34 minute read
Using Herbs for Flavor and Medicine
by April Thompson
Herbs add lush flavor to all kinds of dishes, and they are culinary friends that bring the benefits of helping to restore and maintain health. “Food is medicine, and herbs bring out the medicinal properties of food,” says Kami McBride, of Sebastopol, California, author of The Herbal Kitchen: Bring Lasting Health to You and Your Family with 50 Easy-to-Find Common Herbs and Over 250 Recipes. “The spice rack is a relic from another time when we knew how to use herbs and spices to optimize health and to digest our food.”
To get a medicinal dose of an herb, consider making teas, vinegar extracts or pestos, says Brittany Wood Nickerson, the Conway, Massachusetts, author of The Herbalist’s Kitchen: Delicious, Nourishing Food for Lifelong Health and Well-Being. “Parsley, for example, is a nutrient- and vitamin-rich herb. If you garnish with parsley, you won’t get a significant amount of vitamin C, as you would if you make a pesto from it.”
Salads can also pack a healthy dose of herbs into a meal, says Martha’s Vineyard resident Holly Bellebuono, an herbalist and author of The Healing Kitchen: Cooking with Nourishing Herbs for Health, Wellness, and Vitality. “So many herbs, including violets, mints and red clover, can just be tossed fresh into a salad, offering both fiber and minerals.”
Vinegars are one of Bellebuono’s go-to methods to incorporate herbs into a diet, infusing fresh or dried herbs into red wine or apple cider vinegar for salad dressings and other uses. “Vinegar is great at extracting minerals from herbs and making them more bioavailable,” she says.
Drying herbs does not diminish their medicinal properties, but rather concentrates their essence, as it removes excess water, according to Bellebuono. “Dried and powdered herbs are a great way to preserve the garden harvest and add herbs into everyday dishes. You can throw a teaspoon of turmeric, a wonderful anti-inflammatory herb, in spaghetti sauce or oatmeal, and you won’t even notice it,” she says.
Best Herbal Buddies
While Mediterranean herbs like oregano and basil are often at the front of the spice rack, Nickerson also suggests lesser-used herbs such as sour sumac, anise-accented tarragon and versatile, yet often discarded orange peels, which can be added to soups along with fennel seed and bay leaves for a complex flavor. Thyme is another of Nickerson’s favorites, a hearty herb for fall dishes that’s also a powerful antifungal and aids with digestion, lung health and detoxification.
While some may think of parsley as a garnish, “It offers incredible freshness and livens up almost anything,” says Nickerson. “I use it as a vegetable and make a salad of its leaves or add handfuls of it into a quiche. Parsley is loaded with vitamins and minerals, and has detoxification properties.” Adding it near the end of cooking maintains its vibrant flavor and color, she notes.
McBride loves versatile herbs like mint and coriander that can be used in sweet and savory dishes with antimicrobial properties that help fight colds and flu. She also keeps salt shakers on the table filled with spices like cardamom, an antibacterial, anti-spasmotic and expectorant, to sprinkle onto beverages and dishes. Bellebuono also recommends infusing honey with herbs such as sage or oregano that support the immune system.
Herbal-Aided Digestion
All herbs, whether leafy, green culinary herbs or spices like coriander and clove, are carminative, meaning they help digest food, McBride says. “Digestion can use up to 40 percent of your day’s energy, which is why you often get a nap attack after a big meal. Every meal needs a carminative, even if it’s just black pepper, which is one of the problems with most fast food.”
Pungent and bitter herbs, in particular, support digestion and absorption of nutrients and make them more bioavailable, says Nickerson: “Activating the taste buds dedicated to sensing bitter stimulates the digestive system.” A salad of bitter greens, for example, can help prepare digestion of a heavier meal to come, whereas a post-meal aperitif can help with digesting the food afterward.
“It absolutely adds up when you add small doses of herbs to your meals every day,” McBride advises. “Many Americans suffer from gastrointestinal inflammation from modern diets and lifestyles, and herbs can help reverse that. Your gut gets a little healing every day.”
April Thompson is a Washington, D.C., freelance writer. Connect at AprilWrites.com.
Spinach & Grapefruit Salad with Toasted Pumpkin Seeds

The floral notes of tarragon in the dressing and the juicy, sour grapefruit invigorate the senses and wake up the digestive processes.
Yields: 4 to 6 servings
8 oz spinach (about 4 packed cups) 1 large or 2 medium-size grapefruits ½ cup pumpkin seeds of the fruit, just inside the membranes. Leave the sections whole or cut them into bite-size pieces.
Toast the pumpkin seeds in a skillet over medium heat, stirring often, until they are lightly browned, have puffed up and begin to pop—4 to 7 minutes.
Combine the oil, lemon juice, vinegar, mustard, shallot, tarragon and salt in a bowl and whisk together. Stir in any grapefruit juice that may have puddled on the cutting board while sectioning the fruit.
Pour the dressing over the spinach. If any dressing is left over, it will keep in the fridge for up to a week. Toss the spinach well, then add the grapefruit and pumpkin seeds and toss gently again to combine.
Recipe and photo from Recipes from the Herbalist’s Kitchen by Brittany Wood Nickerson.

½ cup olive oil 1 Tbsp lemon juice 1 Tbsp white wine vinegar 1 tsp Dijon mustard 1 Tbsp finely minced shallot 1 tsp finely chopped tarragon Pinch of salt
Tear the spinach into bite-size pieces, if necessary, and place in a large bowl.
