the Wadden Sea National Park

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Sort sol • • (•) • • (•) Birds • • • • • • • Oysters • • • • • • • Seals • • • • • (•) (•) • • • • Beach • • • • • Salt meadows • • • •

• •

www.nationalparkvadehavet.dk Vadehavet

Vadehavet #vadehavet #nationalparkvadehavet


DOWNLOAD APP IOS AND ANDROID Download our App with maps, routes and exciting places. The App works offline, so you won’t have to pay a roaming fee when you’re not on wifi.




VISIT RØMØ www.romo.dk










2017-01 NPV folder DK – et samarbejde mellen Vadehavets Formidler Forum og Nationalpark Vadehavet – fotos bla. Lars Gejl, Jan Tandrup, Colin John Seymour Jr. og John Frikke

Guides and nature interpreters ensure you experiences the best places, and discovers the most exciting stories associated with our world heritage. The guides will also ensure your safety against tides and changeable weather. Read more on pages 20-23.


Ø 1






Naturpark Vesterhavet 1











d Var




Næsbjerg Agerbæk






2 Marbæk

eu m




191 463






Holste Station









Blue Flag beach










Nature playground










Kitesurfing and windsurfing


g Kon







Kitebuggy and blocard


Off-leash dog park


Biking: Westcoast route Biking: Panorama route


Ribe 10

Channel Ferry route: Esbjerg Fanø



Ribe Å 24

Vester Vedsted 179




Definition of the National Park



No trespassing Langli open from 16.07 to 14.09

Rejsby Å

Military shooting area – no trespassing Routes for kayaking: Please visit www.udinaturen.dk


Brøns Å 175



Varde Museum


Fiskeri- og Søfartsmuseum


Esbjerg Museum Fanø Museum


Sønderho Gl. Fuglekøje


Sydvestjyske Museer - Ribes Vikinger


Ribe Vikingecenter








Naturcenter Tønnisgård


Hjemsted Oldtidspark


Museum Sønderjylland - Højer Mølle


Museum Sønderjylland - Kulturhistorie Tønder




Br ed






Emmerlev Vidå


Højer 419 Møgeltønder



Ballum Sluse


Fanø Skibsfarts- og Dragtsamling



















13 Juvre

Tønder 17 11

10 km




Naturpark Vesterhavet



d Var



Næsbjerg Agerbæk Årre






eu m



STOP The Wadden Sea is beautiful and unique but tidal waters and weather may lead to dangerous situations. Use guides with local knowledge when moving on the tidal flats. NB: Indications on the map of birds, seals, oysters and ”black sun” are rough and cannot be used as a exact point of interest.

Ten good places to see The Wadden Sea National Park








Holste Station



g Kon







RibeRibe Å Vester Vedsted




Rejsby Å

Seals (think safety, use local guides)


Sort sol ”black sun” Brøns

Oysters (think safety, use local guides)


Dynamic landscape

Scope of the national park



Skærbæk Lakolk


Scope of the Wadden Sea World Heritage Dyke SLUSE

Brøns Å



Br ed




Tidal flat Sand hill/beach



Dune landscape Marshland/salt meadow Geestland


Højer Møgeltønder






10 km


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