705 E Brandon Blvd. Brandon, FL
JUNE 26TH, 2016
“Joyfully and faithfully evangelizing for Christ!”
Pastor: Rev. John Tapp Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Msgr James C. Lara Parochial Vicar: Rev. Nelson Restrepo Rev. Victor Amorose Deacons: Rev. Dr. Mark Taylor Rev. Mr. Robert Harris Rev. Mr. Elix Castro Church Office: 813.681.4608 School: 813.689.3395 Faith Formation:813.689.9101 Youth Ministry: 813.689.4147 Pastoral Care: 813.413.8351 Food Pantry: 813.694.0541
Mass Schedule Weekend Mass
Saturday Vigil Mass
4:00PM (ASL Interpreted) 4:00PM Español (Capilla)
Sunday Masses
7:00, 8:30, 10:30AM 10:30AM Family Mass (Chapel 12:30PM Español 6:00PM LifeTeen
Daily Mass 7:00AM (Monday through Friday) 8:00AM (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat) 8:15AM (Wednesday) 7:00PM (Español Martes y Viernes) Morning Prayer 7:45AM (Monday through Saturday) Confession Schedule Saturday in Church 3:00 to 4:00PM 5:00 to 5:30PM
JUNE 26TH, 2016
Tragedy in Orlando – Since articles and submissions for the bulletin are needed well in advance of their print date, there is always a certain lag in being able to comment on current events. This is the first time I am able to offer any remarks on the tragedy that unfolded in Orlando two weeks ago. The attack on those who gathered at Pulse Nightclub was nothing short of hate. In last week’s second reading from St. Paul to the Galatians, we heard: there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave or free, male or female. In that short phrase, St. Paul reminded his listeners (often divided over religion, ethnic backgrounds, and status in society) that all are one because of our common baptism in Jesus Christ. Those words and the hate crime which has been at the forefront of our consciousness, demand that we reflect on our attitude toward others. I believe the basic challenge that St. Paul and Jesus Christ place before us is this: do we love others as we wish to be loved? Certainly, the level of unchecked hate and sense of superiority in the shooter resulted in that tragedy which claimed so many innocent lives. Unchecked intolerance, prejudice, and perhaps even hate in us can have similar consequence – if not on a physical level, certainly on a spiritual level. Lastly, if you’ve ever lost a loved one, you know that the weeks and months following that loss is the toughest of times. While the media attention on this event wanes, the pain for the families begins to take hold in an unprecedented way. Let us continue to pray for the victims and families of the Orlando shooting. Let us petition God that he will bring compassion and peace in abundance to them – for that is what they deserve and what we would hope for ourselves and our loved ones. Until We Meet Again – This week, we don’t say goodbye to Fr. Victor. Instead, we wish him well, pledge to pray for him, and thank him for his ministry at Nativity these past two years. Fortunately, Fr. Victor will be visiting us when he goes on break from his studies in Rome and will celebrate Masses for us as his schedule allows. Fr. Victor, we hope to see you at Christmas!!!
Tragedia en Orlando – Como artículos pare le boletín deben ser sometidos por adelantada, a veces pasa tiempo antes de poder comentar sobre eventos actuales. Esta es mi primera oportunidad de ofrecer comentarios sobre la tragedia que ocurrió hace dos semanas en Orlando. El ataque sobre aquellos reunidos en el Club Pulse fue nada menos que odio. En la Segunda Lectura de San Pablo a los Gálatas la semana pasada oímos: no hay ni judío jo griego, esclavo o libre, masculino o femenino. En esta breve frase, San Pablo les recordó a sus oyentes (a menudo divididos sobre religión, origen étnico, y status social) que todos son uno a través del bautismo común en Jesucristo. Estas palabras y el crimen de odio que ha estado en la vanguardia de nuestra conciencia demanda que reflexionemos sobre nuestra actitud hacia los demás. Yo creo que el reto fundamental que San Pablo y Jesucristo plantean ante nosotros es esto: ¿amamos a otros como queremos ser amados? Ciertamente el nivel de odio y el sentido de superioridad resulto en esta tragedia que reclamo tantas vidas inocentes. Intolerancia, prejuicio, y quizás aún el odio en nosotros puede tener consecuencias similares – si no a nivel físico, ciertamente a nivel espiritual. Por último, si alguna vez usted ha perdido un ser querido, usted sabe que las semanas y meses posteriores a la perdida es el tiempo más duro. Mientras que la atención de los medios en este caso se desvanece, el dolor de las familias comienza a afianzarse en una forma sin precedentes. Sigamos orando por las víctimas y las familias de la tragedia en Orlando. Vamos a pedirle a Dios que derrame compasión y paz en abundancia sobre ellos – porque eso es lo que se merecen y lo que esperaríamos para nosotros y nuestros seres queridos. Nos Veremos de Nuevo – Esta semana no le decimos adiós a Padre Victor. En su lugar, le deseamos lo mejor, nos comprometemos a orar por el, y le damos las gracias por su ministerio aquí en Nativity los últimos dos años. Afortunadamente, Padre Victor nos estará visitando cuando tome un descanso de sus estudios en Roma y celebrara Misas para nosotros según permita su horario. ¡Padre Victor, esperamos verte en Navidad!
