25 minute read
+ Top Foods to Eat for Brain Health
By Betsy Opyt, RD, LD/N, CDE, RYT
—Betsy Opyt, RD, LD/N, CDE, RY
Our brain plays such a fundamental role in our being. It plays a role in how we communicate, our mood, memory, ability to think, forge relationships, and imagine and create experiences. It is the main operator of our body and the powerhouse behind the operations of every bodily function. But when brain fog, senior moments, trouble focusing, or forgetting names and where you put your keys starts to unfold, are we in the beginning stages of brain atrophy? Dementia and Alzheimer’s are on the rise and we are experiencing a brain health epidemic for which there is no magic cure. Now coined as type 3 diabetes, this metabolic disorder is affecting an even younger generation, but is there a way to cure or even prevent the cognitive ability of our brain? Food matters, toxins matter, insulin and blood sugar matters, sleep matters, stress matters, exercise matters—that your lifestyle is determining whether your brain survives or dies. It is not just a genetic factor—what is at the end of your fork is what fuels your body and feeds your mind. If you are conscious and curious about what you can do to prevent cognitive decline, the key to your brain longevity is right here!
Visual Cortex
The memory retrieval system is the vortex to the brain. The eyes are not only the window to your soul, but the gateway to the brain. It is kind of like a phone line, and as we age the connection can become weaker and weaker as if you only have one bar on your phone. You hear some things, but not others. What if you could strengthen the brain from fork to focus? It’s true—the eyes have been shown to be a key in brain longevity!
The Role of Nutrients
There are two key nutrients that reboot your eyes which is connected to your memory. These nutrients rebuild the retina and visual cortex, rebuilds the brain, and increases your memory. • Choline: This is the messenger that helps your brain cells talk to each other, like our cell phones on all bars. Alpha-GPC, a special form of choline that has been known to restore brain health, not only restore but allow a faster brain response. • Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA): This nutrient is known for enhanced thinking in the brain. GABA actually slows the brain and sends info from the eyes to the brain. It can rebuild the connection to the brain and give you faster recall and a more sustained thought process. These two nutrients are powerful, but there are other nutrients that also support brain health. What grows in your garden is the gateway to brain health and also be important in age-related memory loss. Herbs such as Bacopa monnieri can greatly increase the ability of the brain to function, speed recall, and retain memories. Tyrosine is another amino acid that can help your cognitive flexibility. It helps with problem-solving, mental acuity, and the sharpness of the brain, keeping your brain youthful and vibrant to recharge your memory.

Release Those Toxins and Choose the Right Foods
It’s not only what you eat, but what builds up in your brain that can slow memory. Toxins, protein buildup, high insulin, lack of exercise, and nutrient deficiencies wreak havoc, not to mention poor sleep. The glymphatic system is part of the lymphatic system and is the brain’s natural way to detox while you sleep. The brain shrinks by 20–30% at night to allow for this natural cleansing process. But if you’re drinking alcohol or eating before bed, on electronics past sunset, or aren’t getting enough shut-eye, you are greatly affecting the way your body can detox or use melatonin for sleep. This buildup is what causes the protein matrix of white matter to build up, causing memory loss. Eating right plays a huge role in brain health as well. Here are the top 25 foods to eat for brain health:
The most important thing to remember is that inflammation will always result in cognitive impairment. Stress, lack of sleep, lack of exercise, or poor diet will cause cognitive decline. We have the power to reverse the number-one fastest-growing disease without a cure. And you can start with something as simple as choosing the right foods.
