Annual report 2016

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 Scientific Seminars & Interactive Meetings across the globe  Communication & Knowledge Dissemination through Seed Magazine,

News mailers, Seed Handbook and other publications  Policy Advocacy by engaging with Government and scientific entities in

enabling the favourable policy environment and furthering the stakeholder's interest  Brain Storming Sessions/ Roundtables/ Conferences & Seminars  Works towards globalizing the seed industry, harmonization of

regulatory environment, promoting export of seed and investment in seed industry  Promoting international collaborations with stakeholders and

industries  Knowledge and skill enhancement of Human resources through:  Capacity building & training  Internship  Exposure to the industry visits & on job training  Training & Capacity building of agri-entrepreneurship  Training & Capacity building of Government Officials  Study Tours  Collaborative trainings with various institutes, organizations &


OFFICE BEARERS President M. Prabhakar Rao (Nuziveedu Seeds Ltd.)

Vice President M. G. Shembekar (Ankur Seeds Pvt. Ltd.)

General Secretary ASN Reddy (Delta Agrigenetics Limited)

Treasurer Pawan Kumar Kansal (Kohinoor Seed Fields(I) Pvt. Ltd.)

NSAI GOVERNING COUNCIL MEMBERS G.V. Bhaskar Rao (Kaveri Seed Co. Ltd.)

Sameer Mulay (Ajeet Seeds Ltd.)

N.P. Patel (Western Agri Seeds Ltd.)

K.S. Narayanaswamy (Karnataka Maize Development Association)

Pranjivan P Zaveri (Farmtech Biogene Pvt. Ltd.)

Vaibhav Kashikar (Dharti Agro Chemicals Pvt. Ltd.)

Girdhar D. Patel (Narmada Sagar Agri Seeds Pvt. Ltd.)

Sachin Bhalinge (Namdeo Umaji Agritech (I) Pvt. Ltd.)

Janak Peshrana (Seeds India)

Arun Kumar Agarwalla (West Bengal Hybrid Seeds & Biotech Pvt. Ltd.)

K. Niranjan Kumar (GARC Seeds Pvt. Ltd.)

NSAI SECRETARIAT Kalyan B. Goswami Executive Director

Nilendri Biswal Deputy Director -Public Relation & Social Intervention

Manisha Negi Asst Director Scientific Affairs

Yash Pal Saini Sr Manager - Admin & Accounts

Priyank Samuel G Asst. Manager - Brand Alliance & Communication

Sher Singh Office Assistant

Complied & Edited By : Kalyan B Goswami & Nilendri Biswal

Message from Desk of the President

Dear Members, It gives me immense pleasure to present before you NSAI Annual Report 2016. The Annual report bears testimony to our enhanced efforts to reach out to various stakeholders. Over the last one year with your unrelenting support and encouragement we have tried to create consensus among all our members for ensuring the greater good of Indian Seed Industry. NSAI has emerged as a member s voice in various forums be it public as well as private. We have left no stone unturned to ascertain that no issue of concern for the members has gone unheard. NSAI has consolidated its position as the apex body representing the seed industry in the country. At NSAI we have worked towards addressing the major issues pertaining to members through representations to concerned ministries. Some of the issues on which we have worked on are Rule based Income Tax on Seed, GST, Bt cotton seed Pricing, OECD, Revalidation of seeds, IPR etc. We have also concentrated our efforts for bringing out quality publications from time to time in the form of Seed Times. NSAI Newsletter has become a regular source of information to all our members. Our website too has played a significant part in our outreach to members. The website displays important Government notifications and representations made by NSAI to Government. Our interaction with Government has earned us regular representations in various forums and meetings. The Secretariat is continuously working for enhancing visibility of the association, while simultaneously making sustained efforts for brand building, strong source of information exchange and engagement in social initiatives of Seed Donation programs. This has been possible due to the excellent support provided by NSAI s members. I am sure, in times to come NSAI members would continue to extend their support for ensuring that the good work continues. Best Wishes, M Prabhakar Rao

CONTENTS  Agenda of AGM - 2016  Agenda Notes of AGM - 2016  Minutes of Annual General Meeting 2015  Resolutions passed in Annual General Meeting 2015  Annual Report  Membership  Communication  NSAI Meetings/ Representations  Events/ Conferences  Industry Issues  Media Coverage  Audit Report



10thANNUAL GENERAL MEETING AGENDA 26thAugust, 2016, 03:30 05:30 pm Venue: National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, NASC Complex, PUSA, New Delhi 1. Welcome Address by ED NSAI 2. Pronouncement of Quorum 3. Confirmation of the minutes of 9th AGM (14th September, 2015) 4. Presentation of General Secretary's Report 5. Presentation of the Financial Statement & Auditor's Report by Treasurer 6. Approval of the NSAI Budget for FY 2016-17 7. Appointment of the Auditor for 2016-17 8. Release of NSAI Seed Directory 9. Address by the President of NSAI 10. Any other matter with the permission of the Chair 11. Vote of Thanks



10thANNUAL GENERAL MEETING NOTICE 26thAugust, 2016, 03:30 05:30 pm Venue: National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, NASC Complex, PUSA, New Delhi 1. Welcome Address from the Secretariat Dr. Kalyan Goswami, Executive Director, NSAI shall deliver the speech welcoming our valuable members and thanking Office Bearers & Governing Council.

2. Pronouncement of Quorum As per rules and regulations governing the conduct of National Seed Association of India (NSAI), a minimum quorum of 10% of the Ordinary Members is mandatory to start the proceedings of Annual General Meeting of NSAI. We have as on date (20th August ,2016), 306 ordinary members of NSAI and hence we need minimum 31 Ordinary Members for requisite quorum for the conduct of A.G.M.

3. Confirmation of the minutes of 9th AGM (14th September, 2015) Minutes of 9th Annual General Meeting held on 14th September,2015 would be taken up for confirmation and approval by General Body unanimously.

4. Presentation of General Secretary's Report General Secretary, Shri. ASN Reddy shall present the Annual Report of NSAI for the year 2015-16, highlighting the various achievements of NSAI before the General Body.


5. Presentation of the Financial Statement of Accounts & Auditor's Report by Treasurer Shri. Pawan Kumar Kansal, Treasurer, NSAI shall present the highlights of financial statement of accounts and Auditor's Report before the General Body for its approval.

6. Approval of NSAI Budget FY 2016-17 7. Appointment of the Auditor for 2016-17 Auditor for 2016-17 shall be finalized and approved by the General Body.

8. Release of NSAI Seed Directory 4th Edition of NSAI Seed Directory shall be launched to have a good repository of contacts for serving the members.

9. Address by the President of NSAI Mr. M. Prabhakar Rao, President, NSAI shall grace the occasion with his closing speech.

10. Any other matter with the permission of the Chair 11. Vote of Thanks Dr. Kalyan Goswami shall extend Vote of Thanks to the Members for their constant support and time.


Minutes of Annual General Meeting 2015 14th September, 2015

The Ninth Annual General Meeting of the National Seed Association of India (NSAI) was convened on Monday September 14, 2015 at NASC Complex, Pusa Campus, New Delhi. The AGM was chaired by NSAI President, Mr. M Prabhakar Rao. The AGM was attended by eighty eight Members (Annexure 1).


The Agenda of the AGM 2015 was as follows:





Confirmation of the minutes of last AGM (13th September 2014)


Presentation of General Secretary's Report


Presentation of the Statement of Accounts & Auditor's Report


Appointment of the Auditor for 2015-2016


Any other matter with the permission of the Chair


Address by the President


NSAI Elections 2015 a.

Announcement of the Election process by Returning Officer


Address by Candidates




Announcement of results


Announcement and Welcome of the Newly Constituted Governing Council


Vote of Thanks

The AGM began with a warm welcome by Executive Director, Dr. Kalyan Goswami. He thanked all the members for providing continued support to the Association for carrying out various activities. The huge turnout of the members at the AGM also reflected the interest the members take NSAI. Based on the quorum present, he declared the Ninth AGM of NSAI open. Key Proceedings  The minutes of the Eighth AGM held on September 13, 2014 at Hyderabad, circulated earlier among

the members and included in the annual report were put up for discussions and adoption. The minutes of the meeting was approved.


 The Annual Report 2014-2015 was presented by Shri Bhupen Dubey, General Secretary, NSAI. He

highlighted on the various achievements of NSAI. He also applauded the highly visible role of NSAI as a true representative of the Indian seed industry. He also expressed satisfaction over the growing popularity of the Indian Seed Congress.  Shri Bhupen Dubey also appreciated the members who have contributed handsomely in the

philanthropic activities facilitated by NSAI and urged for their continued association. The key areas of progress being membership, improved communication instruments like Seed Times magazine, NSAI website, daily / weekly mailers, monthly newsletter etc.


