Roberts 80 Years Nourishing Lives Every Day.

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1C Sunday, April 28, 2024

ABOVE, The Roberts Manufacturing plant at Government Hill. At right, Sir Kenneth R. Hunte, whose idea it was to form the company. (FPs)


HE YEAR WAS 1937, the same year of the Barbados riots, but somewhere in the mind of James Clifton Roberts was the formation of a plan – an idea – a dream waiting to be fulfilled.

Before the end of that year, the talented James Clifton (J.C.) Roberts would have used the backyard of his home at Government Hill, St Michael, to formulate his first product, which was dishwashing soap.

History recorded in the February 21, 2017 edition of The Nation newspaper that “Clifton Roberts (senior) was the third son of James, a white Barbadian, and his black wife Hilda, whose surname was also Roberts.

Just before the senior Roberts, who had experimented with many pursuits, including wine-making and running a cinema, formulated his first product in 1937, he sent for his son Clifton to help him run his business.

Clifton, who was a civil servant at the time, gave up his Government job to join his father’s company, helping to develop it from scratch, making a valuable contribution and remaining as manager until his retirement.

It may be useful here to set Clifton’s contribution to the business against the backdrop of black business at the time. His mother, though dark-skinned, was from a wealthy family. Her father was headmaster at the Moravian School in Roebuck Street and also organist at the Moravian Church, a job which she took over after he retired.”

Being a very religious man, he had insisted (with a little help from his gun) that J.C. Roberts, who owned a wine shop in Roebuck Street, after showing interest in his daughter, make an honest woman of her. After three children, however, James’ wayward ways led to separation, but he continued

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RMCO – Eighty years later

sell more than just animal feed in store. Begin your home gardening journey or even purchase your pet supplies with us. store.

3C Sunday, April 28, 2024

Growing from strength to strength

• From Page 3C.

to take care of his children financially.

Clifton went on to marry Erin Blackman, whose father was a shopkeeper operating from the corner of Sobers Lane in Baxters Road, The City.

Clifton raised his family of six from the property on Roebuck Street given by his father, which now houses the Barbados Labour Party headquarters.

The efforts and entrepreneurial spirit of the elder Roberts attracted the attention of Sir Kenneth R. Hunte of K.R. Hunte Co., who approached him with the idea of forming a company; and on March 24, 1944, Roberts Manufacturing Co. Ltd (RMCO) was established. Sir Kenneth was appointed as managing director – a position he held until his retirement in September, 1983. It was in 1949 when Barbadians and some of their

regional counterparts were introduced to Glow Spread and Mello Kreem, both of which could be found on the shopping lists of many Barbadians and their regional counterparts.

As the company grew, it became necessary to expand the physical plant. A new facility was constructed on the outskirts of Bridgetown at Bay Street, The City, and in 1969, management located the then shortening and margarine plant to Government Hill, St Michael, where for many years, RMCO operated.

Further growth witnessed the construction of a new facility at Lower Estate, St Michael, where the new computerised feed plant began operations under Pinnacle Feeds Ltd in 1988, followed by the administrative offices and the Roberts Farm Pet Mart in 1989. The shortening and margarine plant was relocated to Lower Estate in 1991. In

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4C Sunday, April 28, 2024
IN 1949, Barbadians and some of their regional counterparts were introduced to Glow Spread and Mello Kreem. (FP)

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1993, there was further expansion with the commissioning of the soybean extraction plant.

Sitting on 21 acres, the company continues to be a leading manufacturer of animal nutrition and edible fats and oils, which are sold in 15 territories [and counting].

RMCO, a private limited liability company has had a few owners over the years. The latest acquisition was in July 2021, when PROVEN Investments Limited announced that it had acquired 50.5 per cent interest in RMCO, following an agreement with Massy Properties (Barbados) Ltd, a company within the Massy Group. RMCO is jointly owned by Ansa McAl Trading Ltd. Its chairman is Peter Bunting, and its managing director is Rakeesh Bernard.

RMCO was one of the first manufacturing facilities in Barbados to attain International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) certification. The company gained ISO 9002:1994 Quality Systems certification in 1998 within a record time of nine months.

This certification was upgraded to ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management Systems in 2002. In keeping with international practice, RMCO obtained Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) certification in 2003, kickstarting the

company’s food safety management systems journey. In 2019, RMCO successfully acquired certification to the Safe Quality Food (SQF) Code, a Food Safety Standard accredited by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI), demonstrating the company’s compliance with globally recognised standards for the manufacture of safe food and feed products. Since this initial SQF certification, RMCO and Pinnacle Feeds have undergone rigorous recertification audits against successive editions of the SQF standard, successfully passing and maintaining the SQF food safety certification today.

RMCO’s Mission Statement is:

– To develop a harmonious and environmentally conscious organisation.

– To utilise innovative management and manufacturing practices.

– To produce excellent quality products.

– To consistently meet our shareholders’ expectations.

Roberts a leader in its field

5C Sunday, April 28, 2024
THE ROBERTS MANUFACTURING Co. plant at Lower Estate in St Michael. (GP)

Exciting future ahead for RMCO

hairman of Roberts Manufacturing Co. Limited (RMCO) and Pinnacle Feeds Limited, Peter Bunting is forecasting an exciting future for the team at the two manufacturing companies.

Millions of dollars in new capital expenditures are being injected into the businesses for the first five years of PROVEN Investments Limited Ltd’s majority ownership of RMCO. Bunting is confident that with this investment, both companies will grow from strength to strength.

He disclosed, “The future is exciting for the team. The investments we are making in new equipment, processes, and expertise will result in improved productivity. Our customers will benefit from consistently high-quality products, which will soon be delivered in more modern and attractive packaging.

“These developments will provide the foundation for expansion in the Caribbean and beyond. I anticipate that within another year or two, we will be well positioned for the next decade.”

Bunting also stated, “RMCO and Pinnacle Feeds Limited are prominent manufacturers in Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean. Our consumer brands are household names in Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean.

“Since PIL purchased the Massy Group shares in RMCO (with the balance owned by the Ansa Group of Trinidad and Tobago), the shareholders recognised the need for significant capital to upgrade and modernise the physical plant. We have installed 1MW of solar panels and inverters, a new mixer at the feed plant, and upgraded the electrical and control equipment in all three plants.

“In relation to our partnership with ADM, the grain handling facility at the port – storage silos and other equipment – are being replaced with new assets.”