Arrivederci! Fr. Victor
Join us on Sunday, June 26 after the 10:30AM Mass in the Social Hall for cake as we wish Fr. Victor all the best on his new adventure to Rome, Italy. Fr. Victor will be heading to Sant’ Anselmo all’ Aventino to study Sacramental Theology. There will be cards available for all parishioners to sign after the Sunday morning masses.
Mass Intentions | June 27th - July 3rd
Monday 7:00 AM 8:00 AM Tuesday 7:00 AM 8:00 AM 7:00 PM Wednesday 7:00 AM 8:15 AM Thursday 7:00 AM 8:00 AM Friday 7:00 AM 8:00 AM 7:00 PM Saturday 8:00 AM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM Sunday 7:00 AM 8:30 AM 10:30 AM 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 6:00 PM
June 27 Fernandez Family Miketinac Family June 28 Holy Souls in Purgatory Richard Goerz Abelardo Cardenas (Chapel) June 29 Roger Lim & Wagner Pena Alfred Hamblin June 30 Geraldine & Wagner Pena Maureen Day July 1 Thanksgiving to Divine Mercy Marco Dumas Carmen Valeria (Chapel) July 2 Ronel “Bondel” Batista Susan M. Hardesty Angel Velasco & Marco Velasco July 3 Saturnino Colon Katherine Illigan Marco Dumas Pedro,Irma & Amelia Sanchez (Chapel) Rafael Perez & Lucia Sanchez Nativity Parish Family
Nativity Food Bank
Is still in need of truck drivers (no special license required) and abled-bodied volunteers at the Food Bank Warehouse in Dover. We are open mornings only, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 7:30am to approximately 11:00am Hours and days are flexible. Anyone interested please call the warehouse at 813.707.1523 during the hours mentioned above. An alternate number is 813.694.0541. Messages can be left at either number. Any high school students, 16 years or older interested in community service hours over the summer at the Nativity Food Bank Warehouse in Dover can also call the warehouse at 813.707.1523 during the hours mentioned above. An alternate number is 813.694.0541. Messages can be left at either number.
Summer Church Office Hours
The church office is open Monday - Thursday 9:00AM to 4:00PM (with lunch from 12PM - 1PM) and Friday from 9:00AM to 12:00PM. Our offices will be closed to the public June 30th through July 18th for floor refinishing and painting. The phones will still be answered during this time, so do call if you need to schedule a sacrament, or connect with a priest.