 GS stated that NSAI continues to be patronized by the major seed sector players. The total number of

NSAI members as on 31st August 2015, were 295 (Ordinary 233; Associate: 50; Association: 9; and Public Sector: 3) who have renewed their membership.  With respect to communication GS informed the house that NSAI magazine 'Seed Times', is the main

vehicle for communicating new knowledge and reports on NSAI and other events, etc. continues to receive appreciation and accolades for its informative content and production quality. During this period under report, 2 issues of the magazine have been published. The Seed Times (Vol. 7 No. 1) issue focused on 'Business Opportunities in Agri/Seed Segment in SAARC Countries'. While the next volume (Vol. 7 No. 2) focused on 'Seed Africa'. Knowledge Reports, NSAI in collaboration with 'Yes Bank' and 'Sathguru Management Consultants' came out with 2 reports.  Further GS stated that during the last one year two knowledge reports were also published. The first

Knowledge report was prepared by 'Yes Bank ' in collaboration with NSAI titled ''Indian Seed Industry- Connecting with Farmers for over 50 years . This was released on the occasion of Indian Seed Congress. While the second report was titled 'India: Seed Hub for Asia and Africa', this was in collaboration with 'Sathguru Management Consultants' and released on the occasion of 'Workshop on Enhancing Seed Export from India.  GS also remarked that the NSAI monthly Newsletter 'Seed News', is an important medium for

communicating industry news. He expressed his satisfaction that the newsletter is now a regular issue with emphasis on reaching out to members with new updates and activities of NSAI. It also covers various important notifications issued by the Government. The Industry Developments section covers new developments in the industry. The NSAI website has become an important source of information for the members. The website traffic is 3,480 visit per month on an average, with a monthly average of 2,486 unique visitors.  GS informed the house about the various Social Activities conducted by members under the banner of

NSAI like relief assistance by NSAI members to the Cyclone affected farmers of Andhra Pradesh and helping hand to earthquake affected farmers in Bihar etc.  Due discussion took place on the various NSAI Meetings/ Representations. The house was also

informed about the numerous workshops and conferences conducted by NSAI like 'Indian Seed Congress', 'Workshop on ABS Guidelines', 'Workshop on Enhancing Seed Exports from India'. A mention of various international consultation like 'Signing of memorandum between NSAI and Bangladesh Seed Association for boosting Trade', 'NSAI meets State Ministry of Agriculture, China', NSAI signs MOU with SEAN',' NSAI meets German Delegation' and 'NSAI President visits Tajikistan Representing Indian Seed Sector'. The various industry issues were also read out by GS before the house. The 'Annual Report' was adopted and the members present appreciated the growth of the Association.


 This was followed by presentation of financial report by Dr. K.S. Narayanaswamy, Treasurer. He

highlighted the significant aspects of the annual statement of accounts and appreciated President, NSAI under whose leadership a lot has been achieved. He reassured members that good care has been taken to keep the finances in healthy shape. Members were also informed that in spite of little loss in ISC'15, the accounts have been kept intact by conducting other activities. The resolution for continuation of the services of the present auditor for one more year, was unanimously approved.


 Mr M Prabhakar Rao, President, NSAI then addressed the august gathering by thanking them for

being part of the event. He also appreciated the strides the Association has made in the last couple of years through very effective national and international networking, which has helped improve NSAI's image in the national agriculture domain and global seed sector. He felt that the Indian seed sector has grown despite various challenges.  While the Association has been able to address and resolve some issues constraining the growth of

the sector, a few issues like harmonization of seed legislations across the states and those related to IPR, particularly falling under the domain of National Biodiversity Authority (NBA), were affecting the growth.  The President also stated that he was confident that based on the progress in relationship building

with Protection of Plant Varieties' & Farmers' Rights Authority (PPV&FRA) and NBA, we should be able to overcome the hurdles.


 He also shared with members that the recent trend of dropping prices of agricultural commodities

like cotton, sugar and rice, wheat which has remained stagnant is an alarming situation as the industry is extremely dependent on farmers' financial condition and confidence, which has been shaking due to calamities and other issues. Under these circumstances, he proposed that industry should constantly work upon it, meet, find a solution and deliberate.

 As this was the last AGM for the current Governing Council (GC), the members of GC present at the

AGM were honored with mementoes, after the President addressed the AGM. Mr. M. Prabhakar Rao thanked all the members for their support in addressing of the issues, both at the state and national level. The AGM was followed by Elections.


ELECTIONS 2015  The major attraction of this year's AGM was the NSAI Elections 2015. The elections were organised to

elect new members to Governing Council for 2015-2017. In order to conduct the election smoothly a three-member Election Committee(EC) was constituted earlier which comprised of Mr. R K Sinha(Chairman), Mr K V Somani and Mr K Niranjan Kumar. Mr. R. K. Sinha, Chairman, Election Committee 2015 welcomed the gathering and declared the elections 2015 open.  Shri K Niranjan Kumar read out the process and other details about the election. The announcement

of the elections was on 12th August,2015. The last date of filling receipt of filled in nominations were September 1st 2015. The scrutiny of the elections forms by EC was September 7th ,2015. Also the last date for withdrawal of nominations and announcement of final list of candidates was 7th September, 2015. The last date for receipt of proxy forms at NSAI office was 12th September, 2015 and for receipt of proxy forms at AGM venue was 13th September,2015.  As per the NSAI Rules & Regulations(R&R), elections were held to fill up five (5) vacancies in the

'Ordinary Member' category, one (1) vacancy in the 'Associate Member' category and one (1) vacancy in the 'Association Member' category. As per the NSAI R & R, only 'Ordinary/Associate/ Association Members' who had cleared all dues and whose names appeared on the 'Electoral Roll 2015' (the same was earlier uploaded on website) were eligible to participate in the election process, i.e. contest (including nominate/ propose & second the candidature) and vote.  Prior to the elections the following papers were sent to members (as finalized by the NSAI Election

Committee 2015): 1. Election Notice 2. Election Schedule 3. Electoral List 4. Nomination Form 5. Proxy Voting Form (for the members who are unable to be present personally to vote; the forms were numbered and were received only through the envelopes provided)  With the initiation of Elections, the house was informed that a total of fifteen members filed their

nominations, but on scrutiny of papers, one nomination was rejected. Of the 14 valid candidates, two candidates withdrew from the election process within the last date of withdrawal of nominations.


ï‚¢ The final list of eligible candidates in the all Categories were as follows-


Ordinary (5 Vacancies)


Shri. G V Bhaskar Rao


Shri. Janak Peshrana


Shri. M. Harish Reddy


Shri. Pankaj A Patel


Shri. Pawan K Kansal


Dr. Pranjivan P Zaveri


Shri. Raman Pal Uppal


Shri. Sachin Bhalinge


Shri. Sameer Mulay


Gujarat State Seed Producers Association (Rep by: Dr. Kirtan Patel)

Association (01 Vacancy)


Karnataka Maize Development Association (Rep by: Dr. K S Narayana Swamy)

Associate (01 Vacancy)



Shri. Vaibhav R Kashikar

The Chairman welcomed all the contesting Candidates to present their views before the house.  The order of contesting candidates who presented their views in the house was in the following order For Ordinary CategoryShri. G V Bhaskar Rao Shri Janak Peshrana Shri M Harish Reddy Shri Pawan K Kansal Dr. P P Zaveri Shri Raman Pal Uppal Shri Sachin Bhalinge Shri Sameer Mulay 19

 In the Associate category Shri Vaibhav Kashikar addressed the house, he was elected unopposed, as

earlier Dr Pramod Agarwal had withdrawn his candidature from elections.  In the association category the contestants who addressed the house were in the following order

For Association CategoryDr. Kirtan Patel Dr. K S Narayanaswamy  While addressing the house the candidates who withdrew their nominations in ordinary category

were Shri M Harish Reddy, Shri Pankaj A Patel, Shri Raman Pal Uppal and Shri. Sachin Bhalinge. From the Association category Dr Kirtan Patel from Gujarat State Seed Producers Association withdrew.  After withdrawal of the 4 contesting candidates from Ordinary Category and 1 contesting candidate

from Association Category during the AGM only 5 contesting candidates for 5 posts in the Ordinary Category were left and similarly only one contesting candidate for 1 post under the Association Category was left. As the no. of the contesting candidates' equaled the no. of posts available under different categories, all the remaining contestant were declared elected unopposed for the period 2015-19.  The elected members along with the GC members who are continuing with their term, met

subsequently to formally constitute the new GC and also elect the office bearers. Based on this, the following Governing Council for 2015-17 was constituted at the AGM:




M. Prabhakar Rao (Nuziveedu Seeds)

Vice President


M.G. Shembekar (Ankur Seeds)

General Secretary


ASN Reddy (Delta Agrigenetics Limited)



Pawan Kumar Kansal (Kohinoor Seeds)

Members: G.V. Bhaskar Rao (Kaveri Seed Co. Ltd.) N.P. Patel (Western Agri Seeds Ltd.) Pranjivan P Zaveri (Biogene Agritech) Girdhar D. Patel (Narmada Sagar Agri Seeds Pvt. Ltd.) Janak Peshrana (Seeds India) K. Niranjan Kumar (GARC Seeds Pvt. Ltd.) Sameer Mulay (Ajeet Seeds Ltd.) K.S. Narayanaswamy (Karnataka Maize Development Association) Vaibhav Kashikar (Dharti Agro Chemicals Pvt. Ltd.) Sachin Bhalinge (Co-opted) (Namdeo Umaji Agritech (I) Pvt. Ltd.) Arun Kumar Agarwalla (Co-opted) (West Bengal Hybrid Seeds & Biotech Pvt. Ltd.) The new President Mr. Prabhakar Rao then addressed the AGM. While thanking the electorate for imposing the confidence among the members elected and thanking the GC for electing him as the President, Mr. Rao appealed to all members for their continued support for various NSAI activities. He was confident that with the enthusiasm and interest of all the members, the Association will be able to move forward in its endeavor and meet the expectations of its members. The AGM was followed by a dinner.













ANNUAL REPORT (September 2015- August 2016)

National Seed Association of India has continued to enjoy the strong support of its members and government both at state and national level, in representing the cause of Indian Seed Industry and partnering national agenda for agricultural growth. Over the year NSAI and its members have strongly believed that for Indian Agriculture to progress; the farmers of the country must progress. The Industry participation in the NSAI events, meetings and Issue based Workshops has been very encouraging. The increased convergence of efforts can be witnessed through active and regular engagement with policy makers for consultations on important issues of prime importance. This has indeed established the leadership role of NSAI as true representative of Indian Seed Industry. NSAI is now a regular participant to seminars of National and International repute, as both speakers and delegates.