He explained, “The purpose of all this investment is to make us more competitive. We have been engaging consultants to work with us and ensure that our team members and the livestock farmers adopt best practices.”

Proud that the Minister of Agriculture has recently commented favourably on the high-quality products produced by Pinnacle Feeds Limited, the chairman is also pleased that farmers have expressed their satisfaction with the performance of these feed products.

According to Bunting, “On the Roberts Manufacturing Co. Limited side, we are aggressively looking at further exporting. Traditionally, we export about a third of our products primarily to Trinidad and Tobago and the Eastern Caribbean. We hope to increase exports to Jamaica as well.”

With respect to new products, Bunting expressed his pleasure with the company’s coconut spread and informed that “efforts are underway to develop new products”.

He also added, “The development team is actively working on new formulations to bring to the market within the next year. In addition, we are creating new designs for our packaging.

“Most importantly, we are improving the levels of employee development and engagement as we enter a new era for Roberts Manufacturing. This new era is about reinventing the companies to ensure that we are around for another 80

When switching dog foods, introduce your new food gradually over a period of 7 days increasing the ratios daily. Monitor your dog’s reaction to ensure a smooth transition.

6C Sunday, April 28, 2024
PETER BUNTING , Chairman. (Pictures by Lennox Devonish.)

Simon Roberts – Director

An engineering and business consultant, Simon Roberts’ focus is in the areas of manufacturing improvements, logistics, compensation, design, and project management. He spent 20 years in key capacities at the GraceKennedy Group, which comprises a varied network of some 60 subsidiaries and associated companies located across the Caribbean, North and Central America and the United Kingdom. Roberts has held the posts of head of special projects, group chief information officer, general manager of three food manufacturing plants, and chief executive officer of H&L Limited. He also led several new product and manufacturing process innovations, compensation design and implementations, major construction projects, and community development activities while at GraceKennedy. In addition, he has over 15 years’ experience in the steel industry, general management, engineering, metallurgy, customer service, quality assurance, process improvement, product development, and information technology (IT) deployment.

Roberts, a director of Roberts Manufacturing Co. Limited (RMCO), is currently the chairman of the Jamaica National Agency for Accreditation, member of the Office of Utilities Regulation, director of Recycling Partners of Jamaica, CAC2000 Limited, Unibev Limited, Centurian Concrete Products Limited, chairman of Jamaica Stroke Alliance, and vice president of the deCarteret College Alumni Association. He is an honorary director, former vice-president and deputy president of the Jamaica Manufacturers and Exporters Association. Roberts holds a Bachelor of Applied Science (metallurgical and materials sciences engineering) from the University of Toronto and a Master of Applied Science (management sciences and engineering) from the University of Waterloo. (PR/CH)

Andre Jeffers – Director

A director of Roberts Manufacturing Co. Limited (RMCO), Andre Jeffers is the Head of Strategy and Growth – ANSA McAL Group. In this role, he works with the executive leadership team to build and execute the strategic agenda of the Group with a specific focus on driving new growth projects, capital investments and mergers and acquisitions in the Caribbean region and beyond.

Jeffers, who holds a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in finance (Summa Cum Laude)

from Howard University, began his career on Wall Street as an investment banking analyst in 2009, focusing on mergers and acquisitions advisory in the energy sector at Lehman Brothers and Barclays Capital. Subsequently, he joined Global Private Equity firm, The Carlyle Group, as an investment associate and executed several leveraged buyout transactions on their behalf, including Carlyle’s buyout of Landmark Aviation in 2012.

From 2016 to 2018 he worked at ANSA McAL’s Head Office within Group Business Development and supported the execution of several key acquisitions including Florida Beer Company, Easi Industrial Supplies Limited and the Berger Paints Caribbean Business.

Prior to his return to the Group, he was most recently the group finance and investor relations leader at Trinidad Petroleum Holdings Limited (TPHL) where he served as advisor to the chairman of the Board and led various financing and commercial transactions across the group of companies.

Over the course of his professional career, Jeffers has successfully advised on or directly executed over US$12 billion in corporate mergers and acquisitions and private equity investments globally, bringing a wealth of experience to spearhead ANSA McAL’s new growth agenda. (PR/CH)

Andy Mahadeo – Director

Andy Mahadeo joined the Roberts Manufacturing Co. Limited (RMCO) Board of Directors in October 2021, representing ANSA McAL Limited, where he currently serves as sector head, Chemicals, heading the Group’s hemispheric expansion.

He is a graduate of the University of the West Indies and holds a Bachelor’s of Science degree (BSc). in mechanical engineering and an Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA).

Mahadeo has over 30 years’ experience in manufacturing, having moved across from the energy sector in 1994. He is a firm believer in ‘living in a world without constraints’. (PR/CH)

Directors at a glance

7C Sunday, April 28, 2024
ANDRE JEFFERS – Director. (GP) ANDY MAHADEO – Director. (GP)
Congratulate We would like to Anniversary 80th ROBERTS MANUFACTURING on celebrating their Warrens, St. Michael | Tel: 417.7777 | Heart HealthyMargarines & Spreads @ChooseSun owerSpreads %
SIMON ROBERTS – Director. (GP)

Directors at a glance cont’d


In his capacity as the co-founder and chief executive officer of PROVEN Group Ltd (PGL), Christopher Williams offers executive strategic leadership for the extensive portfolio of companies with holdings exceeding US $1 billion. He is responsible for overseeing the organisation’s complete operations, while also steering the Group’s strategic direction and leadership to fulfil its overarching goals and objectives. Williams possesses a Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) in strategic marketing and finance from York University. Presently, he holds both chairman and director positions across various boards, including PROVEN Properties Limited, Jamaica College Foundation, Jamaica Association for the Deaf, and Professional Football Jamaica Limited. (PR/CH)


Nerisha Farquharson is currently an alternate director at Roberts Manufacturing Co. Limited. She has over 15 years of experience in investment management and business strategy formulation, with extensive exposure spanning financial services regulation, treasury and trading, asset and liability management, value chain optimisation, business valuation and acquisitions and mergers.

During the last five years, she has fully immersed herself in the private capital ecosystem where she substantively functions as an operating partner. Farquharson is a creative at heart and is passionate about ‘paying it forward’. She currently curates a few platforms which enable her to mentor teenage girls and young professionals. Her guiding mantra is, “You may not be able to change the world, but you can make a difference one deed at a time.”

