Erin Tinsley HNS Ambassador

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Erin Tinsley

HNS Model Ambassador


Erin was born and raised in Seattle, Washington and has been modeling for four and a half years. She currently lives in Hamburg, Germany, where she is chasing her dreams and attempting to pursue plus size modeling full time. She models for Heffner Management in Seattle, 12+ UK in London and Brigitte Models in Munich. “It seems everyday I learn something new about myself and I'm okay with not knowing where I will end up next month, next year, or ten years from now. All I do know is that I do my best to open myself up to new opportunities, new adventures and remind myself daily that there is nothing I can't accomplish.�- Erin

"Find a mission, find a purpose, find a deeper, more uplifting way to draw breath on this planet, so that when you come to die, you won't discover that you have not lived." -Thoreau

 Why do you believe in Healthy is the New Skinny? When I first read about this project, it just spoke to me. All I could think was how powerful and amazing it would be to have the opportunity to reach out and talk to teenagers about body acceptance. A 15 minute exposure to a fashion magazine will decrease a woman's satisfaction with her body image by 50%. Young girls are constantly bombarded with unrealistic, over photo-shopped images that send a poor message during a time where they need support and nurturing the most.

Why you feel that this movement is important? To reach out to young women and share my personal struggles with low self esteem, accepting myself and finding my place in this world. To let them know that they are beautiful, unique and definitely not alone.

What is the funniest, most awkward, or embarrassing thing that has happened to you working as a model? Well in general, I'm a total klutz. From coming out with my zipper undone or a shirt on backwards to falling on set, I've done it. A few months ago, I was rushing after a shoot to catch my flight when I accidentally flushed my drivers license down the toilet right before going through security; that was pretty funny. I think it's healthy to laugh at yourself; I seem to do it all the time. :) What knowledge have you gained from your experience in the industry that has helped you realize what is important in your life? It's taught me what really matters - spending time with those you care about the most; close friends and family. I miss them when I am gone, and cherish the time we do spend together when I'm around. It's taught me what really doesn't matter in life - what others think about you. You can't change a person's perception of you, and working in this industry has taught me that my self-worth is not dependent on whether or not I'm "pretty enough". Though it's difficult at times, you can't take anything personal in this industry. One client may think you're gorgeous, and the next might not. Do you think if more women could better understand the industry, they would be able to have a more clear perspective of what is most important in their lives? I do. It's a business based almost entirely on your appearance, and that can have a negative effect on a model's self esteem. People should be admired and idolized for the hard work, positive influence and achievements, not by their appearance. As women, we are bombarded with images portraying women in an unrealistic way. None of the models you see or the celebrities you follow come airbrushed and flaw-free in real life. Facebook, fashion magazines and advertisements aren't real; what you see is what someone wants you to see generally only the good.

If you could go back in time to bring a message to your high school self.... what would you tell her and why? It get's better....much, MUCH better. Love yourself.

What do you want girls to know?" So much. Your happiness does not depend on other peoples approval. It doesn't rely on if a boy texts you back, or how many "likes" your Facebook status gets. It doesn't depend on the clothes you wear, the car you drive or how much money you have in your bank account. Comparing yourself to those who seem to "have it all" will only lead to a life of misery. There will always be someone prettier, smarter and thinner than you, and that's okay!! You'll never find happiness if you're consumed with comparing yourself to others or trying to be perfect." "


Write a list of all of the things you like about yourself. When you're done, read your list. Put yourself in environments where people support and love you for YOU, not for what you can do for them. If something makes you feel bad, stop doing it. If something makes you happy, do more of it. Sounds simple, but try it. " Stop caring what people think, at the end it doesn't matter. Don't judge others, period. You never know someone's story until you've take the time to get to know them. Practice empathy, do things out of love and follow your instinct.

Think of your favorite picture of you as a child.... if you could go back to that day and give yourself a message, what would that be? I'm imagining a picture of me and one of my sisters in matching bugs bunny bathing suits in our backyard, I couldn't have been older than five. What would I tell myself? Stay true to yourself. Kids are mean, you're beautiful and your parents aren't always right :) What is something people wouldn't know about you if they judged you off your appearance alone?" I get this from my mom, but I have a very kind soul. I'm optimistic, extremely curious and genuine when meeting new people or setting out new adventures. I've been told that I am intimidating, but once you talk to me you'll realize I'm anything but.

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.”— Dr. Seuss


What changes would you like to see for your generation and the next generations to come?" Less texting and less Facebook. While I think technology is great, the more options we have and the more information we are exposed to, the more detached we seem to be getting from each other. I can't help but feel like social networking is turning people into a bunch of narcissists where it's easy to constantly compare and judge each other. Since when has how many "followers" or "friends" you have determined how cool you are? " "

When you are alone and left with only your thoughts and dreams, what do you wish for?" I know it sounds weird, but "wish" and "regret" are two words that are almost never used in my vocabulary. I don't wish for anything, ever. Simply wishing for money, a new car or a bikini body will only lead to disappointment if you don't have goals in place. By wishing, you're comparing your current life with this better one that you "wish" you had, and personally, I think that is really unhealthy! With that being said, I believe strongly in GOALS. Be realistic with whatever it is you want in life and you can ABSOLUTELY make happen. Believe in yourself, follow your gut, make the right choices, treat others the way you want to be treated and anything you want will be yours. And remember, the best things in life aren't things! :)

What are you passionate about and why do you feel it is so important for girls and women to find their passion? My list is always evolving. I'm thrilled to be contributing to HNS because it is a project I believe strongly in. Anything bringing communities together for the greater good gets me really excited. I'm passionate about writing, travel and the environment. If you live a life without passion and make choices based on what other people or society tells you to do, you'll end up very unhappy. What is a fun fact about you? Hmmm I've loved a band by the name of 311 for about 13 years. Their music literally changed my outlook on life when I was a teenager battling depression. Music can have a huge influence in adolescent (and even adult) lives and I feel fortunate that their message has been one of peace, love, unity and respect. I wouldn't be the tree-hugging, judgement-free hippie today if it wasn't for them. :) I've gone to so many of their shows, it's borderline ridiculous! AND‌I also love a good pun! :)  What do you love most about being a girl?" Playing dress, makeup, I love all that stuff. :)

Erin Height- Tall Size- Healthy Weight- Who Cares… Representation-Heffner Management, Seattle, 12+UK, London and Brigitte Models in Munich. “Surrounding yourself with people you genuinely care about is really important. Living a life full of adventure, having meaningful relationships, enjoying the present and overcoming obstacles seem to keep me pretty happy. J”- Erin


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