Thursday Evening Scripture Study Parables of the Kingdom - Part I
The Thursday Evening Scripture Study group began a study called Parables of the Kingdom - Part 1. Join us on Thursday, June 30, 2016 from 7:00 – 9:00 pm as we continue the 11 weekly sessions. Come and meet other people seeking to grow closer to God through enjoyable and thought provoking discussions. Some of the most memorable teachings of Jesus were delivered as parables and are found in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke (the Synoptic Gospels). This study will begin with acquainting the participants with the important characteristics of a parable, and how they use images familiar to the audience and draw on common experiences that nevertheless challenge the audience to see things in a new way. This study begins where the disciples are a privileged audience to Jesus' private explanations of the parables. This study group meets in the Nativity Parish Adult Education Building (west side of the campus). There is a $15.00 fee for materials and video presentations. All adults are welcome to participate in this program. If you are interested in finding a relaxed and fun group that meets to grow in Faith, and to share in the growth of the Church community, consider joining us. If you have any questions please contact: William at 813.752.9312 or Faith Formation Office at 813.689.9101
Holy Land Pilgrimage
Come with us to the Holy Land! See the spot where Jesus was born, walk along the Sea of Galilee where Jesus preached, and pray in His tomb! There are so many places we will visit, and pray, that you will be drawn into a closer relationship with our Lord. This trip is for those who have never been to the Holy Land, and those that have been there a dozen times! From January 23 through January 30, 2017, Nativity will sponsor this pilgrimage. Come with your family and friends, and enter into the life of Christ in a new way! The agenda has been fine-tuned, and will bring you the best of the Holy Land at a minimal price. There will be a meeting on July 10 at 12:00pm, in the St. Francis Room in the Social Hall. If you have questions, please call Deacon Mark at 813.653.1150. May God Bless you!
JUNE 26TH, 2016
Nativity Catholic School
Summer Office Hours
Summer Learning: Anytime, anywhere…
School may be out, but learning is not! Encourage your child to keep learning all summer long!
Whiteboard in a Bag Here’s a tool your child can use everywhere. Let them make a “whiteboard” by sliding white paper into a gallonsized zipper bag. Drop in washable markers and a small package of wipes. You might give your child words to spell or math problems to solve. Or have them draw and write about what they see out the car window. They can write on the sealed bag, use the wipes to erase, and start again.
Nativity Catholic School
Serving ages 3 years through 8th grade CAMPUS TOURS! Open to all prospective students and families. Currently accepting enrollment applications for the 2016-2017 school year. To schedule a private tour of the school contact: Therese Alonso at 813.689.3395
Youth & Young Adult
Nativity Catholic School
Open Monday, June 13th – Tuesday, August 9th from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM (Monday – Thursday)
Sunday, August 7th
1:15-2:15 PM Open House (New Families Only) 2:30-3:30 PM Back-to-School Liturgy 3:30-5:00 PM Open House (All Families Welcome)
Wednesday, August 10th
1st Day of School (Full Day) – Extended Day Open For enrollment/admissions questions, please contact: Mrs. Jo-Hanna Hohman, Director of Admissions 813.689.3395 ext. 2254 admissions@nativitycatholicschool.org
6pm Mass. See you there!
High School (Grades 9 - 12) (LIFE TEEN) Join us at Nativity’s Youth Center on Sundays, after the 6 pm Mass & Wednesdays from 7 - 9pm Eryn Lentner, Youth Director
Middle School (Grades 6 - 8) (LIFE FORCE) Join us at Nativity’s Youth Center, Tuesdays from 6 - 8 pm. Young Adults (18 - 40) REAL LIFE Every Thursday at Nativity’s Youth Center at 7:30pm for faith, fun, and fellowship. Vida Joven Meets Friday in the chapel at 7 pm. Meal, faith and fun program until 9 pm. All High School age members of our Hispanic community are welcome to join us this Friday evening for a time of prayer, spiritual growth and fellowship. 7:00pm - Misa en Español 7:30pm - Dinner 8:00pm - Charla and Community Time How well do you know your Bible? All High School aged teens are welcome after the 6pm Mass for dinner and feats of (spiritual) strength during our first ever Life Teen Bible-Olympics games!
Faith Formation
Summer Office Hours
Faith Formation
July 1 – July 29 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM Monday through Thursday 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM Friday Afternoons and evenings by appointment Students not enrolled in Catholic school should be enrolled in Faith Formation classes from Grade K through grade 8. Be sure to get your registrations in or postmarked by July 30 to take advantage of the early registration discount. Register on line, by mail, or in person at the Faith Formation Office. Call 813.689.9101 for more information.
Youth Registration for Confirmation Preparation
9th grade students who have been registered in Nativity Catholic School or Nativity Faith Formation will be receiving their letter detailing the registration process in the mail beginning in June. Parents are encouraged to make their appointment for an interview with either Vicki Hawkins or Pam Emery as soon as possible.