• Beef and liver • Egg yolks • Chicken breast •Fish • Shiitake mushrooms •Potatoes • Legumes • Cruciferous vegetables • Sunflower seeds • Lemon balm •Spinach • Tomatoes • Buckwheat • Adzuki beans • Dark chocolate • Avocados • Fatty fish (nonfarm raised) • Blueberries • Garlic • Olive oil • Bacopa monnieri herb • Tofu •Squash • Pumpkin seeds • Wild rice

Betsy is a Licensed and Registered Dietitian as well as a Certified Diabetes Educator, Integrative and Functional Medicine Nutrition Therapist, and owns 4 Elements Yoga Naples. She specializes in nutrigenomics, gut health, food sensitivities, detoxing, inflammatory diseases, and longevity living. She also understands the importance of living a mindful life and incorporates her background of mindfulness and yoga teaching to her practice. Betsy is a professional speaker and advocate for healthy living and is available for individual consultations, group programs, and speaking engagements. To learn more, visit www. healthyconceptsconsulting.com, www.yoga4elements. com, email betsy@healthyconceptsconsulting.com or call 239.297.8844. See ad on page 11 >

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< Page 44 “Floating, Magnesium, and the Brain” BY LYNN BREWER
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Glutathione— The Master Antioxidant for
Revolutionary Skincare
By Mindy DiPietro
Glutathione is quickly becoming the hottest new antioxidant for skincare rejuvenation and restoration. Glutathione is often referred to as the body’s master antioxidant and can be found in every cell of the human body. The highest concentration of glutathione is in the liver, making it critical in the body’s detoxification process. Glutathione can prevent damage to important cellular components caused by free radical damage and heavy metals. Glutathione impacts nearly every function in your body. It detoxifies your body’s cells and recycles itself to increase the effectiveness of other antioxidants, such as vitamins C and D. Glutathione is one of the most studied molecules in the world, with over 165,000 studies on PubMed. Viruses, bacteria, heavy metal toxicity, radiation, certain medications, and even the normal aging process can all cause free-radical damage to healthy cells and deplete glutathione. This can not only lead to cholesterol damage and the progression of atherosclerosis, but it is also correlated with a dysfunctional immune system and increased vulnerability to cancer, auto-immunity, diabetes, infection, and, subsequently, higher mortality.
8 Critical Roles of Glutathione
1. Neutralizes several dangerous forms of free radicals that can damage tissue and oxidize cholesterol and other healing fats in the blood. 2. Regulates the body’s ability to stop the growth and replication of cancer cells. 3. Maintains the function of the mitochondria (the engines found in all our cells) and protects their DNA from damage. 4. Plays a role in neutralizing free radicals produced by the liver’s phase I detoxification of chemical toxins. 5. Binds to toxic intermediates produced by the liver, making them water soluble and able to be excreted by the kidneys. 6. Transports toxic mercury out of cells and the brain to be safely eliminated from the body. 7. Serves as a cofactor or helper for several antioxidant enzymes that also neutralize free radicals. 8. Regenerates both vitamins C and E (also antioxidants).
How to Increase Glutathione Levels

Your body doesn’t seem to absorb glutathione well from foods. However, certain foods high in amino acids that contain sulfur may help boost your levels. These include: • Unprocessed meat • Garlic • Broccoli • Asparagus • Avocados • Spinach Taking glutathione by capsules does not appear to be an effective way to get it into your body. It is thought that enzymes in the stomach may break down glutathione. Glutathione can be delivered via IV supplementation, but that is expensive and short-lived. Supplements such as N-acetylcysteine (NAC) and alpha lipoic acid are both capable of helping to regenerate glutathione levels. Fragile ingredients like glutathione have been expensive to get into the bloodstream—until now. Since the 1800s, supplemental delivery methods have essentially stayed the same—through capsules and powders. Nothing is wrong with this form, just like nothing was wrong with listening to music on a record player. However, now we are seeing breakthrough nanotechnology (breaking large particles down) to increase the bioavailability and effectiveness of supplements. Reducing active ingredients to nanoparticle sizes can make them exceptionally bioavailable within seconds. They can be delivered via a mouthwash and oral “swishing” for thirty seconds or longer and then swallowing. They can also be delivered via a spray delivery system for use directly on the skin.

