natural pet
Essential Oils for Pets Self-preservation is the first law of nature. ~Samuel Butler
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Managing Allergies Plus: Nutrition Upgrades NATURAL FOOD ISSUE
How to Use Them Safely by Sandra Murphy
One thing I’d say is, learn spray the exam room ssential oils are derived from all you can before using with lavender between appointments to calm plant-based oils around pets. anxious clients. sources, leading people Sally Morgan, ~Gary Richter, integrative to equate natural with safe; but that’s not always veterinarian and founder of a physical therapist and advanced certithe case. Knowing how Ultimate Pet Nutrition fied practitioner of the and when to use oils is gentle animal bodywork therapy known vital, according to Gary Richter, DVM, an integrative veterinarian and medical director as Tellington TTouch, sees clients in her of Holistic Veterinary Care, in Oakland, Northampton, Massachusetts, office. “I California. A veterinarian trained in the use put a drop of a peace and calming blend of essential oils understands the properties or lavender on the carpet or a pillow,” she of each oil, along with its proper dilution and says. “It relaxes the animal and dissipates application, a subject not generally taught the smells of previous clients. I don’t use in traditional veterinary schools; holistic diffusers. The odor can be too strong for medicine requires additional training. their sensitive noses. There’s also a danger With proper use under professional it could spill and be licked up.” guidance, essential oils can be part of a Certified Professional Dog Trainer larger treatment plan, says Richter. Cats Knowledge Assessed Kim Paciotti, owner of are generally more sensitive to oils because Training Canines, LLC, based in Statesville, they don’t metabolize medicine as effiNorth Carolina, finds the scent of green apciently as dogs, he notes. “As one professor ples relieves anxiety and soothes upset tumused to tell our veterinary class, ‘Cats are mies for dogs and puppies that suffer from not small dogs, so they can’t be treated as if motion sickness. “Cotton balls placed inside they are’—always good to remember.” a small container clipped to the outside of their crates deliver the smell,” she says. “They Soothing Effects don’t have direct contact, but still reap the Just as chamomile tea relaxes humans, anxbenefits, allowing the dogs to self-medicate ious dogs find its scent calming. Some vets by sniffing when they feel the need.”
Natural Awakenings of Northwest Florida