A. Membership: NSAI continues to be patronized by the major seed sector players and interest for our membership is increasing day by day. From an aggregate of 374 members, as on 20th August 2016, 258 members have renewed (Ordinary 211; Associate: 37; Association: 9; and Public Sector: 01). 42 new members have also taken up NSAI membership.


B. Communication: I

Seed Times The NSAI magazine 'Seed Times', is our main vehicle for communicating new knowledge and reports on NSAI and other events, etc. It continues to receive appreciation and accolades for its informative content and production quality. We continue with our practice of theme based content in every issue. During the period under report, we have published 02 issues of the magazine. The Seed Times (Vol. 7 No. 3) issue focused on 'Innovations in Seed Industry'. While the next volume (Vol. 8 No. 1 & 2) focused on 'Seed Export-India & World'.

Seed Times Volume 7, Issue No. 3, Innovations in Seed Industry


Seed Times Volume 8, No. 1 & 2, Seed Export- India & World

II NSAI Newsletter- Seed News NSAI monthly Newsletter 'Seed News', is an important medium for communicating industry news. The newsletter is now a regular issue with emphasis on reaching out to members with new updates and activities of NSAI. It also covers various important notifications issued by Government.


September, 2015


November, 2015



February, 2016

March, 2016

April, 2016

May, 2016

June, 2016

July, 2016

III NSAI Website The NSAI website has become an important source of information for the members. The 'What's New at NSAI' section informs the members about the latest developments of the industry, workshops and conferences. The Website has a section on 'Important Circulars and Representations', under this section all-important notifications and circulars are uploaded for benefit of members. The section on 'Important Notifications' places important notifications of Government. We have also created a new section for Special Interest Group Vegetable. The 'Latest News' section informs members about the current updates of Indian Agriculture & Seed sector. The website traffic is 974 unique visitors per month on an average, with an monthly average of 2793 page views.


IV NSAI Social Networking NSAI is also maintaining Twitter and Facebook Accounts for directly connecting with its members and information sharing as well.

V Daily & Weekly Mailers NSAI communicates with its members through daily and weekly mailers. We have a dedicated email id i.e. for communicating to members about latest industry developments.


C. NSAI Meetings / Representations NSAI Attended Meeting Regarding Bollworm Resistance to Bollgard Technology in Gujarat- Finalization of Guidelines /Suggestions to adopt by farmers A meeting regarding Bollworm Resistance to Bollgard Technology in Gujarat- Finalization of Guidelines /Suggestions to adopt by farmers was organised under the chairman of Shri R K Singh, Joint Secretary (Seeds) at Krishi Bhawan. The meeting was organised on 18th September 2015. The meeting was attended by both public and private representatives of Seed industry. NSAI was represented by Shri M Prabhakar Rao, Shri M. G. Shembekar, Shri Pawan Kumar Kansal, Dr. P P Zaveri, Dr. Kalyan Goswami, and Shri Sourav Chakraborty. It was discussed that pink bollworm is developing resistance against both the Bt-toxins (Cry 2Ab & Cry 2Ac) in Gujarat and few areas of Maharashtra, so preventive measures should be taken to stop its spread. An in-depth discussion was done to know the reasons for outbreak of pink bollworm and to work out an effective short term and long term strategy to control it. The major reasons concluded for developing resistance against Bt-toxins were non-planting of refugia, non-Bt around BG II cotton fields, long duration cropping of Bt- cotton, incorporation of debris in soil after the harvest, staking of debris on field bunds and nearby places, fallen dried bolls on farm land and cotton waste from ginning units etc. It was concluded that isogenic hybrids/Bt Cotton seeds should be used as refugia so that farmer will not rogue it out for which another meeting will be organised regarding the finalization of purity standards. It was recommended to Gujarat government to take preventive actions and in addition advised to use a new species of Trichogramma (Trichogramma bactriae) for control of bollworm. It was also advised to take a crop holiday for cotton in Gujarat and use other crops like pulses for 1-2 years to break the insect life cycle. NSAI Attended Inter- Ministerial cum Experts Meeting 3rd National Report on the Implementation of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety India being a party to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (CPB), is required to submit a National report on the compliance to the protocol every four years. A meeting was convened on 8th October, 2015 by Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF & CC). Ministry of Environment, forest and Climate Change (MoEF & CC) is the nodal agency for implementation of the CPB in India. As per the requirements, the National report is prepared by MoEF & CC in consultation with concerned stakeholders. Comprehensive discussions took place in the meeting with inputs from members present. NSAI was represented by Dr Manisha Negi.


NSAI Attended the National Consultative Meeting to Discuss the Third National Report On the Implementation of the Cartagena Protocol On Bio-Safety A National Consultative meeting to discuss the third national report on the implementation of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety was organised on 28th October, 2015 by Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF & CC). The meeting was held under the Chairmanship of Shri Hem Pande, Special Secretary, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, GoI. Comprehensive discussions took place in the meeting. In the meeting discussion on different components of the third national report took place. Dr. Manoranjan Hota, Director, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, GoI made a presentation on the draft Third National Report and also updated the participants on the process adopted so far. Mrs. Nilendri Biswal and Dr. Manisha Negi represented NSAI in the meeting. NSAI meets Hon'ble MoS Agriculture Dr. Sanjeev Baliyan for Discussion on CSR Efforts of Seed Industry A meeting was held under the Chairmanship of Hon'ble MoS (Agriculture) Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Baliyan on 24th November 2015, at Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi. Seed Industry was presented by Mr. M Prabhakar Rao, President, NSAI, Dr. Kalyan Goswami, ED, NSAI, Dr. Rajvir Rathi, Bayer CropScience Limited, Mr. Viadyanathan, Syngenta and Ms. Vedika Kapoor, DuPont India Private Limited. The agenda of the meeting was to discuss the various Corporate Social Responsibility Activities being conducted by Seed Industry members. The members present briefed the Hon'ble minster about the various CSR activities being conducted by companies. The Hon'ble minister stressed on the importance on Skill Building and developing the capacity of the farmers. He also called upon the members of Seed Industry to work proactively for inclusive development which is sustainable in nature. NSAI Participated in India China SME Business Session Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) in partnership with the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Government of India organized 'The Global SME Business Summit' on 7th and 8th December 2015 at the India Habitat Centre, New Delhi. The objective of the summit was to provide a platform for global SMEs to connect for prospects of mutual benefits and explore emerging markets while ensuring their successful integration with the Make in India initiative which aims at propelling the growth of the Indian manufacturing sector. NSAI participated in the event and was represented by Mrs. Nilendri Biswal, Ms. Vipra Verma and Mr. Priyank Samuel. India and China share many commonalities and are ranked among key emerging market economies of the world today. While Indian MSMEs can gain from China's strong presence in the manufacturing sector, China can gain from India's strong presence in the services sector. Collaboration


between Indian and Chinese SMEs will usher in opportunities for cementing cross-border partnerships for R&D, knowledge sharing, innovation and commercialization of breakthrough technologies. NSAI attended Meeting on Commission for Agriculture Costs and Prices A meeting regarding formulating of Price Policy for Kharif Crop 2016-17 season was convened under the Chairmanship of Dr. Ashok Vishandass at The Commission for Agriculture Costs and Prices on 11th December, 2015. The meeting was meant to initiate the process of formulating Price Policy for Kharif Crops for 2016 17 season. The objective was to ensure wider consultations before finalizing the recommendations. The seed industry was represented by Dr. Kalyan B Goswami & Dr. Manisha Negi, NSAI. NSAI represented Seed Industry in NITI AYOG Meeting A meeting was organised by NITI Aayog on 26th November, 2015, regarding breeder seed production and certified Seed availability. The seed industry was represented by Dr. Kalyan B Goswami & Dr. Manisha Negi, NSAI, Mr. Debojyoti Guha & Mr. Siddhartha Sankar Sen, Seed Association of Bengal. In the meeting discussions took place on the reduced demand of Breeder Seed in 2014-15 as compared to 2010-11. Also brainstorming was done on the probable reasons. NSAI Participated in Workshop On Refuge Strategies for Biotech Crops Adoption, Challenges & Alternatives, Towards Achieving Technology Sustenance NSAI participated in a Workshop on Refuge Strategies for Biotech Crops Adoption, Challenges & Alternatives, towards achieving technology sustenance organised by Association of Biotechnology Led Enterprises, Agriculture Focus Group (ABLE-AG) at NAAS Auditorium on December 8, 2015. The workshop focused on reviewing the Integrated Resistance Management components for insect resistant crops. NSAI was represented by Dr. Kalyan Goswami & Dr. Manisha Negi. The workshop drew participation from SAU/ ICAR scientists (Entomologists/ IRM); Industry representatives, CICR, RCGM and GEAC members and key stakeholders from Ministry of agriculture & Farmers Welfare also participated in the workshop. Relaxation for Revalidation of Seeds after Expiry Period As per the Amendment in Minimum Seed Certification Standard, 1988, revalidation of seeds should be done before the expiry of validation period. This amendment was not suitable for seed industry. This was a practical problem. Hence on the request of Gujarat State Seed Producers Association, NSAI actively represented to Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare for consideration of the issue. Due to


