9 minute read
Spirituality, Addiction & Recovery: Leaving
Religion at the Door – 9am-12pm. Virtual on Zoom. Trainer Richard Eisenberg, Rabbi, MA, CAC will explain the ways addiction can impair human relationships and how a spiritual orientation in recovery breaks down human barriers. In addition, the impact of trauma history upon addiction and spirituality will be discussed. 3 CECs. $60. Register at WomensConsortium.org.
It’s Not Your Fault: Overcoming the Shame,
Stigma, and Guilt of Trauma – 9am-12pm. Virtual on Zoom. While everyone’s lived experiences vary, many people can relate to the thought of living a life with a secret or dealing with some form of dysfunction. Learn about shame, stigma, guilt, and gain skills crucial for working with clients struggling with these feelings after traumatization. 3 CECs. $60. Register at WomensConsortium.org.
CWC Lunch & Learn: Tools for Building
Community Resilience – 12pm-1pm. Virtual on Zoom. This past year has taken a toll on many of us and the lingering effects of the pandemic will continue for quite some time. During this 1-hour Lunch & Learn Rebecca will provide a healing space for all people to come together to learn simple resiliency-based wellness skills for self and community care. No CECs. Free. Register at WomensConsortium.org.
Young Living Essential Oils – 6:30pm-8pm. Help align your mind, body, spirit. Learn to take control of your health with therapeutic grade oils. Free class. Hosted in Zoom. 203-631-7803 or Return2love3@gmail.com. Return2Love.com.
Return To The Fire is offering Men’s Retreat: Accessing the Masculine Archetypes
to inspire and guide a more authentic life – (August 13-15 Arrive Fri. By 7pm). Held on a private island retreat center in New Milford, CT. Come re-awaken your long forgotten Dreams. Cost: $325. To enroll, call now: 203-731-7755 or email: healingbear11@gmail.com.
Return to The Fire is Offering Father &
Daughter Retreat Weekend – (Aug. 21-22). Come expand and deepen your relationship! For Daughters ages 7-16. Held on a private Island Retreat on the Housatonic River, New Milford. Cost: $295. For more information, call: 203-731-7755 or email: healingbear11@gmail.com.
Sonic Alchemy – 2pm-3:30pm. This sound healing meditation concert combines Bradford Tilden’s inspiring piano music, crystal bowls and channeled vocal tones to create a powerful activating, and healing experience. Bring own pillows, mats, etc. $20 Cash at door. Red Barn in Durham, 352 Main St, Durham. TheRedBarnInDurham.com. Contact Bradford 860-830-5841 info@crystalmusichealing.com. LIVESTREAM access for $4.99 at Facebook.com/ CrystalMusicHealing.
Full Moon Meditation w/Gayle Franceschetti
– 6:30pm-8:30pm. Align w/new energies of this Super Full Moon. Opportunities for letting go of the old and allowing spiritual energies to reach human hearts and minds. $25. Hosted on Zoom. For questions, please call 203-631-7803 or Return2love3@gmail.com. Return2Love.com.
Young Living Essential Oils – 6:30pm-8pm. Help align your mind, body, spirit. Learn to take control of your health with therapeutic grade oils. Free class, Hosted on Zoom. 203-631-7803 or Return2love3@gmail.com. Return2Love.com.
Forage walk with Qi Gong practice-learn wild edible, medicinal plants and mushrooms of late
summer – 1pm-3pm. In this workshop you will learn how to identify different wild edible and medicinal plants that grow in the summer. Class will begin with opening Qi gong exercises to help us get grounded and connected to the earth! This in-person class will be near Middletown. $25. For more information, go to ChiForHealing.com.
Lemurian Intuitive Healing Level 2: August
28 & 29 – 9am-6:30pm both days. Prerequisites: LSINHL1 or permission from instructor. This advanced course explores multi-dimensional crystal and sound healing, balance of light and dark energies, shamanic principles of energy-work, animal spirit guides, ascended masters, angels, and deep healing. Tuition: $400 Braulttree Wellness Center, 415 Killingsworth Rd, Ste. 9A, Higganum. Contact Bradford 860-830-5841. info@crystalmusichealing.com.