Cut the top and bottom off the grapefruit so that the flesh of the fruit is exposed so it sits flat on a cutting board. Cut the peel and pith from the fruit using a sharp knife or vegetable peeler.
Set the grapefruit on one of its flat ends on a cutting board. The sections of the fruit will face up. Cut out the sections, slicing from the outside toward the center
Mint and Feta Bruschetta with Chive Blossoms

Yields: 4 servings as an appetizer
½ cup fresh chive blossoms (can be substi- tuted with other edible flowers or left out) 1 French baguette ½ lb feta cheese, crumbled, or a vegan alternative 1 cup chopped fresh mint ½ cup minced chives (can be substituted with scallions) 2-4 Tbsp olive oil Salt and freshly ground black pepper
Preheat the oven to 325° F. While the oven is heating, pull apart the chive blossoms, removing the central stem and plucking the tiny purple florets.
Set the baguette in the hot oven and bake for 7 to 10 minutes, until the edges are crispy, but not browned.

Meanwhile, combine the feta in a bowl with the mint, minced chives and chive florets. Add enough of the oil to moisten then season with salt and pepper to taste.

Mix well.
Remove the baguette from the oven and slice along the diagonal. Arrange on a platter with 1 to 2 tablespoons of the bruschetta mixture on each slice. Drizzle with a little more oil and serve.

Note: For the bread to be crisp throughout rather than soft on the inside and crispy on the outside, slice it on the diagonal to start with, brush each piece with olive oil and bake on a baking sheet at 325° F for 5 to 7 minutes until crispy.
Recipe and photos from Recipes from the Herbalist’s Kitchen by Brittany Wood Nickerson.
Cilantro Pesto
Yields: about ½ cup
2 Tbsp (heaping) walnuts 2 cups packed cilantro leaves and stems (one large bunch) 2 garlic cloves 2 Tbsp olive oil Salt and freshly ground pepper
Soak the walnuts overnight in enough water to cover them. (This makes them easier to digest and helps remove some of the bitterness in the skin.)
Drain and rinse the walnuts. Combine them with the cilantro, garlic, oil and salt to taste, and a few grinds of pepper in a food processor. Blend until smooth.
Taste and adjust the seasonings as necessary. The pesto will keep for 5 to 7 days in the fridge or for 6 months or more in the freezer.
Recipe and photo from Recipes from the Herbalist’s Kitchen by Brittany Wood Nickerson.
Natural Awakenings recommends using organic, non-GMO (genetically modified) and non-bromated ingredients whenever possible.

Natural Awakenings Farmers’ Market Guide

Sponsored by At Greenstone, it is our mission to build healthy, sustainable neighborhoods that create enriched living and lasting value for our customers and the community. Learn more at GreenstoneHomes.com.
monday Hillyard Farmers Market –3-7pm. 5102 N Market St, Spokane. Facebook.com/HillyardFarmersMarket.
tuesday Fairwood Farmers Market – 3-7pm. A vibrant North Spokane farmers’ market. 319 W Hastings, Spokane. FairwoodFarmersMarket.org.
wednesday Coeur d’Alene Wednesday Market –4-7pm. Vegetables, flowers and native plants, meats, cheeses, bread, honey and jams. Sherman Ave and 5th St, Coeur d’Alene, ID. KootenaiFarmersMarkets.org. Farmers Market at Sandpoint –3-5:30pm. Supporting agriculture through education and a diverse community market. Farmin Park, The Fountain, Third Ave and Oak St, Sandpoint, ID. SandpointFarmersMarket.com.
Kendall Yards Night Market
5-8pm. Kendall Yards Night Market provides a safe open-air environment offering fresh produce from local farmers, as well as outstanding vendors with a passion for producing and growing the very best food and products this region has to offer. 1335 W Summit Parkway, east of Cedar St, Spokane. KendallNightMarket.org.
Millwood Farmers Market –3-7pm. Supported by community partners, come check out our family-friendly market. 8910 E Dalton Ave, Spokane. MillwoodPC.org. Spokane Farmers Market –8am-1pm. Fresh vegetables and fruits, baked goods, meat, eggs, cheese, honey, plants and more. 20 W 5th Ave, Spokane. SpokaneFarmersMarket.org. thursday South Perry Thursday Market –3-7pm. Fresh, healthy, locally grown food and locally crafted products in the South Perry neighborhood. 1360 E 10th, Spokane. ThursdayMarket.org.
friday Emerson–Garfield Farmers Market – 3-7pm. Features more than 20 vendors, weekly events; a great atmosphere with plenty of parking. Adult Education Center, 2310 N Monroe St, Spokane. 509-255-3072. EmersonGarfield.org. Spokane Valley Farmers Market – 5-8pm. Local produce, artisans and healthy products. 2426 N Discovery Place, Spokane Valley. SpokaneValleyFarmersMarket.org.
saturday Farmers Market at Sandpoint – 9am-1pm. Supporting agriculture through education and a diverse community market. Farmin Park, The Fountain, Third Ave and Oak St, Sandpoint, ID. SandpointFarmersMarket.com. Hayden Saturday Market –9am-1:30pm. Vegetables, flowers and native plants, meats, cheeses, bread, honey and jams. SE corner Hwy 95 & Prairie, Hayden, ID. KootenaiFarmersMarkets.org.