continuous efforts of NSAI, Ministry of Agriculture has given extension for this year to apply for revalidation of seed lots after expiry period up to 31st December 2016. NSAI Conducted 4th Special Interest Group (Vegetable) Meeting The 4th Special Interest Group (Vegetable) meeting was conducted on 11th March, 2016 at Bangalore. The meeting was presided over by SIG (Vegetable) Chairman, Mr. Harendra Singh. NSAI was represented by Mr A S N Reddy, General Secretary, NSAI. The objective of the meeting was To address the major problems / Issues of vegetable seed industry . The meeting was attended by 29 vegetable companies (39 participants) across India. The meeting focused on issues of Registration of Varieties under different states, BDA and PPV&FRA issues, Weight and Measurement issues, IPR issues, Import & Export Issues of vegetable seed industry. All members also gave their valuable inputs to address these issues. In the meeting it was decided that: A core team would be created which would be responsible for driving each issue stated above through NSAI. The State wise registration rules and protocols would be sent to all the members for their awareness The vegetable seed industry information is still not accurate, therefore, efforts would be made to collect Vegetable industry data from all sources to have same information to be presented in various platform. This information will be shared with all the members. Till date 7 SIG (vegetable) meetings have been conduted. NSAI Attended Skill Development Meeting A meeting was organised under the chairmanship of Shri R K Singh, Joint Secretary, Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers' Welfare on 3rd March,2016. The objective of the meeting was to discuss the issues for exploring the possibilities of Skill Development of Seed Sector. NSAI was represented in the meeting by Mrs. Nilendri Biswal and Dr Manisha Negi. JS(Seeds) welcomed all the participants. Dr. Satyender Arya, CEO, Agriculture Skill Council of India(ASCI), briefed the participants regarding the various initiatives taken by ASCI under Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana(PMKVY) of Department of Skill Development. He further informed that with respect to Skill Development ASCI has already identified possible skills and related specifications. They have initiated training program (about 200 hours) on quality seed growers in collaboration with State Skill Missions and also signed MoUs with Government of West Bengal and Himanchal Pradesh in the first phase of the scheme. Also initiatives are being undertaken to conduct training on seed processing, seed plant, seed processors/analysts etc. in the next phase of PMKVY scheme. NSAI submitted the feedback received from its members with respect to Skill Development.


NSC suggested that skill development may include activities such as seed production, inspection and certification. Chairman PPVFRA expressed his experience of Skill development undertaken in various Agricultural universities. NSAI has been asked to share their experience with ASCI for Skill Development. After much deliberation it was decided that NSC and PPVFRA should associate themselves as training partner of ASCI. NSAI may share its experience with ASCI for skill development in seed sector. Further ASCI, may take necessary steps for use of infrastructural facilities as well as manpower expertise available with NSC, PPVFRA and NSRTC for skill NSAI Attended Meeting on Promotion of Desi Cotton Varieties for Textile Industry Conducted By MoA & FW A meeting was organised by Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, under the Chairmanship of Hon'ble Union Agriculture Minister Shri Radha Mohan Singh on 4th April, 2016. The objective of the meeting was to discuss the development of Desi cotton varieties for textile industry. The meeting was attended by Senior Government officials. NSAI was represented by Dr Kalyan B Goswami and Dr. Manisha Negi along with participation of Seed Industry members i.e. Shri Pawan Kumar Kansal (M/s. Kohinoor Seeds), Shri Sanjay Deshpande & Shri P J Kulkarni (M/s. MAHYCO), Shri J C Rajput & Shri Ajeet Pathak (M/s. Nirmal Seeds) and Shri Ved Prakash Arya (M/s. Shakti Vardhak Hybrid Seeds). NSAI Conducted Meeting with German Delegation NSAI conducted a meeting with German delegation on 20th May,2016 at NSAI Secretariat Office. The German delegation was represented by Mr. Hart Breternitz and Dr Ulrike Muller, Bilateral Cooperation Programme, Germany. NSAI was represented by Dr Kalyan B Goswami, ED(NSAI), Mrs Nilendri Biswal & Dr Manisha Negi. Dr Kalyan Goswami briefed the delegation about the Indian Seed Sector and the tremendous opportunity available in terms of crops such as Pulses, Sunflower and Soya bean. During the meeting, discussion took place on enhancing the bilateral cooperation in Seed sector between India and Germany. Also prospects of partnership for OECD Seeds Schemes, Joint Workshops, Capacity Building of Seed Professionals and bilateral visits were discussed. The possibility of participation of German delegates during Indian Seed Congress 2017 was also discussed. NSAI Attended ASCON Meeting Organised by CII NSAI attended the first meeting (For FY 2016) of the Associations' Council (ASCON) held on 30th May 2016 at Hotel Le Meridien, Janpath, New Delhi. The meeting was chaired by President Designate Ms Shobana Kamineni, Executive Vice-Chairperson, Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Limited (AHEL). NSAI was


represented by Mrs Nilendri Biswal and Mr Priyank Samuel. During the meeting wide consultations were held between senior industry representatives from various sectors such as cements, shipping, pharmaceuticals etc. The ASCON survey was presented during the meeting which spoke about the industry health and growth. This was followed by an interactive meeting with Mr. Asheesh Sharma, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship. Mr. Asheesh informed the participants about the various schemes and policies of his ministry to provide impetus to tradition of Skill building and apprenticeship in India. NSAI Attended India Maize Summit 2016 NSAI attended the India Maize Summit 2016, considering the importance of Maize in the Indian economy on 26th May, 2016 at New Delhi. The summit was organised by FICCI in association with NCDEX. The inaugural address was given by Shri Radha Mohan Singh, Hon'ble Union Minister for Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, GoI. The summit was of prime importance as Maize has emerged as an important crop for food, feed and industrial utilization. But looking at the current scenario of declining maize production in the country, major attention is required toward increasing its production levels. In this endeavor, summit was organized to identify and address the challenges in the maize value chain. NSAI was represented by Mrs Nilendri Biswal & Dr Manisha Negi. NSAI Participated in Workshop On Bilateral Co-operation Between Germany and India On Seed Development A workshop with focus on Plant Variety Registration, prevailing legislations in India governing seed trade, seed quality control and certification, harmonization with UPOV procedures and discussion for membership in the UPOV convention was organized by Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers' Rights Authority, Govt. of India, Ministry of Agriculture at NASC Complex, New Delhi on 23-24th May, 2016. During the workshop wide discussions were held on the various system/subjects which exists in the Germany and India with respect to seed development. This also involved presentations by the German and Indian Experts. Mr M Prabhakar Rao, President, NSAI participated in the roundtable discussion of CEOs: 'Development of Seed Sector and Co-operation: India and Germany'. Also Dr Kalyan Goswami and Dr Manisha Negi were present in the workshop representing NSAI. Udo von Krocher, President, Dr. Herman Fruendenstein, Head, P1 Section (Variety and International Affairs), BSA and Mr. Ekkehard Schroeder Project Coordinator- Germany, Indo- German Seed Project participated in the workshop from Germany.



The Asia & Pacific Seed Association (APSA), in association with the National Seed Association of India (NSAI) organised the 22nd Asian Seed Congress in Goa, India on November 16 - 20, 2015. The Asian Seed Congress (ASC), which is the largest global event organised by a regional seed association, is held annually in an APSA member country. Last year, the Congress was held in Macau, China. This year the four-day event was held at Goa with participation of 1128 Delegates from over 50 countries, 440 companies and 15 seed associations. The event showcased the fast growing Indian seed industry which is one of the world's biggest agricultural markets. The Inaugural Ceremony took place on 17th November, 2015, in the auspicious presence of Hon'ble Union Minister for Agriculture Shri Radha Mohan Singh, Hon'ble Union Minister for Urban Development Shri Muppavarapu Venkaiah Naidu and Hon'ble Minister of State for Agriculture Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Balyan. Commenting on the Asian Seed Congress, APSA President Zhiping Wang said, This year, the Asian Seed Congress 2015 focuses on the Indian seed industry and its growing importance not only to the


Asia Pacific region but also to the world. This is the fourth time APSA has held the ASC in India said Chair of the National Organising Committee (NOC) for ASC 2015 and President of the NSAI (National Seed Association of India) Shri M Prabhakar Rao. He welcomed APSA delegates and noted that, India is one of the largest seed producing and seed consuming countries in the world. The Indian seed industry is becoming source of quality seeds in a large range of crops for many Asian and African countries. He added that the Indian seed industry was working closely with policy makers and seed regulating authorities to simplify the existing rules and regulations for hassle free international trade." NSAI whole heartedly thanks the Sponsors 'Indo American Hybrid Seeds', 'Bharat Nursery (Chakra Seeds)', 'Bombay Super Seeds', 'Noble Seeds' and 'Bayer CropScience (Pre Congress Workshop Sponsor)' for their invaluable support to the event.



NSAI Members Participated in Training on OECD Varietal Certification Organised by National Seed Research and Training Center A three day National Training on OECD Varietal Certification was organised by Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Family Welfare at National Seed Research and Training Center, Varanasi from 12 14th October, 2015. The objective of the training was to train the officials of Seed Sector to undertake certification/multiplication and production of pre basic, basic and certified seeds under OECD varietal certification for international trade. The training was meant for the officials from State Seed Certification Agency, State Seed Corporation, National Seed Corporation and Private Sector. Participants from Private Seed Industry included Dr. Manisha Negi (NSAI), Shri Chaitanya Varma KK (Advanta Limited), Shri Venkata Rao Potla (Nuziveedu Seeds Limited) and Shri Jitendra Kumar (Crystal Crop Sciences Ltd).


NSAI Participated in 8th National Seed Congress The 8th National Seed Congress 2015 was organized at Hyderabad in the Pearl City of Telangana by the Department of Agricultural Cooperation, Government of Telangana in collaboration with National Seed Research & Training Center, Varanasi, DAC and Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers' Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India. The theme of the event was Quality Seed for Farmers' Prosperity . It was a three days event beginning from 27th to 29th October, 2015. The key objectives of the event were:  To create a platform for all major players and stakeholders in Seed Sector to come together and

discuss critical issues impacting the seed supply.  To recommend a set of suggested interventions in policies for developing sustainable and globally

competitive self reliance in seed sector.  To discuss the scope of latest technologies to ascertain food security and to enhance the export of

Seeds and Agriculture produce. National Seed Association of India participated in the event along with participation of eminent seed industry members. Dr. Kalyan Goswami, ED, NSAI was in the National Organising Committee.


