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news briefs
Two Retreats Offered in New Milford
Return To The Fire is holding the Men’s Retreat: Accessing the Masculine Archetypes on August 13-15 to help inspire and guide attendees to lead a more authentic life. Come to re-awaken your long-forgotten dreams. The cost is $325 per person. In addition, Return to The Fire is offering its Father & Daughter Retreat Weekend on August 21 and 22. The event is for fathers with daughters ages 7-16 to expand and deepen their relationships. The cost is $295. Both retreats will take place on a private island retreat center on the Housatonic River in New Milford, Connecticut. Jody Grose is the founder of Return to the Fire. His organization provides healing and growth opportunities for men and women, including weekend workshops, one-to-one sessions, and wilderness canoe trips for men and father-and-son teams. Men’s work has been a central focus for Grose since 1984.
Jody Grose
For more information and to enroll, call 203-731-7755, email healingbear11@gmail.com or visit ReturntotheFire.com.
Divinely Fit Summit Returns

For the fourth year, Sudor Taino Group Fitness (STGF) is bringing its Divinely Fit Summit to the Berlin Fair Grounds in Berlin, Connecticut on August 21 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. This year’s event will feature an indoor and outdoor festival venue. In 2018, STGF produced its first Divinely Fit Summit. Since that time, they have continued in 2019 and 2020 to bring together hundreds of wellness enthusiasts from Connecticut and beyond. With their faith- and fitness-centered ideology, STGF has provided them with health and wellness resources, businesses, professionals and industry presenters. STGF created this platform to showcase its neighboring small businesses and sponsors to help them recover financially and socially from the pandemic’s devastating effects. The Divinely Fit Fest’s mission is to amplify its commitment to reaching the community-at-large and finding what moves them individually, collectively and culturally. The Divinely Fit Fest is an evolution of the annual Divinely Fit Summit. The Fest will be outdoors in consideration of the COVID pandemic. The day will consist of interactive spiritual, mental and physical fitness with special guest presenters, panel discussions, demonstrations, interactive workouts, food and vendor stations, resources, raffles, and giveaways with music all day.
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For more information, visit SudorTaino.com/Divinely-Fit/DivinelyFit-Fest. Find out more about the vendor/sponsor package at Dropbox.com/s/jj2qeexl9zgz0cs/FESTPack.docx?dl=0. Location: Berlin Fair Grounds, 430 Beckley Rd., Berlin, CT.
Swim Across America Fairfield County Open Water Swim Scheduled
Swim Across America Fairfield County is making waves to fight cancer. Celebrating its 15th year in Fairfield County, this year’s swim will be held August 8. It takes place on the Greenwich/Stamford border in the waters of Long Island Sound at the headquarters of the Swim’s local beneficiary, Alliance for Cancer Gene Therapy. There are three different swim lengths

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available: half-mile, one-and-a-half miles and three miles. Boaters, kayakers, paddle boarders and land volunteers participate in this event with close to 300 swimmers and 100 volunteers. Funds raised by Swim Across America Fairfield County go directly to support scientific cancer gene therapy grants administered by the Alliance for Cancer Gene Therapy. This year’s Alliance for Cancer Gene Therapy research fellows funded by Swim Across America Fairfield County include three worldrenowned researchers studying better ways to treat pancreatic cancer, pediatric sarcomas and brain cancer. The researchers are Sidi Chen, PhD (pancreatic cancer), assistant professor Yale University School of Medicine Department of Genetics, System Biology Institute and Cancer Center; Stephen Gottschalk, MD (pediatric sarcomas), chair of the Bone Marrow Transplantation and Cellular Therapy at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital; and Noriyuki Kasahara, MD, PhD (glioblastoma brain cancer), principal investigator at the Brain Tumor Center at the University of California, San Francisco.
To learn more about Swim Across America Fairfield County or to register, swim, volunteer or donate, visit SwimAcrossAmerica.org/FC.
Exploring Total Motion Release
Michael D’Aquila, MS PT, is offering 10-minute complimentary screenings in August to assess if the Total Motion Release (TMR) technique might be right for you. TMR is a scientific method of full-body exercise designed to relieve pain. It is a form of self-muscle energy techniques that enables the body to naturally re-align and heal. Once you grasp the concepts, it enables you to tap into the innate wisdom of the body. Physical Therapy Services of Guilford, located in Branford, Connecticut, will hold screenings on August 12 and 19 from 3:40-4:30 p.m.