Liberty Lake Farmers Market
9am-1pm. The Liberty Lake Farmers Market averages 40 to 50 vendors each Saturday, and is full of wonderful produce, baked goods, eggs, meats, fish and specialty items from all around the Northwest. 1421 N Meadowood Ln, Liberty Lake. LibertyLakeFarmersMarket.com.
Spokane Farmers Market –8am-1pm. Shop fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as baked goods, meat, eggs, cheese, honey, plants and more. 20 W 5th Ave, Spokane. SpokaneFarmersMarket.org. NOTE: All calendar events must be received by the 10th of the month and adhere to our guidelines. Review guidelines for submissions at inwAwakenings.com or email Publisher@inwAwakenings. com for more information.
Due to ongoing COVID-19 guidance and limited gatherings, please be sure to contact businesses in advance of any in-person events. Please visit inwAwakenings.com/calendar for updated events. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3
Talking to the Fire – Weekly Ascension Soul
Speak – 6-7pm. Join Becca Lynn of Soul Based Life in a sacred space of inner work and exploration. Group’s focus is on advanced ascension practices and support, with each circle focusing on a specific topic through discussion and meditation. Zoom sessions with occasional field trips. $33/month. Subscribe: withBecca.com/classesworkshops. TUEDAY, SEPTEMBER 15
Holistic Chamber of Commerce Meeting in
the Park – 6-7:30pm. Join the HCC Spokane for their monthly networking meeting in Manito Park. Visitors and members welcome. Let’s connect, network and discuss business during this unprecedented time. Bring your own chair or blanket. Free. 1702 S. Grand Blvd., Spokane. RSVP: 509-869-4361. HolisticChamberOfCommerce.com/ Spokane. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 A True You – Sept 19-20. 9am-5pm. Reconnect with your strength and courage and feel free! Quantum Living provides the tools and awareness to move you beyond chronic pain, stress, and trauma by teaching you to use the healing abilities of the body and mind. $800/group, $850/individual. Location varies. Call/text: 509-389-1501. DeirdreCatlin.com.
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 A True You – Sept 26-27. 9am-5pm. See Sept 19 description. $800/group, $850/individual. Location varies. Call/text: 509-389-1501. DeirdreCatlin.com.
plan ahead
4-Day Holistic Experience for Veterans and
First Responders – Oct 9-12. Combines the therapeutic effects of nature, nutrition, relaxation, body intelligence, and highly effective mindfulness practices to promote well-being for all. $2000. Sandpoint, Idaho. Call/text: 509-389-1501. DeirdreCatlin.com.
Due to ongoing COVID-19 guidance and limited gatherings, please be sure to contact businesses in advance of any in-person events.
Unity Center of North Spokane Group Service
–11am. In person and live streamed via Facebook page. 4123 E Lincoln Rd, Spokane. 509-489-6964. TheUnityCenter.org.
Unity Spiritual Center Live-Stream Service
– 10am; Transforming lives and inspiring people to make a positive difference in the world. Join us on Facebook live. Facebook.com/ UnitySpiritualCenterSpokane. UnitySpokane.org. SatiSeva Support Group – 10-11:30am. 3rd Sun. A spiritually minded community supporting people who struggle with addiction. Souls Center, 707 N Cedar, Ste 2, Spokane. Donation. SoulsCenter.com.
Unity Spiritual Center of North Idaho Group
Service – 10am. Our Sunday services are a celebration of living with spirit. 4465 N 15th St, CdA, ID. 208-664-1125. UnityCenter.org. Spokane Buddhist Temple – 10:30am. Our main temple hall is called a Hondo where we gather for services. 927 S Perry St, Spokane. 509-534-7954. SpokaneBuddhistTemple.org. Church of Truth Service – 11am. We believe all people are filled with the Spirit of God, and our church helps people search for that connection within. 523 E Garden, CdA. IdahoChurchOfTruth.com.
Recovery Dharma Meeting – 6-7pm. A Buddhistinspired approach to recovery from addictions of all kinds. Donation. Souls Center, 707 N Cedar, Ste 2, Spokane. SoulsCenter.com or Facebook.com/ RecoveryDharmaOfSpokane.
Gathering of Like-Minded Souls Spiritual Circle
– 6:30-8:30pm. 3rd Mon. Join to hold space and raise consciousness within by sharing your gifts and stories. A Spiritual Touch, 932 E Sherman Ave, Ste 200, CdA. By donation. Call/text 208-691-8865. Reiki Share – 6:30-8pm. 4th Mon. Come and relax as Holy Fire Reiki surrounds you in love. For everyone interested or practicing reiki. A Spiritual Touch, 932 E Sherman Ave, Ste 200, CdA. By donation. Call/text 208-691-8865.
Recovery Dharma Meeting – 6-7pm. See Monday listing. Souls Center, 707 N Cedar, Ste 2, Spokane. Donation. SoulsCenter.com or Facebook.com/ RecoveryDharmaOfSpokane.
Holistic Chamber of Commerce Networking Meeting.
2nd Tues. 6-7:30pm. Join local holistic practitioners and service providers for networking, meaningful connections and business building tools and guidance. $10/visitors; Free/members.
RSVP: 509-869-4361 HolisticChamberOfCommerce.com/Spokane
Holy Fire Meditation with Himalayan Singing
Bowls – 6:30-8pm. 2nd Tues. Contact for details. A Spiritual Touch, 932 E Sherman Ave, Ste 200, CdA. Call/text 208-691-8865. Oracle Vibrationz – 6:30-8pm. 4th Tues. Are you a card reader or interested in reading oracle cards? This is your place to have fun with the Oracle. A Spiritual Touch, 9803 E. Sprague, Spokane Valley. Call/text 208-691-8865.