NSAI Participated in Conference on "India-Africa Collaboration in Agriculture: Opportunities and Challenges" NSAI participated in a conference on "India Africa Collaboration in Agriculture: Opportunities and Challenges" organized by Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS, Ministry of External affairs, Govt of India) on 6th October, 2015 at Hyderabad. The primary objective of the conference was to understand the opportunities and challenges Agriculture sector in between India and Africa and provide impetus to the business prospects. NSAI team was led by Mr. M Prabhakar Rao, President, NSAI and CMD, Nuziveedu Seeds. He delivered the keynote address in the inaugural session which was chaired by Dr. R R Hanchinal, Chairman, PPV& FR Authority of India. The welcome address was delivered by Prof. Sachin Chaturvedi, Director General, RIS. Mr. M Prabhakar Rao also co-chaired a special session on RIS/CABE/EIAR/IDS Study on India-Africa Seed Sector Collaboration. Other distinguished NSAI members who participated in the event included Mr. A S N Reddy (General Secretary NSAI & COO Delta Agri Genetics Limited), Dr. S U Baig (Director, Nath Seeds), Dr. Arvind Kapur (Director, Rasi Seeds), Dr. Jai Singh (MD & CEO, Sakata Seeds India), Dr. V N Kulkarni (Vice President (R & D), JK Agri- Genetics Ltd), Dr. Elangovan M (Research Lead, Advanta), Mr. Kaustubh Joshi (Marketing Manager(Africa) Advanta Seeds) along with Dr. Kalyan B Goswami (Executive Director, NSAI).


NSAI Participated in DUS Workshop Conducted by Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers' Rights Authority Recently a workshop on DUS testing procedures was held on 23rd and 24th November, 2015 at IARI. The workshop was organised by Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers' Rights Authority. The key technical sessions in the workshop were 'DUS Testing Procedures in India and Germany: Horticulture Crops' and 'DUS Testing Procedures in India and Germany: Cereals'. Other key sessions included 'Hands on Training on Vegetable DUS Testing' and 'Regulatory Aspects: Seed Industry & Govt. Policies'. Participating countries in the workshop were experts from India, The Netherlands and Germany. The workshop proved to be a platform for exchange of ideas and existing knowledge and is a step in the right direction for enhancing bilateral co-operation between India and Germany seed sector. The plant variety protection has been a practice in these countries for about 100 years now. Hence their experience would help us in understanding issues related to DUS testing in our country. Mr. M Prabhakar Rao, President NSAI led the NSAI team in the workshop. He also delivered a lecture on 'Indian Seed Industry: way forward 2020'. Among other eminent speakers from the industry were Dr. Rajvir Rathi who spoke on the topic 'Regulatory Policy: Indian Seed Industry Perspective' Other key participants from Indian Seed Industry were from Rasi Seeds Pvt. Ltd, Prasha Agri Consultants Pvt. Ltd, Infini Juridique, Savannah Seeds and Navkar Hybrid Seeds Pvt. Ltd.


INDIA-AFRICA Agribusiness Forum National Seed Association of India participated in 'India-Africa Agribusiness Forum' organised by FICCI in partnership with Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India on 10th 11th February,2016. The event was inaugurated by Hon'ble Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Shri Radha Mohan Singh. Dr. Kalyan Goswami, ED, NSAI participated in the conference as a speaker in the session on 'Transforming agriculture through farm inputs and machinery: Opportunities for collaboration'. Dr. P P Zaveri., CEO, Biogene Agritech & GC Member, (NSAI) also participated in the event. Multiple stakeholders across the agri food value chain from Africa and India participated in the two-day forum. Senior Ministers from various countries in Africa like Botswana, Seychelles, Zambia participated in the event. Leading international institutions like IFC, FAO, DFID, DRDO, ICRISAT, EXIM Bank, CSIR and leading corporates deliberated on the possible areas of cooperation for food security in addition to themes such as innovative financing models; empowering agriculture sector using innovation and science and technology; and many more.


India-Africa Partnership On Science, Technology and Innovation: Special Focus On Agriculture, Food Security and Biosafety Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS), in collaboration with Michigan state University (USA) and TERI (New Delhi) organised a half-day Conference on India-Africa Partnership on Science, Technology and Innovation: Special Focus on Agriculture, Food Security and Biosafety on 21st January 2016 at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi. NSAI participated in the event with Dr. Kalyan B Goswami delivering the Special Remarks at the Inaugural Session. Among the other dignitaries in the event were Prof. Sachin Chaturvedi, DG, RIS who gave the welcome address, Shri. R K Singh, JS (Seeds), Dept. Of Agriculture and Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India who gave the inaugural address and Dr. Adugna Wakjira Gemelal, Deputy Director General, Ethiopian Institute Agricultural Research, Ethiopia who presented his remarks on the occasion. The Conference was attended by senior Government officials from India and several African countries (including Ghana, Nigeria, Togo, Kenya, Ethiopia, Malawi, Namibia, Uganda and Tanzania), researchers and representatives from trade and industry. The outcome of this conference was envisioned to provide some key policy research inputs for realizing the recently held Third India-Africa Forum Summit declaration on agriculture cooperation.


NSAI Participated in Thailand Extra Exhibition India is already Thailand's active trade partner, indeed the country's 'Look East' policy and Thailand's 'Look West' policy have been complementary in consolidating bilateral relations including economic and commercial linkages. The two-way trade in 2014 totalled 8.65 billion USD, with about 5.62 billion USD in Thai exports to India and 3.04 billion USD in Indian exports to Thailand. India was Thailand's 15th largest trading partner and Thailand ranks as India's fourth largest trading partner in ASEAN. The growing ties between the two countries will further expand through the integration of AEC. Indian business professionals can fully participate in the development of the ASEAN dynamic community, and benefit from the ASEAN-India FTA, via Thailand. NSAI participated in an event titled 'Thailand Extra Exhibition' organised by Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau (Public Organisation) on 10th February,2016. Mr. Priyank Samuel represented NSAI on this business forum. The objective of the workshop was to provide extra advantage and springboard to link businesses to the market places of ASEAN, Asia, and the world. Such efforts have made Thailand a regional trade centre and a production and export powerhouse for various industries, the most notable of which include the automotive, energy, and agro-industries.


NSAI Participated in Krishi Unnati Mela Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi inaugurated 'Krishi Unnati Mela'- the National Level Agriculture Fair-cum-Exhibition in New Delhi on 19th March, 2016. Hon'ble Prime Minister conferred Krishi Karman Awards. 'Krishi Unnati Mela' was organized jointly by the Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India and Indian Agriculture Research Institute (IARI), Pusa, New Delhi at Indian Agriculture Research Institute from March 19-21, 2016. Hon'ble Prime Minister also visited 'Theme Pavilion', one of the major attractions at the Krishi Unnati Mela, which showcased the entire scheme of things happening in the agriculture sector. Among the prominent dignitaries who addressed the gathering were Shri Radha Mohan Singh, Hon'ble Union Agriculture Minister. Also present were Hon'ble MoS, Agriculture, Shri Sanjeev Balyan and Hon'ble MoS, Agriculture, Shri Mohan Bhai Kundariya. The event was also attended by senior dignitaries like, Chief Ministers and State Agriculture Ministers of various states. The Mela featured number of seminars that involved brainstorming sessions and information dissemination to the farmers. NSAI played an active role for organising the event by encouraging its members to participate in the event. The members displayed their latest products in stalls cum booths. The demonstrated products and services drew huge crowds of farmers to the stalls. The prominent seed industry participants were from Ajeet Seeds Pvt Ltd, Ankur Seeds Pvt Ltd, DuPont Pioneer, Kaveri Seeds Pvt Ltd, Kohinoor Seeds Fields India Pvt Ltd, MAHYCO and Nuziveedu Seeds Ltd. The three-day event was concluded on 21st March,2016. Amongst the Private players Nuziveedu Seeds Ltd. bagged the First Prize, Saveer Biotech Ltd. bagged the Second prize and Captain Tractors won the Third Prize. In the Public sector category, the First Prize went to Karnataka Horticulture, Second Prize went to National Seed Corporation and Third Prize went for PPV&FRA.




NSAI Celebrated 9th Foundation Day National Seed Association of India (NSAI), celebrated its 9th Foundation day on 8th May, 2016. NSAI was established in 2007, which was a joint venture of four associations namely Seed Association of India, Association of Seed Industry, All India Crop Bio-Technology Association and Indian Seed Industry Association. Over the years NSAI has grown as an Association with steady increase in membership. The foundation day celebration was attended by Mr Pawan Kumar Kansal, Governing Council Member who congratulated the Secretariat for doing good work. On the occasion, Dr Kalyan Goswami thanked the members for their continued support. It was only due to the members' constant support and encouragement NSAI has grown leaps and bounds. He expressed satisfaction over the fact that today the Association has been recognised as the apex body of Seed Industry by all prominent Ministries of Government of India. Adding that NSAI would never forget its duty towards farmers and seed producers of the country.