Pastoral Care
An Invitation from the Office of the Lay Pastoral Ministry Institute
Ask yourself: Could God be calling me to be a Lay Ecclesial Minister in His Church? Our Diocese is blessed with many lay women and men who love God and wish to serve Him. In response, Bishop Lynch initiated the Lay Pastoral Ministry Institute to equip Catholic to “be more” by forming them Spiritually, Intellectually, Theologically and Pastorally to serve as Lay Ecclesial Ministers. We are grateful to Bishop Lynch for his continued support of this rare educational opportunity, which is not available in all dioceses. To date, Bishop Lynch has commissioned 345 men and women to share their gifts and talents in our diocese. New classes begin September 10, 2016. For anyone interested in attending the LPMI Year of Discernment, the registration form and program information can be found on the LPMI web site at: http://dosp.org/lpmi/ Or call the LPMI office at 727.344.1611, ext. 5458. Registrations are due in the LPMI office no later than September 5, 2016. The Ministry Formation Program offered by the Diocese of St. Petersburg Lay Pastoral Ministry Institute is accredited by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Commission on Certification and Accreditation.
We Have Company Coming in July!
And we need your help!
If you have attended a Safe Environment Training for working with children and have been fingerprinted…come join us as we welcome the next group of families to Nativity. We need supper time hosts, overnight people, help with meals, set up and cleanup crews… To find out more about our mission and how you can help make a change in the lives of these families… Contact Marianne Springer at stormwatch51@msn.com
Drivers Needed!
Pastoral Care is in need of volunteers for our Transportation Ministry. Volunteers help drive our home bound parishioners to and from doctor appointments, the grocery store and hair appointments. If you are interested in helping, please come by Pastoral Care or call Bonnie at 813.413.8351 to find out more.
St. Vincent de Paul is Seeking Volunteers
We have many opportunities available to serve the needy in our community. You might like to be a member of our Home Visitation team, which would require minimal hours. Or, we are also looking for folks who would like to be more involved in our team. If you would like to learn how you can be a part of this important ministry, contact Linda Schwartz at 813.361.9058 for information. It would be helpful if we also had Spanish-speaking volunteers.
Brothers in Christ
This ministry meets every Thursday Morning from 6:00 to 6:50 AM in Social Hall A. Our meetings involve spiritual growth activities such as reading and meditating on the following Sunday’s readings and listening to live talks and media presentations concerning faith issues facing men every day. Our group also engages in service and prayer to support the larger faith community. All men of the parish are welcome and urged to attend. This has been a “game changer” for many. Refreshments are provided. For more information contact Jim Nabach at 813.643.8483 or Don Cseh at 813.309.7690.
Weekly Reflection
JUNE 26TH, 2016 (courtesy of catholicsteward.com)
1 Kgs 19: 16B, 19-21; Ps 16: 1-2, 5, 7-11; Gal 5: 1, 13-18; Lk 9: 51-62
The readings on this Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time speak to the challenges, the possible sacrifices, and the attitudes needed to follow Christ as His disciple. Each of us through Baptism is called to be the Lord’s Disciple, and many of us intellectually understand that. However, making the commitment necessary to fulfill that goal can be difficult in today’s world. We find Elijah in the First Reading from First Kings. To put Elijah’s situation in context he has been called by God and he, Elijah, has responded. Nevertheless, he is lonely and feels somewhat burdened by the tasks at hand. God announces that He will provide him relief by having him recruit a companion and a successor to his ministry. God says, “You shall anoint Elisha, son of Shaphat of Abelmeholah, as prophet to succeed you.” Elijah discovers Elisha plowing with “twelve yoke of oxen.” Clearly Elisha was a man of means; any farmer who could afford twelve oxen to assist him with his work was well off indeed. Elisha responds to the call by saying, “…let me kiss my father and mother goodbye