Effects of Glutathione Supplementation on Skin

Glutathione plays a significant role in keeping skin healthy and young. It not only acts as an astonishing skin-brightening agent but is also known to reduce wrinkles and fine lines and improve skin elasticity. All these attributes of glutathione are due to its remarkable skin-protecting properties. If you have dark spots or discoloration on your face that seems difficult to get rid of, this may be hyperpigmentation. Glutathione is the saving grace for the dreaded hyperpigmentation and aging signs. As a master antioxidant and detoxifier, it fights against external and internal free radicals produced by pollution, sunlight, stress, drinking, and smoking habits. Free radicals deteriorate the overall structure of the skin and lead to concerns like premature aging, inflammation, hyperpigmentation, and destructed skin function. As the levels of toxins become high, your skin needs to detoxify. It is only possible when the levels of antioxidants are adequate in your body. The primary mechanism by which glutathione effectively reduces dark spots, patches, and uneven skin tone is the inhibition of tyrosinase activity. Tyrosinase is an integral enzyme in melanogenesis (the process by which melanin is produced). Inhibition of this enzyme significantly affects the levels of melanin (the pigment that imparts color to your skin—the higher the levels, the darker the skin). This results in improved skin brightness and tone. Delivery of glutathione via nanotechnology for skincare can: • Help reduce pore size • Lift and firm skin • Reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles • Smooth skin texture • Brighten and even skin tone • Fight skin aging pollutants • Improve mild acne Glutathione will give your skin a radiant glow; defies the aging process; protects skin from sun and environmental damage; lightens skin color, pigmentation, tan, and freckles; and reduces fine lines and wrinkles. It also helps to even out skin tone and make skin smooth, fresh, and bright while nourishing its overall structure. So why wait? Incorporate glutathione into your skincare routine and give your skin the glow you desire!

—Mindy DiPietro
Mindy DiPietro is CEO of Stellar Health Sciences and has developed several medical spas. She is now the first practitioner to bring the NES system to Naples and added the Neumi system to increase glutathione levels. Mindy guides you to reestablish trust in your body and helps you to unlock your body’s natural healing abilities. A graduate of the University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire, Mindy DiPietro began her career as a speech and language pathologist in the Collier County public school system, where she worked closely with her patients to analyze, identify, treat and help prevent communication disorders. See ad on page 19 >

Treat the Condition, Not the Symptoms:
A New Approach to Neuropathy Treatment
By Dr. Richard Hiler, DABCN
Conventional medicine says that peripheral neuropathy is difficult, if not impossible, to treat. At Feel Amazing Institute / Hiler Chiropractic & Neurology Center in Naples, FL, we have the tools and skills necessary to diagnose and treat a wide range of neuropathy conditions. We use regenerative medicine combined with red LED and lowlevel infrared light therapy, as well as specialized electrical therapies to effectively treat stubborn neuropathy arising from chemotherapy, diabetes, or unknown causes. • Dr. Hiler is a board-certified chiropractic neurologist qualified to treat neuropathy. • Feel Amazing Institute is the first office in
Southwest Florida to offer a comprehensive program including regenerative medicine to drastically improve peripheral neuropathy. • More than 15 years of success and clinical experience. • We use state of the art modalities to effectively treat neuropathy, even if you have been told that peripheral neuropathy is untreatable. • Stem-cell allografts, red LED, low-level infrared light therapy, and specialized electrical therapies help to heal and regenerate the small nerve endings that are damaged in peripheral neuropathy. • Supplementation, nutrition advice, and home exercises are provided, tailored to each individual.
What Is Peripheral Neuropathy?
Small fiber peripheral neuropathy is a disorder that impairs the smaller nerves under the skin, causing sensory changes. The symptoms typically start at the toes or fingertips and gradually move up the legs or arms. Some people describe the sensory loss as a tight stocking or tight glove feeling; others describe it as burning, tingling, or numbness, with occasional sharp pains. Some people have intense sensitivity, and some people have hardly any feeling. The symptoms may worsen at night and can also be related to the disorder known as restless leg syndrome.