NSAI Participated in Round Table Discussions on "IPR, Access to Technology & Policy Deliberations" organised by RIS The roundtable discussion was organised by RIS on 4th June,2016. The meeting began with Prof. Sachin Chaturvedi, Director General RIS delivering the welcome address. The inaugural address was given by Dr Montek Singh Ahluwalia, former Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission. The industry perspective was given by Mr M Prabhakar Rao, President, National Seed Association of India and Dr Paresh Verma, Head, Management Committee, ABLE-AG. This was followed by a panel discussion which comprised of Mr Siraj Hussain, Ex Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture Cooperation & Farmers Welfare, Dr S R Rao, Adviser, DBT, Dr R R Hanchinal, Chairperson, PPVFRA and Dr Dinesh Abrol, Professor, ISID and Prof. T C James, Visiting Fellow, RIS. The panel discussion was followed by open discussion wherein the participants presented their views. The discussions were focussed on Intellectual Property Rights, Access to Technology and Policy Deliberations.


NSAI Participated in Workshop On Guidelines for Access to Biological Resources under the Biological Diversity Act, 2002 NSAI participated in a workshop organised by Biotech Consortium India Limited (BCIL) on Guidelines for Access to Biological Resources under the Biological Diversity Act, 2002' in Delhi with the support of Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India and the National Biodiversity Authority (NBA). NSAI was represented by Dr Manisha Negi. The objective of this workshops was to create awareness regarding the provisions of the Biological Diversity Act (BDA) 2002 in respect of the recently notified 'Guidelines on Access to Biological Resources and Associated Knowledge and Benefit Sharing Regulations, 2014'. The workshop aimed to provide a platform for interaction and clarification of issues regarding access and benefit sharing of biological resources amongst different stakeholders including scientists from academia, research institutions, industries and IP professionals. The workshops included presentations on the provisions of the BDA and the above guidelines by the experts and NBA officials. The program also included a discussion session to address various queries, issues and challenges faced by the stakeholders. This was among the first workshop, from among a series of workshops which were be subsequently organised in Guwahati, Kolkota, Pune, Bangalore and Hyderabad.

NSAI Conducted Seed Donation Program in Bihar

National Seed Association of India with the support of its members conducted Seed distribution program for farmers of Bihar. The Seed distribution event took place in Motihari. The Seed donating companies were Nuziveedu Seeds Ltd., Syngenta, Ankur Seed Pvt Ltd, Delta Agrigenetics Pvt. Ltd. and Messina Beej Pvt. Ltd. The event took place on 15th June, 2016.


NSAI Participates in National Workshop on OECD Seed Certification NSAI participated in a National Level Workshop on OECD Seed Certification which was conducted by Government of Telangana with the support of Ministry of Agriculture & Farmer's Welfare, Government of India on 4th July, 2016 in Hyderabad. NSAI played a significant role in providing support to Government of Telengana for ensuring strong Industry participation in the workshop. More than 35 participants from Industry were present during the workshop. The workshop was inaugurated by Shri Pocharam Srinivas Reddy, Hon'ble Minister for Agriculture, Government of Telangana in the presence of Guest of Honour Shri R. K. Singh, Joint Secretary (Seeds) Government of India. Also present were Shri C. Parthasarathi, APC & Secretary (A & C), Government of Telangana, Dr V. Praveen Rao, Director of Agriculture, Government of Telangana and Shri M. Prabhakar Rao, President NSAI. The welcome address was given by Dr K Keshavulu, Director Telangana State Seed Certification Agency. The workshop comprised of a Technical Session & a Panel Discussion. In the technical session lectures on OECD seed scheme including the difference in OECD and Indian seed certification system was deliberated upon by the Government Officers. Shri Rajveer Rathi, Bayer Crop Science spoke on Way forward to accelerate seed export under OECD seed scheme . This was followed by a panel discussion for implementation of OECD seed scheme in India. In the panel discussion seed industry was represented by Shri M. Prabhakar Rao, President NSAI. Other participants in the panel discussion were Shri K. Niranjan Kumar from Seedsmen Association (Hyderabad), Dr. D Raji Reddy, Director Research, PJTSAU, Dr. V Ravindra Babu, Director, IIRR, Shri R K Trivedi, Former Dy. Commissioner (QC), Dr. Vilas A Tonapi, Director, IIMR, Dr. S Raendra Prasad, Director, IISS and Shri K Ramana Murthy, APSSCA. Dr. Manisha Negi also participated from NSAI in the workshop. It was also declared in the workshop that Nuziveedu Seeds Limited is the first company, who has registered its 10 Acre Farm area for Seed production under OECD seed scheme in India. The workshop ended with vote of thanks.




NSAI Promotes Healthy Way of Living Among Youth NSAI with the support of its member seed companies has installed of state of art gymnasium across 11 locations of Muzaffarnagar district of Uttar Pradesh. The first such gym was inaugurated by Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Balyan, Hon'ble Ex Minister of State for Agriculture & Farmers Welfare (Currently Minister of State for Water Resources, RD & GR). This effort has been possible due to the support of Nuziveedu Seeds, Kaveri Seeds, Ajeet Seeds Private Limited and Ankur Seed Pvt Ltd.


NSAI Organised Stakeholders meet on "IPR Issues on GM Traits and Seeds with Reference to Government Notification on Licensing guidelines and Trait value fixation" National Seed Association of India(NSAI) organised a series of meetings on "IPR Issues on GM Traits and Seeds with Reference to Government Notification on Licensing guidelines and Trait value fixation" on 23rd July, 2016 & 8th August, 2016 at Hyderabad, and Gandhinagar respectively. The stakeholders meet was organized to discuss the issues on Intellectual Property Rights on GM traits and Seeds with reference to the Gazette notification of Government of India on licensing Guidelines and Trait Value Fixation. The Hyderabad meeting was organised by NSAI with the support of Seedsmen Association (Hyderabad) on 23rd July, 2016 at Hyderabad. While the Gandhinagar IPR meet was organised by NSAI with support of Gujarat State Seed Producers Association(GSSPA) on 8th August, 2016. Both the meetings were attended by reputed Scientists, Academicians and Industry representatives. In both meetings the presentation on Gazette of Govt. of India was done by Mr. ASN Reddy, Secretary, NSAI. He presented and discussed all the relevant issues to clear the subject among the participants. Mr. Prabhakar Rao, President, NSAI spoke about the guidelines, pertinent acts, rules, its implications to seed industry and the country, Seed Policy, 2002, PPV & FR Act, 2001, Patent Act, 1970, benefit sharing, NOC and NSAI position on IPR. This was followed by panel discussion in which experts presented their point of view. In the Hyderabad meeting, the panel discussion was chaired by Mr. M Prabhakar Rao, President NSAI. Eminent panelists were Mr. Harish Reddy, President Seedsmen Association(Hyderabad), Mr. ASN Reddy, General Secretary, NSAI, Mr. G V Bhaskar Rao, Kaveri Seeds, Mr Niranjan Kumar, GARC Seeds, Dr Praveen Rao, Special Officer, PJTSAU, Dr Raji Reddy, Director of Research, PJTSAU, Mr. Kodanda Reddy, Farmer's Representative and Mr. Sugunaker Rao, Farmer Representative. In the Gandhinagar meeting, the panel discussion was Chaired by Mr. Prabhakar Rao; Co-chaired by Dr. Kalyan Goswami, ED, NSAI; with eminent participation of Dr. CJ Dangariya, VC, Navsari Agriculture University (NAU), Dr. AR Pathak, VC of Junagadh Agriculture University (JAU), NP Patel, Dr. DB Desai, Mr. JB Upadhyay, Dy. Director, Department of Agriculture, Gandhinagar (Director Agriculture Dr. BR Shah could not make it due to Assembly Meeting); Mr. ASN Reddy, Mr. Niranjan Kumar of GARC Seeds. Dr Kalyan Goswami, ED, NSAI delivered the vote of thanks on the occasion. Post the panel discussions in both the meetings the house was thrown open for discussion among members who deeply deliberated on the topic. 58


E. Industry Issues 1.

Annual Fee to be paid under PPV&FRA For Registered Variety As per the Gazette notification No.S.O.2182 (E) dated 26-08-2009 issued by Central Government, the annual fee to be paid under PPV&FR Act is contrary to section 35 of PPV & FR Act. NSAI had requested therein for the amendment of this notification to bring it in tune with sub-section (1) of section 35 of the PPV & FR Act and to refund the extra annual fee, paid by the registered breeder/ Seed Company. The PPV & FR Authority in its 22nd Meeting held on 17-04-2015 approved the amendment in Annual Fee notification at Agenda No.10. Despite the approval of the amendment on the annual fee, Gazette notification is not yet issued. NSAI has requested to Ministry of Agriculture to issue the Gazette notification for the amendment and to refund the extra annual fee paid by the registered breeder /Seed Company.


Registration fee under PPV&FRA for Registration of New Variety In the Gazette notification No. G.S.R. 494(E) dated, 15-06-2015, Ministry of Agriculture (Department of Agriculture & Cooperation), has amended the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers' Rights (Amendment) Rules, 2015 and increased the registration fee. The revised fee is so huge and prohibitive that small seed companies or even individual breeders cannot afford the same and even big companies may also be discouraged from filing of applications for registration of varieties due to huge cost involved. NSAI has made several representations to present their view to the chairperson PPV&FRA and Ministry of Agriculture.


Establishment of Appellate Tribunal under Section 54 of PPV&FRA The PPV&FRA Act was enacted by Government of India in 2001. Despite lapse of more than 14 years, the plant varieties protection Appellate Tribunal is not established as laid down under section 54 and 55 of the PPV & FR Act. Even the Transitional Provision under section 59 was not given effect. With this respect NSAI has requested to the Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare for the establishment of Appellate Tribunal under PPV&FRA.