For more information, call 203-315-7727. Location: Physical Therapy Services of Guilford, 500 East Main St., Ste. 310, Branford, CT. PhysicalTherapyGuilford.com. See ad on page 19.
Connect in Person with Other Holistic Parents
Take some time with your family on Saturday, August 14, from 2:30-5 p.m. to meet in person with other holisticminded parents as part of this summer meeting of Holistic Moms Network’s New Haven County chapter. Enjoy a simple networking time for parents while you watch your children play at the Ansonia Nature Center’s playground in Ansonia, Connecticut. In addition, you can find out more about the chapter’s upcoming events and member benefits.
The mission of Holistic Moms Network, a nonprofit support and discussion network, is to connect parents who are interested in holistic health and green living. It welcomes people wherever they are on their own holistic path in an environment that does not judge. The monthly meetings, open to the public, are held the third Tuesday evening of each month.

To RSVP for the event, visit Facebook.com/HMNNewHaven. For more information on the organization, visit HolisticMoms.org. Meeting location: Ansonia Nature Center, 10 Deerfield Ln, Ansonia, CT.

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news briefs
Pink and Flow Yoga Event to Benefit Breast Cancer Treatment
Emily Laput, a high school senior who is passionate about the fight against breast cancer, is the Event Coordinator for a special yoga fundraising event, Pink and Flow, held on August 14 from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Riverwalk Circuit Training, in Seymour. The event will start with a one-hour, all-levels vinyasa yoga class and end with raffles and smoothies provided by Robeks, all to benefit the nonprofit organization Seymour Pink.
Seymour Pink has been funding local breast cancer patients’ treatment for over 12 years. Laput has been volunteering for Seymour Pink since 2017 and has so far raised over $10,000 for various local charities. “The strength of the Seymour Pink community is unmatched. I’ve never seen a nonprofit with such passion, connection and support from various people and businesses,” explains Laput. “One of the most striking aspects of this organization is that it’s all-volunteer—a community fighting passionately.” Victoria Mellah from Yoga Mobile Studio will be leading the yoga class. “She is amazing and provides modifications for various experience levels so that anyone can be able to participate in the flow,” explains Laput. Raffle tickets are $1 each and will be available to purchase online and in person. Over 20 raffles are available. “I was very conscious of having a diverse selection of raffles because I knew that my audience was also diverse. Raffles range from healthy snack baskets, to gift cards to various businesses, to massages, to books. You’ll be sure to find something that catches your eye,” says Laput. Registration is $25 per person and closes on August 14. If registering more than one person, use code BRINGAFRIEND to save $5. The event is sponsored by Brown Roofing, a frequent supporter of Seymour Pink.