New Earth Teachers Courses – 6pm-9pm. (Tuesdays, Sept 7-Nov 9). This 10-week ascension preparedness course covers important information about the coming Earth changes, visiting the New Earth in meditation, raising your frequency, releasing karma, our evolving chakra systems and more. ($750 Value) 35% off Paid up front: $495 (save $255); 15% off 2 installments of $320 (save $112) Some segments have optional additional costs for materials. Taught via Zoom. Register: https://tinyurl.com/NETSept2021. Contact Bradford, info@CrystalMusicHealing.com. 860-830-5841.
Individual and small group tutoring sessions available for Summer 2021 with professional, experienced educators at CELC Middle School
in Branford – Reasonable rates. All subject areas, grades K-9th. Maintain academic skills, rebuild engagement from a “lost” year, develop greater confidence and understanding. 28 School St, Branford. Contact mandm@CTExperiential.org or call 203-433-4658.
Come see CELC Middle School in action – Tours by appointment only! Middle school specialists, 5th – 8th grade. Small class sizes, personalized instruction, robust academics. Limited openings still available for 2020-21. 28 School St, Branford. Contact mandm@CTExperiential.org or call 203-433-4658. For more information, visit CTExperiential.org.
Individual and small group tutoring sessions available for Summer 2021 with professional, experienced educators at CELC Middle School
in Branford – Reasonable rates. All subject areas, grades K-9th. Maintain academic skills, rebuild engagement from a “lost” year, develop greater confidence and understanding. 28 School St, Branford. Contact mandm@CTExperiential.org or call 203-433-4658.
Make the Most of Summer with CELC Middle School Explorers’ Summer Program ages
9 -12 – 9am-3pm. CELC Middle School teams up with Mathnasium of Guilford for The Arithmetic of Architecture! and Debunking Billiard Math! Work with Colombian-born Instructor for Tell Your Story in Spanish to discover the world of native characters by learning about their countries and traditions. Other Summer Program activities include science investigations, local hikes, music, visit to local farm, and more. Limit 10 participants / week. Register now to reserve your spot! To register now: CTExperiential.org/summer-program or contact: mandm@CTExperiential.org or 203-433-4658.
Come see CELC Middle School in action – Tours by appointment only! Middle school specialists, 5th – 8th grade. Small class sizes, personalized instruction, robust academics. Limited openings still available for 2020-21. 28 School St, Branford. Contact mandm@CTExperiential.org or call 203-433-4658. For more information, visit CTExperiential.org.
Individual and small group tutoring sessions available for Summer 2021 with professional, experienced educators at CELC Middle School
in Branford – Reasonable rates. All subject areas, grades K-9th. Maintain academic skills, rebuild engagement from a “lost” year, develop greater confidence and understanding. 28 School St, Branford. Contact mandm@CTExperiential.org or call 203-433-4658.
Make the Most of Summer with CELC Middle School Explorers’ Summer Program ages
9 -12 – 9am-3pm. CELC Middle School teams up with Mathnasium of Guilford for The Arithmetic of Architecture! and Debunking Billiard Math! Work with Colombian-born Instructor for Tell Your Story in Spanish to discover the world of native characters by learning about their countries and traditions. Other Summer Program activities include science investigations, local hikes, music, visit to local farm, and more. Limit 10 participants / week. Register now to reserve your spot! To register now: CTExperiential.org/summer-program or contact: mandm@CTExperiential.org or 203-433-4658. Weekly Qi Gong class – 6pm-7pm. Qi gong integrates physical postures, breathing techniques and focused intention to heal the body, mind, and spirit. There will be brief meditation integrating with a combination of singing bowls, aromatherapy, and an inspirational reading at the end of each class. $15. For more information, go to ChiForHealing.com. At The Red Barn in Durham, 352 Main St, Durham. New Earth Teachers Courses – 6pm-9pm. (Tuesdays, Sept 7-Nov 9). This 10-week ascension preparedness course covers important information about the coming Earth changes, visiting the New Earth in meditation, raising your frequency, releasing karma, our evolving chakra systems and more. ($750 Value) 35% off Paid up front: $495 (save $255); 15% off 2 installments of $320 (save $112) Some segments have optional additional costs for materials. Taught via Zoom. Register: https://tinyurl.com/NETSept2021. Contact Bradford, info@CrystalMusicHealing.com. 860-830-5841. Sound Healing & Reiki Meditation – 7pm-8:15pm. Explore energy healing, relaxation modalities, release pain/stress, and rejuvenate your body from the inside out. $35/Session or $25/ prepay multi sessions. The Red Barn in Durham, 352 Main St, Durham. Katie@FeelYourLight.com for information or to register.