and I will follow you.” He does not reject the invitation, but he places some qualifications on it. God invites us to take up His Cross, to take up our own crosses, and follow him. It is natural for us to inwardly think to ourselves that we will as soon as we are ready, as soon as we have accomplished other things. When Jesus called His Apostles, they literally gave everything up and followed Him. We may not have to make that heavy a sacrifice, but we do have to be prepared to change and to adjust to being a disciple. In St. Paul’s letter to the Galatians, our Second Reading, Paul again addresses the whole issue of Jewish Law. It is a common theme in Paul’s letters, and it is complicated for most of us, who have no Jewish tradition, to understand Paul’s continued mention and evaluation of it. However, it might be simplified in this way. The Jewish Law was exterior — that is, it was a standard of living that required the person following it to act in a particular way in terms of what people saw and perceived. As Paul is converted to following Jesus Christ, Paul realizes that following the Lord is perhaps more of an internal experience and activity than an external one. Paul’s basic point is that we must internalize the Lord; we must make His presence and His teachings a part of our very being internally. The external actions, as exemplified by the Law, are secondary, if not completely non factors. Paul realized that salvation is not found by fulfilling the external commitment to the Law, but by becoming committed to the internal action of belief and faith and service and love. Stewardship requires action, but prior to acts of stewardship, one must be converted in both mind and heart, and that is internal. Our Gospel Reading from Luke finds Jesus in a
Pray for Each Other
Pray for the sick, suffering, and shut-ins to welcome the strength of God’s love, especially: Joseph Ruzzi, Virginia Pascua, Richard & Betsy Mahoney, Joe LaPerna, Monserrate Gonzalez, Jose Gonzalez, Jessie Perez Gonzalez, Sylvia Perez Gonzalez, Jeanne A. Woodke, Katalin Lazzara, Dr. Joseph Chiarmonte, Aida Luz Betancourt, Courtney Daniels, Leonora Maggio, Irma Barrett, Ed Nagel, Michael Fultz, Jo Ann Shey, Gary Curreri, Katie Welch, Hailey Hepfinger, Charles F. Schramm Ph.D., Christopher C. Woodke, James P. Barrett, Sharon Prunn, Pamela Johannssen, Leo & Diane Brubaker, Howard Wiebeld, Andree Avcalade, Tina Kulisz-Nelson, Deborah KuliszMcClain, Cheyenne Downs, Rob Lavazza, Paula Francis Cotto, Sandra J. Matson, Bessie LoScalzo, Drew Woodke, Norma Damico, Kathy Greco, Kay Walczak, Damaso Gumba, Gordon Nelson, Lucy Fuchs, Carlos Delgado, Kenneth Wilson, Ann Vande Brink In your hands O Lord, we commend the souls of our recently departed. May their souls and the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Jose Geronimo Valeta, Paul Spear
Samaritan village. That in itself is unique and unusual. We have commented in the past about the conflicts between the Samaritans and the Jews, and Jesus and His followers were indeed Jews. They might expect no hospitality from the Samaritans. What Jesus says and does very well reflects the lesson provided in the First Reading about Elijah and Elisha. The Lord’s final comment after people indicate to Him that they will follow Him, but they have to take care of some earthly matters first, is “No one who sets a hand to the plow and looks to what was left behind is fit for the kingdom of God.” Jesus grew up in an agrarian society. This reading may have meant more to people 100 years ago than it does now as our own society was largely agricultural then. There are two conclusions to be drawn from Jesus’ statement about plowing and the Kingdom of God: first, the focus has to be forward always, never backwards; second, whoever is guiding the animals (or even the tractor today) must have a firm and consistent grip on the reins or the steering wheel. For us to be disciples and for us to be successful servants of God, like the plower, we must look forward to Christ and to eternity; then we must be committed and seek the strength to follow through with the commitment and the stewardship it requires to accomplish our goal.
Kids Pray, Serve, and Give
Riley emptied the dishwasher. McKenna welcomed her brother into her room. Savannah read the bible in the morning. Sabrina took care of the puppy and cleaned the house.
