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+ 8 Year End Finance Planning Tips
Cellular Restoration for Better Health with OsteoStrong The Art of Saying
It’s no secret that cancer affects the integrity of our bones. Many medications can have a detrimental impact on our skeletal system as well. When these issues are combined, many of us are left with little to no hope of restructuring our skeletal system. How can we improve the integrity of our bones after battling cancer? The answer: Osteogenic loading. Osteogenic loading is essential to build stronger bones and positively impacts other key health factors. OsteoStrong was designed to allow everyone access to strength training in a safe way. Our program works by triggering cellular regeneration that will affect our bones, joints, tendons, and other tissues. Cellular regeneration is impacted naturally as we age, and even more so with medications and/or health issues. OsteoStrong allows a safe, lowimpact way to trigger cellular regeneration while impacting the skeletal system with safe heavy loading. Our four patented growth triggers were designed to lower the risk and stress applied to our bones, yet impact them with enough load to trigger the cellular regeneration that will aid in bone integrity and lower inflammation levels throughout the body. Our machines are designed for you to load them with your force, applying more pressure to the skeletal system but in a low-impact manner. The device will track your strength progress as well as monitor the amount of benefit, or cellular regeneration, that is occurring. While you perform the movement under the guidance of a coach, you will be able to see in real time exactly how you’re performing. This provides us with key information on how you’re recovering outside the program. If recovery is poor, it can affect many aspects of our health and immune system. All of this information is tracked to give better insight into your health. At OsteoStrong, we strive to help people better their lives. We’re happy to work closely with doctors who oversee health conditions so we can provide the best care possible here at OsteoStrong Naples.
OsteoStrong helps restore cells back to a state of health as well as trigger cellular regeneration over tissues that have been compromised. Our patented machines provide a safe, low-impact way to load the body to trigger these benefits and more. Book your consultation with us to learn more: text or call 239.350.4550. See ad on page 31 > I used to pride myself that I could always be counted on to say yes. If someone needed help, I was always there for them, even if it completely depleted me. If there was a fun invitation from a friend, I would be someone they could count on to be there. Despite my best intentions, this “yes” girl became increasingly more exhausted and frustrated. I realized I struggled with saying no to people and that it was harming me. Constantly worried about disappointing them or missing out on something fun, I was no longer choosing the direction of my life. Something needed to change. So, I began saying no. Saying no helped me feel a freedom I had not experienced for a very long time. It was amazing. I felt like I was once again choosing what I did with my life and my time. This was incredibly empowering, and I felt its effects immediately. By saying no, I now had more time to devote to my own needs and desires. I began to ask myself what my core values, beliefs, and current goals were, and this guided my decision to participate—or not—in any activity. Projects that had been moving slowly started to expand, I was doing activities like meditation and yoga more often, and I ended up being happier and more peaceful. Since I wasn’t constantly saying yes when I wanted to say no, I became less resentful, grumpy, and tired. As a result, I experienced better communication in my relationships. I even noticed that people around me began to treat me with more respect. I wasn’t getting as many last-minute invites or requests for help. Instead, people would tell me far in advance about events and acknowledge my contribution if I did decide to say yes to helping them. I felt more connected to myself and, ultimately, to others. Learning to say no has been one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself. If you want that same feeling of freedom and empowerment, take control, challenge yourself, and learn to say no. You won’t regret it.
Kristina B. Gretouce is a Certified Life and Health and Wellness Coach with over 15 years of experience. Kristina o ers a complimentary 10-minute discovery call. Please contact Kristina at 239.350.4544. 704 Goodlette-Frank Rd N, Naples. See ad on page 13 >
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8 Year End Finance Planning Tips
Dana Mascalo

Dr. Diana Macian, MD: WellcomeMD Naples Erika Dworkin— Vitathena Wellness
As a physician for the past nine years, I have treated patients with a wide range of medical issues, from a bad cough to cardiac arrest. Board-certified in emergency medicine, I can assist with all your acute care needs and have the time and tools to help you be proactive about your health.
What sets you apart from other practitioners?
Having served in the U.S. military, dedicating over 15 years to the US Navy as a medical professional. I attended medical school at the Uniformed Services University of Health Science in Bethesda, MD, and completed my residency in Emergency Medicine at the Portsmouth Naval Medical Center in Virginia. Recently, I served the Naples Community in the Emergency Department at Naples Community Hospital on the frontline throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.
Why are you passionate about your specialty?
Joining WellcomeMD is an exciting change for me. Switching to concierge medicine alleviates the pressure of those quick appointments with taxing administrative duties and allows me to practice medicine the way it should be. I believe it affords members the time they need to talk about their conditions while developing a trusted relationship with their doctor. It also allows me to fully understand the nature of their illness while allowing patients to ask questions in an unrushed low-pressure environment. This extra time will help to create a better roadmap for their overall care plan and achieve patient goals more easily. The restricted membership at WellcomeMD offers each member far more access to a doctor who knows them well. This allows me the time to work new research and healthy lifestyle changes into conversations with members. WellcomeMD is a concierge primary care practice focused on patient wellness. We offer same-day or nextday appointments, 90-minute annual physical exams, comprehensive appointments, and full access: our patients have 24-hour, 365-day access to their physician.
Dr. Diana Macian • WellcomeMD Naples Physician, Board-Certified in Emergency Medicine Naples, FL 239.880.2562 wellcomemd.com/naples-florida Before my new business, Vitathena Wellness, I owned the Manchester Parkade Health Shoppe, nutrition specialists trusted since 1956, for 12 years. Through Vitathena Wellness, my new store without walls, I continue to offer nutrition consultations to empower my clients to address a wide range of health issues with dietary and lifestyle changes. I also offer over 14,000 natural products in my online natural dispensary.

Why are you passionate about your specialty?
Throughout my life, I have witnessed people heal from tailored holistic regimens. I care deeply about the general well-being of the members of our greater community.
What sets you apart from other practitioners in the holistic nutrition fi eld?
I have lifelong experience with both natural and Western medicine. Following in the footsteps of my mentor, Michael Dworkin, PD, CCN, a licensed clinical nutritionist with a doctorate in pharmacy, I offer personalized, evidence-based guidance that incorporates various healing modalities. Conditions I assess include hormonal imbalances, pain and inflammation, systemic yeast overgrowth, obesity, stress/anxiety, depression, and immunity.
What is the best memory you have about being a holistic nutritionist?
I have empowered thousands to live more vibrantly, so it is difficult to select just one. It was gratifying to learn that one client no longer struggled with severe menopausal hot flashes and that another’s IBS symptoms subsided.