Women’s Soul Circle – 9:30-11:30pm. Honoring the sacred feminine together in community. Grab a cup of coffee and join for the theme of the month. Souls Center, 707 N Cedar, Ste 2, Spokane. Donation. SoulsCenter.com. Recovery Dharma Meeting – 1-2pm. See Monday listing. Souls Center, 707 N Cedar, Ste 2, Spokane. Donation. SoulsCenter.com or Facebook.com/ RecoveryDharmaOfSpokane. Wellness Wednesdays – 7-8pm. 2nd and 4th Wed. Join Infused Plant Based Wellness for their monthly education classes covering a variety of important health topics. Classes include a hot herbal tea and Infused Knowledge info card and coupon. $12. 413 W Hastings Rd, Spokane. RSVP: 509-863-9027. Infused-Wellness.com.
Inspired Dreamers Coffee Club – 10-11am. 2nd Thurs. A new community of inspired people! Join us for coffee or tea as we discuss dream fulfilment while encouraging and mentoring one another. A Spiritual Touch, 932 E Sherman Ave, Ste 200, CdA. Free. Call/text 208-691-8865. Recovery Dharma Meeting – 10:30-11:30am. See Monday listing. Souls Center, 707 N Cedar, Ste 2, Spokane. Donation. SoulsCenter.com or Facebook. com/RecoveryDharmaOfSpokane.
Talking to the Fire – Weekly Ascension Soul
Speak – 6-7pm. Join Becca Lynn of Soul Based Life in a sacred space of inner work and exploration. Focusing on advanced ascension practices and support around varying topics. Zoom sessions with occasional field trips. $33/month. Subscribe: withBecca.com/classesworkshops.
HeartMind Meditations – 10-11am. What the mind knows. What the heart resists knowing. HeartMind meditations are designed to bring the mind and heart into more balance and harmony. Donation. Souls Center, 707 N Cedar, Ste 2, Spokane. SoulsCenter.com. Recovery Dharma Meeting – 11:30am-12:30pm. See Monday listing. Donation. Souls Center, 707 N Cedar, Ste 2, Spokane. SoulsCenter.com or Facebook.com/RecoveryDharmaOfSpokane. Reiki Share – 6:30-8:30pm. 4th Mon. See Monday description. A Spiritual Touch, 932 E Sherman Ave, Ste 200, CdA. By donation. Call/text 208-691-8865.
Fee for classifieds is a minimum charge of $20 for the first 20 words and $1 for each additional word. To place an ad, email Publisher@inwAwakenings.com. OPPORTUNITIES
ADVERTISE HERE – Are you: hiring, renting property/office space, selling products, offering services, or in need of volunteers? Advertise your personal/business needs in Natural Awakenings classified ad section. To place an ad, email Publisher@inwAwakenings.com.
STUDIO AND OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE AT THE LOTUS – Ideal for those building their healing arts practice. Affordable rental space for workshops, classes and private sessions. Email Sam@TheLotusSpokane.com.
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OCTOBER Stress Management

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ACUPUNCTURE LISE TAKASHINA, LAC Peony Acupuncture & Apothecary 302 N 5th St, Coeur d’Alene 208-292-4829 PeonyAcupuncture.com Find health, balance, and inner vibrancy through a range of holistic treatments including acupuncture, herbal medicine, Moxa, cupping, essential oil therapy, guasha and other modalities. Takashina is passionate about women’s health and holistic internal medicine including pain management, digestive health, and natural hormone regulation.
HOLISTIC REMEDIES CRITTER APOTHECARY Inside Only Local Farmers Market 464138 U.S. Hwy. 95, Sagle, ID 208-265-2277 OnlyLocal.Farm/CritterApothecary Offering the finest in organic and herbal remedies, the Critter Apothecary caters to the health of both twoand four-legged creatures and is the exclusive regional dealer for Dr. Paul’s Lab products. Open Monday to Saturday from 10 am to 6 pm and Sunday from 1 to 5 pm. See ad, page 3.
ASTROLOGY FOR THE SOUL GOVINDA MILLER Priest River, ID • 208-448-2093 Govinda@AstrologyWithGovinda.com AstrologyWithGovinda.com Govinda has more than 45 years’ experience as a professional spiritual astrologer and counselor. He is known internationally for his intuitive and compassionate guidance and remarkable accuracy. He offers a variety of astrological services to meet your specific needs. Available for in-person and phone appointments.
AUTOIMMUNE DISORDERS JULIE GEORGE, ND Rivercreek Wellness 521 N Argonne Rd, Ste B105 Spokane Valley • 509-919-1385 RivercreekWellness.com Dr. Julie George helps patients restore their health by utilizing naturopathic and environmental medicine protocols. She provides advanced testing, detoxification, supplementation, nutritional/ botanical treatments, and lifestyle education. See ad, page 7.
BARTER & TRADE COMMUNITY PRIME TRADE NORTHWEST 1869 E Seltice Way, Ste 374 Post Falls • 208-699-9692 Arthur.Shaw@ITEX.net PrimeTradeNW.com The goal at Prime Trade Northwest is to promote you and your business. Their team works hard to connect you with other members in need of your products and services. They also help find ways to offset your cash costs with other members in the ITEX community. See ad, page 10.
BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SMART THERAPY 9708 N Nevada St, Ste 205 Spokane • 509-466-0226 SmartTherapyGroup.net Smart Therapy specializes in natural approaches to treat mental health issues, which may include a combination of talk therapy, nutritional supplements, diet, exercise and more. Their licensed therapists have a wide range of specialties and experience. Most major insurance plans accepted. Call for more information or to schedule an appointment. Active Holistic Chamber of Commerce Member. See ad, page 11. BIOMERIDIAN STRESS ANALYSIS HAYDEN HOLISTIC HEALTH Anna Strong, RN, CCH 579 W Hayden Ave Hayden, ID • 208-518-8411 HaydenHolistic.com Overwhelmed with where to start on your healing journey? The Biomeridian Stress Analysis scan helps determine what is your highest priority. Anna Strong specializes in personalized wellness and healing plans with homeopathics, detox, herbs and food-based supplements. Remote consults also available. Ask about our New Client Special.
LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE HEALING HEARTS TOGETHER MYOFASCIAL RELEASE & LYMPHATIC THERAPY CENTER OF NORTHERN IDAHO Dawn-Marie Hancock 9297 Government Way, Ste D, Hayden, ID 480698 Highway 95, Sandpoint, ID 208-389-8234 • HealingHeartsTogether.org Myofascial Release and Lymphatic Drainage are gentle specialized full body tissue treatments that create positive healing by restoring pain free function and enhanced immune system. With 30 years of experience, your treatment is individualized for your body and wellness goals. Active Holistic Chamber of Commerce Member.
CBD OILS & CANNABIS LOCAL’S CANNA HOUSE 9619 E Sprague Ave Spokane Valley • 509-413-2796 LocalsCannaHouse.com Featuring the highest quality CBD oils, capsules, tinctures and bath salts to help with inflammation, sore muscles, sleep, pain relief, relaxation and more. Allow the friendly Local’s staff to assist in finding the CBD products that are right for you! Active Holistic Chamber of Commerce Member. See ad, page 31.

CBD PRODUCTS (TERPENE-RICH) BLUEGRASS HEMP OIL (BHO) Order online with discount code: Spokane BluegrassHempOil.com BHO started producing premium CBD products in 2014 as a result of their son’s health needs. They a r e d e d i c a t e d t o cultivating and producing superior quality, lab-certified, full-spectrum CBD for their family and yours. Order online with discount code: Spokane. Active Holistic Chamber of Commerce Member. See ad, page 7.
CBD TOPICAL PAIN RELIEF & TINCTURES NAKED SCIENCE CBD Timothy Hedrick & Tracy Sirrine Spokane • 833-333-7335 NakedScienceCBD.com Made in Spokane! Naked Science creates CBDinfused skin care products and tinctures utilizing high-quality natural ingredients. Every batch is lab tested to ensure CBD potency, no pesticides or heavy metals. Available at Super One Foods and Rosauers on 29th, Huckleberry’s, Piece of Mind, Northwest Heads and online! See ad, page 3.
CHIROPRACTIC INTELLIGENT BALANCE SPINAL CARE 2310 N Molter Rd, Ste 108 Liberty Lake • 509-924-4443 Info@IntelligentBalance.com IntelligentBalance.com N o t a l l f o r m s o f chiropractic care are the s a m e . I n t e l l i g e n t Balance treats patients using upper cervical chiropractic care by performing the QSM3 technique, which focuses on body balancing. They also specialize in a progression of the NUCCA chiropractic technique that achieves measurable results in a comfortable setting. Schedule a free consultation today. See ad, page 17.
SMART THERAPY Wayne Lindell, DC 9708 N Nevada St, Ste 205 Spokane • 509-466-0226 SmartTherapyGroup.net Dr. Wayne Lindell is an experienced chiropractor with more than 25 years’ serving the I n l a n d N o r t h w e s t . H i s specialties include accident and injury recovery, pain relief, sports performance, pre-natal, weight-loss management and overall wellness. Most major insurance plans accepted. Book online or call for an appointment. Active Holistic Chamber of Commerce Member. See ad, page 11.
COMPLEMENTARY THERAPY DEBORAH A. MARTINEZ, MD, LLC 2020 E 29th Ave, Ste 225 Spokane • 509-724-3946 DrDebbie@CredibleComplementary Therapy.com CredibleComplementaryTherapy.com Offering complementary therapy consultations, therapeutics and referrals - Created for individuals who want to take responsibility for their health and wellness using complementary therapy backed by science. Personalized program for health and wellness concerns and goals. Active Holistic Chamber of Commerce Member. See ad, page 11.
COMPOUNDING PHARMACY SIXTH AVENUE MEDICAL PHARMACY 508 W 6th Ave, Spokane 509-455-9345 • 1-844-250-9007 SixthAvenuePharmacy.com A full-service medical pharmacy, providing custom compounded medications and traditional retail prescriptions. They use the finest, high quality ingredients to make each specially compounded medication, including LDN, bio-identical hormones, veterinary, dental, sports medicine, dermatology, chronic pain and more. See ad, page 3.
EMF MITIGATING DEVICES (PORTABLE & PERSONAL) ESSENTIAL ENERGY SOLUTIONS Dan Stachofsky 509-850-0557 Contact@EssentialEnergy.solutions theEMFfix.com Essential Energy has the most powerful anti-EMF products on the market. Several functional medicine practitioners in Spokane utilize these devices and recommend them to patients. They create a personal EMF clean space, resulting in reduced EMF stress, improved blood oxygen saturation, deeper breathing and more. Free pulse oximeter with any purchase through May. See ad, page 16.