Farquharson is currently chief executive officer of Private Capital of PGL, where she leads the division focused on proprietary investments in private debt and equity. The role includes framework building and execution of the private capital life cycle from due diligence, integration, value creation and exit. Prior to this, she held successive leadership roles at the PROVEN Management and PROVEN Wealth; a PGL subsidiary. She holds a Bachelor’s in Business Administration (BBA) in Finance (with honours), and a Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) in international business with distinction, from the University of the West Indies, Mona. She has been a Certified Financial Analyst (CFA) Charter Holder since 2012, and is currently a Board member of the Caribbean Alternative Investments Investment an Alternate on the Roberts Manufacturing Co. Limited (RMCO)

8C Sunday, April 28, 2024

With a clear understanding of the key roles stakeholders, customers, and staff play in the operations and success story of Roberts Manufacturing Co. Limited (RMCO) and Pinnacle Feeds Limited, Managing Director Rakeesh Bernard is cognisant that the companies could not have reached the height at which they are today, were it not for their numerous partners.

As RMCO celebrates 80 years in existence, Bernard is extremely thankful to each employee, corporate partner, and stakeholder, for their dedication and support throughout the years, as he leads the well-established company forward.

In acknowledging the role Barbados has played in the growth of RMCO, Bernard emphasised, “Barbados is the reason we have grown from strength to strength as a company. Our products, our people, our success – are Bajan. It is therefore important that the people of Barbados know how much we appreciate their contribution and commitment to Roberts Manufacturing Co. Limited – over the years and beyond.”

He reiterated, “The company started very small. Now we are one of the largest manufacturers on the island. We certainly could not have reached where we are were it not for the people of Barbados. Their unwavering support has made Roberts Manufacturing Co. Limited what it is today.”

Bernard noted that with an excess of over 200 employees and exports to more than 14 territories, RMCO has established itself as a significant foreign exchange earner, but he also disclosed plans to enter new markets in the region and beyond.

“Entering new markets throughout the Caribbean is where we are going in the next five years. PROVEN Investment Limited of Jamaica, which purchased the Massy [majority] shares three years ago, is on that same page.”

Bernard is also seeking to further upgrade RMCO’s physical plant to make it more competitive.

“The plan is to retool RMCO to make it a state-of-the art facility. We are putting in new systems and our intention is to grow the RMCO brand and increase our export markets. It is also important that we earn more foreign exchange while increasing those markets throughout the Caribbean and Latin America.

“We want to especially develop our export market in the area of our feed products, and contribute substantially to the agricultural market in Barbados,” the company head emphasised.

In addition, he disclosed that in over US$5 million will be invested into RMCO over the next two to three years, and this will be followed by even further investment to grow the company and expand increase of its line of products.

“The company already has a strong footing, but our intention in the next 18 to 24 months is to extend the product line and intensify what we can bring to the market,” the managing director informed.

Not in any way daunted by competition, Bernard noted that “competition is always welcomed”, and the company’s 80 years in business bears testimony that it will be around for many more years to come.

He further underscored the fact that RMCO’s dedicated employees will continue to play a pivotal role in the years ahead. “Our plant has excess capacity, and we can meet any further demands with our current team. What we are looking at is improving efficiency and productivity. While we are always looking for opportunities to push our brand further, the reality is, when we look at other territories, being here in Barbados with our current staff augurs well for the company,” Bernard elucidated.

“I am proud and confident about where we are going and eager to continue setting the stage for continued success over the next 80 years.” (CH)

Success unlikely without partners

9C Sunday, April 28, 2024
RAKEESH BERNARD , Managing Director. (GP)

RMCO’s role vital to C’bean

“Roberts Manufacturing Co. Limited’s (RMCO) 80 years of operation is by no means an indication of its level of business cycle maturity. We believe food security is a major sustainability issue for the region and there is a strong case for significant value to be extracted from this business if we are to realise its full potential.

“The on-boarding of PROVEN Group Limited as the majority owners of RMCO provides an opportunity to accelerate performance through investing in the operations and its human capital.”

So said Chief Executive Officer of Private Capital for the PROVEN Group, with direct responsibility for RMCO, Nerisha Farquharson.

She shared that the PROVEN Group view its human capital as scarcer than capital, and emphasised attracting and retaining a happy, engaged workforce because a satisfied team leads to high-quality products and customer service.

“PROVEN is transforming Roberts’ culture. They want to empower employees, foster a “can-do” attitude, and build a performance culture based on trust and a shared vision.”

Farquharson, who recently visited Barbados from her Jamaican base, also highlighted leadership by example and building trust through respect, teamwork, and integrity, which are core PROVEN values. She stressed, “We are working closely with the senior management team to ensure that the PROVEN vision and corporate strategy filters down to the execution of RMCO’s business strategy in order to increase stakeholder value.

“PROVEN sees its investment in Roberts Manufacturing to diversify its revenues in an industry deemed pivotal to regional stability and future growth.”

Farquharson is impressed by RMCO’s 80-year legacy and expects the company to continue playing a vital role in Barbados and the Caribbean. are privileged to be part of Roberts Manufacturing’s evolution,” Farquharson said.

“The founders had a vision, and we are committed to

upholding it. Our products have export potential, and we can make an even greater contribution to regional sustainability.

Roberts Manufacturing has the potential to be a key player in regional food security, and we are committed to working with the people of Barbados to make this a reality.” (CH)

to the entire team at On your 80th anniversary celebrations. Best wishes from your associates at

10C Sunday, April 28, 2024
NERISHA FARQUHARSON , Chief Executive Officer of Private Capital for the PROVEN Group, with direct responsibility for RMCO. (SLD)

NADIA JEMMOTT , senior manager of Human Capital Development, Culture & Transformation at Roberts Manufacturing Co. Limited (RMCO) holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration (MBA) with a specialisation in Human Resources Management from the University of Edinburgh Napier, as well as a Bachelor of Science degree in Management Studies from the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus. Additionally, she is certified as an Internal Verifier and Trainer by the Technical and Vocational Education and Training Council (TVET). With demonstrated experience in human resources management and organisational development, Jemmott is passionate about fostering organisational excellence and driving meaningful change through peoplecentric strategies and transformative initiatives.