There are several causes of peripheral neuropathy. Many sufferers can often attribute their condition to multiple causes, while others have peripheral neuropathy from unknown causes (idiopathic). The most common known cause of peripheral neuropathy is type 2 diabetes, though we also see many patients whose peripheral neuropathy was a side effect of prescription medication. Most doctors prescribe painkillers for neuropathy symptoms rather than treating the progressive condition with alternative methods. At Feel Amazing Institute, we are devoted to working with our patients toward improved health by treating the condition itself.
Why Have I Heard There Is No Treatment That Works for Peripheral Neuropathy?
Peripheral neuropathy can be a disheartening diagnosis to many, because it is progressive and has historically been very difficult to treat successfully. There is no drug or surgery that can be used to actually improve the condition, so normally painkillers are prescribed to mask the symptoms but of course do nothing for the numbness. The only treatments that actually work to reverse symptoms are very specific intensive therapies, which require a time commitment most physicians aren’t able to make. At our office, we specialize in therapy and are willing to take the time your condition warrants.
What Is the Neuropathy Treatment?
The core of the treatment is a low-level infrared light therapy often combined with stem-cell allografts, which have been clinically proven to reduce the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy. It is drug free and works by improving circulation and boosting your body’s natural healing capabilities. In addition, patients receive multiple other therapies known to increase balance, improve the brain–body connection, and restore normal circulation and nerve function to the extremities. Based on your personal situation, you may also receive customized nutritional or exercise plans.
What Kinds of Effects Can Be Achieved through the Neuropathy Treatment?
Clinical studies show that more than 90 percent of the people who undergo our treatment experience excellent results with one or more of the following: reduced pain and cramps, reduced tingling and numbness, ability to experience normal touch without pain, reduced cold or burning sensations, improved balance and coordination, lowered dependency on medications, improved sleep, and reduced sensation of restlessness in the legs. Additionally, several patients also experience reduced local swelling and inflammation, increased range of motion, increased blood flow to the extremities, decreased tension, and decreased muscle spasm. An important side benefit to the treatment is that it significantly reduces the risk of falls by improving balance and position awareness of the feet.
How Long Will This Take, and How Much Does It Cost?
Our patients often report improvement within the first two weeks of treatment. The length of treatment varies, depending on the severity of the condition, on the cause of the condition, and even on different people with similar levels of severity. We will be able to tell you more after your exam, but the amount of therapy you will personally need varies on many unknown factors and can be unpredictable. You will receive a sample treatment and a price quote on the first visit.
What We Can Promise You
Your condition will be monitored throughout your course of care, and we will work with you to help you make decisions from an informed, knowledgeable standpoint. We will never perform any procedures that have not demonstrated results in the past, and we will never perform or recommend anything that we don’t think is necessary to get the results you want. We will also work with your insurance company to keep your out-of-pocket expenses as low as possible. If you are in need of a highly experienced Regenerative Medicine, Physical Medicine, Chiropractic and Neurology office in Naples FL, look no further than Feel Amazing Institute / Hiler Chiropractic & Neurology. At Feel Amazing Institute, we are devoted to working with our patients toward improved health by treating the condition itself.
—Dr. Richard Hiler, DABCN
Dr. Richard Hiler, DABCN, is a board-certified chiropractic neurologist with more than 15 years of success and clinical experience. Dr. Hiler and his medical team offer a complimentary telephone consultation. For questions or to schedule an appointment, contact the office at 239.330.1000. www.FeelAmazing.com. 3031 Airport-Pulling Rd N., Naples. See ad on page 17 >
COMMUNITY RESOURCES Local Experts In and Around Naples
OsteoStrong Naples Vanderbilt
Naples 239.317.6084 www.osteoct.com OsteoStrong is an innovative approach to bone health. Our safe, science-based system is proven to improve bone density while strengthening your joints and muscles. It is fun and safe for all ages. The result is a more resilient body and a more confident you. Get back to living your life. Your CBD Store
Naples and Marco Island 239.331.8073 NaplesFL.CBDrx4u.com
We are the only dedicated CBD store and carry only the top products. We carry CBD water solubles, CBD tinctures, CBD edibles, CBD capsules, CBD vape products, CBD pet care, CBD skin care, and CBD topical creams. Our products are derived from 100% organic, non-GMO industrial hemp. Stop in!