Get a current view of the state of our parish finances at: www.nativitycatholicchurch.org/parish-info/finance
THIRTEENTH SUNDAY ORDINARY Monday - 6/27/2016 SVdP Mtg 10:00AM - 2:00PM Hispanic Lectors Training 6:30PM - 9:00PM Life Ministry Mtg 6:30PM - 9:00PM WG Leadership Mtg 6:30PM - 9:00PM Legion de Maria Hispana 7:30PM - 9:00PM Tuesday - 6/28/2016 Legion of Mary 9:15AM - 11:00AM Girl Talk 5:00PM - 6:00PM Life Force 6:00PM - 8:00PM CRSP mujeres 6:15PM - 9:30PM HOPE Mtg 6:30PM - 8:00PM Life Teen Band Rehearsal 7:00PM - 9:00PM K of C 7:00PM - 9:00PM Wednesday - 6/29/2016 St Jude prayer Mtg 5:00PM - 7:00PM Grupo De Oracion 7:00PM - 9:00PM Life Teen 7:00PM - 9:00PM Chorale Rehearsal 7:30PM - 9:30PM Thursday - 6/30/2016 CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED Brothers in Christ 5:45AM - 7:00AM Food Pantry Set up 6:00AM - 1:30PM Come Clean Church 7:00AM - 9:30AM Come Clean Chapel 8:45AM - 10:30AM Food Pantry Distribution 3:00PM - 4:00PM Real Life Young Adult 6:00PM - 9:30PM CRSP hombres grupo 4 6:15PM - 9:00PM Estudio Biblico 7:00PM - 9:00PM Evening Scripture Study 7:00PM - 9:00PM Charismatic Prayer Mtg 7:00PM - 9:00PM Coro Hispano 7:30PM - 9:00PM Friday - 7/1/2016 CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED Adoration 8:45AM - 6:45PM Quilters 10:00AM - 12:00PM Al-Anon Family Group 10:30AM - 11:30AM Vida Joven 6:30PM - 9:30PM Saturday - 7/2/2016 Rosary Makers 8:30AM - 10:30AM Sunday - 7/3/2016 Life Teen 7:00PM - 9:30PM Life Teen Prayer Team 8:00PM - 9:30PM
PC (Mid) Church SH (D) AE OR OR LL YOUTH PC (Back) SH (D) Church AE PC (Back) Chapel YOUTH Church
SH (D) SH (C&D) Church Chapel SH LL PC Adult Ed A Adult Ed B Chapel Church
Chapel PC (Back) OR YOUTH OR YOUTH Chapel
For all events and updates please check the website calendar. Room Key YC - Youth Center | SH(ABC&D) - Social Hall PC - Pastoral Care | AE - Adult Education Building LL - Life Lounge | OR - Oakwood Room CONV - Convent | CONF - Conference Room MP - Multi-Purpose Room | Media - Media Center
Used Uniform Sale
Saturday, July 30th 2016 8:00AM -1:00PM in the Social Hall Purchase uniforms for the upcoming school year at greatly reduced prices. Drop off your donations and consignments to the school office, Monday through Thursday 9:00AM to 12:00PM. For more information call: Willie 813.850.3073 or Fran 813.205.3882
Emmaus Women’s Retreat Save the Date
The next Nativity Emmaus Women's Retreat will take place the weekend of October 7-9, 2016 at the Franciscan Center in Tampa. Sign ups for this retreat will begin the weekend of September 10-11, 2016. This truly is an awesome weekend that every woman should have the opportunity to experience. Look for more information in the weeks to come.
July Food Drive
Our monthly food drive will be on July 16 –17, 2016. The Nativity Food Bank truck will be on campus for your convenience. Thank you for your generosity and continued support of the Nativity Outreach Food Pantry & Food Bank.
Away for the summer?
Going to be traveling this summer? Want more information on giving online? Visit nativitycatholicchurch.org and click on
Online Giving. If you need assistance with updating your account information, please call the Online Giving Customer Support at 800-348-2886 option 4.