KESHA OSFORD is the Chief Financial Officer at Roberts Manufacturing Co. Limited (RMCO)/Pinnacle Feeds Limited. A proud graduate of the University of the West Indies, Osford possesses a Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) concentrated in strategy, along with an undergraduate degree in accounts. She is also a certified accountant being a Fellow of the Association of Chartered Accountants. Osford has several years of demonstrated expertise in manufacturing accounting and auditing and is passionate about helping young professionals maximise their potential while adding value to the business.

DENISHA MAYERSGARDNER, Senior Commercial Manager at Roberts Manufacturing Co. Limited (RMCO), holds a Master’s of Science (MSc) in procurement, logistics and supply chain management from the University of Salford, as well as a Bachelors in Business Administration (BBA) in management studies from the University of New Brunswick. In addition, she possesses a certificate in strategy building and sustaining competitive advantage from the Harvard Business School.

Mayers-Gardner has several years of demonstrated expertise in sales, marketing and business development and is passionate about developing future fit teams capable of competing at a global level.

KEITH RAMITSINGH , Senior Operations Manager at Roberts Manufacturing Company Limited (RMCO)/Pinnacle Feeds Limited, is a graduate of the University of the West Indies. He holds a Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) in project management/corporate turnaround) as well as a Bachelor’s of Science (BSc) in engineering (chemical and process). Ramitsingh has been exposed to numerous training and experience in technical and leadership at institutions in the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Canada, Denmark, and Germany. He is a well-rounded engineering, operations and management executive, with over 20 years’ experience in oil and gas, large manufacturing, mining, construction and consultancy across the globe. Ramitsingh is a proud Caribbean citizen whose passion is building excellence in Caribbean organisations. (CH)

Senior team at a glance

11C Sunday, April 28, 2024
NADIA JEMMOTT, Senior Manager of Human Capital Development, Culture & Transformation. (GP) KESHA OSFORD is the Chief Financial Officer. (GP) DENISHA MAYERS-GARDNER, Senior Commercial Manager. (GP) KEITH RAMITSINGH , Senior Operations Manager. (GP)

For the love of Roberts

There are a handful of homegrown businesses on island that have been around for 80 years or more, in 2024 Roberts Manufacturing Company Ltd (RMCO) celebrates its 80th decade of operation. Though in recent years the company has shifted ownership, what has remained constant has been its people. So constant has the staff complement been that even relative newcomer and Managing Director Rakeesh Bernard has commented, “It surprises me all the time that we have so many who’ve been here 40 years, 35 years, 20 years.”

If you ever get a chance to speak with anyone at RMCO you’ll quickly come to realise it’s a place that inspires veterans, attracts dreamers and encourages storytellers with its community-oriented culture.


Staff at the centre of company’s success

For people like Christopher Brathwaite, working at RMCO is a dream come true. He recalls seeing when the ground was broken for the plant’s construction as a young boy by a gentleman named Clay Gibson, who would have been one of the managers at the time. Christopher recalls, “I was very young, passing through the house seeing the seven o’clock news by my granny, and I said to myself . . . I would like to work there one of these days. And this is way back in probably 1987, you know, and to see that I’ve actually lived out that dream to the fullest. It’s nice to be part of a company where they are always looking to grab young people and work with them and help them to achieve their goals.”


After joining the company as a general worker in 1994, Valencia Hunte worked her way up to a position in the Margarine Plant. Remarking that she enjoys “everything about working as a machine operator”, she also expressed excitement at watching the company evolve to improve their plant automation over the years. Valencia’s pride as a RMCO staffer shines through when she recounts seeing their spreads in the supermarkets, saying she “feels good” to recommend them to anyone in the aisles. When it comes to community efforts, Valencia recalls with exuberance that “every year” she helped to represent Roberts at BMEX and Agrofest. As her 30th year of service dawns, Valencia will soon retire, yet she looks back fondly on her years, saying, “Honestly, it makes me feel good. Roberts did so much for me.”


From the time Sylvester Burke joined RMCO in 1979, he has developed an almost encyclopaedic knowledge of the company. He spoke to its original presence in Government Hill and vividly recounted the 1990 RMCO move was “in stages; the feed plant came first, then the services, then the margarine plant and the retail store went in phases.”

He reminisced about the company’s sponsorship of Richard Stoute Teen Talent and the Crop Over festival along with the staff’s eager participation. Sylvester recalled that “a certain amount of workers would

get a pass every week to go to Richard Stoute Teen Talent. Yeah, and we used to do a little part sponsor at calypso tents like Super Gladiators. We used to sponsor a lady named Tassa, and she was like a part of Roberts’ family. When we were doing anything, she (Tassa) would come and give back to Roberts.”

Sylvester encapsulated his decades-long experience by wistfully stating, “Roberts is a good place, I tell you. It was good to me.”


As staffers who’ve enjoyed their time with the company move on, they pass the baton of the company culture to those who join the fold. For RMCO, inclusivity and innovation remain the secret ingredients to their successful evolution into 2024 and beyond. According to Director Bernard, “I think the team here has demonstrated a resilience that makes you understand why the company has lasted 80 years. Seeing the quality of the workforce here at Roberts has been just awe-inspiring. And I would say this team definitely wants to go places. They want Roberts to be the biggest and brightest in the Caribbean. So there’s a lot of enthusiasm around growing the company.”

12C Sunday, April 28, 2024
SYLVESTER BURKE joined RMCO in 1979. (SLD) VALENCIA HUNTE enjoys her job as a Machine Operator. (SLD)

“I would love to work there one of these days.” Those were the words of eight-year-old Christopher Brathwaite many years ago, whilst watching two managers of Roberts Manufacturing Co. Limited (RMCO) at a ribbon cutting ceremony on the 7 p.m. television news.

Back then, what Brathwaite was actually witnessing, was the ground breaking ceremony for RMCO’s operations at Lower Estate, St Michael. The two persons he saw were senior managers David Foster and Clyde Gibson.

Little did Brathwaite know that his dream would become a reality, albeit after he had acquired much-needed training, skills and experience at other business houses before taking up the post of mechanical technician at RMCO in 1998.

“I worked a number of places before joining RMCO, and the skills I acquired during that time helped me significantly, with the help of God,” the dedicated employee confessed.

Some 27-plus years later, Brathwaite, who currently holds the post of Shortening and Margarine Manager, can speak with confidence of RMCO’s brands. In addition, and without seeking glory for himself, he can attest to how “industry allowed” him to live his dream with the help of those who mentored him and allowed him to thrive. There were many people along the way.

