4 minute read
How to Protect Yourself from Artificial Electromagnetic Frequencies
by Dan Stachofsky
Artifi cial electromagnetic fi elds (EMF) produced by radiofrequency (RF) radiation, which includes microwave radiation, are coming under additional scrutiny as health concerns rise. Th e nature and degree of health eff ects from artifi cial EMF depend on frequency and duration, proximity to the source, and any shielding or conditioning that may be used. Studies show artifi cial EMF leads to harmful levels of damaged DNA and cell hypoxia, with many people experiencing fatigue, headaches, infl ammation, chronic illnesses and digestive issues as a result. Non-ionizing radiation sources include cell phones, tablets, Wi-Fi , Bluetooth, LED lights, fl uorescent lights, and high-powered transmission lines, to name a few. For years, these devices were not considered harmful to one’s health. However, today there are over 2000 research papers showing a link to chronic disease and cancer, including a 2018 study by the National Toxicology Lab that found a link between cell phone radiation and cancer in male rats. What is the mechanism for this to occur? One answer comes from Physicians for Safe Technology who share that it’s the combination of environmental pollutants and non-ionizing EMF that work
synergistically to amplify health concerns. Th e organization’s website, mdsafetech. org, includes a list of pollutants such as air pollution, cigarette smoke, heavy or transition metals like cadmium, mercury, iron, lead and arsenic as culprits. An article on their website titled Cellular Mechanisms: Oxidation states, “Th is is a complex system but the ultimate biologic result which can occur with acute exposure to higher levels or chronic exposure to lower levels of non-ionizing radiofrequencies is cumulative tissue damage. Genetic, age and health vulnerabilities infl uence the repair abilities of cells and thus enhance biologic harm.”
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Th is confi rms what Jeff ery Scholm, Ph.D., said when he was head of the Immunotherapeutics Group at the Centre for Cancer Research: “Our immune system is massively underrated as an instrument of good health. It is severely hampered by the environment we have created.” To combat this, risk experts suggest a two-pronged approach. First, invest in EMF-conditioning technology as these devices protect against the eff ects of artifi - cial EMF and don’t interfere with technology. Not all energy products are created equal, so do your research to make sure they protect against both electrical and magnetic fi elds generated by RF. Second, experts encourage people to limit exposure to artifi cial EMF. Practical steps include only talking on cell phones with the speaker on or through wired headphones, keeping tablets and laptops off laps and away from pregnant mothers and young children, turning off the Wi-Fi at night, and not sleeping with a cell phone in the bedroom. Additionally, men should not place cell phones in their pockets as studies show EMF exposure can lead to sterility. Everyone should dedicate time to educate themselves on the risks and solutions of artifi cial EMF exposure. It’s a serious crisis that people should understand. Why? If artifi cial EMF is making us weaker as the studies show, our immune system is weaker and may place us at greatest risk of contracting viruses and becoming ill. On the bright side, we can change the environment we live in and protect ourselves from artifi cial EMF while increasing our vitality and life force, making us stronger and more resilient. Stay grounded, stay informed and begin taking steps to protect yourself from artifi cial EMF.
Questions about EMF? Ask the author, Dan Stachofsky, president of Essential Energy Solutions in Spokane which creates clean Electromagnetic Frequency (EMF) products. He encourages anyone with questions to email him at Dan@EssentialEnergy.Solutions or call 509-850-0557. For more information about Essential Energy Solution EMF reduction products, visit Th eEMFfi x.com. See ad, page 16.
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