Josephine Perez, DMD
Naples 239.692.9623 www.puredentalnaples.com
Dr. Josephine Perez, DMD, has been practicing dentistry for 29 years.
She is a graduate of Tufts University
School of Dentistry in Boston and interned at New Orleans Coast Guard/Navy Base. Her holistic approach to dentistry encompasses each person’s unique and entire (or whole, therefore holistic) state of physical and emotional well-being. The ability to maintain health through preventive measures and treatments of oral disease is her priority. Dr. Perez focuses on the underlying condition, rather than only treating the symptoms. She tests for biocompatibility to find pathways to reduce inflammation.
Neurocentric Health and Fitness
Naples 617.678.0724 https://neurocentrichealth.boston ildikovarhelyi@me.com
NCHF brings a revolutionary brain-based approach to help achieve optimal health, longevity, and high athletic performance. Personalized programs to educate individuals to control their health using mindfulness, breathing, movement, and sensory re-education. A “fit brain” allows us to think clearly, be alert, have more energy, move with ease without pain, improve balance, and recover from injuries more quickly than using traditional approaches.
Peaceful Summit Counseling
Jennifer Vear Hoy, MS Naples 239.307.4708 www.peacefulsummitnaples.com jennifervearhoy1@gmail.com
Jennifer Vear Hoy has spent over 20 years in the corporate worldas a corporate strategistoperating her firm in Chicago, for which she earned her first master’s degree inManagement and Organizational Behavior. She has since relocated to Naples, and after the death of her husband, she realized firsthand the need for professional and compassionate counseling in the Naples area. She went back to school and earned her second graduate degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling.Her passion is helping others live the life they were meant to live.
Reverse My Diabetes
Denise A. Pancyrz Naples 888.848.1763 www.ReverseMyDiabetes.net Denise@ReverseMyDiabetes.net
The conventional approach to managing type 2 diabetes long term is not effective. Holistic lifestyle coaching helps to reverse the effects of diabetes, guiding you away from counting carbs and diets and leading you to recognize factors that affect your glucose. Lower your A1c, stabilize glucose levels, increase your energy, and lose weight naturally.
Aesthetic Treatment Centers
Mindy DiPietro Naples 239.322.3790 www.ATCNaples.com Aesthetic Treatment Centers have something for every guest, whether it be relaxation, results, or both. We strive to offer organic product lines that are impactful and results oriented.
Wintrust Wealth Management
Nina Azwoir, First Vice President Naples 239.697.5204 www.nazwoir.wintrustwealth.com nazwoir@wintrustwealth.com
Nina Azwoir is a licensed Financial
Advisor with over 17 years of industry experience in the realm of wealth management, financial planning, and retirement solutions. Nina has the knowledge and perspective to help keep her clients and their financial future on a steady course as they navigate through life and retirement. Her highest priority is her clients and their families. Reach out to Nina for your complimentary financial plan.
Cloud 9 Float Spa
Fort Myers 239.887.4161 www.c9floatspa.com Floating, also known as Flotation Therapy, has been used for years for its mental, spiritual, meditative, and physical benefits and has a vast amount of published research to support its claims.
Theresa Edmunds, CHC
Naples 734.308.7105 www.theresaedmunds@hotmail.com
Educating clients about all aspects of natural health. Truly healthy food, living chemical-free and detoxing, healthy home, emotional well-being, reducing stress, movement, supplements/homeopathy. Helping you recover, enhance, and protect your health. Providing the foundation that you need to live your best life full of energy and vitality.