LIFTOFF WITH AMBER Amber McKenzie Spokane • 509-869-4361 LiftoffWithAmber.com Death is a sacred transition of the soul from the body that Amber calls “liftoff.” A powerful time when the soul knows what to do, even if the body and human mind does not. She serves as a companion to individuals and families facing this difficult, yet beautiful, journey. EMOTION CODE &
STRESS REDUCTION MIND-BODY WELLNESS Jennifer Burrows 319 W Hastings, Ste A112 Spokane • 509-242-0856 SpokaneBiofeedback.com Jennifer Burrows offers holistic stress reduction support that takes into account the whole person – mind, body, spirit. Learn how Emotion Code, HeartMath, integrative nutrition coaching and quantum biofeedback can transform your life. Call for a complimentary 30-minute wellness consultation. Active Holistic Chamber of Commerce Member. See ad, page 13.
ENERGY HEALERS SHERRI ARTER Call//text: 208-661-1338 LightLoveTruth1@gmail.com Sherri is a gifted energy healer who reads, sees, feels and hears energy, working from only pure love and light for over 30 years. Clients receive guidance, healing techniques and answers to what they need most for their best and highest good. Call or text today! See ad, page 9.
SUSAN FLERCHINGER 509-879-3264 SusansEnergy@gmail.com SusanFlerchinger.com Ready to create a life you love? Don’t let anxiety, trauma, fear, or illness stop you from the health and happiness you seek. Susan Flerchinger is a conduit of divine service, specializing in remote e n e rg y h e a l i n g t o c r e a t e emotional, physical and spiritual balance. Call for a free consultation.
ENERGY MEDICINE NEURAL ADVANTAGE Darrin Lenton Spokane Valley • CdA 916-215-9118 Facebook.com/NeuralAdvantage Darrin Lenton describes his healing work as energy medicine meets western neuroscience. His clients have found resolution to numerous health difficulties, including addiction, emotional health, chronic pain, athletic injuries, recurring headaches, vertigo, arthritis and more. Read client testimonials at Facebook.com/ NeuralAdvantage. See ad, page 7.

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FUNCTIONAL NUTRITION & WELLNESS KATIE NELSON, RD Sixth Avenue Medical Pharmacy 508 W 6th Ave, Spokane 509-455-9345 • 1-844-250-9007 SixthAvenuePharmacy.com Katie Nelson specializes in nutrition counseling for optimal health, weight loss, sports performance, food allergies/sensitivities, ketogenic diets, anti-inflammatory diets and microbiome repair. She offers nutrient evaluations and supplement counseling and is available for speaking engagements and special events. See ad, page 3. HALOTHERAPY/
RESPIRATORY WELLNESS SALTROOM OF SPOKANE 2838 N Ruby Spokane • 509-255-0505 SaltRoomOfSpokane.com Dry saline aerosol or Halotherapy provides a gentle respiratory cleanse. Benefi cial for relieving lung conditions like bronchial asthma, cystic fibrosis and lingering cough. Helpful in treating skin problems like eczema and acne. If you are seeking non-invasive, relaxing, natural treatment consider Halotherapy. Active Holistic Chamber of Commerce Member.
HEALTH, WELLNESS & NUTRITION AMY LOVE, RN The Low Carb Nurse 509-954-4244 AmyLove@TheLowCarbNurse.com CustomizedHealthAndWellness.com Amy is a health and wellness nurse who educates and empowers clients seeking long-term solutions to their struggles with food, weight, and chronic metabolic illness. She helps clients reclaim their health using a low carb intermittent fasting approach. Contact today!
INFUSED PLANT BASED WELLNESS 413 W Hastings Rd Spokane • 509-863-9027 Infused-Wellness.com Infused Wellness believes your body’s ability to heal is greater than anyone has permitted you to believe. They are a multifaceted health and wellness boutique offering organic herbs, teas, health products, support and education to help customers achieve optimal health. Visit website for upcoming classes! See ad, page 11.
SPIRIT HERBS Dr. Linda Grace Kingsbury Call/Text 208-883-9933 DrLinda@SpiritHerbs.com SpiritHerbs.com • Etsy.com/shop/SpiritHerb Award-winning premium herbs for body and soul. Specializing in herbs for stress relief, grounding, chakra balance, and manifestation. Feel the difference with organic local small batch herbal products made with reverence for all creation. Purchase at etsy.com/ shop/SpiritHerb. Classes. Consultations.
HOLISTIC CHIROPRACTIC CHIROPRACTIC LIFECENTER, INC. Dr. Patrick Dougherty 2110 N Washington St, Ste 1 Spokane • 509-327-4373 Spokane-Chiropractic.com Chiropractors heal nothing. They align you with your innate healing abilities. Dr. Patrick Dougherty utilizes muscle testing to interpret your needs for adjustments, nutrition and more. Suffering from aches, pains, fatigue, brain fog, more? Dr. Pat can help! New patient special available. See ad, page 19.
HOLISTIC HEART HEALTH HAYDEN HOLISTIC HEALTH Anna Strong, RN, CCH 579 W Hayden Ave Hayden, ID • 208-518-8411 HaydenHolistic.com Strengthen and support your heart naturally. Our cutting edge, noninvasive Heart Sound Recorder pinpoints nutritional defi ciencies which are corrected with foodbased supplements. Athletes, the elderly and everyone in between can benefi t from more energy and endurance! Ask about our New Client Special.