For more information and to register, visit PinkAndFlow.org. Contact Emily Laput at Emily@PinkAndFlow.org. Location: Riverwalk Circuit Training, 32 Progress Ave, Seymour. The Hammonasset Beach State Park International Coastal Clean-Up Day is being organized by Save the Sound and Friends of Hammonasset for September 18 from 9 a.m. to noon. Keeping the beach clean and free of debris not only improves the appearance for everyone’s enjoyment but is important for the health of birds and aquatic animals. Cleanup supplies will be provided by the organizers. Due to COVID, they ask everyone to bring their own water bottles and water. The organizers will not be providing water or drinks but will have individually wrapped snacks. All volunteers are welcome. Come as an individual or with your family. This is also a good club or group activity, such as school clubs, scout troops, church groups or business volunteer groups. Turtles, fish, and other species you love seeing in Long Island Sound can become entangled in fishing line, nets, and six-pack rings. Marine life and birds mistake trash like Styrofoam, plastics and cigarette butts for food, which can poison their bodies with toxins and lead to starvation. That’s why Save the Sound organizes coastal cleanups each spring and fall to help keep trash away from wildlife and out of the waters where you fish and swim. In the past nine years alone, 15,000 volunteers have removed over 100,000 pounds of trash from Connecticut’s shoreline, protecting countless creatures and communities. Not only does marine debris threaten the Sound’s fragile ecosystem, it weakens coastal economies by sapping dollars from the tourism and seafood industries. Save the Sound is the Connecticut coordinator for Ocean Conservancy’s annual International Coastal Cleanup, the largest volunteer effort of its kind. Every September for more than 30 years, ICC has motivated over 11.5 million people around the world to pick up over 210 million pounds of trash from nearly 390,000 miles of shoreline. Thanks to the hard work of volunteers just like you, the International Coastal Cleanup is a success year after year. Last year, Save the Sound’s Coastal Cleanup program helped bring together 1,495 volunteers, who removed 7,498 pounds of trash from Connecticut’s shoreline. Pre-registration will help with an attendance estimate and to have enough supplies for everyone.

For more information, visit Hammonasset.org. To pre-register, contact Jim Mazur at JamesEMazur@gmail.com. For more information about this international effort, visit CTEnvironment.org. Location: Meet at the Meigs Point Nature Center, located at Hammonasset Beach State Park, 1288 Boston Post Rd., Madison, CT.
Holistic Community Professionals

Our professional team of holistic and natural businesses provides community outreach and education. We are committed to improving the health and wellness of body, mind, and spirit in the communities we serve. Visit our Site: HolisticCommunityProfessionals.org
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Indigo’s Path
Adriana R. Russo MA, CHT, CCH, CHLC Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master Intuitive Body/Mind Coaching For transformative health and healing 203-510-8932 Indigopath2020@gmail.com IndigosPathWellnessCT.com
Intuitive Counselor & Healer
Gayle Franceschetti, MEd, CHt
Hypnotherapy, Meditations Reiki/Energy sessions, Essential Oils Group Past Life Regression Individual Past Life Regression Workshops, Spiritual Power Journeys, Private mentoring & counseling Return2love3@gmail.com Return2Love.com 203-631-7803
Bradford W. Tilden, MM, CMT, UWT
Remote journey and coaching sessions Workshops in Crystal & Sound Healing Professional certification courses In Universal White Time (UWT) Energy and Gemstone Healing 860-830-5841 Info@CrystalMusicHealing.com CrystalMusicHealing.com
Medical Intuitive/Shaman Past Life Regression Therapy
Spirit of the Lotus
Robin Barros IMT-C, CSC, CPLC Hands-on Healer Medical Intuitive Shaman/Medium Spiritually-Guided Coach Advanced Soul Coach (R) Holographic Sound Healer 5 Gavin Drive, Columbia CT Robin@SpiritoftheLotus.org SpiritoftheLotus.org
Naturopathic Physician
Vis Wellness Center
Dr. Nicole Klughers ND, PharmD, MSAc Naturopathic Physician Acupuncture Provider Rocky Hill & TeleMedicine info@DrNicoleKlughers.com DrNicoleKlughers.com 234-2-ACU-DOC
LMT, RMT, Psychic
Jill Andrzejewski
LMT, RMT, Psychic Massage Therapy #9900 Reiki & Chakra Balancing Angel Tarot & Oracle Card Readings A Moment In Time Treasures items for self-care and healing Workshops and classes 203-909-1108 jillamomentintimemassage@gmail.com AMomentInTimeMassage.org
Wellness Center
The Red Barn in Durham
Janice Juliano, MSW, LCSW Holistic Psychotherapist Coordinator MassageTherapy Nutrition / Yoga / Reiki / Sound Healing Professional Photography / Art Classes 860-559-6151 352 Main St, Durham TheRedBarninDurham.com