4 minute read
The Caring Network: Free virtual support group through Microsoft Teams for adults who
have lost a loved one – 6pm. (Thurs, August 5 & August 19). Bridges Healthcare, 949 Bridgeport Avenue, Milford. Information about grief and loss; facilitated open discussion. Adults do not need to register. The group is facilitated by a Bridges counselor and is sponsored by Bridges Healthcare and Cody-White Funeral Home. For more information, please call the Group Facilitator, Brooke Torres M.Ed., at 203 878-6365 ext. 480. or email brtorres@bridgesmilford.org.
Healing Class for Chronic Illness/Pain using
Tong Ren therapy through Zoom – 7pm-8pm. For this class we focus on helping people struggling with chronic illness and chronic pain. Tong Ren Therapy is based on the power of our mind creating energy for healing. Using the hammer technique, we hit points on an acupuncture doll to focus the energy on a person. During the Tong Ren class people will sit and receive energy. 3 things will be tapped on for each person. Group energy healing will be received and we will send distance healing also. This class also utilizes meditation, sound healing, and inspirational readings. $10. For more information, go to ChiForHealing.com.
Make the Most of Summer with CELC Middle School Explorers’ Summer Program ages
9 -12 – 9am-3pm. CELC Middle School teams up with Mathnasium of Guilford for The Arithmetic of Architecture! and Debunking Billiard Math! Work with Colombian-born Instructor for Tell Your Story in Spanish to discover the world of native characters by learning about their countries and traditions. Other Summer Program activities include science investigations, local hikes, music, visit to local farm, and more. Limit 10 participants / week. Register now to reserve your spot! To register now: CTExperiential.org/summer-program or contact: mandm@CTExperiential.org or 203-433-4658.
Gemstone Clinic – 7:30pm-9pm. (Aug 19 - 3rd Thurs of the Month). Come get stoned with us! Experience gemstone treatments for only $10 each and learn about Universal White Time Healing and what it has to offer. $10-20. The Red Barn in Durham, 352 Main St. Durham. RSVP preferred. Bradford: 860-830-5841 or info@CrystalMusicHealing.com.
Come see CELC Middle School in action – Tours by appointment only! Middle school specialists, 5th – 8th grade. Small class sizes, personalized instruction, robust academics. Limited openings still available for 2020-21. 28 School St, Branford. Contact mandm@CTExperiential.org or call 203-433-4658. For more information, visit CTExperiential.org.
Individual and small group tutoring sessions available for Summer 2021 with professional, experienced educators at CELC Middle School
in Branford – Reasonable rates. All subject areas, grades K-9th. Maintain academic skills, rebuild engagement from a “lost” year, develop greater confidence and understanding. 28 School St, Branford. Contact mandm@CTExperiential.org or call 203-433-4658.
Oracle Card Readings via zoom anytime or in
person – 9am-1pm. Receive guidance, wisdom, and healing. $99/hr or $49/30min. In person at The Red Barn in Durham, 352 Main St, Durham. Email Katie@FeelYourLight.com for appointments.
Individual and small group tutoring sessions available for Summer 2021 with professional, experienced educators at CELC Middle School
in Branford – Reasonable rates. All subject areas, grades K-9th. Maintain academic skills, rebuild engagement from a “lost” year, develop greater confidence and understanding. 28 School St, Branford. Contact mandm@CTExperiential.org or call 203-433-4658.
THE ALS ASSOCIATION CONNECTICUT CHAPTER – Leading the fight to treat and cure ALS through research & advocacy while empowering people w/Lou Gehrig’s Disease and their families to live fuller lives w/compassionate care & support. 4 Oxford Road, Unit D4. Milford. 203-874-5050. WebCT.alsa.org.
DISTRIBUTORS WANTED – For monthly deliveries of Natural Awakenings and other local publications. Perfect for a retired person or stay at home mom looking to earn some extra income and connect with their local community. Honesty and dependability are the most important characteristics of our distributors. Thomas@ManInMotionLLC.com.
YOUR LIFE’S PATH and are you seeking an ethical intuitive reader to guide you? Feel free to reach out to Claire1@sympatico.ca. A 30-minute reading is $75. LYME DISEASE
CT LYME RIDERS, INC. – Founded in 2007 by motorcyclists Sandy Brule & Tony Gargano. A 501(c)(3) non profit public charity aiming to bring awareness to the public about Lyme Disease. Events & info. 860-537-0255, ctlymeriders.com.
HYPNOSIS THERAPY CENTER – There is a meaning behind every ailment and condition people have. It's your body speaking to you. If you are tired of being sick and are ready to help yourself heal, then consider having a Discovery Session so you can learn the cause and 'cure.' Madison. 203-245-6927.
PRACTITIONERS – Day rental available or partner in practice, residential (East Haven) shoreline suburb, 1st floor home built 1900 (1000 sq ft), quaint character, 4 blocks from beach, on bus line, parking, 2 large porches, outdoor waterfall system built in megalithic stone, pricing/ level of involvement negotiable, if interest renting or partnering w/LPCA, Sandy: 203-468-6277. Pets are humanizing. They remind us we have an obligation and responsibility to preserve and nurture and care for all life. ~James Cromwell