HOMEOPATHY (CLASSICAL & BANERJI) HAYDEN HOLISTIC HEALTH Anna Strong, RN, CCH 579 W Hayden Ave Hayden, ID • 208-518-8411 HaydenHolistic.com Anna Strong is a health and wellness RN and a Certified Classical Homeopath with 29 years of specialized experience. Homeopathy is beneficial for healing chronic and acute conditions. Get well the non-toxic way. Remote consults also available. Ask about our New Client Special.
HYPNOTHERAPY JAMES BARFOOT, CHT Intentional Hypnosis 827 W 1st Ave, Ste 203 Spokane • 509-230-5035 IntentionalHypnosis.com James Barfoot’s goal is to help you on your journey to a more productive and vital life. He uses personal hypnosis sessions and powerful personal coaching to permanently change undesired habits and behaviors on a conscious and subconscious level.
DEFELICE DENTISTRY Dr. Louise DeFelice 4703 N Maple St Spokane • 509-850-0918 DeFeliceDentistry.com At DeFelice Dentistry, the mission is to provide state-of-the-art conventional and holistic dental care in a warm and friendly environment. Their team is committed to safety and integrity in dentistry and to honoring the importance of every person they have the privilege to serve. See ad, page 8.
INTUITIVE COUNSELING SPIRITUAL INTUITIVE COUNSELING Linda Christine 509-496-8138 LindaChristine@LindaChristineStudios.com Facebook.com/ search Linda Christine Studios Linda Christine is an accomplished therapeutic professional and clinical hypnotherapist who has spent more than 25 years working with human behaviors and addictions. Skilled in both group and private counseling, she relies heavily on her gifted awareness and follows Divine Guidance. Call to make your appointment today!
MASSAGE THERAPY SMART THERAPY 9708 N Nevada St, Ste 205 Spokane • 509-466-0226 SmartTherapyGroup.net Massage can alleviate pain, increase fl exibility, improve immune function, decrease depression and anxiety, improve health and more. Their professional therapists have a wide range of specialties and experience. Most major insurance plans accepted. Book online or call for an appointment. Active Holistic Chamber of Commerce Member. See ad, page 11.
WONDERS OF THE WORLD Located in the Flour Mill 621 W Mallon Ave Spokane • 509-325-2867 WondersOfTheWorldInc.com Lepidolite is the stone that contains lithium and is associated with emotional peace and balance. It is a good stone for times like these. To keep everyone safe and healthy, you must wear a mask when you come and see us. Thank you! See ad, page 2.

MYOFASCIAL RELEASE MY MASSAGE & SPORTS THERAPY Mark Smith, LMT Healing Waters Holistic Center 101 N. Evergreen Rd. Spokane Valley • 509-370-2207 MyMassageSportsTherapy.com
Mark Smith specializes in the John F. Barnes Myofascial R e l e a s e a p p r o a c h t o eliminate or reduce soft tissue pain in client’s bodies. Myofascial Release treats the fascial restriction that causes pain allowing a return to a pain-free lifestyle. See ad, page 22. Let us help you with your
Nat JULIE GEORGE, ND uropathic Medicine & Far Infrared Sauna
Rivercreek Wellness IMPROVE GUT HEALTH 521 N Argonne Rd, Ste B105 LOSE WEIGHT
Spokane Valley • 509-919-1385 DECREASE CHRONIC PAIN
RivercreekWellness.com IMPROVE HEALTH
The naturopathic doctors at Rivercreek Wellness work with chronic conditions while giving hope to the patient. They focus on autoimmune disorders, chronic symptoms, mental health conditions, and holistic addiction education. See ad, page 7.
Call Now NETWORKING GROUPS 509-919-1385 HOLISTIC CHAMBER OF COMMERCE SPOKANE CHAPTER Amber McKenzie • 509-869-4361 Spokane@HolisticChamberOfCommerce.com HolisticChamberOfCommerce.com/Spokane
T h e H o l i s t i c C h a m b e r o f C o m m e r c e ( H C C ) i s a n international trade organization f o r h o l i s t i c a l l y - m i n d e d professionals, business owners, and resource providers. They are member-focused through their ever-expanding national online presence and network of local chapters. The Spokane Chapter meets the second Tuesday of every month from 6-7:30pm. Join today! ORGANIC SALONS K SALON ORGANIC Kristen Fuller 112 N Bowdish Rd Spokane Valley • 509-926-5392 KSalonOrganic.com K Salon uses 100% pure, certifi ed organic hair color, with no gluten, heavy metals or ammonia. Kristen Fuller is a licensed skin and hair expert, a wholistic body rejuvenist, and certifi ed aroma-therapist who cares about each client’s health and wellness. Active Holistic Chamber of Commerce Member.
MEDICAL AESTHETICS EMILY ELIZABETH SKINCARE STUDIO 30 E Sprague Ave, Ste C Spokane • 509-475-3284 EmilyElizabethSkincare.com Emily Elizabeth is a Medically Trained Master Aesthetician with more than 16 years experience in the spa industry. Her natural a p p r o a c h t o s k i n c a r e i s complemented by high quality medical-grade and organic skincare products. Treat your skin to a luxury facial and book online today! See ad, page 9.
PAIN FREE & ACTIVE TREVOR GEORGE, ND Rivercreek Wellness 521 N Argonne Rd, Ste B105 Spokane Valley • 509-919-1385 RivercreekWellness.com Are you having knee pain but fear surgery? Proliferative therapy is a non-surgical treatment for musculoskeletal conditions. Joint pain, arthritis, sprains, strains, overuse injury, degeneration and/or inability to heal after surgery. Contact us to learn more. See ad, page 7.