Come see CELC Middle School in action – Tours by appointment only! Middle school specialists, 5th – 8th grade. Small class sizes, personalized instruction, robust academics. Limited openings still available for 2020-21. 28 School St, Branford. Contact mandm@CTExperiential.org or call 203-433-4658. For more information, visit CTExperiential.org.
Individual and small group tutoring sessions available for Summer 2021 with professional, experienced educators at CELC Middle School
in Branford – Reasonable rates. All subject areas, grades K-9th. Maintain academic skills, rebuild engagement from a “lost” year, develop greater confidence and understanding. 28 School St, Branford. Contact mandm@CTExperiential.org or call 203-433-4658.
Make the Most of Summer with CELC Middle School Explorers’ Summer Program ages
9 -12 – 9am-3pm. CELC Middle School teams up with Mathnasium of Guilford for The Arithmetic of Architecture! and Debunking Billiard Math! Work with Colombian-born Instructor for Tell Your Story in Spanish to discover the world of native characters by learning about their countries and traditions. Other Summer Program activities include science investigations, local hikes, music, visit to local farm, and more. Limit 10 participants / week. Register now to reserve your spot! To register now: CTExperiential.org/summer-program or contact: mandm@CTExperiential.org or 203-433-4658. Weekly Qi Gong class – 9:30am-10:30am. Qi gong integrates physical postures, breathing techniques and focused intention to heal the body, mind, and spirit. There will be brief meditation integrating with a combination of singing bowls, aromatherapy, and an inspirational reading at the end of each class. $15. For more information, go to ChiForHealing. com. Location: Elizabeth Park in West Hartford. Open Healing Arts Exchange – 6pm-8pm. (Aug 11 - Every 2nd Wed of the month). Gather and experience each other’s unique healing modalities. While featuring White Time Energy and Gemstone healing, we welcome all practitioners and anyone interested in giving and receiving a healing and/ or curious about the healing arts. $20. Braulttree Wellness Center, Higganum. 860-344-9573. BraulttreeWellnessCenter.com.
Come see CELC Middle School in action – Tours by appointment only! Middle school specialists, 5th – 8th grade. Small class sizes, personalized instruction, robust academics. Limited openings still available for 2020-21. 28 School St, Branford. Contact mandm@CTExperiential.org or call 203-433-4658. For more information, visit CTExperiential.org.
Individual and small group tutoring sessions available for Summer 2021 with professional, experienced educators at CELC Middle School
in Branford – Reasonable rates. All subject areas, grades K-9th. Maintain academic skills, rebuild engagement from a “lost” year, develop greater confidence and understanding. 28 School St, Branford. Contact mandm@CTExperiential.org or call 203-433-4658.
Make the Most of Summer with CELC Middle School Explorers’ Summer Program ages
9 -12 – 9am-3pm. CELC Middle School teams up with Mathnasium of Guilford for The Arithmetic of Architecture! and Debunking Billiard Math! Work with Colombian-born Instructor for Tell Your Story in Spanish to discover the world of native characters by learning about their countries and traditions. Other Summer Program activities include science investigations, local hikes, music, visit to local farm, and more. Limit 10 participants / week. Register now to reserve your spot! To register now: CTExperiential.org/summer-program or contact: mandm@CTExperiential.org or 203-433-4658.