NOC for Commercialization and Registration of new Bt Cotton Hybrid: As per the GEAC norms, for commercialization of new Bt cotton Hybrids the Seed Companies have to submit No Objection certificate (NOC) from technology provider. In the USA and other countries, the transgenic traits are approved for biosafety once for all, after it is assessed and clears the


prescribed bio safety evaluation procedures. There is no procedure for approving each hybrid again if it is carrying the approved transgenic event (GM trait). However, in India, they made the procedure different in such a way that for release of every new hybrid with the approved trait, the applicant has to go to RCGM and GEAC and to submit NOC from technology provider. Requirement of No Objection Certificate (NOC) by GEAC for approval of new Bt cotton hybrids is leading to monopoly of cotton seed market by technology provider by insisting seed companies to sign license agreements with one sided clauses which is ultimately leading to monopolizing cotton seed market and harming the interest of the cotton growing farmers. Similarly, the PPV&FR Authority also had been asking for NOC from the technology provider when a seed company is applying for registration of a new variety under the PPVFR Act. Such a stipulation is not backed by any provision in the PPVFR Act. If the stipulation was not there, under Section 30 of the PPVFR Act, the seed companies would have had access to the registered Bt cotton hybrid for development of new hybrids and payment of trait fee would be done as per the clause 26 of Benefit sharing of PPV & FRA. NSAI has requested GEAC and PPV & FRA for not to insist for NOC from technology provider for approval of new hybrids and registration under PPV&FRA. 5.

Cotton Seed Price (Control) Order Ever since Bt cotton technology was released in India, there has been complaints by the farmers on the high prices of bt cotton seeds which were primarily due to the unreasonable high trait value fixed by Monsanto. There are price fixation enactments by the state governments in certain states to regulate the prices of Bt cotton seeds, but the prices are not same across the country. NSAI have made representations in writing and in person to the Agriculture Ministry and rigorously followed up. With the constant effort of NSAI and spate of meetings, the Government of India after giving serious consideration to the whole issue and after obtaining opinion from legal luminaries, issued The Cotton Seeds Price (Control) Order, 2015 under section 3 of the Essential Commodities Act, 1955 with provision to regulate the royalty and the seed prices uniformly across the country.


Competition Commission of India NSAI has written to agriculture ministry regarding the monopolistic practices of MMBL and abuse of its dominant position by charging unreasonably high trait fees (royalty) for Bt cotton seeds". In


consequence of the constant efforts of NSAI, Ministry of Agriculture has asked CCI to investigate the alleged anti-competitive practices of seed company MMBL. CCI in its investigation found prima-facie violation of competition law (violation of section 4 of the Act) by the technology provider, and ordered a detailed probe into alleged abuse of dominance by MMBL. 7.

Pink Bollworm Concern On the reports from major cotton growing states about damages of Bt Cotton Crop by pink bollworm NSAI has taken up the matter with Agriculture ministry. In consequence of an intensive follow up of NSAI, ministry of agriculture has conducted several meeting with eminent scientists and industry representatives. To control the Pink Bollworm damage, ministry of Agriculture has implemented the concept of RIB (Refugia in a Bag) and PIP (Pack in Pack). Under the concept of Refugia in a Bag, 23.7g of Isogenic Non Bt Cotton hybrid will be mixed as Refugia with 475g of Bt cotton Seeds. As the development of Isogenic non Bt cotton hybrid seeds would take time, so on the request of NSAI, ministry of agriculture has given time to seed industry up to 2019 for implementing the RIB concept. Till than Seed Industry can practice with concept of pack in pack (450 g Bt cotton seed pack + 120g non Bt cotton seed pack)


Cotton leaf Curl Virus menace and Bt cotton Seed Sale Permission NSAI had made representation for sale permission of Bt Cotton Hybrids with respect to the CLCuD tolerance in Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan. After an extensive follow up and several meetings with ICAR and concerned state governments, NSAI has taken sale permission for moderately tolerant hybrids against CLCuD of Bt Cotton. In addition to that NSAI, by its constant efforts has also made changes in the sale licence form for Bt cotton Hybrids as per the concern of seed Industry.


Commercial release of Bt Cotton Hybrid GEAC has made some additional conditions on the application form for commercial release of Bt cotton hybrids, which are difficult to accomplish by the seed Industry. NSAI has requested GEAC for changes in the application form accordingly. In addition to that DBT has also asked for some additional data in the SAU trial report for commercial release of Bt Cotton Hybrids, which was not furnished by State Agriculture Universities. Due to the lack of this additional data requirement many of the qualifying hybrids have been rejected. NSAI has also requested to DBT to look into the matter and to reconsider the approval of these qualifying hybrids.



Guidelines on FRAND & SEP(DIPP) Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, Ministry of Commerce has put a discussion paper on website regarding the standard essential patents and their availability on FRAND terms. Looking into the present monopolistic situation in Bt cotton technology, NSAI has also submitted its comments and representations to DIPP for the development of Fair, Reasonable and NonDiscriminatory (FRAND) licensing guidelines for GM technology in India.


GM trait Licensing Guidelines Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare has put a draft notification on its website regarding the GM Trait Licencing Guidelines for inviting comments. NSAI has also prepared draft comments on the draft notification. This is a very important issue for the whole seed industry. Keeping in mind the significance of notification, NSAI has also invited comments from its member companies and organized meetings in different regions of the country to finalize the draft comments to be submitted.


OECD Seed Certification NSAI has been facilitating member companies in educating them on OECD Registration process and representing their issues at Ministry for smooth and timely registration. NSAI has put forth the issues in front of Ministry of Agriculture related to clarity in OECD certification in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, which has been well considered by Ministry of Agriculture and an OECD workshop was also organized by Telangana Government with the support of NSAI in Hyderabad.


Minimum Seed Certification Standard (Rapeseed & Mustard) NSAI has written to Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers welfare to extend the notification dated 23rd September, 2014 for genetic Purity of Mustard & Rapeseed from 95 to 85 per cent. Department of Agriculture Cooperation has assured NSAI, that extension order for further two years will be given with 85 per cent genetic purity and notification will be released one week before the expiry of earlier notification (30th September, 2016). Further, NSAI has also requested ICAR to initiate suitable study in order to develop the hybridity standards for rapeseed & mustard based on research findings under Indian condition.


Seed Certification (Revalidation) NSAI has requested to Ministry of agriculture & Farmers welfare for the amendment in the office memorandum dated 5.09.2014, issued by GOI stating that Revalidation of Seed should be done


before the expiry of certification period of 9 months. In this respect MoA&FW via its office Memorandum dated 19th February, 2016 has given extension for applying for revalidation of seed lots after expiry period up to 31st December, 2016. Further with this respect, NSAI is rigorously following with MoA&FW for the amendment in the notification as earlier. 15.

Legal Metrology Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Good and Public Distribution has amended the sub-rule (2) of Rule 6 of the Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules 2011. With this amendment, providing of email address of the person or the office along with the name, address, telephone number on the package becomes mandatory. This amendment was said to be come into force by 01-01-2016. By the constant efforts and consistent follow up of NSAI, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Good and Public Distribution have extended the implementation of the rules twice. As a result of which the Seed Industry got time till 31st October, 201 for implementing the said Rules.


Registration of Variety in Different States NSAI has taken up the issue regarding the irregularity of variety registration /sale licence for selling seed in different states viz., Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Gujarat and Tamilnadu. These states were asking seed companies to get seed licence for marketing, selling their products in that state, although the seed companies do not have any production /storage/sales office in that particular state (sales through distributors/dealers having valid seed licence). In addition to the sale licence state government is also asking for some additional information for registration of variety. For example; for registration of variety in Maharashtra, state government require the seed company to disclose the morphological characters of the variety/hybrids in addition to the breeder presentation on trials conducted in Maharashtra and 2 years SAU trials with very high fees. In addition to the sale licence, state government is also asking for some additional information for registration of variety. NSAI has written to the state agriculture Departments and done several meetings with them and JS (Seeds) to resolve the Issue. With the continuous efforts of NSAI, a joint meeting with state agriculture officials and industry representatives was organized by Ministry of Agriculture and in conclusion a sort of relief is provided to seed Industry in the process of sale permission.


Plant Quarantine Issue The vegetable seed industry in last few years has been facing a great difficulty to import the seeds due to unavailability of PQ (Import) facility in Bangalore. NSAI has requested to Ministry of


Agriculture for the development of PQ (Import) facility at Bangalore. With this respect NSAI has also done a meeting with JS (PQ) to apprise him about the problems faced by members. 18.

Custom Duty on Marigold Seed NSAI has also taken up the issue of high custom duty being charged on the import of marigold seed. Indian custom authorities are classifying Marigold seeds as seeds of herbaceous plants, and charging 15% customs duty on import of marigold seeds. Department of Agriculture & Cooperation has also clarified that as per the Indian Minimum Seed Certification standard, 2013, marigold seed has been classified under flower category and not as seeds of herbaceous plants. NSAI has requested to the Chief Commissioner customs on the basis of this clarification to reduce the custom duty on marigold seed.


NMAET- Subsidy Scheme Under the National Mission on Agricultural extension and Technology (NMAET), Government of India is providing assistance for boosting seed production in Private sector. Under this assistance Credit linked back ended subsidy @ 40% of the capital cost of the project in general areas and 50% in case of hilly areas subject to an upper limit of Rs 150 lakhs per project will be provided. National Seed Corporation is the nodal agency for implementing and monitoring of this component. There is some misinterpretation regarding the subsidy amount to be provided to industry, which is presented to Ministry of Agriculture by NSAI and the issue is sorted out.


