Special NCC continues to
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transform landscapes
OUR MISSION “To maintain, develop, conserve, preserve and enhance our natural and man-made environment, through the provision of quality service to our stakeholders”
THE National Conservation Commission (NCC), having evolved from the Parks and Beaches Commission in 1982 by an Act of Parliament, continues to influence the social, recreational and economic development of our island through its many plans and programmes for both the marine and terrestrial aspects of its mandate. The organisation has made significant progress in the conservation of the environment, which is evidenced through the continuous upkeep of the parks and open areas, which are heavily utilised by both locals and tourist alike throughout Barbados. It is also evidenced through the upkeep and maintenance of our beaches in such pristine condition that they have become the envy of some of our Caribbean neighbours. Further, we can all attest to the benefits and enjoyment derived from utilizing the numerous recreational play parks located across the length and breath of this island, which provide a safe environment for our children to play and develop, while we as adults interact and socialise. The Commission's contribution to our national development is not widely recognised by the wider Barbadian community at large, and I wish to remind
our employees that they make a significant contribution to the country. It is the routine maintenance of beaches, parks and open areas that have made the NCC a commonplace name in Barbados, both for Barbadians and visitors who enjoy the use of the parks and beaches. However, over the past 40 years, the NCC's role has expanded from merely cleaning the parks and the beaches, to holistically beautifying our country, whilst ensuring safety and security for all.This in enabled through the work undertaken by the Field Services Division, the Transport Department, the Commercial Landscaping and Maintenance sections, the Folkestone Marine Musuem, the Buildings and Works Department and equally important, through the work of the Ranger/Warden and Lifeguard Services. It must be noted that the Lifeguard Service has contributed to the overall tourism product and has received the Barbados Tourism Authority's Achievement of Excellence in the Public Sector Award in 2007. Further, the provision of beach facilities across the island has become a standard feature at our beautiful beaches. Be reminded that these services are second to none throughout the Caribbean. It would be remiss of me not to
Forty and stepping “LIFE BEGINS AT 40” is music to the ears. It is encouragement to a person that his or her best days are yet to be seen, even though, by some strange coincidence, with the assistance of a new pair of spectacles. After all who wants to grow old and dull? The number 40 has biblical significance as well. It is the number of testing and trial as exemplified by Moses’ 40 years in Midian escaping his Egyptian rulers or even the 40 days of temptation which Jesus endured in the wilderness. Biblical readers also relate to the fact that the rains fell for 40 days in the great flood.What is noteworthy however, is that after these periods of testing or trial, periods of growth
and renewal emerged. Perhaps then life really begins at 40. The National Conservation Commission is 40 and set to take off.The past 40 years saw us moving from a small office in the compound of the Parliament Buildings to Codrington House, near Waterford where almost 1 000 employees and a diversity of goods and services are nurtured. Through highs and lows we kept this island beautiful by transforming the skills of the worker from merely weeding and raking to the art of beautification.We redefined the processes of cleaning and clearing and labeled them jointly as landscaping.We took the Lifeguard and Ranger Services and refined
them to ensure that beach and park users could enjoy our open spaces unhindered and in safety. We took our commercial arm from simply being a supplier of plants and flowers to a fully stocked Nursery, a dispenser of full garden and parks equipment, rental of properties and encouragement of small business. At 40 we are ready for life, ready to take the lead in greening our country. Our period of test and trial has made us more resilient and capable of responding to issues of major national significance, initiate new enterprises and take on more environmental challenges. Join us in our endeavours in advancing the movement of
stepping towards a greener Barbados. – Tyrone Lowe Chairman, National Conservation Commission
DR DENIS LOWE (FP) mention the new thrust of the NCC's Board and Management over the past years, that have seen the expansion of our commercial division.The Commission can proudly boast of one of the best greenhouses in the island, which provides a fast throughput of plants of the highest quality and variety.This is complimented by the provision of sod grass – which has revolutionised the establishment of instant lawns in Barbados. The foregoing forms the nucleus of the vibrant organisation called the NCC, and we boldly go forward to make the NCC even greater than it has been.We are evolving and we are enhancing our products to serve the wider Barbados in the coming years, through our plans and programmes. This work will be guided by the vision statement of the Ministry of the Environment,Water Resources and Drainage which focuses on the advancement of a sustainable development programme guided by leading edge environmental policies, practices and programmes that protect all aspects of our environment, water resources, quality of life and the overall well-being of our citizens. As Minister of the Environment,Water Resources and Drainage, I congratulate the Board, management and employees of the NCC on reaching this milestone of 40 years of achievements and wish them continued success in all their endeavours. – Dr Denis Lowe Minister of the Environment, Water Resources and Drainage