Brathwaite began his journey with RMCO as an employee among the engineering team, with the responsibility of

fixing pumps and other equipment, plus machining. During his tenure, he left the company for two years, only to return as RMCO’s preventative maintenance supervisor.

The former Grantley Adams Memorial School student and graduate of the University of the West Indies Cave Hill Campus, would go on to hold various posts during the years, including those of engineering coordinator, production engineer for extraction and extraction and refinery manager.

According to Brathwaite, “The Extraction and Refinery team gave 110 per cent over the years, executing great innovation throughout the plant on equipment and safety. We were able to be part of the first Safe Quality Food (SQF) plant of this nature in Barbados. Many of the team, throughout the past 13 years, have retired, and new persons have been added. But persons that helped to drive innovation included Randolph Franklyn, Eustace Weekes, the late Ebert Fields, Shamara, Ade, Andre, Browne, Hoyte, Chads (there were two), and Charles Brewster. No project was ever impossible for this crew. Due to dedication and trust, the team at Extraction assisted in forging a path for the export of soy bean meal and crude oil in some innovative ways.”

Brathwaite credits Foster, who was the company’s chief engineer before he was appointed RMCO’s general manager, as being instrumental in his career development. There were others who helped in his journey as well, including engineer supervisor Kenny Parris; Ronald Yearwood who, passed away last December; welder, Hubert Burnham, who died in January; electrician, Everton Greaves, as well as Trevor Headley, and “Mr Yarde.”

“I have learnt from so many in and outside of the field over the years, from animal nutritionists to export and marketing teams. I honed my electrical skills from these guys,” Brathwaite confessed.

As a result, Brathwaite has been able to successfully lend his skills and expertise in many areas, including having responsibility for the procurement of parts, equipment and machinery, as well as elevators, the conveying system and electrical equipment, and for setting up computerised maintenance systems over a 15-year period.

For him, it has been “quite an interesting journey” with lots of changes along the way. He shared, “The big change has been the speed at which the team at RMCO is now executing projects and how fast things are being done at the Board level. There is that full commitment and sense of engagement from Board members, and this makes things so much easier. Board members are always accessible, and that’s a plus.

Brathwaite currently supervises a team of 34-plus employees. He does so with the assistance of supervisors Ian Williams and Corey Brathwaite, along with administrative assistants Cherish Walkes and Damien Greenidge.

He said of his team, “The dedication of the Shortening and Margarine team is great. I am fascinated every day by the products that the entire production team produces – from the batching room, right through to packaging. Everyone adds value. I am really honoured to have the deep exposure to this side of the business.”

Brathwaite’s vision of where he sees himself at RMCO is in keeping with that of the management team.

“I can see RMCO breaking new ground, introducing new products, improving technology, providing a new plant and new portfolios.

“I also see myself as an innovator, growing and facilitating youth development in the industry wherever I can and providing paths for others to make their dream a reality in the company, as the company expands in Barbados and together with businesses within the Group,” Brathwaite assertively stated. (CH)

A child’s wish come true

13C Sunday, April 28, 2024
CHRISTOPHER BRATHWAITE, Shortening and Margarine Manager, has realised his childhood dream of working at Roberts Manufacturing. (SLD)

Customer her No. 1 focus

er goal has always been to provide excellent customer care service.

For the past 33 years, Verstine Sargeant has advocated for frequent training in customer care for both existing and new employees of Roberts Manufacturing Co. Limited (RMCO).

“Customer care service is a key area we must constantly pay attention to, and that’s what we always aim to do. I always aim to keep customers as happy as possible, and I encourage staff to give excellent service at all times; even to watch their body language when communicating with internal and external customers,” Sargeant shared.

She strongly believes that the frequent training employees receive has put RMCO in good stead.

“We have benefited significantly from training at various levels, including training in health and safety. The truth is, we can never undervalue the importance of training, as this helps us to better serve our customers,” Sargeant stated.

This dedicated and committed employee first walked through the doors of RMCO in April 1991 to take up the post of relief receptionist/cashier. The temporary position was initially for a period of three months, but the then managing director Hilary Roett and the retail store manager Vernon Weekes encouraged Sargeant to “stay on”.

Sargeant recalled, “I was asked to stay on, as the store supervisor was going abroad to study for nine months. I already had a background in sales but I was not expecting to stay with the company. I actually wanted to go because I thought there were so many things that needed to be put right. I just could not figure out how the retail store was profiting.”

In true leadership form, Sargeant and three other employees made the decision to reach out to various business houses in their bid to encourage the company to purchase stock for resale.

Having taken the bull by the horns, Sargeant noted, “Within a year, we were able to see profits. Weekes, other senior staff members, and I, would travel abroad to poultry shows to make our purchases and to build corporate relationships.

“The decision was also made to invest more in both imports and local purchases. After all, we wanted to be an effective farm and garden business. Today, we are a farm and pet mart, catering to farmers and pet lovers.”

Like many of RMCO’s longserving employees, Sargeant has witnessed the company’s tremendous growth throughout the years.

She stressed, “Roberts Manufacturing Co. Ltd started to improve as the company grew both physically and in terms of its product offerings. For the last 33 years, I can say that I have worked hard to make the company better.”

Sargeant has held the post of senior supervisor of the Farm and Pet Mart for over 25 years, and reports directly to Senior Commercial Manager Denisha Mayers-Gardner. She supervises a team of cashiers, porters and sales clerks and is assisted in her role by sales associate Akeem Franklin.

Part of her duties include ordering stock for the farm and pet mart, pricing

products, and performing the usual supervisory functions. She is passionate about her role and believes that RMCO is on a strong footing for future and continued success.

She shared, “There is no doubt that the company is an excellent company. Today, I have no regrets choosing to remain for over three decades. We play an important role in the manufacturing industry and we do an excellent job producing feed.”

Sargeant also agrees that the products RMCO and Pinnacle Feeds Limited produce are well accepted in the marketplace, but she cautioned that one cannot rest on one’s laurels.

She emphasised, “To keep our head above water, we cannot be lazing around. We need to aim to be better than we are right now. We have had some challenges over the years, but we were able to overcome those challenges. Going forward, everyone has a role to play. Having learnt from our mistakes we are “hands on” if we have any issues regarding our products. We can today boast of providing fresh feed to our customers on a daily basis, and this augurs well for the company as a whole.