Goods and Service Tax As Central Government and all states have been completely exempting seeds from the levy of any tax whatsoever during intra- and inter- state movement, the same practice should be continued under the GST regime. With regard to this NSAI had requested to Ministry of Agriculture and Finance to keep the seeds and planting materials in the Negative List under the proposed GST Act. With the constant efforts of NSAI, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers welfare has recommended to Ministry of Finance to consider the request of NSAI. In continuation to that NSAI has also met and requested to member Secretary of Empowered committee of State Finance Ministers to consider the appeal of Seed industry to keep seed out from the recent Model GST Law, 2016


Export Incentive to Seed Industry Seed Industry in our country has a well-developed strong research and development facility. India has the potential to emerge as a largest exporter of seeds of various crops but for this our Industry


also need initial support and fillip from the Government. As there is a high cost involve in seed breeding and other related activities and any subsidy in export and import would be a welcome relief to the seed industry. Keeping in mind the above perception, NSAI has requested to Ministry of Agriculture to recommend DGFT for an export incentive of 5-7% to the Seed Industry. NSAI has also done several meetings with DGFT regarding this. 22.

Jute Seed Export Permission Bangladesh is a larger importer of Jute Seed from India. NSAI has been facilitating member companies to take permission for Jute seed export. NSAI has supported to member companies to apply for permission and constantly followed up with ministry of Agriculture, which has been well considered by Ministry and permission is granted to all seed companies for applied quantity of jute seed export.


Biodiversity Act India is the party to International treaty on plant genetic resources for food and agriculture (ITPGRFA). Article 12 of ITPGRFA provides for facilitated access to plant genetic resources for food and agriculture under the multilateral system by the contracting parties. As per the Gazette notification dated, 17th December, 2014, in exercise of the power conferred by section 40 of the BDA and in fulfilment of the obligations of the GOI to the ITPGRFA for providing facilitated access to plant genetic resources for food and agriculture, the central government, in consultation with the NBA, declares that DOAC may, from time to time specify such crops as it considers necessary from amongst the crops listed in Annexure I of ITPGRFA. Government of India via its Gazette notification dated 7th, April, 2016, has declared the list of 384 biological resources, provided that the said biological resources are normally traded as commodities (NTC). In this Gazette Notification for some crop species seed is considered as Normally Traded Commodities and exempted from the purview of this act, but not all crop seeds are exempted. NSAI has requested to Ministry of Agriculture that seed or planting material of all cultivated species which are marketed by seed researchers, producers and traders to be used by farmers for growing crops should be covered as normally traded commodities for exemption from the Biodiversity Act, 2002 under section 40 of the Act.



Rule bound Income Tax for the Seed Industry As per the section 10(1) of Income Tax Act, 1961, income from cultivation and sale of seed was consistently accepted as tax exempt agricultural income by the income tax department since 1980 to 1999-2000. Since 1990-2000, despite the existence of same Income tax laws and rules, Income tax department has sought to tax the income from cultivation and sale of seeds. To clarify the conflicting position emerged on the taxation of income from cultivation and sale of seed, the DGIR commissioned a study in 2002. The study recommended that the seeds are produced by conducting agriculture and the income be either treated as tax exempt agricultural income (as was consistently done till 1999-2000), or within the scope of section 295 (2) (a)(i) of the Income Tax Act 1961, a rule should be made to tax the income from cultivation and sale of seeds on the lines of taxation of income of plantation companies i.e. tea, coffee and rubber . A report prepared by India Development Foundation (IDF) has concluded that the income should be bifurcated in the ratio of 90:10% as agricultural income: business income for the purpose of Taxation. In other words, only 10% of the income is to be subjected to tax. Based on these reports, NSAI has requested to Central Board of Direct Taxes for Rule bound taxation of income from cultivation and sale of seeds similar to taxation of plantation crops. NSAI has done several meetings with Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Agriculture to formulate Rule bound taxation of income from cultivation and sale of seed.


F. NSAI in News




Argentine farmers take Monsanto seed complaint to regulators

TS cotton farmers seek lowering of Bt. seed price - The Hindu -

India must direct cos to withdraw Bt Cotton seeds - rd/177690/&ved=0ahUKEwjYkJjIxtjKAhXEI6YKHbTIAggQqQIIKygAMAY&usg=AFQjCNFyBSgo6sSminzJSteMCM70DeENtA&sig2=gZvVkBCnLHiq_NCsaTCJWA







Mr Sunil Kumar Ghai

Krishak Bharti co-operative Limited


Dr Kirtan Y Patel

Moti Seeds Company


Mr Sanjay Deshpande

Maharashtra Hybrid Seeds company Limited


Mr S M Khan

Nuziveedu Seeds Limited


Mr M Prabhakar Rao

Nuziveedu Seeds Limited


Mr Pawan kumar Kansal

Kohinoor Seed Fields India Pvt Limited


Mr V Sudarshan Reddy

Palamoor Seeds Pvt Limited


Mr R V Chaturvedi

Ajeet Seeds Ltd.


Dr S K Tripathi

Nuziveedu Seeds Ltd.


Mr Davender Singh

CCR Agro Seeds Pvt Ltd


Mr A S Dalal

Nuziveedu Seeds Ltd.


Mr A S N Reddy

Delta Agrigenetics Ltd


Mr Anurag Singhal

Om Industries


Mr Manoj

Madhav Raghav Foods


Mr K Niranjan

GARC Seeds


Mr Pankaj Taneja

Garnier Seeds


Dr PP Zaveri

Biogene Agritech


Mr Janak Peshrana

Seeds India


Mr N P Patel

Western Agri Seeds Ltd.


Mr G D Patel

Narmada Sagar Agri Seeds


Kirtiman Agri Genetics Ltd



Shivam Gining & processing



Krishna Seeds , Agra



Mr Dinesh Bhai B Patel

Mahalaxmi Seeds



Sarvoday Trading Co. Ltd.


Mr Pankaj Patel

Dev Seeds


Mr Purshtotam M Chandra



Mr Aditee Dey Dutta




Ch. Rambabu

Sri Rama Agri Genetics


Mr Ashwini K Garg

Super Seeds(P) Ltd


Mr Niranjan Agarwal

Bisco Bio Sciences (p) Ltd


Dr S K Chandel

J K Agri Genetics, Hyderabad


Mr M G Shembekar

Ankur Seeds Pvt Ltd


Mr Sachin Bhalinge

Namdeo Umaji Agritech (I) Pvt Ltd.


Mr Vaibhav Kashikar

Dharti Agrochem Pvt Ltd


Mr V K Patel

Nuziveedu Seeds


Dr I K Arora

Suttind Seeds Pvt Ltd


Mr K Ramakoteshwara Rao

Sri Sathya Agri Biotech Pvt Limited


Mr A K Agrawalla

West Bengal Hybrid Seeds & Biotech Pvt Ltd


Mr A Marodia

Pan Seeds (P) Ltd


Mr K V Somani

Somani Kanak Seeds (P) ltd


Dr S N Shukla

Dantewada Seed (p)Ltd


Mr Sameer Mulay

Ajeet Seeds Ltd


Mr Ajeet Mulay

Green Gold Seds (p) Ltd


Mr Naresh Patel

Markiv Seeds


Mr G V Bhaskar Rao

Kaveri Seeds Company Ltd.


Mr Mahendra Kumar

Deep Seed Agency


Mr Jai Singh

Sakata Seed India (P) Ltd


Mr Raman Uppal

Crystal Crop Sciences (p) Ltd


Mr Venkata Vasantvada

UPL Advanta


Md Rehan Ahmad

Known you Seed (I) pvt Ltd


Mr Rajvir S Rathi

Bayer Bioscience Pvt Ltd


Mr Bijendra Verma

KRBL Limited


Mr Mohit Tyagi

Tyagi Agriscienc Pvt Ltd


Nunhems India Ltd



Seed Works India



Mr Ashwin Kochhar

East West Seeds india Pvt Ltd


Mr Piyush Kothari

East West Seeds india Pvt Ltd



Mr Harendra Singh

Rijkzwaan Seeds India Pvt Ltd


Mr Imran

Krishi Jagran Media Group


Mr P S Saini

Krishi Jagran Media Group


Ms Farha Khan

Krishi Jagran Media Group


Mr R K Teotia

Krishi Jagran Media Group


Mr V Kameshwara Rao

The Mulkanoor Co-operative rural bank & Marketing Society Ltd.


Ms Ruby Jain

Krishi Jagran Media Group


Mr J Venkateshwar

The Mulkanoor Co-operative rural bank & Marketing Society Ltd.


Mr K Sriniva

The Mulkanoor Co-operative rural bank & Marketing Society Ltd.


Dr Manish Patel

INCOTEC India Pvt Ltd


Mr K S Narayanaswamy

Karnataka Maize Development Association


Dr S K Dasgupta

Sungro Seed Ltd


Mr A Santosh Attavar

Indo American Hybrid Seed


Mr R Vaithiyanathan

Syngenta India Ltd


Mr Paramvir Yadav

Tata Chemicals Ltd


Mr K S Narayanan

Syngenta India Ltd


Mr Jagdev Singh

Namdhari Seed Pvt Ltd


Mr Jasraj Singh Solanki

Sun Star Overseas Limited


Mr Sudhir Kansal

Kohinoor Seed Fields India Pvt Limited


Mr Harish Reddy

Ganga Kaveri Seed India Pvt Ltd


Mr Satyendra Singh

Monsanto Holding


Mr Karan Mahajan

Durga Seeds


Mr Abhishek Saket

Infini Juridique


Mr Surindra Singh

Welcome Crop Science Pvt. Ltd.


Mr S Singh

Beauscape Farm


Mr Kulandaivl

Rallis India Ltd.


Mr Sudhir Kansal

Kohinoor Seed Fields India Pvt Limited


Mr Raghav Goyal

Staragri Seeds


Mr R K Sinha

Advisor, NSAI


Mr Bhupen Dubey

UPL Advanta


H. Audit Report













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