Kristina Gretouce
239.350.4544 codependencyfreedom.com
Kristina Gretouce is a Certified Life and Health and Wellness Coach with over 15 years of experience. Kristina offers a complimentary 10-minute discovery call. Please contact Kristina at 239.350.4544. 704 Goodlette-Frank Rd N, Naples.
Berman Health and Wellness
Jenni Berman, PA-C, CPT, CNS 501 Goodlette Rd N Unit C202 Naples, FL 34102 239.431.0232 www.bermanpt.com/wellness
Berman Health and Wellness is a
Functional Medicine Center who helps individuals reach their goal weight and optimize their gut health, while avoiding needless medications and achieving the highest quality of life imaginable. Our goal is to evaluate the metabolism, gut health, and bloodwork to optimize each aspect of the client.
Dr. Melissa MacVenn Naples 239.880.2562 WellcomeMD.com/naples-florida.com tara.greenberg@WellcomeMD.com
Melissa MacVenn, MD, is a board-certified family concierge medical physician with over 10 years of experience treating patients with complex medical conditions. She and her team offer complimentary consultations to answer any questions you may have on how Dr. MacVenn can help you achieve your optimal health.
Healthy Concepts Consulting
Betsy Opyt, RD, LD/N, CDE Naples 239.297.8844 www.healthyconceptsconsulting.com betsy@healthyconceptsconsulting.com
Betsy is a Licensed and Registered
Dietitian as well as a Certified
Diabetes Educator, Integrative &
Functional Medicine Nutrition
Therapist, and RYT200 yoga teacher. She specializes in nutrigenomics, gut health, food sensitivities, detoxing, inflammatory diseases, and longevity living. Betsy is a professional speaker and advocate for healthy living. She is available for individual consultations, group programs, and speaking engagements.
Therapy on the Gulf
Anthony Hansen, LMT Naples 239.262.8722
Anthony Hansen, LMT, founder of
Therapy on the Gulf. We specialize in myofascial release, craniosacral therapy, and lympatic drainage. We do aromatherapy massage, pregnancy massage, and other types of massage and energy work. I am also a qigong and Reiki Master. Candace VanRee, LMT and Teresa Kennedy, LMT are both highly qualified and do the same things that I do. For further information, please feel free to call us at Therapy on the Gulf.
Nature’s Rite
Online 800.991.7088 www.mynaturesrite.com
Spine, Joint, and Neuropathy Care
Richard A. Hiler, DABCN Naples 239.330.1000 www.FeelAmazing.com DrRHiler@aol.com Oftentimes, to simply inject a joint or nerve with stem cells for pain, inflammation, and degeneration is not enough. Boost regenerative capability and capacity with the addition of ozone, PRP, growth factors, peptides, myoneural therapies, and physical reconditioning.
The Prodromos Stem Cell Institute
Chadwick C. Prodromos, MD Naples and Chicago 847.699.6810 www.thepsci.com care@thepsci.org
Dr Prodromos received his MD from the Johns Hopkins Medical School, served a surgical internship at the
University of Chicago, his orthopaedic surgery residency at Rush and a fellowship in Orthopaedic Surgery and Sports Medicine at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital. He was a pioneer in surgery of the ACL and served as editor in chief of the first and only comprehensive textbook on the ACL for orthopaedic surgeons.
Precision Robotics
805.364.3051 Theresa Edmunds, CHC, RPT Naples 888.339.1012 www.precisionroboticstherapy.com info@precisionroboticstherapy.com
This innovative technology uses the static pressure of the robotic arm to release muscle tension, lengthening muscles back to their original state.
This reduces pressure on joints/ bones and increases flexibility. Clients report pain resolution, greater mobility, recovery from injury, increased range of motion and a general feeling of well-being.
Tom Paladino, Researcher
805.364.3051 www.scalarlight.com
Tom Paladino has developed scalar energy instruments that are able to negate the molecular bonds of pathogens and their associated toxins, thereby providing relief for pathogenic disease. Scalar energy is the natural energy of the Sun as well as the stars.