“I see the company growing further in the future and keeping a decent share of the market, even if the industry gets competitive.” (CH)

14C Sunday, April 28, 2024
The Board of Directors, Management & Staff of Alan Armstrong Associates Ltd wish to express our heartiest congratulations Unit 3 Wisteria Court, Ventnor Gardens 1 , Dayrells Road, Christ Church. Email: p to on their
VERSTINE SARGEANT, Senior Supervisor of the Farm and Pet Mart (pictured at right). (SLDs)

There is a demand for Roberts Manufacturing Co Limited’s (RMCO) products.

That’s the word from Shipping Officer Terrel Niles, who disclosed that the demand for RMCO’s brands “is getting back to high levels” post-COVID-19.

“We are seeing a better flow since the early days of COVID-19, and the good news is that we are not running out of raw material like we did during COVID-19 when the shipping industry was severely impacted. However, the volatile costs of raw materials still affects us in some regards,” Niles stressed.

“The supply chain was also affected by the pandemic and that would have affected the company’s performance, but the demand for our products is still there, and we are even better positioned to fulfil that demand more than ever before. We can say that RMCO is holding its own,” disclosed Niles who, is part of the company’s commercial team which comprises the sales and marketing staff.

Like most in the corporate world who are dependent on imports in order to survive and run efficiently and effectively, Niles believes that while RMCO’s products are in demand, global changes, present and possible wars, could cause delays or generally affect the importation of raw materials. However, he can assure the Barbadian public, RMCO stakeholders, and customers at home and abroad, that there are adequate supplies of raw materials to maintain the company’s production flow.

Niles, who joined the RMCO team back in 1992 as the company’s messenger, has spent the last 25 years in his current role and has become an expert on handling all matters related to shipping, exports, and customs. (CH)

RMCO brand in high demand

15C Sunday, April 28, 2024
TERREL NILES , Shipping Officer (GP)
16C Sunday, April 28, 2024
17C Sunday, April 28, 2024 ACCOUNTS AND IT DEPARTMENT. (GP)


18C Sunday, April 28, 2024
to The Management & Staff of As you celebrate your YEAR MILESTONE. What an achievement! We wish you continued success as you forge ahead. 80
19C Sunday, April 28, 2024
Congratulations to Roberts Manufacturing on the achievement of their ANNIVERSARY As a proud partner and service provider of Roberts Manufacturing for the past 40 years, we salute their invaluable contribution to manufacturing and innovation in We are proud to be leaders in professional hygiene services in Barbados for over 60 years. Protecting People. Enhancing Lives. Preserving Our Planet.

Ephna Hinkson has always seen Roberts Manufacturing Co. Limited (RMCO) as a progressive leader – within the corporate world, and even more specifically the manufacturing industry.

Her view is not likely to change even as she prepares to retire from her beloved company, after serving faithfully for 40 years.

What also has not changed for Hinkson, is the fact that RMCO has always been a family-oriented company, and while she understands that the culture which existed 40 years ago is not the same as it is now, that family-like culture continues to thrive, albeit within a different era.

Hinkson joined the RMCO family in March 1980 to take up the post of secretary to the then operations manager.

She shared, “I was new to the workforce, the senior staff took me under their wings and guided me each step of my career. They were mentors who were interested in my well-being, and it was not unusual to be given rides from the bus stop some days. The atmosphere was such that everyone felt like they were an integral part of the team. For instance, before a new product was set to launch, staff would be given the opportunity to taste the product and give their feedback. It is true to say we were very team-oriented back then, and we still are, just within a modernised, performance-driven culture.”

Hinkson also disclosed that in a bid to forge better relations between staff, the senior executive assistant recalled how both management and staff would host social events such as picnics, games evenings, and unofficial in-house debates after working hours, so staff could mix, mingle, engage each other and generally get to know each other.

Speaking on the culture of the company from a business viewpoint, Hinkson shared how the company evolved from a world where manual labour was the order of the day, to becoming almost 100 per cent automated.

She opined, “When we consider our past and the culture of the 1980s, we did what we did back then because we had no comparisons. Lots have changed as far as our operations are concerned. We live in a changing world, and that’s a good thing. We have transitioned.

“Another ten years from now, the company will still be evolving. Technology will also change; as it is constantly changing, and up-to-date training will be necessary,” Hinkson shared.

She has credited RMCO’s management for their forward-thinking policies and plans throughout the years and for the emphasis that has always been placed on education and training – something which today is still part of the company’s corporate culture.

“Part of our transitioning over the past several years involved having to train and retrain staff. Education was, and still is, a major part of the RMCO culture. Employees are still benefiting from overseas training, which they would have been exposed to in the past. And training is still paramount and encouraged today.”

Commenting on the company’s line of products, which has undoubtedly been readily received and accepted in the marketplace both at home and abroad, Hinkson said that RMCO “has always sought to meet the needs of its customers”.

She disclosed, “We always seek to meet the needs of those in our communities. And our line of products is always carefully chosen.

“When we introduced various lines of products that were low in sodium and fat, it was in keeping with the healthy lifestyle habits people were adopting. We aligned ourselves with what the nutritionists and those in the health industry were saying, and we sought to give our customers what we felt was for their utmost good,” she informed.

Hinkson has had the distinct pleasure of working for five managing directors during the past 40 years, as well as for former deputy general manager Vernon Weekes, whom she said “significantly impacted” her initial career journey. Indeed, there were others along the way.

Hinkson wishes RMCO well.

“I wish the company well and I hope that everyone continues on their success trail. I have no doubt that the management team, like those who have gone before, has the vision to take the company forward. The team is forward-thinking and continues to grow on the legacy that was there before. They possess the knowledge and expertise to continue the growth of the company,” Hinkson stated. (CH)

Always a family company

20C Sunday, April 28, 2024

It is impossible not to see the excitement on Tara JeanPierre’s face when she speaks about the part she plays as commercial and farm services supervisor for Pinnacle Feeds Limited.

A small farmer in her own right and possessing a background in sales, marketing, and logistics, Jean-Pierre is the epitome of joy whenever she interfaces with customers.

Before taking on her new role last July, she had started farming. Her strongly held belief that “farmers feed the world” gives more meaning to her view that selfsustainability must be important to all and sundry.

“The more food we produce, the better we become,” she quipped.

That’s why assisting farmers with their various feeds means a lot to Jean-Pierre.

She makes it clear, “My role is not simply to sell feed, increase local sales, and develop export sales but to encourage farmers.

