Natural Awakenings Northwest Florida December 2019

Page 22

The ADHD Toolbox Integrated Wellness Provides Multi-Pronged Support by Allison Gorman


“Boot camp showed or parents of me that exercise, children with structure, systems and attention deficit routine were crucial to hyperactivity disorder, my success,” she says. the following scenario might sound familiar: A Now Livingston uses doctor diagnoses a child those tools—and othwith ADHD, spends 15 ers, like nutrition and minutes educating the biofeedback—to help parents, and hands them children with ADHD a pamphlet and a prebecome more confident, scription. But medication independent and orgadoesn’t change the circus nized. She guides famiat home, where certain lies through the tough events—getting ready times and teaches them Ashleigh Livingston for school, homework, various strategies to help dinnertime—regularly with focus, concentration devolve into yelling and chaos. and impulse control. That’s how Ashleigh Livingston, “To build a house that can withstand founder of Integrated Wellness, in Pensacthe strongest storms, you need more than ola, recalls her own ADHD diagnosis and a hammer. You need a toolbox filled with treatment in 1986. In the 33 years since, not tools. That’s the Integrated Wellness apmuch has changed, she says, “other than the proach,” she says. fact that you can google yourself crazy.” Trying to deal with ADHD through Specialized Training medication alone is like trying to build a Livingston is a graduate of the Institute of house using only a hammer, Livingston Integrative Nutrition, where she learned says. She finally received the tools she to recognize, identify and correct imbalneeded to deal with it when she joined the ances in the body with a holistic, wholemilitary at age 18. foods-based approach. She also graduated

from ADD Coach Academy, one of two fully accredited ADHD coaching schools in the world. “ADDCA is an intensive 18-month program that has a special certification for working with children, teens, college students and their parents, with a focus on teaching emotional regulation and social skills,” she says. “ADDCA has given me the education and the tools to be able to help support families in need.” In addition to her certifications as an ADHD/EFD (executive function disorder) and holistic health coach, she is a certified Interactive Metronome (biofeedback) clinician. “Interactive Metronome is a scientifically proven, evidence-based alternative to conventional methods to overcome problems with focus, attention, emotional regulation and similar issues,” she says. Her goal is to provide the strategies and support she and her parents could have used: Information on how food influences mood and behavior, and how ADHD shows up in daily life. Coaching to help children handle the roller coaster of emotions ADHD brings, especially in hard times, and to help parents set up structures and systems for the entire family to get and stay organized. “I didn’t let ADHD get in the way of me achieving my goals,” she says. “I’m proof that with the right tools and support, anyone with ADHD can achieve their dreams too.” For more information or to book a complimentary assessment, call Ashleigh Livingston at 334-313-3773 or visit



has been an NGH Certified Consulting STOP SMOKING - WEIGHT LOSS - SELF CONFIDENCE - SPORTS - Deana GRIEF -Chapman RELATIONSHIPS... hypnotist, NLP (neuro-linguistic programmer) and life coach since 2008. She is also an NGH Hypnosis Instructor. FREE CONSULTATION Certified Instructor Learn more about how hypnosis can work for you. Deana Cooper Chapman Call 850-261-3596 or visit


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Natural Awakenings of Northwest Florida

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