Candice Rosen RN, Health Counseling
Candice Rosen, RN candicerosenrn.com
Candice P. Rosen is a registered nurse, social worker, nutritionist, health counselor, and author. She is the creator of The Pancreatic
Nutritional Program and Data-Driven Fueling. She has spent her life’s work focused on improving the wellness of both her clients and her community. She advocated for preventative medicine, improved disability access, promoted maternal and infant health, and worked to bring awareness to the global obesity and diabetes epidemics.
TriCore Wellness
Naples 239.877.1481 www.TriCoreWellness.com
TriCore Wellness is a SwaS (Software with a Service) company that specializes in wellness management and high-performance health coaching. We are focused on the integration of technology, health data, and professional coaching. We capture and analyze information about your fitness, nutrition, and recovery to develop plans, coaching strategies, and detailed analysis to help you achieve any health and performance goals.
4Elements Yoga
Saturday, October 1, 9 am Lymph Flow and Let’s Glow Masks and Mats
Sunday, October 9, 6 pm Goddess Gathering Full Moon Ceremony
Saturday, October 15, 9 am Sounds of Yin
Saturday, October 22, 6 pm Thai and Fly Body Work and Dessert
Sunday, October 23, 6 pm Yoga Nidra and Sound Bowls
Friday, October 28, 6 pm Yin and Vin
At 4Elements Yoga Naples 7935 Airport-Pulling Rd., Suite 215 Naples, FL 34109 239.297.8844 yoga4elements.com
Saturday, October 1
Regenerative/ Cellular Therapy
12:00–1:00 pm, Free Learn about regenerative medicine treatments, including stem cells combined with other natural treatments. How these treatments may help conditions such as knee pain, back pain, and peripheral neuropathy.
At Feel Amazing Institute 3031 Airport-Pulling Rd., Naples, FL 34105 Register by calling 239.330.1000
4 Elements Yoga
Saturday, November 12, 9 am Sounds of Yin
Sunday, November 13, 5 pm Goddess Gathering
Sunday, November 20, 5 pm Yoga Nidra and Sound Bowls
Friday, November 25, 9 am Free Flow Friday Savasana and Shop
Friday, November 25, 6 pm Candlelight Flow Friday
At 4Elements Yoga Naples 7935 Airport-Pulling Rd., Suite 215 Naples, FL 34109 239.297.8844 yoga4elements.com
Saturday, November 5
Regenerative/Cellular Therapy
12:00–1:00 pm, Free Learn about regenerative medicine treatments, including stem cells combined with other natural treatments. How these treatments may help conditions such as knee pain, back pain, and peripheral neuropathy.
At Feel Amazing Institute 3031 Airport-Pulling Rd., Naples, FL 34105 Register by calling 239.330.1000
4 Elements Yoga
Sunday, December 11, 5 pm Yoga Nidra and Sound Bowls
Saturday, December 17, 5 pm Silent Night Sounds of Yin Holiday Class
Sunday, December 18, 5 pm Goddess Gathering
Friday, December 30, 5 pm New Year Gratitude Flow
At 4Elements Yoga Naples 7935 Airport-Pulling Rd., Suite 215 Naples, FL 34109 239.297.8844 yoga4elements.com
Saturday, December 3
Regenerative/ Cellular Therapy
12:00–1:00 pm, Free Learn about regenerative medicine treatments, including stem cells combined with other natural treatments. How these treatments may help conditions such as knee pain, back pain, and peripheral neuropathy.
At Feel Amazing Institute 3031 Airport-Pulling Rd., Naples, FL 34105 Register by calling 239.330.1000
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Do you have an event (virtual or live) that you want Essential Naples readers to know about? Reach out to us at calendar@essentialnaples.com for information on listing your event and sponsorships. Event listings are in print and online. We also accept classified listings.