“We offer technical services to farmers and give them advice on best-in-class farm management practices. Farmers and/or persons thinking about farming are free to contact us at any time.”

That Jean-Pierre is proud to be a member of the Pinnacle Feeds Limited, and by extension, the Roberts Manufacturing Co. Limited (RMCO team, is an understatement.

She smiles broadly as she says, “I am extremely proud to work for Roberts Manufacturing. It is still surreal to be working for this established company which has such a legacy in terms of its products and services.”

Jean-Pierre believes that RMCO and Pinnacle Feeds Limited can only go from strength to strength, and she is happy to be on board not only to witness this growth but to help with achieving the vision of those who lead the company.

“We are continuing to grow and improve as a company, and there is no doubt that in the next 80 years, we will be even bigger and better than we are today,” she affirmed.


21C Sunday, April 28, 2024
TARA JEAN-PIERRE , Commercial and Farm Services Supervisor for Pinnacle Feeds Limited. (SLDs)

Roberts Manufacturing Co.

Limited (RMCO) is not just another manufacturing company; it is an institution and an integral part of the Barbadian landscape.

This is the view of former assistant quality control operator and sales and marketing expert Denis Maynard, through whose commitment and love for his role at RMCO, the company was able through the years, to increase its market share and achieve high sales volumes.

There are many highlights of Maynard’s years with RMCO, and he is happy to travel back down memory lane as he relives times of growth and triumphs, mingled with some challenges along the way.

Maynard’s relationship with RMCO began in the most unusual way back in 1986 when he was 21 years old.

He recalled, “I did not apply to work at Roberts. I got a call one day from the company’s human resources manager.

I was informed that my name had been passed on to her by the human resources manager at Cave Shepherd, where I had recently completed a three-month stint. At the time that I was contacted I was just about getting ready to enter the Barbados Community College.

“The position offered to me was for an assistant quality control operator at the Feed Plant in Government Hill. It was at a supervisory level.

“I accepted the offer because to be honest, the money sounded good at the time. The work, however, was not easy,” Maynard said with a laugh.

Manual labour was still very much part of the order of the day, and Maynard found himself having to lift heavy bags of limestones, which proved somewhat challenging given his small stature.

“It wasn’t what I expected and I thought of leaving the company; however when I heard two of the plant operators saying that I was not going to make it, I decided to prove them wrong.”

Maynard did indeed prove his naysayers wrong. Within a year he was promoted to the position of warehouse billing clerk, and went on to hold quite a few posts within the company before and after it moved to Lower Estate, St Michael.

He shared how the company was in transition around 1988, and the Feed Plant and feed warehouse were the first departments to start operations at the new Lower Estate location.

“The feed division was followed three years later by the Margarine Plant in 1991, with the office staff coming much

later,” Maynard disclosed.

He also remembers when the company commissioned the Soybean Extraction Plant. The extracted oil became an input in the production of margarine and was also sold as a cooking oil to restaurants and the retail sectors. The soybean meal was used as an input in the production of animal feed.

Soon after, Maynard was again promoted, this time to the position of sales representative with responsibility for margarine and dog food sales. A few years later, he was transferred to Feed Services for two years, before returning to the sales and marketing of margarine, soybean oil and dog food.

Over the years, his roles changed, but Maynard, who straddled both sales and marketing duties, worked feverishly to improved RMCO’s share of the local and export markets.

He can still remember those early days when bag feed was packed onto pallets by staff and there was a larger staff complement before the company mechanised that part of its operations.

He explained, “Once this was done, there was no longer the need for palletising feed manually.

“Over the years, the company has introduced several new products including its Sunflower Garlic, Low Calorie and Low Salt Spreads. As Barbadians became more health conscious, the company introduced more health conscious products with Sunflower Olive Oil and Coconut Spreads being the most recent.”

Maynard has always been impressed with RMCO’s products, including the decisions by management to supply premier brands for both human and animal consumption.

RMCO integral to B’dian landscape

“There were some products that we kept and some which we discontinued over the years. This was all based on market satisfaction and trends,” he noted.

Today, Maynard is also proud that RMCO still exports about 50 per cent of its margarine and the company is seeking to expand its export footprint.

His confidence in the company to further excel is contained in the following statement: “There is a good management team in place, and RMCO will continue to do well, even as it diversifies into other areas.”

When Maynard officially retired from RMCO at the end of 2023, he had served the company for 37 years. (CH)

23C Sunday, April 28, 2024
DENIS MAYNARD, former Assistant Quality Operator. (SLD)

JEFFREY FRENCH commends Roberts Manufacturing Co. Limited (RMCO) and by extension Pinnacle Feeds Limited, the leading manufacturer of poultry and livestock feed in Barbados, for making his life better.

“Working with Roberts Manufacturing has made my life better. I have gained quite a lot of experience during my time with the company, and I have made many lasting friends over the years.”

French, who retired in March last year, first worked for RMCO in 1981 as a temporary employee. He officially joined the staff as a permanent employee on March 10, 1982, and worked primarily over the years assisting with deliveries, the distribution of feed, as a cooler storage employee, and as a forklift driver.

Prior to and after taking up his forklift driver duties, he had the privilege of working with both the company’s margarine products and its feeds.

“I worked with margarines in the early and late 90s, then worked with feeds as a forklift driver up until the time I retired,” French shared.

Throughout his 41 years with RMCO, he has witnessed numerous changes and has always been impressed with the company’s ability to upgrade its equipment to make its operations more workerfriendly and effective.

French opined, “Some of the changes included the purchasing of up-to-date equipment. In the areas in which I worked, the purchasing of new feed plant machines helped significantly with increased production. This meant that we were able to produce more feed in a shorter period of time. Changes were also made in the packaging, so we went from packaging feeds in paper bags to packaging the feed in polythene bags and using different labels.”

French can also recall when most of the production was achieved manually until computerised operations were introduced in the 1980s. In addition, having joined RMCO when it was originally located at Government Hill, St Michael, French has seen the company grow from strength to strength, increase its workforce, and establish itself as a leading manufacturing company on the island.

“The company has done well, and there have been lots of changes and new faces. Many of the changes were necessary. I was privileged throughout these changes to work with a number of managers, including Mr Hilary Roett, Mr Michael Clarke, Mr Vernon Weekes, Mr David Foster and Mr Jason Sambrano.”

