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Table 39: Plants Processing Dairy Products & Volume Per Plant
Processing Plants
Average Output Per Plant 1990 2000 2010 2020 1990 2000 2010 2020
(Number of Plants) (Thousand Pounds) 152 77 76 103 8,567 16,312 20,579 20,829 Total Cheese 516 402 515 543 11,743 20,542 20,278 24,408
Swiss Cheese 55 37 54 64 4,747 5,958 6,231 5,077 Cottage Cheese /1 170 95 67 52 2,903 4,852 6,461 7,288 Cream/Neufchatel Cheese 38 35 32 29 11,337 19,641 23,277 34,876 Processed Cheese 31 30 26 29 38,474 46,276 44,101 58,069 Sour Cream n/a n/a 116 102 n/a n/a 10,586 14,323 Yogurt /2 155 80 120 156 6,339 22,957 34,839 28,964 Evap/Condensed Milk /3 14 7 6 7 43,046 63,141 83,778 77,886 Ice Cream /4 713 413 393 401 1,087 2,136 2,083 1,892 Frozen Yogurt /5 n/a 145 85 76 n/a 190 229 203 Sherbet /6 n/a 246 177 130 n/a 201 263 258 Nonfat Dry Milk /7 76 46 49 55 11,569 31,560 31,888 36,199 Skim Milk Powder /8 n/a n/a 10 18 n/a n/a 25,380 38,624 Whole Milk Powder /9 19 16 13 13 9,217 6,961 5,466 10,624 Milk protein concentrate /10 n/a n/a 9 13 n/a n/a 9,846 15,870 Dry Buttermilk 47 21 26 22 1,188 2,678 3,155 5,764 Dry Whey /11 54 46 31 27 17,648 24,023 30,990 34,527 Whey protein conc. /12 23 28 41 50 6,099 10,374 9,591 9,394 Whey protein isolate /13 n/a n/a 13 17 n/a n/a 4,717 6,882 Lactose 23 27 31 29 8,373 18,150 29,304 38,027 Fluid Milk 605 405 404 453 93,868 143,170 135,818 102,331 Source: USDA/NASS, Dairy Products Annual Summary; USDA/ERS. . /1 Cottage cheese, curd. /2 Yogurt, plain and flavored (non-frozen). /3 Canned evaporated and condensed whole milk. /4 Thousand Gallons, Hard regular ice cream. /5 Thousand Gallons, Hard regular and lowfat frozen yogurt. /6 Thousand Gallons, Hard sherbet. /7 Nonfat dry milk for food use, excludes protein-standardized skim milk powders. /8 Dry skim powders. /9 Dry whole milk. /10 40% or more protein by weight. /11 Dry whey for human consumption. /12 Whey protein concentrate for human consumption. /13 90% or more protein by weight.