6 minute read
by Amber McKenzie
Over the years, The Appointment:I I’ve learned a booked a 90-minute lot about two session with Hancock powerful therapies— at her Hayden location, myofascial release and and she explained that it lymphatic drainage. consisted of 45 minutes When I realized that of myofascial release and Dawn-Marie Han45 minutes of lymphatic cock, owner of Healdrainage massage. After ing Hearts Together encouraging me to stay Myofascial Release hydrated, she asked how and Lymphatic TherDawn-Marie Hancock I was feeling and if there apy Center of Northern Idaho, ofwere any areas of concern. I showed her fers both in one 90-minute session, I the scar tissue on my lower abdomen from decided this was my Publisher’s Pick two caesarian sections. I also shared that opportunity for the September issue! I currently had stomach pain. Her calm
Hancock is an occupational theraand peaceful presence made it easy and pist with over 30 years’ experience. She comfortable to talk about my ailments. is also a member of the Holistic Chamber of Commerce, a networking group Myofascial Release: Hancock is trained we’re both active in. She has presented in the John F. Barnes technique of myoon several occasions during Chamber fascial release which is an innovative and events, and I’ve found her depth of highly effective whole-body approach for knowledge about the body’s fascia and the evaluation and treatment of pain and lymphatic systems fascinating. dysfunction. During my appointment, I learned that our fascia is an interconnected layer of connective tissue that weaves through the entire body—which means the pain we feel in different parts of our body are likely connected through the fascia. Most interestingly, our fascia holds onto emotional memories including sadness, anger, fear, anxiety and confusion. These held-onto memories are literally stuck in our fascia and need to be released for pain to decrease.
Lymphatic Drainage:The lymphatic system is what removes the buildup of toxins and waste in the body. It is vital for maintaining a healthy immune system. When blockages are present, toxins and fluid buildup and the lymphatic system can’t move or process the waste. Lymphatic drainage helps move the fluids and toxins out.
My Experience: My session started with myofascial release. I was surprised by how gentle and non-invasive the technique felt. In fact, I was so relaxed with the soothing movements, I wondered, “Is this even doing anything?” And then something happened that shook me: literally. As she addressed my stomach area, I felt a strong vibration and shaking sensation— like a body earthquake. At first, I thought she was shaking me as part of the massage. However, she explained that it was actually my body releasing physical and emotional restrictions in the fascia. She was just allowing it. Mind. Blown. This happened several more times during our session, and I knew it was my body’s way of releas
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ing what was no longer needed. Hancock explained that everyone’s experience is different, and these releases can happen in a variety of ways. Th e only thing I can say is I felt relief and clarity aft er the shake-ups. Th e next 45 minutes focused on lymphatic drainage and releasing the toxins and blockages that came through during the myofascial release, and that were already present in my body. Again, this massage felt very gentle and subtle. Hancock explained that deep tissue massage is not ideal for the lymphatic system and can cause more harm than good. Lymphatic drainage requires light touch and long, rhythmic strokes to increase the fl ow of lymph and reduce toxins in the body. I fell asleep. Aft er my session was complete, I felt extremely relaxed for the rest of the day and made sure to drink lots of water to fl ush out all the toxins that were released. All in all, it was a highly therapeutic session that I can easily recommend to anyone experiencing pain or toxic buildup. Healing Hearts Together Myofascial Release and Lymphatic Th erapy Center of Northern Idaho have locations in Sandpoint at 480698 Highway 95, and Hayden: 9297 Government Way, Ste. D. For more information or to make an appointment, call 208-389-8234 or visit HealingHeartsTogether.org. See Resource Guide listing, page 26. Local practitioner Mark Smith, owner of My Massage & Sports Th erapy located at 101 N. Evergreen Rd. in the Spokane Valley, also off ers the John F. Barnes myofascial release technique. For more information, visit MyMassageSportsTh erapy.com or call 509-370-2207. See ad, page 22.
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