Reflexión Semanal (cortesía de catholicsteward.com) 1 R 19, 16B, 19-21; Sal 16: 1-2, 5, 7-11; Gal 5: 1, 13-18; Lc 9: 51-62
Las lecturas de este Decimotercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario hablan de los retos, los posibles sacrificios, y las actitudes necesarias para seguir a Cristo como Su discípulo. Cada uno de nosotros a través del Bautismo está llamado a ser discípulo del Señor, y muchos de nosotros entendemos esto intelectualmente. Sin embargo, tomar el compromiso necesario para cumplir con ese objetivo puede ser difícil en el mundo de hoy. Nos encontramos a Elías en la Primera Lectura del Primer Libro de Reyes. Para poner la situación de Elías en contexto él ha sido llamado por Dios y él, Elías, ha respondido. Sin embargo, se siente solo y se siente un poco agobiado por las tareas a mano. Dios anuncia que Él le proporcionará un alivio al reclutar a un compañero y un sucesor de su ministerio. Dios dice: "Ungirás a Eliseo, hijo de Safat, de Abelmehala, como profeta y tu sucesor." Elías descubre a Eliseo arando con "doce yuntas de bueyes." Claramente, Eliseo era un hombre de medios, cualquier ganadero que paga por doce bueyes para ayudarlo con su trabajo estaba bien económicamente. Eliseo responde al llamado diciendo, "... permíteme abrazar a mi padre y mi madre de despedida y te seguiré." Él no rechaza la invitación, pero impone algunas condiciones respecto a ella. Dios nos invita a tomar Su cruz, tomar nuestras propias cruces, y seguirle. Es natural para nosotros pensar hacia el interior de nosotros mismos que lo haremos tan pronto como estemos listos, tan pronto como hemos logrado otras cosas. Cuando Jesús llamó a sus apóstoles, literalmente dieron todo y le siguieron. Puede que no tengamos que hacer un sacrificio tan pesado, pero tenemos que estar preparados para cambiar y adaptarnos a ser un discípulo. En la carta de San Pablo a los Gálatas, nuestra Segunda Lectura, Pablo se dirige de nuevo dirige al tema de la ley judía. Es un tema común en las cartas de Pablo, y es complicado para la mayoría de nosotros, ya que no seguimos la tradición judía, para entender la continua mención y evaluación de parte de Pablo de lo mismo. Sin embargo, podría ser simplificado de esta manera. La ley judía era exterior - es decir, se trataba de un nivel de vida que requiere que la persona que la sigue actuara de una manera particular en términos de lo que la gente veía y percibía. Al Pablo convertirse para seguir a Jesucristo, Pablo se da cuenta de que siguiendo al Señor es tal vez más una experiencia y actividad interna que externa. El punto básico de Pablo es que debemos interiorizar el Señor; debemos hacer que Su presencia y Sus enseñanzas sean una parte de nuestro propio ser interno. Las acciones exteriores, ejemplificadas por la Ley, son secundarias, si no completamente no factores. Pablo se dio cuenta de que la salvación no se encuentra por el cumplimiento del compromiso externo a la Ley, sino por el compromiso con la acción interna de la creencia y la fe, el
JUNE 26TH, 2016 servicio y el amor. La mayordomía requiere acción, pero antes de los actos de mayordomía, uno debe convertirse en mente y corazón, y esto es interno. Nuestro Evangelio de Lucas encuentra a Jesús en un pueblo samaritano. Eso en sí mismo es único e inusual. Hemos comentado en el pasado sobre los conflictos entre los samaritanos y los judíos, y Jesús y sus seguidores eran de hecho judíos. No podrían esperar ninguna hospitalidad de parte de los samaritanos. Lo que Jesús dice y hace muy bien refleja la lección proporcionada en la Primera Lectura acerca de Elías y Eliseo. El comentario final del Señor después que la gente le indican que lo han de seguir, pero primero tienen que atender algunos asuntos terrenales, es "Nadie que pone la mano en el arado y mira lo que quedaba atrás es apto para el reino de Dios." Jesús creció en una sociedad agraria. Esta lectura puede haber significado más para la gente hace 100 años, quienes eran mayormente agrícolas, que con nuestra propia sociedad. Hay dos conclusiones que pueden extraerse de la declaración de Jesús sobre el arado y el Reino de Dios: en primer lugar, el enfoque tiene que ser hacia adelante siempre, nunca hacia atrás; en segundo lugar, el que está guiando los animales (o incluso el tractor en la actualidad) debe tener un agarre firme y constante de las riendas o el volante. Para que seamos discípulos y para ser sirvientes exitosos de Dios, como el arador, debemos mirar hacia adelante a Cristo y a la eternidad; entonces debemos estar comprometidos y buscar la fuerza para seguir adelante con el compromiso y la mayordomía que se requiere para lograr nuestro objetivo.