French is quite pleased to have grown with the company and hopes to see it continue to reach major milestones in the years ahead.

“Reaching 80 years in business is already a great milestone,” he said.

“I hope the company will carry on for many more years to come and that employees will benefit from all the changes that are planned in the years ahead. I truly wish Roberts Manufacturing success in the future.” (CH)

Job made my life all the better

24C Sunday, April 28, 2024
JEFFREY FRENCH, Retired Forklift Driver. (SLD)

Corporate philanthropy has always been the hallmark of the management and staff of Roberts Manufacturing Co Limited (RMCO) and Pinnacle Feeds Limited.

Churches, associations, schools, non-profit organisations and charities have all benefited and continue to benefit from RMCO’s generosity and social partnerships.

Among the beneficiaries are the Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA) and St Dominic Roman Catholic Church. Both receive donations of cooking oil and margarine to help with their respective programmes, where meals are provided, usually breakfast, for children, many of whom would otherwise either go without breakfast or lunch.

The Eden Lodge Charitable Trust and the Lower Estate Community Group are other beneficiaries, as RMCO assists these charities with their back-to-school purchases for students.

As it relates to dog food, several pet lovers and animalrelated organisations have either received several generous donations of pet food over the years or benefited from

some measure of partnership to sustain their programmes, which are usually designed to help animals in one way or the other. They include the teams at Ocean Acres Animal Sanctuary, Be The Voice Charity, Action For Animals, the Ark Animal Welfare Society and the Kennel Club.

Pinnacle Feeds Limited also continues to play its part. The company has been the Platinum sponsor of Agrofest since its inception – which welcomes Barbadians of all ages to learn about and be exposed to agricultural products and best practices – both from our very own as well as from several territories across the region. Pinnacle also launched its Future Farmers Programme earlier this year when management adopted The Lodge School, St John, and the Coleridge and Parry School, St Peter. The aim of the Future Farmers Programme is to foster agricultural science awareness programmes among students at both the

Continued on next page.

Giving back to the community

25C Sunday, April 28, 2024
MEMBERS OF THE Roberts Engagement Committee are photographed handing over the books donated to the Ellerton Primary School on Valentine’s Day. At right, packing hampers for charity with WIBISCO. (GPs)



bus for the 80th Anniversary.

• From Page 25C. primary and secondary level.

Along with RMCO, Pinnacle Feeds Limited continues to support the team at Nature Fun Ranch and Codrington College, whose ducks are often fed by feed donated by this leading manufacturer of poultry and livestock feed on the island.

As an extension of RMCO’s social responsibility, the company’s staff donated books last Valentine’s Day to the newly-refurbished library at the Ellerton Primary School at Ellerton, St George.

Staff also continue to serve at water stations during Chefette Restaurants Limited’s annual Fun Run.

The RMCO and Pinnacle Feeds Limited teams have numerous plans in the pipeline to continue forging community partnerships.

RMCO will participate in a tree planting ceremony to mark World Environment Day on June 5 and commence an internal recycling programme for staff to show the company’s commitment and dedication to being a more sustainable organisation through the reduction of waste.

Last year, 1MW of solar panels were installed on the company’s roof as part of RMCO’s energy-saving and alternative energy strategy, and plans are in the pipeline to adopt a children’s home during Child Month in May.

26C Sunday, April 28, 2024
(CH) WITH CHEFETTE FUN RUN – handing over donation to the charities we supported for the Chefette Fun Run. (GP) Zaynah King and Kenya Bhola members of the Commercial team are seen here making a handover to the Animal Welfare Society. (GP) ROBERTS TRANSPORT BOARD branded (GP)
be the
SPOTTED WITH PINNACLE – Some volunteers were caught here at our games booth interacting with children. (GP)
day continues to
Brydens way!

ROBERTS MANUFACTURING COMPANY LIMITED celebrating 80 years of successful operations in Barbados this year. (SLDs)

“THE COUNCIL OF Management of the Barbados Manufacturers’ Association (BMA) congratulates Roberts’ Manufacturing Co. Limited (RMCO) for reaching its 80th anniversary.

We support your successes and we are particularly proud of the relationship between Roberts Manufacturing and the BMA. Roberts Manufacturing has been a member of the BMA for many years and currently holds the portfolio of Presidency of the Association. This role highlights manufacturers’ vote of confidence in the company. Roberts Manufacturing is indeed an industry leader and its products are cherished nationally, regionally and internationally. This bears testament to the quality and consistency of their products which have undoubtedly made them favourites in our homes. The company continues to innovate, and we are extremely proud of its creativity! Roberts Manufacturing is an inspiration for all emerging manufacturers. The company’s beginning was a humble one, and we believe that this should be an inspiration to our young entrepreneurs.

So, as you celebrate 80 “not out,” we at the BMA wish you every success for the future. We know that you will continue to upgrade your technology, invest in our people, develop new brands and continually move towards operational excellence. We are pleased to have you on board as an active member and we salute you on a job well done!”

– Shardae Boyce, executive director, Barbados Manufacturers Association (BMA)

“Adopt A KM wishes to congratulate Roberts Manufacturing Co. Limited (RMCO) on their 80th Anniversary milestone, and wish them all the best in the future.”

– Shane Lewis, Adopt A KM

“Roberts Manufacturing Co. Limited (RMCO) and Pinnacle Feeds Limited are among our reliable customers. We wish Roberts Manufacturing all the best during this their 80th year in operations, and look forward to a continual mutual relationship in the years ahead.”

– Hayden Arthur, managing director, Arthur’s Trucking.

I take this opportunity to congratulate Roberts Manufacturing Co Limited on reaching 80 years. I have always been a lover of their Sunflower margarine particularly, and other products. I wish the company continued success in the years to come.”

– Cecilia Cadogan, customer. (CH)

Congrats on your 80th year

27C Sunday, April 28, 2024

What’s cooking? Pinwheel with yeast

28C Sunday, April 28, 2024

What’s cooking?

29C Sunday, April 28, 2024

Products and services

30C Sunday, April 28, 2024
S&M WORKER as she bottles Buyers Choice Oil. (SLD) FORKLIFT DRIVER Kerry Belgrave on the job. (SLD)

Productss and services cont’d

31C Sunday, April 28, 2024
ROBERTS MANUFACTURING offers a wide range of products from home and garden to pet and animal supplies. (SLDs)
32C Sunday, April 28, 2024

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