PSYCHIC & ENERGY READINGS ELEMENT INTUITIVE Melinda Bienkowski Inland Northwest • 970-210-3508 MelindaBienkowski@gmail.com ElementIntuitive.com Melinda offers highly intuitive psychic energy readings and reiki. She provides a deeper perspective into each client’s life to help guide them in relationships, career, life purpose, relocation decisions, financial issues, spiritual gifts and more. Her services are offered by phone and remotely.
PSYCHIC READINGS PSYCHIC ANGEL READINGS Cindy Gardner Nine Mile Falls, WA 509-468-9001 HolisticFestivals.com Cindy Gardner is a gifted p s y c h i c k n o w n f o r h e r c o m p a s s i o n a t e a c c u r a t e readings, covering such topics as: love, career, pets, dreams, past lives, life goals and angels. Her helpful guidance and coaching empower people in making decisions and understanding their life situations.
REAL ESTATE SHANE O’NEILL RE/MAX Inland Empire 1311 N Washington St, Ste A Spokane • 509-499-0027 ShaneONeillSells@comcast.net Shane O’Neill is a Spokane native with more than 40 years’ experience selling homes in the Spokane area. From estate sales to trendy condos, he enjoys the diversity in housing possibilities and guiding his clients to the home that is right for them. See ad, page 12.
REIKI & HEALING BOUTIQUE A SPIRITUAL TOUCH Jennifer Brown 923 E Sherman • CdA 9803 E Sprague Ave • Spokane Valley 208-691-8865 Facebook.com/HealingCenterOfLove
Through Reiki, aromatherapy and spiritual counseling, Jennifer helps clients relax, find balance, peace and manifest their true dreams, all at affordable rates. Visit their new healing boutique in the Spokane Valley!


Coming Next Month Joint Health plus: Stress Management
REIKI & INTUITIVE COUNSEL PAM FLOWERDAY INTUITIVE COUNSEL & HEALINGS 225 E Sprague Spokane • 510-701-0204 PamFlowerday.com With more than 20 years experience as a clairvoyant and Reiki master, Pam offers a higher spiritual perspective regarding clients’ issues and support moving forward. Hands-on energy work and Reiki releases stress and physical blocks, restoring balance and wellbeing in body, mind and spirit. Active Holistic Chamber of Commerce Member.
SOUL AWAKENING SOUL BASED LIFE Becca Lynn, LMT, CcHt 59 Queen Ave, Ste 104 • Spokane 808-250-8344 • WithBecca.com Specializing in awakening the Soul and connecting clients to their higher self through Quantum Healing Hypnosis (QHHT), Human Design Charts, Soul C o a c h i n g , I n t u i t i v e S o u l Readings, House Clearings and Setting Sacred Spaces. Contact me today for a free consultation!
SHAMANIC HEALING & SOUL RETRIEVAL LIFE SPRING AWAKENING Nona Lowe Spokane • 425-791-0413 LifeSpringAwakening.com Soul retrieval is a shamanic ceremony using ancient methods to return a person’s fragmented self to wholeness. This deeply healing ceremony is for those with a true desire and commitment to heal. Contact for a free 30-minute consultation. Active Holistic Chamber of Commerce Member.
SPECIALTY COFFEE DEFIANT COFFEE Post Falls • 702-401-4224 DefiantCoffee.co Facebook.com/DefiantCoffee Organically grown, fairtrade coffee locally roasted in small batches and upgraded for maximum health benefits and energy. Mushroom Coffee Blend with chaga, lion’s mane and cordyceps for brain and immune health and the Collagen Blend for gut health and new cell growth. Online coupon code: awaken.
SPIRITUAL CENTERS SOULS CENTER Julia Hayes 707 N Cedar, Ste 2 Spokane • SoulsCenter.com Founded by Julia Hayes, the vision of Soul Circles is to offer a variety of opportunities for women to explore and promote spiritual empowerment through small groups, movement, creative expression, spiritual teachings, retreats, workshops, recovery groups and more. See full calendar on website.
UNITY SPIRITUAL CENTER 2900 S Bernard St, Spokane 509-838-6518 UnitySpokane.org Unity offers practical, spiritual t e a c h i n g s t h a t e m p o w e r abundant and meaningful living. If you are looking for a transformative, spiritual home and want to build a better life and world, please join us. We are an open and affirming community. Everyone is welcome.
WEIGHT LOSS & WELLNESS GAIN PROCESS TO WELLNESS Sheryl Quesnel 208-267-1990 ProcessToWellness.com Sheryl is trained to solve your stubborn weight loss problems. Her encouraging personal coaching method frees clients from stubborn fat and tedious workouts. Improve hormonal balance, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) symptoms, immune strength, sleep quality, weight loss and more! Free consultation.

YOGA THERAPY FLOWING TREE YOGA Anna Molgard, C-IAYT 515 W Francis, Ste 6 Spokane • 509-499-6835 FlowingTreeYoga@gmail.com FlowingTreeYoga.com Empower yourself with yoga therapy at Flowing Tree Yoga. Certified Yoga Therapist, Anna Molgard, offers this nurturing space for individualized private sessions and group courses in mental health, trauma recovery, chronic pain and hypermobility. Workshops and gentle yoga classes offered.