¿Pensando a donde queda la Iglesia más cercana durante las vacaciones? Mire: www.masstimes.org
¿Vas de viaje este verano? ¿Desea más información sobre la entrega en línea? Visita nativitycatholicchurch.org y haga clic en Online Giving. Si necesita ayuda para actualizar la información de su cuenta, por favor llame a la línea de soporte al cliente al 800.348.2886 opción 4.
Arrivederci! P. Víctor
Únase a nosotros el domingo, 26 de junio, después de la Misa El Banco de Alimentos de La Na10:30 am en el Salón Social Hatividad Necesita Voluntarios bra una torta y pueden desearle El Banco de Alimentos de La Natividad está lo major a Padre Victor en su necesitando conductores de camiones (ninguna nueva aventura a Roma, Italia. licencia especial necesaria) y voluntarios que P. Víctor se dirigirá a Sant’ Anselmo all’ Aventino para puedan ayudar cargando y moviendo las estudiar Teología Sacramental. donaciones hechas al Banco de Alimentos en el Habrá tarjetas disponibles para que todos los feligreses warehouse de Dover. Estamos abiertos solamente por las las firmen después de las Misas por la mañana. mañanas, lunes, martes, miércoles y viernes de 7:30 am hasta
Nuestros niños oran, sirven y donan
Riley vacióla lavadora de platos. Savannah leyó la biblia por la mañana. Sabrina suido el perrito y limpio la casa. McKenna permitió que su hermano entrara a su cuarto.
Lighthouse Medios Disponibles
Dios viene íntimamente a tocar en la puerta de cada corazón. El Padre Fernando Orejuela nos explica con detalle y pasión el cómo y por qué debemos dejar que Dios entre a nuestras vidas y lo que puede pasar si abrimos esa puerta. ¡Entérate de estas diez acciones que cambian vidas!
aproximadamente las 11:00 am. Si usted puede darnos un día a la semana o más, su ayuda sería muy apreciada. Horas y días son flexibles. Cualquiera que esté interesado por favor llamar al (813) 707-1523 durante las horas mencionadas. Pueden dejar mensaje.
Cualquier estudiante de preparatoria, 16 años o mayores interesados en horas comunitarias durante el verano en el almacén de banco de alimentos de Natividad en Dover pueden llamar a la bodega en 813-707-1523 durante las horas mencionadas. Pueden dejar mensaje.
San Vicente de Paul Solicita Voluntarios
Mis hermanos y hermanas, cuando hablamos de proclamar la Palabra de Dios, estamos hablando de comunicar lo que Dios quiere decir a su pueblo. Por eso si disfrutas de la lectura y puedes ofrecer tu tiempo y talento, te invitamos a participar en el Ministerio de Lectura Te invitamos a proclamar La Palabra de Dios en la Celebración Litúrgica. Si interesas, Comunícate con Carmen Morales (8130) 956-6653 o Jaime López (813) 808-1067 Tendremos entrenamiento para los nuevos miembros que deseen unirse. Lunes, 27 de Junio, 7pm en la Iglesia Anímate...Te esperamos!
Tenemos muchas oportunidades disponibles para servir a los necesitados en nuestra comunidad. Si le gustaría ser un miembro de nuestro equipo local Visitación, solo requiere un mínimo de horas. O, también estamos buscando personas que les gustaría estar más involucrados en nuestro equipo. Si usted desea aprender cómo puede ser parte de este importante ministerio, comuniquese con Linda Schwartz al 813.361.9058 para obtener información. Sería degran ayuda terer voluntarios que hablan Español.
Hermanos en Cristo
Este ministerio se reúne todos los jueves por la mañana 6:00 -6:50 AM en el Salón Social A. Nuestras reuniones incluyen actividades de crecimiento espiritual como la lectura y meditación de las lecturas del siguiente domingo y escuchar charlas animadas y presentaciones sobre asuntos de fe que enfrentan los hombres todos los dias. Nuestro grupo también participa en el servicio y la oración para apoyar a la comunidad. Todos los hombres de la parroquia son bienvenidos y les incitamos a que asistan. Este ha sido un "gran cambio" para muchos. Se proporcionan refrescos. Para más información póngase en contacto con Jim Nabach al 813.643.8483 o al 813.309.7690 Don Cseh. (Estas reuniones son en ingles).